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课 题 Unit 1 Little Painter 教 具 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 New 日 期 课 时 第 一课时 2011-9-5. 教学目标 1. 知识目标:学生能会说·听white gray ,会说It’s white/gray. 2. 技能目标:学生能会听What colour is it? 1. 歌曲导入法:小朋友通过适当运动舞蹈,可激发自身学习潜力。 2. 拟人导入法:把颜色拟人化的形式,与小朋友沟通。 通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的潜力认识,为以后学习夯实基础。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings Hello, everyone.My name is Hannah.So everyone can call me Hannah. Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. Today I have a gift for you.white gift. 一. Hello,boys and girls. 二. Warming up sing a Let’s song. 三.Presentation What colour is this gift?white.It’s white. Today I have a gift for you.white (27’) Summary (3’) Yes ,It’s white. And anther one.What colour is this gift?grey gift. Now let’s have a game..Jump to the white flash card,jump to the grey card. gift. And anther one .grey gift. 四.Games times 1. ..If you want to 2.. colour the colours,you shoud say”white/grey” or “It is white/grey.” Today we learned white ,grey.go home 五.Homework and say colours to your parents. Today we learned white ,grey.go home and say colours to your parents. Unit 1 Little Painter What colour is it? 板书设计 white/gray It’s white/gray 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 1 Little Painter 教 具 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 型 New 日 期 课 时 第 二课时 2011-9-7. 1.知识目标:学生能会说·听orange/purple ,会说It’s . orange/purple. 2.技能目标:学生能会听What colour is it? 1.舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。 教学目标 B过程与方法 2.介绍新朋友导入法:以介绍新朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近。 C情感态度价值观 通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 name is Greetings T; Hi,boys and girls. Ss;Hi,Hannah Warming up Let’s sing a Hi,boys and girls..My Hannah.So everyone can call me Hannah. Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. song. Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Today I have a gift for you.white gift. Presentation Today I have a gift for you.white What colour is this gift?white.It’s white. gift. And anther one .grey gift. Yes ,It’s white. And anther one.What colour is this gift?grey gift. Now let’s have a game..Jump to the orange flash card,jump to the purple card. ..If you want to colour the colours,you shoud say” . orange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .” Today we learned orange/purple go home and say colours to your parents. Games times 1. 2.. Homework Today we learned orange/purple .go home and say colours to your parents. Unit 1 Little Painter What colour is it? 板书设计 orange/purple It’s orange/purple 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 1 Little Painter 教 具 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 New 日 期 课 时 第 三 课时 2011-9-12. 教学目标 1.知识目标:学生能会说·听pink/brown ,会说It’s pink/brown . 2.技能目标:学生能会听What colour is it? 1玩偶导入法:通过玩偶游戏使小朋友自然进入颜色学习中。 2.魔术导入法:以魔术师的形像出现,通过变戏法变出颜色。 通过学习,带领小朋友进入颜色世界。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings T; Hello,children. Ss;Hello,Hannah. Hello,children .How is the weather today?Today is a sunny day. Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. Warming up Let’s sing a song .

Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Today I have a gift for you.a gift. Presentation Today I have a gift for you.white What colour is this gift?It’s pink/brown gift. And anther one .grey gift. Yes ,It’s pink/brown And anther one.What colour is this gift? pink/brown gift. Now let’s have a game. ..Jump to the pink/brown flash card,jump to the pink/brown card. ..If you want to colour the colours,you shoud say” pink/brown ” or “It is pink/brown .” Today we learned pink/brown go home and say colours to your parents. Games times 1. 2.. Homework Today we learned pink/brown.go home and say colours to your parents. Unit 1 Little Painter What colour is it? 板书设计 pink/brown It’s pink/brown 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit1 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 Review 课 时 第 一课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011-9-.14 1知识目标:复习学过的颜色white grey purple brown orange pink. 2技能目标:会回答It’s white grey purple brown orange pink. 教学目标 1.舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。 2.介绍老朋友导入法:以介绍老朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近 通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings T; Hi,boys and girls. Ss;Hi,Hannah .How is the weather Hi,boys and girls..My name is Hannah.So everyone can call me Hannah. .How is the weather today?Today is a sunny day. Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. today?Today is a sunny day. Let’s sing a song.. Presentation Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Today I have a gift for you.white gift. Today I have a gift for you.white What colour is this gift?white.It’s white. gift. And anther one .grey gift. Yes ,It’s white. And anther one.What colour is this gift?grey gift. Games times 1. Running Running>.Jump to the orange flash card,jump to the purple card. 2.. . 3. ..If you want to 4.. colour the colours,you shoud say” . orange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .” Homework Today we learned white grey Today we learned white grey purple purple brown orange pink .go brown orange pink go home and say home and say colours to your colours to your parents. parents. Unit 1 Little Painter What colour is it? 板书设计 white grey purple brown orange pink It’s white grey purple brown orange pink 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 Unit 2 Shape Town 题 教 具 A知识与技能 课 New 型 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 课 时 日 第二 课时 2011-9-.19 期 1知识目标:小朋友能认读circle/triangle的形状。, 2技能目标:会听How many circles/triangles? 教学目标 1. 实物导入法:出示实物,给小朋友以实观的思维空间。 B过程与方法 2. 简笔画导入法:让小朋友自己上台画简笔画,使其动脑又动手。 C情感态度价值观 小朋友在生活中能认识这些图形,并能用英语表达。 重点:A1 目标层难点:A2 次 关键:B1 环节时教 学 内 容 间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: How are you? I’m fine , thank you. T:How are you? Ss:I’m fine , thank you. Ok,now let’s sing a song .. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, jump down! jump to the “star”. Warming up: Ok,now let’s sing a Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump song .. up, jump down! jump to the “HEART”. Star?HEART? HEART?ONE ,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY? GO,STAR! circle.circle.circle.And how .Show a colock.And teach many circle.circle.circle.And how many circles?Five circles.Show circles.Show a triangle cake,and teach cake,and triangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,and triangle,triangle,triangle. teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teach star ,star,star. T:How many triangles? Ss:Two triangles. T:How many hearts? Ss:One heart. T:How many stars? Ss:Three stars. Unit 2 Shape Town teach a triangle circles?Five .Show a colock.And teach 板书设circles/triangles? 计 How many circles/triangles? 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 Unit 2 Shape Town 题 教 具 A知识与技能 课 New 型 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 课 时 日 第三课时 2011-9-.21 期 1. 知识目标: 小朋友能够指读circle/triangle单词。, 2. 技能目标: 能够问并回答How many circles/triangles? 教学目标 1.舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。 B过程与方法 2.介绍新朋友导入法:以介绍新朋友的形式引入形状,小朋友更亲近。 C情感态度价值观 通过认识图形,小朋友更也有学习的劲头和知识的丰富。 重点:A1 目标层难点:A2 次 关键:B1 环节时教 学 内 容 间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: T: How is the weather today? Ss: Today is sunny. T: How is the weather today? Ss: Today is sunny. Ok,now let’s sing a song .. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, jump down! Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) jump to the “star”. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, jump down! Warming up: Ok,now jump to the “HEART”. dance.. Star?HEART? HEART?ONE ,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY? GO,STAR! .Today a new friend. A colock.And let’s

.Today a new friend. teach .A colock.And teach circle.circle.circle.And how many circles?Five circle.circle.circle.And how circles.Show a triangle cake,and teach many triangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,and circles.Show teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teach cake,and star ,star,star. T:How many triangles? Ss:Two triangles. T:How many hearts? Ss:One heart. T:How many stars? Ss:Three stars. Unit 2 Shape Town circles?Five a triangle teach triangle,triangle,triangle. 板书设circles/triangles? 计 How many circles/triangles? 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 教 具 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 Unit 2 Shape Town 课 New 型 日 第 一 课时 2011-9-.26 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 课 时 期 1. 知识目标: 小朋友能够指读heart,star单词。, 2. 技能目标: 能够问并回答How many hearts,stars ? 教学目标 1玩偶导入法:通过玩偶游戏使小朋友自然进入形状学习中。 2.魔术导入法:以魔术师的形像出现,通过变戏法变出形状 通过课堂活动,小朋友能利用有限时间来达到高效记忆。 重点:A1 目标层难点:A2 次 关键:B1 环节时教 学 内 容 间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 通过学达标过程及教学方法设计 T: How is the weather today? Ss: Today is windy. Ok,now let’s sing a song .. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Greetings: T: How is the weather today? Ss: Today is windy. Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Jump up, jump down! jump to the “star”. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, Warming up: Ok,now jump down! dance.. jump to the “HEART”. Star?HEART? HEART?ONE ,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY? GO,STAR! .Today a new friend. let’s

.Today a new friend. .A drum.And teach circle.circle.circle.And A drum.And teach circle.circle.circle.And how many circles?Five how many circles?Five circles.Show a triangle circles.Show a triangle cake,and teach triangle,triangle,triangle.Show a cake,and teach heart box,and teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star triangle,triangle,triangle. and teach star ,star,star. T:How many triangles? Ss:Two triangles. T:How many hearts? Ss:One heart. T:How many stars? Ss:Three stars. 板书设计 Unit 2 Shape Town Heart,star How many hearts,stars ? 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 Review Unit 2 题 教 具 A知识与技能 课 Review 型 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 课 时 日 第 二课时 2011-9-.28 期 1知识目标:小朋友能认读circle/triangle/ hearts/stars /的形状。, 2技能目标:会听How many circles/triangles/ hearts/stars ? 教学目标 C情感态度价值观 B过程与方法 1实物导入法:出示 circle/triangle /hearts/stars 实物,给小朋友以实观的思维空间。 2简笔画导入法:让小朋友自己上台画 circle/triangle /hearts/stars 的简笔画,使其动脑又动手。 小朋友在生活中能认识这些图形,并能用英语表达和询问。 重点:A1 目标层难点:A2 次 关键:B1 环节时教 学 内 容 间 Warm up (5’) 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: How are you? T:How are you? Ss:I’m fine , thank you.

Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ok,now let’s sing a song .. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, jump down! jump to the “star”. I’m fine , thank you. Warming up: Ok,now let’s sing a Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump song .. up, jump down! jump to the “HEART”. Star?HEART? HEART?ONE ,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY? GO,STAR! .Show a colock.And .Show a colock.And teach teach circle.circle.circle.And how circles?Five a triangle teach circle.circle.circle.And how many circles?Five many circles.Show a triangle cake,and teach circles.Show triangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,and cake,and teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teach triangle,triangle,triangle. star ,star,star. T:How many triangles? Ss:Two triangles. T:How many hearts? Ss:One heart. T:How many stars? Ss:Three stars. 板书设Unit 2 Shape Town 计 circles/triangles/ hearts/stars How many circles/triangles /hearts/stars /? 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 3 Bugs 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 New 课 时 第 三 课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011-10-.8 教学目标 1知识目标:小朋友能认读ladybug,butterfly. 2技能目标:能听懂“I can see a ladybug/butterfly .” 1. 多媒体导入法:学生能对七星瓢虫和蝴蝶感到兴趣。 2. 实物导入法:学生能生动地感受到七星瓢虫和蝴蝶。 通过课堂学习,学生能够对七星瓢虫和蝴蝶有所认识,并能用英语表达七星瓢虫和蝴蝶。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 Hello, How are you? I am fine. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: Hello, How are you? What day is it today? I am fine. Today is Sunday. What day is it today? Let’s watch the TV. What can you Today is Sunday. Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) see? ladybug,butterfly. I can see a ladybug/butterfly . And show a ladybug/butterfly. What PPT: can you see? ladybug,butterfly. I can see a Let’s watch the TV. What can ladybug/butterfly . Let’s sing a song . Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. you see? Let’s sing a song . Today we learned ladybug,butterfly. I can see a ladybug/butterfly . Unit 3 Bugs 板书设计 Ladybug/butterfly. I can see a ladybug/butterfly . 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 3 Bugs 教学挂图、卡片、CD-课 型 New 课 时 第 一 课时 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 日 期 2011-10-.12 教学目标 1知识目标:小朋友能认读fly/ant. 2技能目标:能听懂“I can see a fly/ant .” 3. 多媒体导入法:学生能对苍蝇和蚂蚁感到兴趣。 4. 实物导入法:学生能生动地感受到苍蝇和蚂蚁。 通过课堂学习,学生能够对苍蝇和蚂蚁有所认识,并能用英语表达苍蝇和蚂蚁。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 Hello, How are you? I am fine. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: Hello, How are you? What day is it today? I am fine. Today is Sunday. What day is it today? Let’s watch the TV. What can you Today is Sunday. see? fly/ant . I can see a fly/ant . Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) And show a fly/ant. What can you see? fly/ant. I can see a fly/ant . Let’s sing a song . Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody. PPT: Let’s watch the TV. What can you see? Let’s sing a song . For I belong tosomebody I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. Today we learned fly/ant. I can see a fly/ant. Unit 3 Bugs . fly/ant 板书设计 I can see a fly/ant . 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 3 Bugs 课 型 New 第 二 课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 日 期 2011-10-14. 教学目标 1知识目标:小朋友能认读bugs/bee. 2技能目标:能听懂“I can see bugs/bees.” 1多媒体导入法:学生能对虫子和蜜蜂感到兴趣。 2实物导入法:学生能生动地感受到虫子和蜜蜂。 通过课堂学习,学生能够对虫子和蜜蜂有所认识,并能用英语表达虫子和蜜蜂。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 Hello, How are you? I am fine. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: Hello, How are you? What day is it today? I am fine. Today is Sunday. What day is it today? Let’s watch the TV. What can you Today is Sunday. see? bugs/bee . I can see bugs/bees. Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) And show bugs/bees. What can you see? bugs/bees. I can see bugs/bees. Let’s sing a song . Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody For I belong tosomebody. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. PPT: Let’s watch the TV. What can you see? Let’s sing a song . Today we learned bugs/bees.I can see bugs/bees. Unit 3 Bugs . bugs/bee 板书设计 I can see bugs/bees.. 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit 3 Bugs 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 型 Review 课 时 第 三课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011-10-17. 1知识目标:小朋友能认读bugs/bee/fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly.. 2技能目标:能听懂“I can see bugs/bees/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly.” 1多媒体导入法:学生能对虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍教学目标 C情感态度价值观 B过程与方法 蝇感到兴趣。 2实物导入法:学生能生动地感受到虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇。 通过课堂学习,学生能够对虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇有所认识,并能用英语表达虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 Hello, How are you? I am fine. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: Hello, How are you? What day is it today? I am fine. Today is Sunday. What day is it today? Let’s watch the TV. What can you Today is Sunday. Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) see? bugs/bee fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly / . I can see bugs/bees fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /. PPT: And show bugs/bees. What can you Let’s watch the TV. What can see? bugs/bees fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /. I you see? can see bugs/bees fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /. For I belong tosomebody Let’s sing a song . Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. Today we reviewed bugs/bees.I can see bugs/bees /fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly. Let’s sing a song . Unit 3 Bugs 板书设计 . bugs/bee/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly I can see bugs/bees/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /.. 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit 1-2 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 Review 课 时 第 一 课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011-10-19. 1知识目标:复习学过的颜色white grey purple brown orange pink. 2技能目标:会回答It’s white grey purple brown orange pink. 教学目标 1.舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。 2.介绍老朋友导入法:以介绍老朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近 通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings T; Hi,boys and girls. Ss;Hi,Hannah .How is the weather Hi,boys and girls..My name is Hannah.So everyone can call me Hannah. .How is the weather today?Today is a sunny day. today?Today is a sunny day. Let’s sing a song

Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. Today I have a gift for you.white gift. stars>.. Presentation Today I have a gift for you.white What colour is this gift?white.It’s white. gift. And anther one .grey gift. Yes ,It’s white. And anther one.What colour is this gift?grey gift. Now let’s have a game..Jump to the orange flash card,jump to the purple card. ..If you want to colour the colours,you shoud say” . Games times 1. 2.. . 3. 4.. Homework Today we learned white grey orange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .” purple brown orange pink .go home and say colours to your Today we learned white grey purple parents. brown orange pink go home and say colours to your parents. Unit 1 Little Painter What colour is it? 板书设计 white grey purple brown orange pink It’s white grey purple brown orange pink 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 Review Unit 2-3 题 教 具 A知识与技能 课 Review 型 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 课 时 日 第 二课时 2011-10-21. 期 1知识目标:小朋友能认读circle/triangle/ hearts/stars /的形状。, 2技能目标:会听How many circles/triangles/ hearts/stars ? 教学目标 C情感态度价值观 B过程与方法 1实物导入法:出示 circle/triangle /hearts/stars 实物,给小朋友以实观的思维空间。 2简笔画导入法:让小朋友自己上台画 circle/triangle /hearts/stars 的简笔画,使其动脑又动手。 小朋友在生活中能认识这些图形,并能用英语表达和询问。 重点:A1 目标层难点:A2 次 关键:B1 环节时教 学 内 容 间 Warm up (5’) 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: How are you? T:How are you? Ss:I’m fine , thank you. Ok,now let’s sing a song .. Preview Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, (5’) Jump up, jump down! jump to the “star”. Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up, jump down! jump to the “HEART”. Star?HEART? HEART?ONE ,TWO,THREE.FOUR,REA DY? Presentation And GO,STAR! Practice (27’) .Show a colock.And teach circle.circle.circle.And how many circles?Five circles.Show a triangle cake,and teach Summary (3’) I’m fine , thank you. Warming up: Ok,now let’s sing a song .. .Show a colock.And teach circle.circle.circle.And how many circles.Show cake,and circles?Five a triangle teach triangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,and triangle,triangle,triangle. teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teach star ,star,star. T:How many triangles? Ss:Two triangles. T:How many hearts? Ss:One heart. T:How many stars? Ss:Three stars. Unit 2 Shape Town 板书设circles/triangles/ hearts/stars 计 How many circles/triangles /hearts/stars /? 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit 1-3 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 A知识与技能 课 型 Review 第 三 课时 日 期 2011-10-24. 1知识目标:小朋友能认读bugs/bee/fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly.. 2技能目标:能听懂“I can see bugs/bees/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly.” 1多媒体导入法:学生能对虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍教学目标 C情感态度价值观 B过程与方法 蝇感到兴趣。 2实物导入法:学生能生动地感受到虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇。 通过课堂学习,学生能够对虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇有所认识,并能用英语表达虫子和蜜蜂和蝴蝶和七星瓢虫和蚂蚁和苍蝇。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 Hello, How are you? I am fine. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings: Hello, How are you? Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) What day is it today? Today is Sunday. Let’s watch the TV. What can you see? bugs/bee fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly / . I can see bugs/bees I am fine. What day is it today? Today is Sunday. fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /. PPT: And show bugs/bees. What can you Let’s watch the TV. What can see? bugs/bees fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /. I you see? can see bugs/bees fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly. Let’s sing a song . For I belong tosomebody Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. Shoo,fly,don’t bother me. For I belong tosomebody. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. I fell,I fell,I fell like a morning star. Today we reviewed bugs/bees.I can see bugs/bees /fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly. Let’s sing a song . Unit 3 Bugs 板书设计 . bugs/bee/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly

I can see bugs/bees/ fly/ant/butterfly/ladyfly /.. 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 4 Feelings 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 型 New 课 时 第 一课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011-10-26. 1.知识目标:学生能认读单词happy,sad. 2.技能目标:学生能会表达I am happy,ha,ha,ha./I am sad.wu/wu/wu. 1. 简笔画导入法:老师在黑板上画简笔画笑脸和哭脸,带小朋友一教学目标 B过程与方法 起做动作。 2. 闪卡导入法:用闪卡导入,使小朋友根据闪卡反应动作与句子。 C情感态度价值观 在课堂中能练习孩子的反应能力和英语的输出能力。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah. Hi, my name is Hannah.Today I am so 达标过程及教学方法设计 Grettings: T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) happy. Are you happy? Yes , I am happy,ha ha ha. Now draw a happy face. And teach happy,happy. Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy,and you know it. > And If you don’t study hard,I will sad. I am sad ,wu wu wu. Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy,and you know it. > Show the flash cards and let students say I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu Show the flash cards and let wu. students say I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. Today we learned I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu.Please go home and tell you parents “you are happy/sad.”. Unit 4 Feelings 板书设计 Happy sad I am happy,ha ha ha. I am sad ,wu wu wu. 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 4 Feelings 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 A知识与技能 课 型 New 第 二课时 日 期 2011-10-28. 教学目标 1.知识目标:学生能认读单词angry/scared. 2.技能目标:学生能会表达I am angry,heng heng heng ./I am scared.an an an 3. 简笔画导入法:老师在黑板上画简笔画笑脸和哭脸,带小朋友一B过程与方法 起做动作。 4. 闪卡导入法:用闪卡导入,使小朋友根据闪卡反应动作与句子。 C情感态度价值观 在课堂中能练习孩子的反应能力和英语的输出能力。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah. Hi, my name is Hannah.Today I am so 达标过程及教学方法设计 Grettings: T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) angry . Are you happy? Yes , I am angry ,heng heng heng . Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy,and you know it. > Now draw a angry face. And teach angry angry. Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy,and you know it. > And If you don’t study hard,I will sad. I am angry,heng heng heng . Show the flash cards and let students I am angry,heng heng Show the flash cards and let students heng./ I am scared.an an an say I am angry,heng heng heng . I am scared.an an an Today we learned I am angry,heng heng heng./ I am scared.an an an.Please go home and tell you parents “you are angry/scared.”. 板书设计 Unit 4 Feelings angry/scared. I am angry,heng heng heng . I am scared.an an an 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 4 Feelings 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 A知识与技能 课 型 New 第 三课时 日 期 2011-10-23. 1,小朋友能学会哼唱歌曲《If you are happy》。 2,小朋友能会跟读单词egg elephant five fish. 1.歌曲导入法:老师与小朋友共同舞蹈《If you are happy》,提高小朋友兴致。 2.Flash cards 导入法:通过展示 Flash cards,使小朋友建立大脑前意识知识的建构。 教学目标 C情感态度价值观 B过程与方法 小朋友在快乐中学习,在快乐中记忆。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah. 达标过程及教学方法设计 Grettings: T:Hello,children. Ok, now let’s sing a song.

Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) If you are happy and you know it clap your hards. Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy and you know it clap If you are happy,and you know your hards. it. > If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it. If you are happy and you If you are happy and you know it clap know it clap your hards. your hands. And If you don’t study hard,I will sad. I am sad ,wu wu wu. Show the flash cards and let students say I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. And egg elephant five fish. Today we learned I am happy,ha ha If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it. Show the flash cards and let ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. And egg students say I am happy,ha ha elephant five fish. Please go home and tell you parents “you are happy/sad.”. ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. 板书设计 Unit 4 Feelings happy sad egg elephant five fish. 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit 4 Feelings 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 课 型 Review 第 一课时 日 期 2011-11-2. 1.知识目标:学生能认读单词angry/scared happy/sad/ egg / elephant/ five A知识与技能 fish.. 2.技能目标:学生能会表达I am angry,heng heng heng ./I am scared.an an an / I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. 5. 简笔画导入法:老师在黑板上画简笔画笑脸和哭脸和生气脸,带教学目标 B过程与方法 小朋友一起做动作。 6. 闪卡导入法:用闪卡导入,使小朋友根据闪卡反应动作与句子。 C情感态度价值观 在课堂中能练习孩子的反应能力和英语的输出能力。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah. Hi, my name is Hannah.Today I am 达标过程及教学方法设计 Grettings: T:Hello,children. S:Hello,Hannah Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) so angry . Are you happy? I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu.Yes , I am angry ,heng heng heng . Now draw a angry face. Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If And teach angry angry. you are happy,and you know it. > Ok, now let’s sing a song .< If you are happy,and you know it. > And If you don’t study hard,I will sad. I am angry,heng heng heng . Show the flash cards and let students say I am angry,heng heng heng . I am scared.an an an Show the flash cards and let I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu students I am angry,heng heng wu. Today we learned I am angry,heng heng heng./ I am scared.an an an/ I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu. heng./ I am scare I am happy,ha ha ha./ I am sad ,wu wu wu.d./an an an.Please go home and tell you parents “you are angry/scared.”. Review Unit 4 Feelings 板书设计 angry/scared. I am happy,ha ha ha. I am sad ,wu wu wu. I am angry,heng heng heng . I am scared.an an an 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit1-4 教学挂图、卡片、CD-教 具 ROM、课件 课 时 A知识与技能 课 型 Review 第 二课时 日 期 2011- 11 -4 1.知识目标:学生能会说·听orange/purple ,会说It’s . orange/purple. 2.技能目标:学生能会听What colour is it? 1.舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。 教学目标 B过程与方法 2.介绍新朋友导入法:以介绍新朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近。 C情感态度价值观 通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Greetings T; Hi,boys and girls. Ss;Hi,Hannah Hi,boys and girls..My name is Hannah.So everyone can call me Hannah. .How is the weather today?Today (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) is a sunny day. Ok,now let’s have a class.Are you ready?Before we have our class,let’s sing a song. Today I have a gift for you.white gift. .How is the weather today?Today is a sunny day. Let’s sing a song.. Presentation Today I have a gift for you.white What colour is this gift?white.It’s white. gift. And anther one .grey gift. Yes ,It’s white. And anther one.What colour is this gift?grey gift. Games times 1. Running Running>.Jump to the orange flash card,jump to the purple card. 2.. . 3. ..If you want to 4.. colour the colours,you shoud say” . orange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .” Homework Today we learned white grey Today we learned white grey purple purple brown orange pink .go brown orange pink go home and say home and say colours to your colours to your parents. parents. Review Unit1-4 板书设计 What colour is it?

white grey purple brown orange pink It’s white grey purple brown orange pink 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 5 What time is it? 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 型 New 课 时 第 三课时 教学挂图、卡片、CD-日 期 2011- 11 -7 1.知识目标:学生会说“ten o’clock, six o’clock?” 2.技能目标:学生能听懂“What time is it?” 1. 实物导入法:出示几个儿童玩具钟表,引发小朋友对钟表的认教学目标 B过程与方法 识。 2. 简笔画导入法:请小朋友亲自上台画简笔画,增加其兴趣。 C情感态度价值观 通过各种方式的课堂学习,小朋友增加了学习的兴趣,又学习了“几点”。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Ok, now let’s have a class.Are you Greetings: ready? Ok, now let’s have a class.Are Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ss: Yes ,ready! you ready? Ss: Yes ,ready! Show a clock,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a clock.” Yes ,it is a clock. Show a clock,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a clock.” What time is it? It is ten o’clock.It is six o’clock. Now let’s sing a song . < Round the clock> Round go.Sometimes the clock and the Round the clock the hours go.Sometimes fast and hours sometimes slow.Tell me what the fast sometimes two hands say.They will tell the slow.Tell me what the two hands say.They time of day.Nine o’clock,it is will tell the time of day.Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. time for bed.Come me, you sleepyhead. Unit 5 What time is it? ten o’clock 板书设计 six o’clock What time is it? 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 5 What time is it? 教学挂图、卡片、CD-课 型 New 第 一 课时 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 时 日 期 2011- 11 -9 教学目标 1.知识目标:学生会说“eleven o’clock, eight o’clock?” 2.技能目标:学生能听懂“What time is it?” 1实物导入法:出示几个儿童玩具钟表,引发小朋友对钟表的认识。 2简笔画导入法:请小朋友亲自上台画简笔画,增加其兴趣。 通过各种方式的课堂学习,小朋友增加了学习的兴趣,又学习了“几点”。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Ok, now let’s have a class.Are you Greetings: ready? Ss: Yes ,ready! Ok, now let’s have a class.Are you ready? Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ss: Yes ,ready! Show a clock,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a clock.” Yes ,it is a clock. Show a clock,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a clock.” What time is it? It is eleven o’clock.It is eight o’clock. Now let’s sing a song . < Round the clock> Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Tell me what the two hands Tell me what the two hands say.They say.They will tell the time of will tell the time of day. Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Come me, you sleepyhead. day.Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Unit 5 What time is it? Eleven o’clock 板书设计 Eight o’clock What time is it? 教学反思

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课 题 Unit 5 What time is it? 教学挂图、卡片、CD-课 型 New 第 二 课时 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 时 日 期 2011-11 -11 1.知识目标:学生会说“green,giraffe” 2.技能目标:学生能听懂“What time is it?” 1布偶导入法:出示儿童玩具布偶,引发小朋友对 green,giraffe 的认教学目标 B过程与方法 识。. 2简笔画导入法:请小朋友亲自上台画简笔画,增加其兴趣。 C情感态度价值观 通过各种方式的课堂学习,小朋友增加了学习的兴趣,又学习了“green,giraffe”。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Ok, now let’s have a class.Are you Greetings: ready? Ok, now let’s have a class.Are

Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ss: Yes ,ready! you ready? Ss: Yes ,ready! Show a giraffe,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a giraffe.” Yes ,it is a giraffe. Show a giraffe,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a giraffe.” What time is it? It is eleven o’clock.It is eight o’clock. Now let’s sing a song . < Round the clock> Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Tell me what the two hands Tell me what the two hands say.They say.They will tell the time of will tell the time of day. Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Come me, you sleepyhead. day.Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Unit 5 What time is it? 板书设计 What is it? It is a giraffe. It is green . 教学反思

教 学 设 计

课 题 Review Unit 5 What time is it? 教学挂图、卡片、CD-课 型 Review 第 三 课时 教 具 ROM、课件 A知识与技能 课 时 日 期 2011- 11 -14 教学目标 1.知识目标:学生会说“eleven o’clock, eight o’clock,ten o’clock,seven o’clock,green,giraffe” 2.技能目标:学生能听懂“What time is it?” 1布偶导入法:出示儿童玩具布偶,引发小朋友对 green,giraffe 的认B过程与方法 识。 出示几个儿童玩具钟表,引发小朋友对钟表的认识 2简笔画导入法:请小朋友亲自上台画简笔画,增加其兴趣。 C情感态度价值观 通过各种方式的课堂学习,小朋友增加了学习的兴趣,又学习了“green,giraffe,几点”。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Ok, now let’s have a class.Are you Greetings: ready? Ok, now let’s have a class.Are Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) Ss: Yes ,ready! you ready? Ss: Yes ,ready! Show a giraffe,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a giraffe.” Yes ,it is a giraffe. Show a giraffe,and ask:”What is it?” Ss:”It is a giraffe.” What time is it? It is eleven o’clock.It is eight o’clock. Now let’s sing a song . < Round the clock> Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Round the clock the hours go. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Tell me what the two hands Tell me what the two hands say.They say.They will tell the time of will tell the time of day. Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Come me, you sleepyhead. day.Nine o’clock,it is time for bed. Review Unit 5 What time is it? 板书设计 eleven o’clock, eight o’clock ten o’clock,seven o’clock, What is it? It is a giraffe. It is green . 教学反思 教 学 设 计

课 题 Unit 6 I can use … 教 具 饰,单词卡片,餐厅模型,魔术袋。 A知识与技能 B过程与方法 C情感态度价值观 课 型 New 日 期 课 时 第 一 课时 动画DVD,小动物的头2011- 11 -16 教学目标 1. 听懂并说出单词:plate,bowl,fork. 2. 初步学会用I can use? 1. 情景导入法:Piggy 邀请小朋友去他家做客为活动热身。 2. 模型贯穿法:整节课中,贯穿模型的使用,小朋友更有实感。 在课堂中请幼儿欣赏故事后再讲述,幼儿的表达能力能够锻炼。 重点:A1 目标层次 难点:A2 关键:B1 环节时间 Warm up (5’) 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 以Piggy 邀请小朋友们去他家做客Word time 为热身活动引子,大家一起唱歌Piggy 邀请小朋友们去他家 Preview (5’) Presentation And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) 曲”Row your boat”引出主题。 做客为热身活动引子,大家一教师与小朋友谈话:Piggy的家到起唱歌曲”Row your boat”引出了,饭桌上已摆满了餐具,请小朋友说主题 一说吃饭都用什么餐具。教师出示餐具 模型:plate ,bowl,fork. 游戏:“机器人”。 出示图片,模仿机器人的声音说单 词,并带有肢体的动作。 游戏:“Magic word ” 把三张单词卡片放在一起,规定一 个单词作为“Magic word”.教师一一出把三张单词卡片放在一起, “Magic word ” 示,小朋友大声读出来,但出示到规定一个单词作为“Magic “magic word”时,小朋友做出规定的word”.教师一一出示,小朋友动作(如:拍三下手,跺两下脚,拍一大声读出来,但出示到“magic 下肩膀,)之后可以更换在进行游戏。 word”时,小朋友做出规定的游戏:“藏在口袋中” 动作(如:拍三下手,跺两下教师把一个餐具模型藏在口袋中,脚,拍一下肩膀,)之后可以把袋子递给一个小朋友,问:“What’s 更换在进行游戏。 this?”这个小朋友摸着这个东西,猜它 是什么?如果没猜出来,就说:“I don’t know.”把袋子传给另一个小朋友。 Sentence time 情景表演 Story time Sentence time Story time 请幼儿欣赏故事后进行讲

