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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(一) IV. Translation from Chinese to English 46. The country takes full advantage of genius, and the economy takes on new looks. 47. It's difficult for a 16-year-old boy to shoulder the burden of a family. 48. They have been doing very well, but they should guard from over-confidence. 49. In view of her bad mood, the company let me take her place. 50. He moved the light back and forth to find the pen on the grass. VI. Practical Writing Introduction I am Li Hong, a student from the English Department of this university. Here, I have great pleasure in extending a warm welcome to our distinguished guests from Britain. Our university is the biggest university in the district, with 12 colleges, a library and two campuses. There are altogether 50 professors and more than 200 teachers in our university, one third of whom have the experience of studying abroad. There are 12,000 students in our university, among whom there are 3,000 professional college students. We study 3 years here, two semesters for each year. During our studies, we spend two thirds of the time studying in the classroom and one third practicing on our training site. Our school life is rich and colorful. We often have ball games between classes. Sometimes we hold English contests. That's all for my introduction. I hope you, all the experts from Britain, have a good time at our university.

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(二) IV. Translation from Chinese to English 46. He said he would pay, but in fact he had no money. 47. I hope I can adjust to the condition quickly. 48. People haven't given importance to the environmental pollution until recent years. 49. These old houses are being torn down to make way for a new road. 50. Because of manager's illness, I have to attend the meeting instead of him. VI. Practical Writing July 8, 2000 Dear Wang Jun, I write the letter to ask for your help. My close friend called Zhang Lan will leave Xiamen for Nanjing on the 15th of this month. If you are convenient, please meet her at the airport. While staying in Nanjing, Zhang may need some help. I sincerely hope you give her a hand. Thanks for your kindness. Yours truly, Zhu Ling

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(三) IV. Translation from Chinese to English 46. Her sisters and friends help her check off the things she needs according to the custom. 47. I was chosen, along with three other students, to take part in the speech contest. 48. Do you mind my smoking in the room? 49. People always share happiness with their best friends. 50. His voice is so loud that people can hear it from a distance. VI. Practical Writing Dow Chemical Company is the fifth biggest chemical company of the world. Dow has revenues of $20 billion for the fiscal year and employs more than 43,000 people in the world. The company produces chemical products, plastics and products for agriculture. At the same time, the company provides service for customers from 164 countries. With the development of Dow, the company is seeking for a secretary with the responsibilities of preparing monthly reports and related documents. As a secretary, some routine secretary work would be expected to manage, too. Qualifications: The candidate should get Bachelor's degree of English or Secretary major with at least two years' experience of secretary. Good English speaking, writing and computer operating skills are preferred.

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(四) IV. Translation 46. First of all, I want to say I am very glad to be here. 47. I had faith in him, but he betrayed me. 48. His strange behavior got the attention from his parents. 49. It is one feature of modern life that people communicate with each other through the Internet. 50. The researchers have discovered that the two cultures have a lot in common. 51. 金融在很多方面也和其他行业一样,遵循供求规律。 52. 任何不认真做作业的同学都不可能通过考试. 53. 希腊人认为个人应该为他自己的行为负责。 54. 我知道我这份工作工资并不高,但从另一方面说,我不用工作很长时间。 55. 在爱因斯坦的一生中,他很满足于大部分时间独处。 VI. Practical Writing Email Message To: marketing@expdia.com From: John Smith (js456@vip.163.com) Date: Dec. 10th Subject: Cancellation of Hotel Booking Dear sir or madam, I am writing to inform you that because of the change of travel route, I want to cancel the reservation of the two single rooms from Dec.12th to 15th in your hotel, which is in the name of John Smith. I feel very sorry about it and want to know if I have to pay the cancellation penalty. Please confirm it. Yours faithfully, John Smith

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(五) IV. Translation 51. I think, to a large extent, it's true. 52. These experiences taught her an important lesson about learning English well. 53. She took my advice and moved to a less expensive house near the school. 54. It is generally believed that the bus driver should be responsible for the safety of the passengers. 55. As far as climate is concerned, he prefers Beijing to Shanghai. 56. 从第一天开始我们就很喜欢大学生活。 57. 学习语言你必须要大胆――你不能只坐在自己的房间里学习语法,你要去和人交谈,去倾听他们的对话。 58. 听说他要放弃这份工作,我们都很吃惊。 59. 他在学业上有些困难,但在老师的帮助下,他已跟上全班了。 60. 关键是,无论何时为他人付出,你都会为自己感到自豪,会觉得世界更美好。 VI. Practical Writing To: Mr. White Time: 10 a.m., June 25, 2001 Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Co. is going to Beijing on business tomorrow. His appointment with you on the morning of the 27th has to be cancelled. Mr. Johnson will contact you for another appointment when he is back. From: Helen

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(六) IV. Translation 51. For the sake of saving a few dollars, Tom walks to work. 52. You can turn those mistakes into a big step towards your success. 53. My computer gives me a message on the screen, reminding me that there is a meeting at 3:00 this afternoon. 54. As long as it doesn't rain, we will go climbing tomorrow. 55. Whenever her father and her mother have a quarrel, this little girl stands by her mother's side. 56. 在琼斯看来,不阅读协议就签字是一个错误。 57. 对于母语来说,即使我们没仔细听,我们也能听懂谈话的内容,但听外语就不是这样了。 58. 农场的那个小姑娘正在消失,取而代之的是一个大城市的女性。 59. 不幸的是,在某些国家,工厂的废物仍直接倾入江河。 60. 为了更加有效地评估候选人的资格,我们需要更详细地了解他的过去。 VI. Practical Writing MEMORANDUM To: Mrs. & Mr. Smith__________________________ From: Mrs. & Mr. Brown__________________________ Date: September 19, 2005____________________________ Subject:_ Invitation______________________________ We would like to invite you to dinner at our home at 4:00 p.m. on September 19. After the dinner we'll go to the concert. We hope you will be sure to come.

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(七) IV. Translation 51. Work hard at the courses in your college, and don't let your parents down. 52. This is considered a good economic sign for any couples getting married on this day. 53. The firefighters held the man back from rushing into the burning house. 54. The prisoner escaped from the prison and is still on the loose. 55. Many students don't like relying on their parents for money. 56. 她已经选定了自己的事业(职业),要成为一名英语教师。 57. 实际上,早在测量时间的方法问世之前,人们就庆贺新年了。 58. 在汉语中 \的发音听起来接近\死\字的发音。 59. 有电话和网线我们就可以上网了。 60. 这个国家的免费治疗包括精神病和一般的疾病。 VI. Practical Writing Company: Chenguang Electronic Company Position: Manager of Production Department Address: 284 Youth Street, Shenyang, Liaoning Mail Codes: 110011 Tel: 22854456 Requirements: Chenguang Electronic Company, which is planning to widen its business scope in Beijing, has openings for manager of Production Department aged between 28 to 35. The candidates are required to have 3 to 5 years' advanced management experience. Please deliver the application to the Personnel Department of Chenguang Electronic Company before August 31 with a photo enclosed.

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(八) IV. Translation 51. Each of us hands in the homework except him. 52. There is no way for such a lazy man to get up early. 53. If you put your promise into practice, I am glad to help you. 54. He was opposed to this proposal from the very start. 55. Although she hasn't danced for a long time, she stays in good shape. 56. 他们总是在跟商店的职员、经理们玩\猫抓老鼠\的游戏。 57. 在这两种可能性中,前者似乎更可能。 58. 想想有多少手机广告将使用手机与结交朋友或拥有更好的社交生活联系在一起吧。 59. 科技不断创造着各种方式来说服我们更少地工作而更多地享受生活,休闲和休闲行业也将会在我们所有人的生活中扮演更为重要的角色。 60. 但是职业设计应该能够帮助你看清和更好地处理新的问题, 比如决定是否参加教育课程或培训课程。 VI. Practical Writing Resume Name: Wang, Huan Address: 61 Fuxing Road, Beijing Date of birth: May 10, 1980 Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Job objective: Seek a job as a computer programmer Education: Graduate from the Computer Department of Huaguang Technical College in 2001 with excellent scores. Foreign language: Studied English during the 3 years at college. Excellent at reading. Communicate in English fluently. Hobbies: Swimming and going online.

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(九) IV. Translation 66. The teacher encouraged his students to keep on when doing things. 67. He doesn't work hard and is as poor as the church mouse. 68. His letter speaks of his visit to Africa next week. 69. The company has had a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales. 70. In the eyes of the students, he is a respectable teacher. VI. Practical Writing PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Li Lin Date of Birth: Nov, 20, 1982 Nationality: Chinese Age: 22 Place of Birth: Shanghai Address: Apt. 1102, 1090 Laoshan Road (West), Pudong District, Shanghai Zip Code: 200122 Tel (home): 86-21-58697078 E-mail: linli@163.com EDUCATION Date College From Sep, 2001 To present Shanghai College of Electricity and Machine Technology Tel (work): 86-21-58733018 Tel (mobile): 13912239398 Major Financial Management

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惠众教育——您身边的升本专家 惠众教育网:www.huizhong.org 惠众学校内部资料

公共英语模拟试卷(十) IV. Translation 61. He was nervous and alert to every sound and movement. 62. There is yet a lot of work to do in order to achieve still newer and greater results in science. 63. Don't change your mind whatever happens. 64. Last but not least, we should be self-confident all the time. 65. It is not polite to jump in suddenly when other people are talking. 66. It is common superstition that black cats are unlucky. 67. The price they charged was reasonable, and what's more, the service was good. 68. An earthquake happened suddenly and people in the house were in danger of losing their lives. 69. I was more than a little angry when I saw how they'd ruined it. 70. Fashionable colors come and go every year, but black has always been popular. VI. Practical Writing Job Opportunity from China Daily Position: reporter Duty: news reporting Requirements: At least a BA degree, English or news major is preferred. Newspaper reporting experience is preferred. Send a resume to Mr. Song Dong, HR representatives, China Daily, No. 15 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China; or via email to songdong@chinadaily.com.cn No phones or visits, please.

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