Exercises& Answers

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Exercises & Answers

Exercises of Unit Three – Unit Four 1. Suppose you are asked to write a reply with 120 to 150 words to letter of Sep. 22, 2012 from ABC Bank) located in 34 Main Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022, U.S.A.) and agree to accept their proposal of setting up agency relationship between them and your bank (Bank of China, Hunan Branch, 168 Furong Road, Changsha, 410000, P. R. China) with the following particulars: (1) 他们的建议正合你意;

(2) 由于双方的业务量日渐增长,为了便利双方之间的业务处理,很有必要


(3) 你行将岁寒附上有关控制文件以及草拟协议以供他们参考; (4) 客套结尾。

2. Imagine you work in Bank of China, Beijing (located in Fuchengmen Neidajie Beijing 100818), a direct correspondent relationship was set up in 2008 between your bank and Barclays Bank PLC (12 Barclay House, Fawcett Street, Birmingham, BH15 2BB, United Kingdom). Now you are asked by your General Manager to write a letter to them asking for amendment of agency arrangement with the following points:

(1) 自从建立直接代理关系以来,双方之间的业务量日渐增长,这令人高兴。 (2) 鉴于两国之间的贸易量在稳步增长,我行认为此时提出修改我们之间的


(3) 我们相信你方上述分行的加入将进一步促进我们之间已有的互惠互利业


(4) 已收到你方同意函,我们就讲有关控制文件,包括定数,次数表寄送你


(5) 对对方的友好合作表示感谢并期盼回复.

Exercises of Unit Three – Unit Four

Answer for Q1:

Bank of China, Hunan Branch 168 Furong Road, Changsha 410000 P. R. China

Sep. 22, 2012

The ABC Bank 34 Main Aenue New York, N. Y. 10022 U. S. A. Dear Sirs

Sub: Agency Relationship

We are pleased to receive your letter of Sep. 22, 2012 in which you propose to establish direct agency relationship with us, which is in agreement with our desire.

In order to cope with the increase business volume between us, it is necessary for us to conclude such kind of agreement with your bank.

Enclosed you will find our control documents and a draft agreement for your consideration.

We trust the conclusion of the agreement will lead to a consistent development of business between our two banks.

Faithfully yours

Encl as stated


Answer for Q2:

Bank of China, Beijing 410 Fuchengmen Neidajie Beijing 100818 P. R. China

Oct. 9, 2012

Barclays Bank PLC

12 Barclay House, Fawcett Street Birmingham, BH15 2BB United Kingdom Dear Sirs

Sub: Amendment of Agency Relationship

It is our pleasure to see that the business transaction between your fine bank and us has been increasing steadily since the establishment of a direct correspondent

relationship in 2008.

In view of the fact that a big increase has been seen in the volume of transactions between China and your country, we consider this to be a good time to propose and amendment to the existing agency relationship to enable us to do business directly with your following branches: ··· ···

We trust the inclusion of your above branches will further develop our mutually beneficial relationship existing between our two banks.

We shall forward out control documents including the fixed number to your branches upon receipt of your letter of consent.

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in this matter and we llok forward to hearing from you at an early date.

Yours sincerely

Exercises of Unit Five 1. You are asked to write on your bank’s (Bank of China, Hunan Branch, located in 220 Wuyi East Road, Changsha, 410000) behalf a reply to a letter of Oct 4th written by Midland Bank, London (53 Golden House, Midland Road, London, BB1 5HM, United Kingdom) inquiring for one of your clients (China National Animals BY-Products Import & Export Corporation,···Branch) on credit status and financial standing etc. with the following particulars:

(1) 我们很高兴向您推荐(China National Animals ··· Corporation),该公司经营各类皮革(leather products)进出口业务,信誉可靠,实力雄厚,注册资本达两千万人民币。该公司系我行推荐客户。请告知您的客户直接与他们沟通,表明我们的推荐。

(2) 为了便于你行了解情况,我们随函附上一份有关该公司的资信报告,仅供你行内部参考。

2. Suppose you work in Bank of China, Beijing (101, Fuchengmen Neidajie Beijing 100818). Now you are entrusted by one of your client to write a letter to Easter Bank Ltd. (605 Hard Building, Eastern Road, London, AB4 5WZ) asking then to recommenced one of their clients your client wishes to establish business relations with according to the followings:

(1) 我行客户中国纺织品进出口公司,···分公司,专营各类纺织品,现象与你方有兴趣进口纺织品,特别是毛织品的客户建立直接的商业关系。 (2) 希望贵行提供有关上述商品在贵地市场的年需求量、进出口、外汇管理以及毛织品进入你地的必要手续等信息。

(3) 你行如能提供对此感兴趣的你方客户的姓名地址,以及上述各项信息,我行将不胜感激。

(4) 随函寄去的有关上述公司情况报告一份,供参阅。

