模块1 第3课时 阅读学案

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必修三模块1第一课时 阅读课 一、


1. 知识与技能 Lead the students to make an active part in class. Explanations to make the

students master usage of the words.

2. 过程与方法 Lead the students to make an active part in class. Read the passage

carefully and find out the important words, phrases and sentence structure.

3. 情感态度价值观 Be able to describe your favourite country with the learned words,

phrases and expressions in this unit; Can describe the Europe ‘s feature



1 be situated on/in________________ 2 be located on/in________________________ 3 be famous for__________________ 4 work on________________________________ 5 ever since_______________________ 6 of all time_______________________________ 三、 质疑栏 四、


1 课文知识点(B级)

I.单词:1. design v. 设计;计划;意欲 n. 布局; 方案;图样;意图 designer n.设计师 adj.赶时髦的


① The book is mainly _______ for use in colleges.

② The new programme is ______ to get kids exercising more and eating more nurtrious foods. ③ I want to be a fashion _______ when I grew up.

④ Thanks to its special ________, passengers can enjoy the beautiful scenery above water. ⑤ He had a trendy haircut, an earring and ______ jeans.

⑥ Now, it’s common to see people dressed in clothes with a flag _________. II.重点短语(C级)

1. compare......with....... 把...和...比较 compare......to...... 把...比作... ① 如果你把英式英语与美式英语比较,你会发现很多不同之处. _____________________________________________________________. ② ______ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared

2 off the coast 在靠近海岸的海面上on the coast“靠近海岸”,表示在陆上靠近海岸的地方 ① 有些孩子在靠近海岸的地方玩耍.

___________________________________________________ ② 这个岛濒临上海海岸.

____________________________________________________ ③ A big whale was caught _____ the coast by two fishermen.

A. along B. on C. across D. off III.知识重温

写出和be famous for 结构相同的相关短语并翻译,如be famous as:

IV. 经典句型(A级) 1. 倍数表达句型(C级) ① 倍数+as+原级+as...;

亚洲的大小是欧洲的四倍. _________________________________ ② 倍数+比较级+than...;

新楼比旧楼高四倍. ______________________________________ ③倍数+the size (length, depth, height, weight)+ of...

大厅是我们教师宽度的两倍. ____________________________________________ ④ 倍数+ what从句.

现在的产量是十年前的三倍. ____________________________________________

