趣味英语 - 英语游戏 - 脑筋急转弯 - - 第3篇 - 其他类

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Part Ⅲ Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类

Part Ⅲ Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类

Questions: 1.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it? 不能剪也不能卷,怎样使一根绳子变短?

2.How can you throw a ball and have it return to you without hitting

anything or having anyone throw it back to you?


3.Why are you wearing two watches at the same time? 你为何同时戴两块表?

Keys: 1.Take a longer rope and compare with it. 拿一根长点的绳子比一比就行了。 2.Just throw it up in the air. 往上抛。

3.To see if the other one keeps good time. 互相监督是否走时准确。

Notes: 1.与更长的绳子相比,原来那根绳子肯定是更短了 (shorter)。

Questions: 1.What is visible only in winter time? 什么东西冬天才能看见?

2.What do you have that you can’t lend to others? 什么东西属于你而且不能借给别人?

3.Why don’t boys need to watch out for worms when they’re eating apples?


Keys: 1.Your breath. 你的呼吸。 2.Your shadow. 你的影子。

3.The worms have to watch out for themselves. 因为虫子必须自己当心(不被吃掉)。

Notes: 1.visible/'vizibl/adj.看得见的 3. watch out当心,注意,留神

Questions: 1.If two swallows are sitting on a twig and you wish to get the twig without disturbing the swallows,what shall you do? 假如两只燕子停在一枝小树枝上,你想弄到那枝小树枝,却不想惊动燕子,怎么办?

2.If you find three sparrows on the roof and you shoot one,how many are left?


3.If a burglar was informed all the exits were guarded,what could he do to escape?


Keys: 1.Wait till the swallows fly away. 等燕子飞走了以后去弄。

2.None.The others fly away. 一只不剩,其余都飞走了。

3.He could go out of the entrance. 他可以从入口出去。

Notes: 1.swallow n.燕子 twig/twig/ n.小枝,细枝 2.sparrow n.麻雀

Questions: 1.Why do people wish for something they haven’t got? 人们为什么总是想得到没有得到的东西呢?

2.Why do people always find what they are looking for in the last place they look?

人们找东西时为什么总是在最后一个寻找的地方才找到? 3.What does everybody know about the emperors of China? 关于中国的皇帝每个人都知道的是什么?

Keys: 1.What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it.


2.No one would keep looking once they find what they are looking for.

一旦人们找到他们寻找的东西后,没有人还会找下去。 3.They’re all dead. 他们都作古了。

Notes: 1.cease to do something停止做某事,与cease doing something意思相同。

Questions: 1.How to put you left hand where your right hand can’t reach it? 把你的左手放在哪儿,使你的右手无论如何也够不到? 2.How can you tell the weather with a rope? 只有一根绳子,如何知道天气?

Keys: 1.Put your left hand on your right elbow. 把你的左手放在右肘上。

2.Take it in the open.If it swings, it’s windy; if it’s wet, it’s raining.


Notes: 1.elbow n.肘,肘部

2.in the open在户外,在野外

Questions: 1.If you take half from a half dollar, how much is left? 如果从一个半块美元里拿走半块,还剩多少?

2.How long should your legs be? 你的腿应该有多长?

3.Why is the woolen sweater marked“cotton”? 为什么羊毛衫上却标着“棉制品”?

4.If your uncle’s sister is not you aunt, what relation is she to you?


Keys: 1.A dollar is left. 还剩一个美元。

2.Long enough to reach the ground. 够得着地就行了。 3.TO fool the moths. 是用来瞒着蛀虫的。 4.Your mother. 是你的母亲。

Notes: 3. moth n.蛾,蛀虫 woolen adj.羊毛的,呢绒的 也可写作woollen

Questions: 1.Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees.How many T’s are there in that?


