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instinctively [] ad.

subconsciously 本能地,下意识地

appetite [] n. physical desire for investigate [] v. make a careful food 食欲 study of 调查 application [] n. use应用 junk [] n. material of poor quality 劣arise [] v. come into existence; appear 质品 出现 lapse [] n. shortage 缺乏 attendant [] a. connected with 伴mimic [] v. appear so like 酷似 随的;有联系的 pertinent [] a. relevant 有关的,authority [] n. the power or right to 相干的 make others obey and believe 权;权力 potent [] a. strongly effective 有效category [] n. division or class in a 力的 complete system or grouping 种类 prudent [] a. careful 谨慎的;小心challenge [] v. question the 的

lawfulness or rightness of 对…表示异议,purchase [] n. buying 买 怀疑 relieve [] v. lessen 减轻 compensate [] v. give sth. to replace [] v. take the place of 取代 make up 弥补 resort [] n. the thing offering help 所confine [] v. restrict 限制 求助的东西 contender [] n. rival, competitor rubbish [] n. waste material 垃圾;废竞争者;对手 物 deficiency [] n. the state of being safeguard [] n. the thing to give short of 缺乏;不足 protection 保护物 derive [] v. get 获得,得到 scarcely [] ad. almost not 几乎不 describe [] v. say what is like 描super [] a. wonderful 极好的 写;描述 supplement [] n. sth. added 添加dictate [] v. drive 驱使 物 element [] n. a small amount 小量 teetotaler [] n. one who never excrete [] v. get rid of waste from touches wine 滴酒不沾的人 the body 排泄 trial [] n. testing 试验 genuine [] a. real 真正的 ubiquitous [] a. appearing or guardian [] n. one who is existing everywhere 无处不在的 responsible for the care of a person and his calory [] n.(热量)卡 property 保护人 carbohydrate [] n. 碳水化indiscriminately [] ad. as one 合物 wishes 随心所欲地 clinical [] a. 临床的 individual [] n. a single being density [] n. 浓度


dose [] n. 剂量 hamburger [] n. 汉堡包 mineral [] n. 矿物质 nutrition [] n. 营养 nutritious [] n. 营养的 pizza [] n.(意大利)馅饼 placebo [] n.安慰药 prophylactic [] a. 预防性的 protein [] n. 蛋白质 psychological [] a. 心理上的

psychology [] n.心理学 snack [] n. 快餐 symptom [] n. 症状 therapeutic [] a. 治疗的 therapy [] n. 疗法 urine [] n. 尿 vitamin [] n. 维生素

hope to (sb.) 鼓励;促进

enthusiasm [] n. a strong feeling of interest and admiration 热情;热心

environment [] n. all the surrounding conditions which influence growth and development [] 环境

epidemic [] n. a very common infectious disease in a place for a time 流行病;时疫 escalate [] v. rise one after the other 逐渐上升 estimate [] v. calculate; form an opinion as to the degree 估计;估量 expose [] v. make known ( a

secretly guilty person or action) 揭露;暴露 glamorous [] a. having or causing the power of attraction 有魅力的

hazard [] n. (of activity) which

contains risk or danger 危险;冒险


identify [] v. power or show who

advocate [] n. a person who speaks or what a particular person or thing is 认出;for or supports an idea, way of life, etc. 鼓识别;验明

impact [] n. the force of an idea, 吹者;提倡者

invention, system, etc 效果;影响;冲击 affluent [] a. having plenty of

] ad. more and money or other possessions 丰富的;富裕的 increasingly [

agenda [] n. a list of the business more all the time 日益

] v. lead (sb.) (into an act) or subjects to be considered at a meeting 议induce [

often by persuading 引诱;劝使 事日程表

involuntary [] a. acting or done appropriate [] a. correct or

unwillingly 非自愿的 suitable 适当的;合适的

legislate [] v. make laws 立法 ban [] v. forbid, esp. by law 禁止

] n. the number of cessation [] n. a short pause or a mortality [

deaths from a certain cause 死亡数 stop 停止

] v. make (air, water, soil, dramatic [] a. sudden or exciting pollute [

etc.) dangerously impure or unfit to use 污戏剧般的;激动人心的

染 encourage [] v. give courage or


predicate [] v. state firmly 断言;blissful [] a. extremely happy 非常声明 幸福;极乐的 respiratory [] v. connected bonus [] n. anything pleasant in with breathing 呼吸(作用)的 addition to what is expected 意想不到的收responsible [] a. morally liable 获 for the carrying out of some duty 有责任cope [] v. handle; deal successfully 的;尽责的 with sth. 处理 restrict [] v. keep within limits 限decline [] v. decrease; move from a 制;约束 better to worse position 减少;下降 revenue [] n. in come, esp. that deny [] v. refuse to accept as true 否which the government receives as taxes 定;不接受 (国家的)税收 divorce [] v. end a marriage between reverse [] v. change to the opposite husband and wife 离婚 反向;颠倒 efficient [] a. working well and statistics [] n. collected numbers without waste 效率高的 which represent facts or measurements 统计expectancy [] n. the state of 数字;统计资料 expecting 期待,期望 subtle [] a. delicate, hardly noticeable, foster [] v. help to grow and develop and esp. pleasant 精巧的;敏感的 培养;促进 tackle [] v. deal with (a matter) 处理;guarantee [] v. give a promise of 解决 quality, payment or fulfilment 保证;担保 toll [] n. the cost in health, life, etc. from incidence [] n. the rate of illness, an accident 重大的代价,损失;(事happening 发生率 故的)伤亡人数 infection [] n. the state or result of cardiovascular [] a. 心disease being put into body 传染;感染 血管(性)的 ingenuity [] n. skill and lethal stroke 由于中风而引起的死亡 cleverness in making and arranging things


intact [] a. whole, uninjured; healthy



internist [] n. a doctor who


specializes in internal medicine 内科医生 maturity [] n. the state of being adolescence [] n. young

teenager of about 13~16岁青春期;青春(通fully grown and developed 成熟

measure [] n. degree or amount 程度;常指13~16岁少年)

ailment [] n. illness 病;精神不安 分量;测量

neurotic [] a. affected with nervous apparently [] ad. clearly,

disorder 神经病的;神经过敏的 obviously 明显地


outlive [] v. live longer than 活decompose [] v. break up and 过…,比…经久 separate into simple parts; decay 分解 pessimism [] n. tendency to look departure [] n. leaving a place 离at the worst aspect of things 悲观 别 predictable [] a. that can be seen endanger [] v. put in danger; or told in advance 可预言的 cause danger to 危害;危及 prime [] n. the time of greatest expansion [] n. making or perfection, strength or activity 全盛时期 becoming larger 扩张,膨胀 reassure [] v. comfort and make exterminate [] v. make an end free from anxiety 使放心 of ; destroy completely 根除,灭绝 resistance [] n. opposition, fatal [] a. causing or ending in death or standing against 抵抗,反抗 disaster 致命的 share [] v. have in common 分享;分担 habitat [] n. the natural home of a smart [] a. vigorous, quick in thinking, plant or animal 动植物产地 clever 精明的,灵巧的 hemisphere [] n. a half of the earth; statistical [] a. of collected half a sphere 半球 numbers which represent facts or injurious [] a. causing harm 致measurement 统计的 伤的,有害的 suicide [] n. an act of killing millennium [] n. a period of 1000 oneself 自杀 years . pl. millennia 一千年 veteran [] n. a person who has had persecution [] n. cruel long experience 老手;有经验的人 treatment 残害,迫害 anabolism [] n. 细胞生长 predator [] n. wild animal living by arthritis [] n. 关节炎 killing and eating other animals 捕食其它catabolism [] n. 细胞死亡 动物的野生动物 nutrient [] n. 营养素 preserve [] n. stretch of land or psychologist [] n. 心理学家 water where animals, birds and fish are kept rheumatism [] n. 风湿病 safe from harm or danger. 禁猎地 sonata [] n. (音乐)奏鸣曲 prospect [] n. reasonable hope; sth.

which is expected 前程;盼望的事物

Text 4 OUR DISAPPEARING refuge [] n. shelter or protection WILDLIFE from danger 避难所

remnant [] n. a part that remains 剩

bounty [] n. money given (by


government ) for reward (政府给的)奖励

roam [] wander with no clear aim 漫


carrion [] n. dead and decaying flesh

scavenger [] n. a bird or an


animal that feeds on wastes or decaying


flesh 食腐动物 subspecies []亚种 splendid [] a. grand in appearance; the Atlantic 大西洋 glorious; very fine; excellent 优异的,壮丽the Pacific 太平洋 的 timber wolf (北美北部产的)林狼 subtle [] a. delicate, hardly noticeable; whooping crane 鸣鹤 difficult to perceive or describe 微妙的;难


superstition [] n. false belief

abandon [] vt. give up 放弃,废弃

not based on scientific knowledge 迷信

absorb [] v. take or suck in 吸入

toll [] n. the cost in health, life, etc. from

concentration [] n. bringing

illness, an accident, etc. 重大的代价;伤亡

or coming together at one point 集中


consume [] v. eat or drink; use or

transition [] n. changing from one

use up 吃光,喝光;消费

condition to another 变迁,转变

consumption [] n. the act of

unprecedented [] a. never

consuming 消耗;消费

done or known before 无前例的

contaminate [] vt. make dirty,

unrelenting [] a. not becoming

impure or diseased 弄脏,污染

less in intensity 不松懈的

convert [] v. change sth. from one

wilderness [] n. an area of land

form into another 使转化

with little life 荒野

crucial [] a. decisive; of deciding

bobcat [] n. (北美东部最常见的

importance 决定性的,紧要关头的


dilemma [] n. a problem situation for

bighorn sheep 大角羊

which there is no desirable solution 困境

boll weevil 棉铃象虫

discard [] v. get rid of as useless

buffalo [] n. 水牛;野牛


calcium [] n. 钙

disposable [] a. intended to be

coyote [] n. (产于北美西部草原

used once and then thrown away 一次性使



Department of the Interior 内务部

dispose [] v. get rid of 除掉

elk [] n. 麋

drastic [] a. strong, sudden and

grizzly bear 灰熊

often violent or severe 激烈的,猛烈的

passenger pigeon 旅鸽

dump [] v. throw or drop in a heap or


carelessly 倾倒

pelican [] n. 鹈鹕

eliminate [] vt. remove; get rid of

potato beetle 马铃薯甲虫


prairie dog 草原犬鼠(产于北美,鸣声似

exceptionally [] a. unusually



pronghorn antelope 叉角羚


exhaust [] v. use up 耗尽 eye 不顺眼的;难看的 foresight [] n. ability to see into the vicious [] a. dangerous; cruel 险恶的 future 预见力 wear out reduce to a useless state by use hover [] n. remain in the air at one 磨损,用坏 place 盘旋,翱翔 compressor [] n. 压缩机 impurity [] n. foreign material diaper [] n. 尿布 which make sth. unfit for use; the state of not toaster [] n. 烤面包器;烤面包电炉 being pure 杂质 toothpaste tube 牙膏管;牙膏皮 ingenious [] a. clever and skillful wrapper [] n. 包装物 in doing or inventing sth. 灵巧的 intensify [] v. make stronger or Text 6 KEEPING FOOD ON THE TABLE more serious 使强化;加剧

accomplish [] v. finish successfully

invaluable [] a. too valuable for


the worth to be measured 无价的

approximately [] ad. nearly

junkyard [] n. a place where old correctly but not exactly 大约地;近似地

useless things are discarded 垃圾场

combat [] v. fight or struggle against

leftover [] n. remaining 剩余;残


compensate [] v. provide with a

manufacture [] v. make or

balancing effect for 补偿;赔偿

produce by machinery, esp. in large

defect [] n. some loss or something

quantities 制造

lacking or imperfect 欠缺;缺点;不足之处

orient [] v. give direction or

deplete [] v. lessen greatly in quantity,

guidance to 定…的位;调整

contents, power or value 使空虚;使减少;

purify [] v. make pure 提纯;纯化 使枯竭

reusable [] a. that can be used

devastate [] v. destroy

again 可再利用的

completely 破坏

sludge [] n. thick mud; the product of

drainage [] n. the flow of excess

sewage treatment 淤泥,污泥

water 排水,放水

smokestack [] n. chimney used

erosion [] n. the action or result of

by factories to discharge smoke into the

wearing or robbing away 腐蚀;侵蚀

upper air 大烟囱

feat [] n. an action showing strength, skill

stack [] n. a pile of sth., like lumber

or courage 武艺,技艺;壮举


fertile [] a. (of land) which produces

stumble [] vi. trip and almost fall 绊

good crops; rich 肥沃的,富饶的


flourish [] v. grow healthily 繁荣;兴

thereby [] ad. by that means; in that

connection 由此,从而

graze [] v. (of animals) feed on grass

unsightly [] a. displeasing to the


喂草;放牧 year; take turns in regular order 轮作 herd [] n. group of animals of one kind substantial [] a. noticeable; which feed together 兽群;牧群 important 显著的;重大的 identical [] a. exactly alike 完全trait [] n. particular quality of something 相同的 特性,特点 innovation [] n. new ideas, tranquility [] n. being peaceful; methods or inventions 新观点;新方法;革freedom from anxiety 和平;宁静,安静,新、创新 安宁 intensive [] a. growing too much triple [] v. cause to grow to three times crops on a limited piece of land; giving too the amount or number 三倍于;使增至三倍 much in a limited space or time 精耕细作yield [] n. output; the amount that is 的,集约的;集中的 produced 产量,收获量 livestock [] n. animals kept on a embryo [] n. 胚胎 farm 家畜,牲畜 insemination [] n. 授精 misleading [] a. causing to think semen [] n. 精液 or act wrongly 误导的;引入歧途的 superovulation n. 多排卵 nutrient [] n. chemical or food surrogate mother 代孕母体 providing for life and growth 营养品,营养uterus [] n. 子宫 物 offspring [] n. the young of an TEXT7 how to be happy animal 幼仔,后代 prestigious [] a. 有名望的 overwhelming [] a. very dejection [] n. 沮丧,气馁 great 很大的;势不可挡的;压倒之势的 prophecy [] n. 预言 pasture [] n. a grass land used as booze [] v. drink alcoholic liquor, food for cattle 牧场 excessively or habitually豪饮 potential [] n. possibility for mull [] v. ponder or consider深思 developing or being developed 潜力;潜能 ruminate [] v. meditate, ponder沉precious [] a. that must not be wasted; 思 extremely valuable 宝贵的,珍贵的 buffer [] n. 缓冲器,减震器 prosperity [] n. the state of figurehead [] n. 有名无实的首脑 having good fortune and success 幸运;成功 perseverance [] n. 坚持不懈 radiate [] v. send out ( light or heat ) 发射(光线或热量) replenish [] v. put new supplies into; Text 8 Never be nervous again fill up again 补充;添加;(再)装满

adjust [] v. change slightly in order

restrict [] v. keep within limits 限

to make suitable for a particular condition



rotate [] v. plant different crops each


animate [] v. give lift to; enliven inventory [] n. a list or a survey 清使有生命;使活泼,激励 单;概览 animated [] a. active and lively lunge [] v. make a sudden forceful 活跃的;生气勃勃的 forward movement 冲刺;猛向前冲 anxiety [] n. uneasiness or fear nervous [] a. excited and anxious, caused by uncertainty about sth. 忧虑;担worried 紧张不安的;胆怯的 心;热望 polish [] v. make as perfect as approval [] n. (official) agreement possible 磨光;使精炼;使优美 批准;同意 positive [] a. active and certain 积armor [] n. strong protective metal 极的;肯定的;确定的 covering on fighting vehicles 盔甲;防护物 presentation [] n. the act in benevolent [] a. having the which sth. is offered, shown or explained 呈desire to do good 仁慈的;乐善好施的 现;展示;提出;描述 bounce [] v. jump or spring up and quiver [] v. slightly tremble down like a boll 跳跃;弹起 颤抖;抖动 conduct [] v. direct; guide 引导;resonance [] n. deep, full, clear 带领 and continuous sounding 回声;共鸣 contract [] v. become smaller in scan [] v. look at quickly 浏览;粗略地size 缩小 看 convey [] v. make (idea, feeling, etc.) screech [] v. make a very high, sharp known 传播;转达 sound 发出尖锐刺耳的叫声 deflect [] v. turn from a straight seduce [] v. cause or persuade sb. to course or fixed direction 转向;偏斜 do sth. by making it seem attractive 诱惑;exhalation [] n. breathing out 勾引 呼气 splay [] v. spread out, become large at focus [] v. fix a point on, concentrate one end 展开;向外张开 on 使聚集;集中 survey [] n. a general view 概观;调fright [] n. feeling or experience of fear 查 惊吓;恐怖 tack [] n. course of action 行动步骤;方grilling [] n. tough question 严厉盘针 问 vibes [] n. slight continuous shaky hostility [] n. the state of being movement 摇摆;激动 unfriendly, showing strong dislike 敌意;敌wrestle [] v. fight by holding and 视 throwing body; (with) try one’s best to do inhale [] v. breathe in 吸气;吸入 搏斗;全力以赴;深思 inspiration [] n. an urge to momentum [] n. 动量;势力;produce good and beautiful things 鼓励;鼓推进力 舞



with the mind fixed on sth. else 出神的;一心想着别的

acknowledge [] v. show that one product [] n. sth. produced in a recognizes someone else 对(人)打招呼 factory or on a farm 产品,产物 appreciation [] n. grateful feelings 感谢 appreciative [] a. thankful, grateful 感谢的,感激的 betray [] v. make sth. known 泄露 casually [] ad. with little attention or responsibility 漫不经心地 cliche [] n. an out-dated idea or expression 陈腐思想;陈词滥调 counter [] n. a table where people are served in a shop,bank, etc. 柜台 demanding [] a. requiring 要求高的 effective [] a. having noticeable effect 有效的 focus on direct one’s attention to 注视 go about begin to work at 着手 greet [] v. welcome sb. with words or actions 欢迎;问候 identify [] v. see clearly; prove sth. true 看清楚;鉴定 impression [] n. what is left in one’s mind after seeing sb. or sth. 印象 inattentiveness n. giving no attention 漫不经心

individual [] a. suitable for each person only 个人的,个体的 inflection [] n. change of voice in level 音变 intuitively [] ad. directly 直觉地,本能地 memorable [] a. worth remembering 值得纪念的;难忘的 preoccupied [] a. inattentive;

rapport [] n. friendly relationship 友好关系 receptionist [] n. a person who receives customers, visitors, patients, etc. 接待员 response [] n. answer 回答 retail [] v. sell goods to the general public 零售 strengthen [] v. make sth. strong or stronger 加强 subtle [] a. delicate, hardly noticeable 微妙的;难以觉察的 vehicle [] n. a machine that carries people or things from place to place 运输工具;车辆 veiled [] a. hidden; masked 隐藏的;遮掩的 verbally [] ad. in spoken words 口头地 virtually [] ad. almost, very nearly 几乎,简直 dental [] a. 牙齿的 mileage [] n. 英里数;里程 telemarketing [] n. 电讯直销 Text10 How to camp out trick [] n. skill窍门 rotate [] v. to move around旋转 punk [] n. dry wood干燥朽木 friction [] n. 摩擦 flint [] n. stone used to produce a flame打火机 permanent [] a. lasting永久的,


永恒的;永远的 pro [] n. sort for professional 职业人士 elaborate [] a. complex复杂的 makeover [] n. remodeling修饰 bough [] n. a large tree branch大树枝 enhance [] v. to improve the quality ridge pole栋木 or strength of something改善 shack [] n. a small house or shed简陋木internalize [] v. to accept or 屋,棚屋(作某种用途的)小室,间 absorb an idea, value so that it becomes part shanty [] n. a shack简陋小(木)屋[C] of one’s character使(习俗、准则等经吸收moss [] n. very small plant that grows on 同化而)内在化 tree trunks苔藓;地衣[C][U] counselor [] n. an advisor顾问,参compass [] n. 罗盘,指南针[C] 事[(+to)] abode [] n. a residence住所,住处 sensation [] n. ability to feel, summit [] n. the top顶点 feeling感觉,知觉[C][+that] rattled [] a. scared【俚】慌乱的 plummet [] v. weigh down笔直落下 outfit [] n. equipment全套装备;全套outlet [] n. a mean s of releasing出口;工具,全套用品[C] 出水口;排气口;出路[(+for)] a pack animal 驮载牲口 demerit [] n. fault缺点;过失;罪过 canteen [] n. a container for asset [] n. a useful thing or quality资carrying water (士兵等用的)水壶 产有价值的物品 broiler [] n.烤烙用具 ditch [] v. to get rid of 放弃 relish [] n. a good taste美味;风味 Text 12 Baseball in America Text 11 Body Image fabric [] n. structure构造,结构;组织strive [] v. to hard to do努力,苦干,[U] 奋斗[(+for/after)][+to-v] benign [] a. harmless; gentle无害的,showcase [] v. to show the best 温和的 qualities显示优点的东西;供亮相的地方pagan [] a. not belonging to any of (或媒介) the main religious of the world异教徒;非基glamorous [] a. attractive in a 督教徒 special way富有魅力的;迷人的 elite [] n. the leaders and professionals macho [] n. being forceful and in the highest levels of a society精华;精英;manly强壮男子;大男子气的人 优秀分子 cue [] n. signal暗示 vice [] n. moral fault or weakness in obsession [] n. something that one’s character罪行,不道德行为 occupies one’s mind all the time着迷;烦扰 unison [] n. (in)concord or minute [] a. concerned with small agreement和谐,一致 details微小的;不足道的 threshold [] n. the start of a new deluge [] v. to flood; overwhelmdevelopment出发点,开端,起点 淹没 amateur [] n. a person who does


activities such as sports for pleasure, and intact [] a. complete and in the

without pay (科学,艺术,运动等的)业余从original state完整无缺的;原封不动的;未受事者 损伤的 rounders [] n. a British game in spoil [] n. advantages, profits战利品 which you try to hit a ball and you score a mystique [] n. a mysterious, point if you run round all four sides of a attractive image神秘色彩 large square area圆场棒球 lure [] v. to attract引诱,吸引 spectator [] n. an observer of an thrill [] n. excitement, pleasure强烈的兴event (比赛等的)观众之一;旁观者;目击者 奋 infiltrate [] v. to join or enter for a pinnacle [] n. the highest point顶峰,purpose使(液体等)透过,渗入,使(思想、人极点[the S][(+of)] 员等)渗透 atrocity [] n. something disgusting, myth [] n. an unproved story神话, 虚构sickening庸俗不堪(或使人极不愉快)的事的人(或事物) 物 propagate [] v. to spread; make migrate [] v. to move from one public传播,宣传 place to another 迁移;移居 stunt [] n. something that is done to dwindle [] v. to lesson in number or attract attention惊人的表演,绝技;惊险动作, intensity使减少;使缩小 引人注目的花招 distraction [] n. entertainment娱legend [] n. a story from the distant 乐,消遣 past传说;传奇故事;传奇文学 appeal [] n. attractiveness有吸引力,迎


dynamics [] n. the motivating, COURSE! driving force动力

absorb [] v. take in or suck in 吸收

farce [] n. a ridiculous situation or

atmosphere [] n. the mixed gases


that surrounds any heavenly body 大气,大

croquet [] n. 板球=cricket


commemorative [] a.

celestial [] a. of or belonging to the

celebrating the memory receives regularly纪

sky or heaven 天的,天空的


collaborate [] v. work together

option [] n. a right to buy or sell

of with someone else 合作,协作

something at a stated price买卖的特权

colonize [] v. make a group of

taint [] v. to corrupt玷污,败坏

people from the same country or the same

steroid [] n. drug taken illegally in

religion live together in another place or

sports competition类固醇

country 移(民)于殖民地

impact [] v. to have an influence影

communicate [] v. share of


exchange opinions, news, information (意见slightly [] ad. a bit; not greatly 稍等的)交换,交流 微,一点儿 conceal [] v. hide; keep from being solar [] a. of, from, or concerning the seen or known 隐藏,隐瞒 sun 太阳的,来自太阳的,与太阳有关的 dim [] a. not bright 不明亮的 space [] n. where other heavenly emission [] n. the act of sending out bodies move 空间,太空 (esp. heat, light, smell, sound) 散发,发射 telescope [] n. a tubelike explore [] v. travel into or through (a scientific instrument used for seeing distant space for the purpose of discovery) 勘探,探objects by making them appear nearer and 险 larger 望远镜 homogeneity [] n. parts of vessel [] n. a ship or large boat 船 the same kind 同种;同质 comet [] n. 彗星 imagine [] v. form ( a picture or extraterrestrial [] a. 地球idea) in the mind 想象;设想 大气圈外的 inhabit [] v. live in 居住于;栖息于 galaxy [] n. 星系;(G-)银河(系) intelligence [] n. mental ability luminescence [] n. 发光 智力;才智 Mars [] n. 火星 loft [] v. make high into the air 把…向molecule [] n. 分子 高处发射 Neptune [] n. 海王星 observation [] n. action of orbit [] n. (天体)运行轨道 noticing or watching 注意;观察 planet [] n. 行星 opinion [] n. idea 意见;看法 rendezvous [] n.宇宙飞船汇合点 permit [] v. allow 允许;许可 Venus [] n. 金星 phenomenon [] n. a fact or event

in nature as it appears or is experienced by Text 14 WALKING IN SPACE the senses, esp. one that is unusual and/or of

astronaut [] n. a person who

scientific interest 现象

travels through space in a space vehicle 宇

precise [] a. exact in form, detail,


measurements, time, etc. 精确的,准确的

attain [] v. reach 到达

probe [] n. an apparatus sent into the

comparable [] a. capable of

sky to examine condition in outer space 探

being compared 可比较的


conquest [] n. gaining control

revolutionize [] . cause a

over 征服,赢得

complete change 彻底变革

cosmos [] n. the whole universe 宇

rig [] n. a piece of apparatus (for a special

purpose) 钻探设备(平台);装备;设备

crush [] v. press or be pressed, so that

satellite [] n. a heavenly body

there is breaking or injury 压碎,榨

moving around a larger one 卫星


demonstrate [] vt. show clearly revolution [] n. circular

by giving proofs or examples 表演,演示 movement round a fixed point 旋转,绕转 deprive [] v. take away from; revolve [] v. spin or go round in a prevent from using or enjoying 剥夺,使丧circle 旋转,绕转 失 simultaneously [] at the diffuse [] v. cause to spread out same time 同时地 freely in all directions 使扩散,使渗出 spaceship [] a vehicle able to travel directly [] ad. straightly 直率地 in space 宇宙飞船 disappointed [] a. sad at not subject (to) [] v. bring under getting what was hoped for 失望的 control; cause to undergo or experience; disk [] n. round, flat-like object 圆盘状expose 使隶属;使遭受;使暴露 物 swell up increase in fullness and roundness distance [] n. the amount of 膨胀 separation in space or time 时空上的距离 twinkle [] v. shine with a light that drift [] v. float or be driven along by gleams unsteadily 闪烁,闪耀 wind, waves or current 漂移,使漂流 wanderings [] n. movement from equip [] v. provide with what is place to place 漫游,闲逛 necessary 装备,配备 bellows [] n. 风箱 feat [] n. noteworthy achievement 功绩 gravitation [] n. 万有引力,地gravity [] n. force of attraction 心引力 between any two objects, esp. that force satellite [] n. 卫星 which attracts objects towards the centre of shutter [] n. (照相机)快门 the earth 引力,重力 velvet [] n. 天鹅绒 inkling [] n. hint 暗示、细微的迹象

permit [] v. allow 允许

phenomenon [] n. fact or event Text 15 Quake research on solid ground

] n. earthquake地震 that appears to or is perceived by the senses quake [

geophysicist [] n. a person 现象

previous [] a. happening, coming who studied geophysics地球物理学家 or being earlier in time or order 先前的,过disconcerting a. disturbing, causing to feel

nervousness仓皇失措;心神不安的 早的

] v. to give certainty to a realm [] n. complete domain 领域,范围 confirm [

belief or opinion证实;确定[+(that)][+wh-] relief [] n. elevation of land surfaces

distortion [] n. change from its 地势的起伏

resemble [] v. look or be like 像,类usual, original condition or shape歪曲

sparse [] a. small in number or amount似

resistance [] n. force opposed to 稀疏的;稀少的

fledgling [] a. new and lacking anything moving 抵抗力,阻力


experience未经世故的(年轻)人 detect [] v. to uncover, find发现,揭露 crust [] n. a hard covering外壳;冰面;雪壳 fault [] n. a large crack in the surface of the earth【地】断层[C] strain [] n. a force that pulls or puts pressure on something 应变 temblor [] n. earthquake地震 solidity [] v. to become or make something become hard or strong巩固 release [] v. to let out , set free释放,放出

accumulate [] v. to increase in number or amount累积,增加 rupture [] v. break up破裂 deform [] v. to force something out of its normal shape or appearance使变形 interferometric a. [物]干涉测量(法),用干涉仪测量的

lidar n. =light detection and ranging 激光雷达 revitalize [] v. to give new life or energy使恢复生气;使复活;使复兴 refine [] v. to improve or make it better使变得精确 hazard [] n. a danger危险;危害物;危险之源 preceding [] a. happening before先于; 在……之前

volcanic eruption火山爆发 approximation [] n. estimating, guess估计 variable [] n. a number, amount or situation which can change可变物,变数 analogy [] n. a situation similar to another that helps one to understand 比喻

simulation [] n. an imitation of a real situation模拟 meteorologist [] n. a person who studied the earth’s atmosphere and weather conditions气象学者 insight [] n. understanding, power of seeing into something with the mind洞察力,洞悉 cluster [] v. to gather群集 geometry [] n. 几何学 magnitude [] n. the degree of force of an earthquake震级

UNIT 16 Animaleducation

behavior [] n. way of acting 行为 bound [] v. leap 跳跃 cage [] n. a place where birds or animals are kept 笼子 camera [] n. an instrument to take pictures 照相机 companion [] n. a person or animal that spends time with another 同伴,伙伴

compatible [] a. suitable 适合的 cover [] vt. travel a certain distance 行过(路程) criminal [] n. a man who has broken the law 罪犯,犯人 deliver [] v. hand over 传递 disturbance [] n. things that distract one’s mind 打扰,干扰 entertaining [] a. amusing 有趣的 escape [] v. avoid 逃脱,避免 factor [] n. a particular side 方面 fasten [] v. fix firmly 扎牢,系牢


hind [] a. of a back part 后面的,在后ability [] n. power and skill, esp. to 的 do, think, act, make etc. 能力,才能 instinct [] n. tendency without accurate [] a. free of mistakes; training 天性 exactly correct 准确的;精确的 intelligence [] n. ability to learn biology [] n. the scientific study and understand 智力 of living thing 生物学 jungle [] n. a tropical forest too thick blur [] v. make difficult to see (through to walk through easily 丛林 or with) clearly 把…弄得模糊不清 odor [] n. smell 气味 brass [] n. a very hard bright yellow particularly [] ad. especially 尤metal, a mixture of copper and zinc 黄铜 其 built-in [] a. internally fixed 内在的,perform [] v. do 从事,做 固定的 photograph [] v. take pictures compass [] n. an instrument for (为……)拍照 showing direction, usu. consisting of a physical [] a. of a concerning the free-moving magnetic needle which always body 身体的 moves to point to the north 指南针 popular [] a. well liked 受欢迎的 complex [] a. difficult to property [] n. things that are owned understand or explain 难以理解的;复杂的 财产 extra [] a. beyond what is usual or retrieve [] v. bring back 取回,带回 necessary 额外的 spring [] vi. jump suddenly from the measure [] v. find the size, length, ground 跳跃 amount, etc. 量;测量;估量 temperamental [] a. of nature messenger [] n. a person who 性情的 brings one or more pieces of information 送track (down) v. find after search 追踪,追捕 信者;使者 traffic [] n. the movement of people mystery [] n. sth. which can not be or cars, trucks, etc 交通 explained or understood 神秘的事物;难以trail [] n. path across rough country 小解释的事物 道,路径 navigate [] v. direct the course of unexpected [] a. never thought ( a ship, plane, etc.) 导航 to happen 想不到的 overcast [] a. dark with clouds utilize [] v. make use of 利用 多云的;阴暗的 circus [] n. 马戏团 race [] v. compete in speed 比速度;参


text17 HOW DO HOMING PIGEONS shift [] v. change in position or direction; FIND HOME? move from one place to another 转变;转移

biological clock 生物钟


gelatin [magnetic [

a higher to a lower place; move downwards下来,下降[(+from)] howl [] v. (of doss, wolves, etc.)give a

long, loud, dismal cry(犬,狼等)长嗥;降下 Text18 An African pet shriek [] n. a loud , sharp , shrill cry or pallid [] a. (of the skin)white; pale; sound 尖锐的叫声 lacking color无血色的,苍白的;暗淡的 stamp [] n. putting one’s foot heavily incomprehensible [] a. on something 踩;踩扁;踩平 that cannot be understand不能理解的,难懂mislay [] v. put in a place and then 的;不可思议的[(+to)] forget where the place is 遗失 docile [] a. easily managed; easily relinquish [] v. let go; release放手;taught听话的,容易教的;可教的 放松 cracker [] n. thin and dry biscuit (淡contradiction [] n. absence of 或咸的)薄脆饼干;【美】饼干 agreement; inconsistency不一致,相矛盾 plantain [] n. a fruit which closely disposition [] n. one’s natural resembles the banana芭蕉 way of feeling and acting towards others; affection [] n. friendly feeling; loveone’s nature of temperament性情;脾气 深情,爱 downcast a. discouraged; sad丧气的;悲哀的 fondle [] v. touch or stroke in a loving way爱抚;抚弄 Text19 Bill Clinton’s first inaugural stroke [] v. rub gently with the hand address (用手)抚,摸,捋 renewal [] n. giving new life and conviction [] n. a firm belief坚信,freshness to 复活;复兴;重建 确信,深信 endure [] v. to bear(pain, suffering, temptation [] n. the act of etc.) 忍耐,忍受 tempting; the state of being tempted引诱,诱preserve [] v. to keep alive保护;维惑[U][(+to-v)] 护;维持 slyly [] adv. Secretly; cunningly秘密predecessor [] n. a person who 地;狡猾地 held an official position before someone elsepluck [] v. pick; pull off采,摘,拔前任;前辈 [(+from/out/off)] steadfastness [] n. 坚定,稳当 predatory [] a. robbing掠夺(性unrivaled [] a. 至高无上的 的); stagnant [] a. not flowing or consternation [] n. great moving不流动的,停滞的 surprise and fear; dismay惊愕,惊骇[U] instantaneously [] adv. fare [] v. be supplied with or enjoy food Happening at once瞬间地 and drink吃,喝 devastate [] v. to destroy descend [] v. come or go down from completely毁坏


] n. 动物胶

] a. 有磁性的

erode [] v. 腐蚀,腐化 command or instruction命令,要求 fracture [] v. 断裂 sovereignty [] n. controlling of a muster [] v. to call together召集(士country主权, 主权国家 兵等);使集合 reaffirm [] v. make formal embrace [] v. to clasp or hold close declaration once again再肯定;重申 with the arms拥抱 deplore [] v. to be very sorry aboutera [] n. a special period of time时代;纪对...深感遗憾;哀叹,悲悼,痛惜 元 viable [] a. able to succeed in posterity [] n. future generation后operation可实行的 裔,子孙 coherent [] a. naturally or intrigue [] n. a secret scheme, a plotreasonably connected一致的,连贯的 阴谋,诡计 solidarity [] n. agreement of calculation [] n. act of interests, aims, or standards among a groupworking with numbers计算,推测 团结 maneuver [] v. to use strategies in consensus [] n. a general gaining an end花招,操纵 agreement一致同意 toil [] n. exhausting labor or effort辛苦,terrorism [] n. the illegal use of 劳累[U] violence to obtain political demands恐怖主engulf [] v. to swallow up or 义;恐怖行动 overwhelm吞没;卷入 proliferation [] n. increasing defy [] v. to oppose or resist, to refuse rapidly in numbers增殖,分芽繁殖 to submit to 不屈服,蔑视 persistence [] n. the act of chorus [] n. group singing合唱 insisting坚持,持续 rededicate v. disparity [] n. difference or summon [] v. to call together召唤, inequality不同;不等 召集 infectious [] a. (of a disease)which myriad [] a. a vast number无数的,大can be spread by infection, esp. in the air传量的多样性 染的,易传播的 diversity [] n. difference, variety, degradation []n. becoming multiformity差异, 多样性 less complex in structure降级,降格,退化 scripture [] n. a sacred writing or eradication [] n. ending or book经文,圣典[the P] destroying completely根除;消灭 weary [] a. tired ,tiresome疲倦的, 厌brutal [] a. cruel残忍的,冷酷的;野蛮倦的 的;粗暴的 containment [] n. policy of Text 20 Kofi Annan’s speech at the preventing expansion of hostile nation 围United Nations general assembly 墙政策,牵制政策 mandate [] n. an authoritative deterrence [] n. 阻止, 妨碍物


legitimacy [] n. 合法(性);正统透明的,不透光的 (性) tilt [] v. to cause to slope, incline使倾斜;tenable [] a. reasonable, logical (学说使翘起 等)站得住脚的,经得起批判的 multiple sclerosis多发性硬化症 clandestine [] a. secret, leukemia [] n. 白血病 purposely hidden秘密的,故意秘密的 diagnose [] v. find out the cause preemptively adv. Having possession in or nature of(a disease)by an examination of advance its symptoms诊断 unilaterally [] a. on or by one execute [] v. put to death side only单方面地,片面地 according to the law将...处死 ad hoc a. Latin made, arranged, ect. , for a reprieve [] v. delay the execution of particular purpose 特地安排 sentence(upon a criminal, esp. a person coalition [] n. a union of political condemned to death ) 缓刑;暂缓;暂免 parties for a special purpose, usu. For a theoretical [] a. of or based on limited period of time合并, 联合 theory理论的;非应用的 precedent [] n. an action that may reputation [] n. one’s character serve as an example for later action先例,前in the opinion of others名誉,名声[(+for)] 例 pneumonia [] n. 肺炎 denounce [] v. speak against; tracheotomy [] n. 气管切开术 declare to be bad指责,谴责 slur [] v. speak not clearly含糊地发(音) prudently [] adv. carefully谨慎plight [] n. a condition or state, usu. bad, 地;慎重地 sad, or dangerous境况;困境,苦境 perish [] v. to die, est. in a terrible or synthesizer []n.电子合成器 sudden way; to be completely destroyed死deficient [] a. lacking, not enough; 亡,毁灭 incomplete不足的,缺乏的[(+in)] eminent [] a. high in rank or fame Dalek []n. (英国国家广播公司科幻(地位、学识等方面)出众的,卓越的;著名的 连续剧\中的机器人)戴立克 scourge [] n. the source of great trouble or misfortune苦难的根源,灾害 Text 22 BARGAINS advantageous [] a. Text 21 Me, Stephen William hawking profitable, helpful 有利的,有帮助的 ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)肌萎缩性breathtaking [] a. very unusual 脊髓侧索硬化症 and astonishing 惊奇的,令人吃惊的 motor neuron disease运动神经细胞病 bulk [] n. great quantity 大批,大量 despair [] n. loss of hope, hopelessdecent [] a. right and suitable 适当的 绝望,失望 equivalent [] n. sth. that is equal electrode [] n. 电极 to sth. else in value amount, etc. 等值物,相opaque [] a. impenetrable by light不等物


extort [] v. obtain by force or threats tremendous [] a. very great, 敲诈,勒索 enormous 极大的,巨大的 extravagant [] a. uncontrolled trifle [] n. a thing of little value or 放肆的,越轨的 importance 小事,琐事 fade [] v. decrease 消失,衰弱 utterly [] ad. completely 完全地,彻底greedy [] a. filled with strong desire 地 for sth. 贪婪的 vaguely [] ad. not clearly felt or impertinence [] n. rudeness or understood 含糊的,模糊的,不明确的 being not respectful 不礼貌,傲慢,鲁莽 loo [] n. water-closet 洗手间,厕所 Text 23 The consumer market [] v. send to market for sale sputter [] v. stop working停息;停掉 (在市场上)销售 confront [] v. face boldly or novelty [] n. newness, strangeness threateningly迎面遇到;面临 新颖,新奇 involve [] v. include, to contain as a orthodox [] a. generally accepted part牵涉; 包含 or approved 正统的,传统的,习俗的 manufacturer [] n. a person outrage [] v. offend greatly 伤害,or firm that produces goods制造业者,厂商,凌辱 厂主;制造公司 pengo n. 辩戈(匈牙利从前的货币单位,tug-of-war拔河 1941年为福林所代替) unmarketable [] a. unable to be pensioner [] n. a person who is sold in the market滞销的;不能上市出售的 receiving money paid by a government periodically [] adv. at regular because of old age or illness 领取抚恤金intervals周期性地;定期地 (或养老金等)者 tight [] a. difficult to get【商】商品难得plead [] v. admit; declare in official 到的;银根紧的 language that one is ( in a state of) 承认,申output [] n. production生产; 产量 明 scarce [] a. hard to find缺乏的;不足resist [] v. force oneself not to accept 的; 稀有的,珍贵的 抵制,抗拒 guidepost [] n. signpost路标;路roller-skate [] v. skate with 牌

small wheels for use on a smooth surface 穿appliance [] n. an apparatus, 四轮滑冰鞋滑冰 instrument, or tool for a particular purpose, sane [] a. healthy in mind 心智健全的,esp. a machine run by electricity and used in 神志正常的 the house器具,用具 sticky [] a. tending to stick to what is mortgage [] n. an agreement to touched 粘性的,胶粘的 have money lent, esp. to buy a house抵押 tastily [] ad. pleasingly to the taste charge [] n. the price asked or paid 美味的,可口地 for an article or service索价;收费[(+for)]


forgo [] v. to give up放弃,抛弃 activities to gain a special object 运动 schedule [] n. timetable时间表 concentrate [] v. bring or come accumulate [] v. to gather or together 集中 collect累积,聚积 considerably [] ad. much; a reap [] v. obtain or gain (a reward of great deal 很多地 action or work) 获得,得到 constant [] a. happening all the real estate property in land and houses不time; continuous or without break 不断的,动产 经久的 slacken [] v. reduce in activity减drought [] n. a long period of dry 慢;(商业)呆滞 weather, when there is not enough water 干breadwinner [] n. the person who 旱 supports the family负担生计的人 enrich [] v. make finer in quality 使丰repossess [] v. have the ownership 富,装饰,增美 again重新拥有 epidemic [] n. disease spreading premium [] n. a sum of money paid rapidly among many people in the same to an insurance company保险费 place for a time 流行病 disposable [] a. that can be usedfamine [] n. serious lack of food 饥荒 可以使用的,可以利用的 feasible [] a. workable; possible; able utility [] n. any useful service for to be carried out or done 行得通的,可实行the public公用事业 的 regulation [] n. control控制 figure [] n. symbol for a number 数字 plague [] v. cause continual discomfort furthermore [] ad. moreover; in to trouble to使苦恼;烦忧;折磨[(+with)] addition 而且,此外 inflation [] n. the rising cost of hygiene [] n. science of healthy living通货膨胀 living and cleanliness 卫生学 decline [] n. loss of strength下降,衰hygienic [] a. of hygiene; likely 退 to promote health; free from disease germs 卫生学的,促进健康的 UNIT 24 MORE PEOPLE AND MORE migrate [] v. move from one place PRODUCTS to another; change one’s place of living 迁advantage [] n. definite benefit; 移,移居 sth. that may help one to be successful or to migration [] n. the act of gain a desired result 优点,优势,好处 migrating 迁移,移居 approximately [] ad. nearly; mountainous [] a. full of or almost 近似;大约 containing mountains 多山的 assemble [] v. fit or put together (sth. occupy [] v. line in; take such as a machine) 装配 possession of 占领,占据 campaign [] n. series of planned populace [] n. common people 平


