
更新时间:2023-11-13 10:16:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




select * from tb_users where uname like '梁%'


select * from tb_inoutinfo where rmenu like '%去%'


select * from tb_inoutinfo where month(rdate) between 2 and 3


select * from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney between 1000 and 5000


select * from tb_inoutinfo where xid in(1,2)



select sum(rmoney) as 总收入 from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney>0


select sum(rmoney) as 总支出 from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney<0

select * from (select sum(rmoney) as 总收入 from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney>0 )a join (select sum(rmoney) as 总支出 from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney<0)b on 1=1


select * from tb_inoutinfo where uid=1 and xid=1


select max(rmoney) from tb_inoutinfo



select uid,sum(rmoney) from tb_inoutinfo group by uid


select uid,sum(rmoney) from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney<0 group by uid

--16、求每个人的收入金额,但只显示超过10000元,即条件为rmoney大于0, 根据uid分组求和,并有having筛选大于10000的

select uid as 成员编号,sum(rmoney) as 金额 from tb_inoutinfo where rmoney>0 group by uid having sum(rmoney)>10000


select xid,sum(rmoney) from tb_inoutinfo group by xid



select rid,xname,xtype,rmoney from tb_inoutinfo a left join tb_inoutfield b on a.xid=b.xid


select a.uid,uname,upart,rmoney,rdate from tb_users a join tb_inoutinfo b on a.uid=b.uid


select uname,xname,xtype,rmoney,rdate from tb_users a join tb_inoutinfo b on a.uid=b.uid join tb_inoutfield c on b.xid=c.xid

