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Unit 13 单元测试题

Written test part (共95分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )21. —Could you give me some advice on how to lose weight? —Well, I think eating healthily can really make _________ difference. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )22. Plastics, as we know, are harmful _________ the environment. A. on B. at C. to D. in

( )23. Miss Clark has decided to buy the house because it has many _________. The biggest one is that it is near her company. A. suggestions B. advantages C. memories D. challenges

( )24. That well-educated gentleman was so _________ to his wife. Don't you think it strange?

A. close B. ready C. similar D. cruel

( )25. —How much did your holiday in Thailand _________, Wang Xue? —It was 20,000 yuan in total.

A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ( )26. —I think I'll go and see Bob. —You _________. He often mentions you.

A. need B. may C. should D. can

( )27. Could Nelly afford _________ a house with a big garden? A. to buy B. buying

C. buy D. to buying

( )28. Our physics teacher says that the last to leave the lab must remember _________ the windows.

A. close B. closing C. closed D. to close

( )29. I'm surprised to see you smoking. You _________, I remember. A. aren't used to B. weren't used to C. didn't use to D. don't use to

( )30. So far this year we _________ about half of the road and we are sure that it will be finished on time. A. have built B. built

C. build D. are building

( )31. The new museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and _________ by more than one hundred people every day.

A. visits B. visited

C. is visited D. was visited

( )32. Kevin's pet dog was dead. No one could _________ to life. A. bring it out B. bring it back C. give it out D. give it back

( )33. The old primary school was _________ last year. Now there aren't any old buildings left in the town.

A. fixed up B. set up C. turned down D. pulled down

( )34. It is helpful for older adults to exercise. Not only _________ them keep their bodies healthy, but it can also help their brains.

A. it helps B. helps it C. can it help D. it can help ( )35. —Walking after meals is good for our health. —_________. Ruby, let's go out for a walk after supper.

A. I don't agree B. I agree C. It doesn't matter D. It depends Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Look around any kitchen and what do you see? 36 you'll find many boxes and bottles in fridges and garbage cans (垃圾桶). Most people see 37 there, but Brian Yanish sees a wonderful world.

Yanish is a writer. His new book ScrapKins: Junk Re-Thunk guides readers to create instruments and toys out of things most of us 38 . The book teaches readers how to create a world made of recycled materials.

39 did Yanish write this book? It had to do with Yanish's childhood drawings. “As a kid, my favorite thing to do was 40 monsters (怪物),” Yanish says. “As I got a bit older, I began to build things in my father's workshop.” Years later, Yanish's mother gave him a box full of his childhood drawings. 41 these things again made Yanish want to write this book. He created six monsters, named ScrapKins, and made 42 the central part of his book. The ScrapKins live in Scrap City. There they invent wonderful things from human junk.

ScrapKins: Junk Re-Thunk not only tells about the story of the ScrapKins but

also 43 how to create earth-friendly projects. Yanish hopes the book makes kids “rethink the junk around them and create art 44 everyday, recycled materials.”

ScrapKins: Junk Re-Thunk is popular. Yanish says fans can expect more books

and games to help kids learn about creative recycling. “ 45 we can get kids to create something new from the junk, then the ScrapKins have succeeded in their mission (使命),” he adds.

( )36. A. Suddenly B. Finally C. Probably D. Luckily

( )37. A. treasure B. junk C. pleasure D. pain

( )38. A. give away B. throw away C. take away D. run away

( )39. A. When B. Where C. Which D. Why

( )40. A. draw B. act C. write D. count

( )41. A. Seeing B. Repeating C. Collecting D. Introducing

( )42. A. it B. him C. us D. them

( )43. A. finds B. cares C. shows D. asks

( )44. A. for B. with C. from D. of

( )45. A. Though B. Because C. So D. If Ⅶ. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)

根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: How was your weekend, Victor? B: (46)_________

A: What did you do over the weekend?

B: I went to Heping Park on Saturday morning with some of my classmates. A: (47)_________

B: Not really. When we went into the park, we saw rubbish everywhere. It was very dirty.

A: It's true that some people littered about. Then what did you do?

B: We began to clean the park. (48)_________ Some swept the ground ... After about an hour, we cleaned up the park. We were tired but happy.

A: (49)_________ People will thank you.

B: Yeah. When we were cleaning the park, some people came to help us. I hope more and more people will realize the importance of environmental protection. A: That's right. (50)_________ A. Oh, you must have had a good time. B. You helped clean up the park. C. It was a mixture (混合) of fun and work. D. Some picked up the waste paper and plastic bags. E. It used to be clean. F. One problem is that the air is badly polluted. G. It's everyone's duty to protect the environment. Ⅷ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


While traveling, you might have stayed at a hotel or a family member's house. But have you ever thought about staying in a stranger's home? This might sound strange, but it's actually becoming popular around the world, including China.

Companies like Airbnb are helping people look for cheap ways to travel. Its website allows people to rent out (出租) their rooms or apartments in over 190 countries.

Created by three young American men, Airbnb is a good example of the sharing economy (经济). How does Airbnb work? Hosts post (发布) information about their rooms or apartments, like locations, prices, descriptions and pictures on the website. Guests can go to the website and find their favorite place to stay. Users post their opinions on their stay, so people know whether a place is good or not.

A man in New York named Jonathan Powley even rents out his taxi for $22 a night through Airbnb. Powley took out the car seats and changed the inside to make it look more welcoming. He keeps it clean and puts flowers in it every day. He provides snacks and tells guests where they can go and shower.

But Airbnb does have some problems. Sometimes the room or apartment you live in is not as nice as it looks like online. Also, hosts sometimes get mad when they get home and see it's a complete mess.

The number of Airbnb users in China has greatly increased in the past year. Local home-rental websites such as xiaozhu.com have also joined the competition. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( )51. What is becoming popular around the world according to Paragraph 1? A. Traveling alone.

B. Traveling around the world. C. Staying in a stranger's home. D. Staying at a family member's house.

( )52. What can people do through Airbnb?

A. Rent out their houses. B. Find people to travel with. C. Find cheap five-star hotels. D. Buy houses in another country.

( )53. Which of the following is TRUE about Jonathan Powley's taxi? A. It is on sale. B. It is very clean.

C. Guests can live in it for free. D. Guests can take a shower in it.

( )54. What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us? A. History of Airbnb. B. Problems Airbnb faces. C. How to choose a good host. D. How to make your home look nice.

( )55. We can learn from the last paragraph that ______. A. Airbnb is becoming less popular abroad B. xiaozhu.com is more powerful than Airbnb C. hosts can't get along with Airbnb users abroad

