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1.1 Gender equality
Gender (involving both teachers /managers and students) has been addressed at each stage of the project, starting with the initial design parameters with the choice of industry sectors and choice of Pilot schools.
The project has made a positive impact on the participation of girls and women in VET and the local workforce. Figure 3 provides the gender breakdown of 2005/2006 graduates. While there is continuing gender segregation by discipline areas, particularly in automotive, construction and tourism, females in electronics represented 35 % of graduates, a proportion that Australian VET institutions could aspire to.
Figure 3: Gender breakdown of students graduating from ACCVETP courses in 2005/06
While female teachers are often distributed quite evenly across both school management and subject areas in PRC industry training institutions, the project promoted participation of women at the higher levels of the VET system, ensuring involvement at the planning, implementation and review stages. Three of the initial Pilot School counterpart project managers were female. These women have continued to play a leading role in project implementation. One has been transferred and promoted to lead the development of the Chongqing City Management College as a CTAFE Model College. Recognising that all pilot school translators were female, and that they were undertaking significant project coordination tasks in addition to translating, the project successfully argued for their redesignation as project coordinators. This has increased their current status and future career options.
Women have also been equally represented in the leadership of Municipal ICCs and National Industry Associations. Of the 16 ICC and National Industry Association members on the VET Industry Leadership Fellowship, 8 were women.
Participation of women in staff training has been monitored to ensure the benefits of that training have been equally shared. Milestone 32 noted an approximate 50:50 ratio of
gender participation in all training activities in 2006/2007. This has continued the trend throughout the project. Data on gender participation by discipline was first collected from November 2006. Of note was the equal gender participation in automotive schools and the relatively high participation rates in electronics, both disciplines where, based on Australian experience, a lower participation rate for women might have been expected. Women made up 42.5% of participants in leadership and management development training.
6.2 Gender equality
Gender (involving both teachers /managers and students) has been addressed at each stage of the project, starting with the initial design parameters with the choice of industry sectors and choice of Pilot schools.
The project has made a positive impact on the participation of girls and women in VET and the local workforce. While female teachers are often distributed quite evenly across both school management and subject areas in industry training institutions, the project promoted participation of women at the higher levels of the VET system, ensuring involvement at the planning, implementation and review stages.
The following table shows the percentage of female teaching staff and female students in the sample of schools from which Pilot schools were selected.
Name of School/ Name of Course
% female staff 2001
% female staff 2007
% female students 2001
% female students 2007
School (Building and Construction) Electronics CQ Normal University ??? 41.0% ??? 29% for VET Centre 55% whole school 22% 62.0% ??? 40% 55% whole school
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