Unit4 Cyberspace精教版同步训练(可作辅导讲义)

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Unit 4 知能评估检测



1. —I haven't seen Mary and Bob for years.

—Yeah, after they got married, they ________ in London. A. solved B. settled C. stayed D. left

2. Many people think highly of him, saying that he is very clever, but ________ he's a fool in that matter. A. in my view B. in other words C. on the contrary D. in addition

3. People are ________ to have celebrated harvest festivals ever since they began to plant and gather food. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. optimistic 4. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks ________ it were broken. A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that

5. ________ to loud noises in this workshop without a special helmet for some time will have one's hearing________. A. Exposed; harmed B. Being exposed; harmed C. Exposing; being harmed D. To expose; be harmed 6. Many students can't defend themselves when ________ in the street.

A. advised B. suggested C. attacked D. persuaded 7. We ________ his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art club instead. A. accepted B. disagreed C. rejected D. agreed

8. Jay Chou is known ________ a singer, but in fact most of the songs were written by himself. A. to B. for C. as D. by 9. I suggest that you ________ the information before you sign your name.

A. checking B. checked C. check D. checks 10. Hi, Andy!________ meeting you here. How are you doing? A. Glad B. Hang on C. Fancy D. Suggest 11. She thought ________ impossible to finish so much work in a day.

A. this B. that C. its D. it 12. People present all ________ their attention on helping the homeless.

A. paid B. drew C. attracted D. focused 13. I've always dreamt of going to the college, and now it has ________. A. come true B. come truly C. got it D. been come true 14. —Mum, I can't do the washing on my own. There is too much work. —All right. I ________ you with it. A. will help B. am helping C. am to help D. am going to help 15. Mr. Smith ________ us some advice on how to write a good composition. A. suggests B. advises C. offers D. makes Ⅱ.阅读理解


Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the company. As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their negative effect on the environment. Many businesses do this by using Web conferencing.

Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to communicate more effectively over the Internet. It's an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office. Each of the people involved in a Web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it. When the conference is ready to begin, all participants (参与者) must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.

With Web conferencing all participants attend the conference from the comfort of their own desk. Obviously, in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference, and less work time is taken up in attending a conference.

Any material to be used during Web conferencing is simply e-mailed to all the participants before the

conference. Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen. This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing costs for the business.

As a conference hall or business center isn't being used, it means that the only power that is used is the power used by the participants' personal computers. Similarly conference organizers don't have to arrange for food or overnight accommodation (住宿) for participants of their conferences. All this means that less energy is used.

Often in business some companies actively choose to do business with other companies that do many things to reduce their negative impact on the environment. And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.

So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend a Web conference.

1. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ways of protecting the environment. B. Green benefits of Web conferencing.


C. Ways of hosting a Web conference. D. Impact of Web conferencing on costs. 2. According to Paragraph 1, many companies use Web conferencing because they ________.

A. are interested in using any new technology

B. believe that Web conferencing is more convenient C. want to do something to protect the environment

D. haven't enough money to hold a traditional conference 3. The participants of a Web conference ________.

A. will be e-mailed an invitation before the conference

B. are required to sit in an office together C. will receive many paper material D. must have access to the Internet

4. Which of the following words best describes the author's opinion about a Web conference? A. Useless. B. Environmentally friendly. C. Inconvenient. D. Money-consuming.


The upcoming big Apple TV will use iPhone's Siri “personal assistant” as its main control method - and will use touch control as a backup (支持).

Leaks from Apple's manufacturing chain say that Apple has been working on prototype sets (原型机) since September — according to a design blueprint laid down by late CEO Steve Jobs. His “eureka (我找到了!)” moment was realising that Siri's voice control could be used to ‘talk’ to the set.

Jobs was referring to the realisation that the television should be voice-controlled — using the natural-language

algorithms of Siri (Siri的自然语言系统) so that people talk to the set as they would to someone sitting next to them on the sofa.

Mr Jobs, who died earlier this month, told author Walter Isaacson: “It will have the simplest user interface (界面) you could imagine.”

Apple executive Jeff Robbin, who was behind the iPod and iTunes Store, is reportedly “now guiding Apple's internal development of the new TV effort”.

It's not the first attempt to bring more “natural” controls to televisions-companies such as One For All already make gesture-controlled remotes which you simply “wag” at the screen, and Microsoft's Xbox Kinect camera can be controlled by voice.

But the highly sophisticated Siri software could represent a huge leap forward for the technology. A third party (第三方) analysis suggests the device will hit shelves by late next year or 2013, based on research of Apple's patent portfolio (专利组合), its investments in manufacturing facilities and “securing supplies of LCD screens”.

Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller declined to comment on the Bloomberg report. It has been widely-speculated (猜测) Apple will launch its own brand of touchscreen televisions running its iOS


5. What's the best title of the passage? A. Apple's TV “to be voice controlled” B. A design blueprint by CEO Steve Jobs C. A huge leap forward for the technology D. Apple will launch touchscreen televisions 6. The underlined word “wag” in Paragraph 6 probably means ________. A. shake B. remove C. press D. throw 7. The following are the features of the upcoming big Apple TV except that________.

A. the device may make people talk to the set as they were talking to someone sitting next to them B. the device may have the simplest user interface C. the device may will use touch and voice control D. the device will hit shelves by late next year or 2013 8. His “eureka (我找到了!)” refers to ________.

A. the television should be voice-controlled

B. the natural-language algorithms of Siri can be used

C. prototype sets can be developed

D. the simplest user interface can be found



After finishing working at the hospital that day, I was driving home after a particularly busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the roof, __1__a small metal railing (栏杆). As the __2__weaved through traffic, I could see the boys __3__from side to side.__4__, a boy fell off the back of the bus. He __5__the road face down, bounced once, and __6__. He lay __7__in the middle of the road as the bus sped away. The cars directly behind the bus __8__to avoid the boy, but none stopped. Part of me understood — if he died, it would mean police involvement and __9__problems. In fact, I felt the same willing to keep going, __10__the willing to stop and help was __11__. I knew that if the boy was bleeding into his brain, he could __12__in a matter of minutes. He had to get to hospital quickly.

I stopped my car and carefully __13__the boy, who appeared to be about 20. His face was covered in __14__ — he had a long deep cut on his forehead and another above his right ear. There didn't seem to be any other injuries. I __15__to apply pressure to the cuts to stop the bleeding but failed. With the __16__of some bystanders, I lifted his


unconscious body into the back seat of my car. I asked a couple of men to __17__me, but they shrank away from further involvement. I jumped in the car and __18__to the hospital. On reaching the emergency entrance, I __19__, “Head injury!” Hospital staff wheeled the boy into the emergency room, while I gave a quick __20__to the on-call doctor.

After an initial examination, the doctors determined that he was most likely bleeding into his brain. Luckily the boy was saved at last. 1. A.getting B. holding C. fixing D. painting 2. A.driver B. students C. walkers D. passengers 3. A.dancing B. fighting C. shaking D. looking 4. A.Slowly B. Quickly C. Likely D. Suddenly 5. A.jumped B. hit C. fell D. got 6. A.rolled over B. came over C. got over D. took over 7. A.careless B. motionless C. hopeless D. fearless 8. A.broke B. braked C. moved D. checked 9. A.improper B. unimportant C. unnecessary D. inconvenient 10. A.and B. so C. or D. but 11. A.nicer B. bigger C. weaker D. stronger 12. A.die B. live C. save D. hurt 13. A.examined B. found C. touched D. operated 14. A.mud B. blood C. tears D. scars 15. A.managed B. refused C. tried D. planned 16. A.watch B. neglect C. respect D. help 17. A.accompany B. approve C. observe D. applaud 18. A.slipped B. turned C. raced D. went 19. A.said B. repeated C. wept D. shouted 20. A.truth B. complaint C. history D. look Ⅱ.阅读理解

At first, the earth's surface layer (层) was made up of huge blocks of hard, solid rocks. Then slowly, these rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces. Finally stones, pebbles (砾石) and grains of sand were formed. Many sorts of plants and animals lived and died on the surface of the earth. Their remains mixed up with the stones, pebbles and formed soil. The outmost layer of the earth is soil.

There are many ways in which large pieces of rock break up into smaller ones. Wind, water, heat and cold help to break up rocks. When winds blow grains of sand against a large rock for a long time, the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away. These leave holes and cracks (裂缝) in the rock, which become bigger and finally the rock breaks up into smaller pieces.

The moving water of streams and rivers also helps to break up rocks. As the water moves along, it carries with small pieces of rock.These rub the larger ones. Thus, the larger rocks are worn down to smaller pieces.

The heat of the sun is also helpful in breaking up rocks. When the sun shines, the rocks become very hot. If these rocks are suddenly cooled, they may crack. Ice also plays a part in making soil. Water in the cracks can turn into ice in cold weather. As this happens, it becomes bigger and the cracks become wider, and finally break up into smaller pieces. 1. According to the passage, soil ________.

A. forms very slowly B. is a mixture of stones, pebbles and sand C. makes up the layers of the earth D. is becoming smaller and smaller 2. Which of the following speeds up the breaks of rocks most?

A. Hot weather. B. Cold water. C. Sharp changes in temperature. D. More dead plants in the cracks. 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The remains of many plants and animals can form soil. B. If a large rock never moves, it will never break up. C. Even if a large rock never moves, it will break up. D. Ice in the cracks helps to break up rocks. 4. The best title for this passage should be ________.

A. Soil from rocks B. Ways to break up rocks C. Soil on the earth D. Soil, outmost layer of the earth Ⅲ.选做题 任务型读写

How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to slip in without being noticed? The way you go into new situations shows your level of self-confidence.In life, we admire

those who do their tasks confidently. We prefer people who appear to know what they're doing. But where does that confidence begin?

Developing self-confidence starts very early. It's parents' role to get kids on the right track toward becoming

confident people. To help that process, parents should always offer more praise than criticism (批评). That can be done by focusing on the child's strengths. Parents should encourage their children to try new things and take risks.


When children make mistakes, their parents should still let them know that they are loved. Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults. But self-confidence still doesn't come easily. So what's the


With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that is true of confidence skills. The more you practice them, the easier they will become.

Always hold your head high and look people in the eye. Answer questions clearly and confidently. The way you walk shows others how confident you are.Focus on the things that you do well, and look for opportunities to use those abilities.

Keep an item in clear view that reminds you of a recent success. It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest. Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next.

Prepare thoroughly for every project. You'll approach the task more confidently knowing that you're ready. All humans fail at times, and you will too. But don't allow mistakes to trouble you. Learning from mistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear.

Even with practice, you will never be perfect. But you can learn to love and accept yourself and live your life with confidence.

Title: (1) ________ Self-confidence (2) ________ more than blame them. Encourage them to try new things The parent's role and take risks. (3) ________ their mistakes. Practice as much as (4)________. Use body (5) ________ to show your confidence. Focus on your strengths and talents and put those Advice on becoming abilities to (6) ________. confident Use (7) ________ encouragement to inspire yourself. Make thorough (8) ________. (9) ________ from your own mistakes. Keeping on practicing and loving and respecting yourself will make (10) ________. you more confident. 短文填词 Hello, everyone. It's a great pleasure for me to have a chance to d________ a short speech here today. Recently, I have found some classmates study deep into the night and don't ________(腾出) any time to take a rest during the day ________ (也), so they often can't help f________ asleep while having lessons. And some classmates seldom have breakfast, ________ is also a bad habit and will surely be ________ to their health. In my ________, it's extremely important for us to have enough sleep and a proper ________. We must learn to make wise use ________ our time, and only in this way can we keep fit and study well. I wonder ________ you agree with me. Thank you for listening!


The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we have never been before.

But just as in face-to-face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on

line .__1__ Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. For anything you're about to send: ask yourself,“ Would I say this to the person's face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread.__2__ If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct(本能)is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so.__3__ If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

__4__ Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake, whether it's a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it.If it is a small mistake, you may not need to say anything.Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else.

__5__ At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status.

Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.

A. It's natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face. C. Everyone was new to the network once.

D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear. F. You should either ignore the person,or use your chat software to block their messages. G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.




1答案:B解析:句意:“我多年没见过玛丽和鲍勃了。”“是的,他们结婚以后,在伦敦定居了。”“定居”用settle in表达,故B项正确。solve“解决”;stay“停留,住”;leave“离开”。 2. 答案:A解析:根据but可知后面说话人在发表自己的观点。in my view“依我看来”。

3. 答案:C解析:句意:自从开始播种和收获粮食的时候起,人们就可能庆祝丰收节日了。likely可以用人也可以用物作主语,possible,probable不能用人作主语,D项optimistic“乐观的”,与题意不符。 4. 答案:A解析:句意:当铅笔一部分放在一杯水中时,它看上去好像断了。as if 引导表语从句,表示假设。

5. 答案:B解析:根据句子结构可知第一个空格处缺少主语,需用动名词,而be exposed to是固定短语,意为“暴露在??之下”;第二个空考查了have的复合结构,hearing与harm构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用harmed。

6. 答案:C解析:句意:许多学生在街上受到攻击时不能自卫。when attacked是when they are attacked的省略。

7. 答案:C解析:句意:我们拒绝了他要建一家音乐俱乐部的想法,并且决定建一家艺术俱乐部。accept 接受;disagree不同意;reject 拒绝;agree 同意,根据句意可知选C。 8. 答案:C解析:be known as“作为??而闻名”。

9. 答案:C解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:我建议你在签字之前检查一下所列信息。表示建议、命令、要求等的名词性从句中用“(should+)动词原形”的虚拟结构。

10. 答案:C解析:句意:嗨,Andy!没想到会在这里碰到你,近来如何呀?Fancy meeting you here./Fancy running into you here!是口语中常用的句子,表示意外见到对方。

11. 答案:D解析:考查it的用法。句意:她认为在一天内完成这么多工作是不可能的。thought________ impossible 是“动宾补”结构,it作形式宾语,指代to finish so much work in a day。 12. 答案:D解析:focus one's attention on “注意力集中于??”。 13. 答案:A解析:come true 实现,为不及物动词短语。 14. 答案:A解析:表示临时的决定常用will/shall do 表示将来。

15. 答案:C解析:offer sb. sth.给某人提供某物;A和B无此用法;D不合句意。 Ⅱ.阅读理解



1. 答案:B解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了网络会议对环保带来的好处,故B项概括了文章的主旨。

2. 答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知,许多公司这样做是因为想为环保做点儿事。 3. 答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的they will be connected over the Internet可知网络是参与者参加网络会议的必要条件。所以选D。


4. 答案:B解析:作者态度题。根据文章第一段对网络会议的介绍尤其是最后一段可知作者认为网络会议是对环境有利的,所以选B。


语篇解读:本文主要介绍苹果公司对未来电视的开发。苹果公司根据已故的前CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯提出的设想研发原型机,乔布斯的突破性发现正在成为现实,人们将能够使用Siri语音控制和电视“对话”。 5. 答案:A解析:根据第一段“The upcoming big Apple TV will use iPhone's Siri ‘personal assistant’ as its main control method - and will use touch control as a backup (支持). ”及下文内容的描述可知本文主要对未来声控的苹果电视的情况进行介绍,故选A。

6. 答案:A解析:由上文的companies such as One For All already make gesture-controlled remotes中的gesture-controlled可推知该词是摇动之意,故选A。

7. 答案:D解析:D项的描述本身正确,但它不属于未来的苹果电视的特征。由第三段中的“people talk to the set as they would to someone sitting next to them on the sofa.”可知A项的描述正确;从第四段“It will have the simplest user interface(界面) you could imagine.”可知B项的说法正确;由第一段可知C项正确。 8. 答案:A解析:根据第三段可知答案为A项。




1. 答案:B解析:几个大学生坐在公共汽车的车顶上,“抓住(holding)”上面的小金属栏杆。 2. 答案:A解析:“司机”驾驶着公共汽车在道路上迂回前行。其余三项都不符合语境。 3. 答案:C解析:这几个男孩坐在车顶上,司机的行车路线不是直线,所以他们左右“摇晃”。 4. 答案:D解析:“突然”,一个男孩从公共汽车的后面摔了下来。

5. 答案:B解析:hit“撞击,碰撞(造成损伤)”。fall是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,所以C项错误。 6. 答案:A解析:他脸朝下摔在了路上,立马弹了起来,并“翻滚”了一下。roll over“翻滚”。后三项分别表示“过来”“克服”“接管”,都不符合语境。

7. 答案:B解析:当公共汽车加速离开时,他一动不动地躺在道路中间。下文的“unconscious body”是答案提示。

8. 答案:B解析:紧随公共汽车后面的车辆纷纷“刹车”以避开这个孩子,但是没有一辆车停下来。 9. 答案:C解析:如果他死了, 就意味着警方的介入和“不必要的”麻烦出现,所以没有一辆车停下来。A项表示“不合适的”;B项表示“不重要的”;D项表示“不方便的”,都不合乎情理。 10. 答案:D解析:作者也有继续前进的意愿,“但是”更愿意停下来提供帮助,此处表示转折,故选but。

11. 答案:D解析:虽然作者也想袖手旁观,但是停下来帮助对方的意愿更加“强烈”。 12. 答案:A解析:作者知道如果男孩的血流进了大脑,他用不了几分钟就会“死亡”。

13. 答案:A解析:作者停下了车,仔细“察看”这个男孩。后三项分别表示“找到”“触摸”“动手术”,均不符合常识和语境。


14. 答案:B解析:根据破折号后面的内容可知他满脸是“血”。

15. 答案:C解析:作者“尽力”压住伤口以便止血,但是不起作用。manage to do sth.表示“设法做成了某事”,与后半句内容矛盾,所以A项不正确。

16. 答案:D解析:在旁观者的“帮助”下,作者把这个毫无知觉的男孩抬到了车内的后座上。

17. 答案:A解析:作者请求几个人“陪同”前往医院,但是他们都不愿意再多受牵连,纷纷躲开了。B项表示“赞成”;C项表示“观察”;D项表示“称赞”,均不符合语境。

18. 答案:C解析:当时男孩生命垂危,必须争分夺秒,所以作者火速开向医院。race表示“使??急速移动”,符合当时的情况。

19. 答案:D解析:作者当时急于救这个奄奄一息的孩子,所以在急救入口处大声“喊”。

20. 答案:C解析:在医护人员把孩子推进急救室的同时,作者向应召医生快速地讲述了事情的来龙去脉,此处history表示“过去发生的事情”。 Ⅱ.阅读理解

语篇解读:起初,地球的表面都是巨大的岩石,后来,它们逐渐变成了土壤。这其中的原因是什么?本文将带你探究其中的奥秘。 1. 答案:A

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的描述,尤其是“Then slowly...”可知土壤的形成是一个非常缓慢的过程。 2. 答案:C

解析:推理判断题。结合最后一段中的内容可推测温度的急剧变化会加速岩石的碎裂。 3. 答案:B

解析:正误判断题。根据第二段前两句中的内容可知巨大的岩石碎裂成小块岩石的方式有很多,风、水、热、冷等都是其中的因素,由此可推断B项内容错误。 4. 答案:A

解析:主旨大意题。第一段概述了文章的大意,根据本段最后两句可知本文叙述的是岩石形成土壤的过程,下文分述的是岩石的碎裂方式,B项不具有概括性,故排除。 Ⅲ.选做题 任务型读写

答案:1.Building/Developing/Build/Develop 2.Praise 3. Forgive 4.possible 5.language 6.use 7.visual 8. preparations 9.learn 10.Conclusion 短文填词

答案:1.deliver 2.spare 3.either 4.falling 5.which 6.harmful 7.opinion 8.diet 9.of 10.if / whether 任务型阅读

答案:1~5 DBFCG


