Unit 7 Will people have robots Grammar focus-3c语法课

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Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)

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What will the weather be like tomorrow? I guess it will …

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Learning Aims

1.理解并掌握由will构成的一般将来时,并学会 运用There will be…/People will…等句型来预 测未来的生活、环境、学习等。

2.能准确运用more, less, fewer修饰名词。

3.能在对语言规律认知学习的过程中,了解未来 世界的发展趋势及当今世界环境污染问题,树立 为家乡建设付出努力的决心。

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What will the future be like ?

People/Kids/Cities will/won’t…… There will be …… ……

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将来 一般将来时表示_____某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状

态,也表示_____经常或反复发生的动作,常与tomorrow, 将来 in the future, next week/month/year, in 100 years等 表示______的时间状语连用。 将来

如:There will be less free time in the future. I will come to see you next week.

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1.People will have robots in their homes. They’ll study at home on computers. 观察 2.Kids won’t go to school. 3.Will people live to be 200 years old?先独立思考 Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. 再小组讨论 4.What will the future be like?

助动词will+动词原形 1.一般将来时的肯定形式:_________________, ’ll will可缩略为____. 2.否定形式是在_____后加____, 可缩写为_____. won’t not will 3.变一般疑问句是把____________, 肯定回答用 will提句首 No,主语+won’t. Yes,主语+will. _____________,否定回答用_______________. 疑问词+一般疑问句? 4.特殊疑问句:________________________

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1.There will be more people/trees. 温馨提示: 2.There won’t be fewer cars. 观察 无 be___(有/无)人称 3.Will there be less pollution? 和数的变化 Yes, there will./No, there won’t. 1.肯定形式:___________________________ There will be… (将会有…) 2.否定形式:___________________________ There won’t be…(将不会有…) 3.一般疑问句式及回答: _______________________________________ Will there be…?(将会有…吗?) 肯定回答:______________________________ Yes, there will.(是的,会有。) No, there won’t.(不,没有。) 否定回答:_____________________________

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more people/trees fewer cars less pollution many much 更/较多的 more 意为__________,是_____和_____ many 的比较级,_____用于修饰可数名词复数, much _____修饰不可数名词, more用于修饰 复数名词和不可数名词 _____________________. few fewer 意为_________, 是_____的比较级,用于 更/较少的 复数名词 修饰________. little less 意为________,是______的比较级,用于 更/较少的 不可数名词 修饰__________.

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3a Fill in the blanks with more, less or fewer.

1.In the future, there will be less /more ________fresh water because there will be________ pollution in the sea. more/less 2. In 100 years, there will be_______ cars because more more there will be ________ people

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