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四、提高教学质量的措施 1、创造良好的学习气氛;


3、合理确定教学要求。 不要求学生自由地说出课文所有内容,甚至不要求能自由地朗读课文。


5、多表扬多鼓励 。

6、利用录音带、多媒体教学课件、挂图等。 五、教学进度

第一周: Module 1 Greetings 第二周: Module 2 Introductions 第三周: Module 3 Classroom 第四周: Module 4 Colours 第五周: Module 5 Numbers 1-12 第六周: Module 6 School 第七周: Middle Review 第八周: Module 7 Birthday 第九周: Module 8 Friends 第十周: Module 9 Family 第十一周:Module 10 Body


第十二周: Story Time 第十三周: Review Module 第十四周:Review Module 第十五周:Review Module 第十六周: Review Module 12月以前完成全册教学任务。


Module 1 Greetings

I. Function: Greeting and saying farewell; introducing oneself

II.Target language: Hello!/Hi,I'm...Goodbye/Bye-bye. Good morning. How are you ?I'm fine , thank you. III. New vocabulary: I,am(I'm=I am),hello,hi,goodbye, bye-bye,how, are,you,good,morning, fine, thank. IV. Song: Hello,Hello.

第一课时 1

1. Warm-up. (1) Greetings.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Qiu. T: What’s your favorite sport?

Sing the ABC song and do the actions.

2. Show the topic: ABC song is your favorite song. And what’s your favorite toy? Look, Miss Qiu has a Toy Shop. Do you like the toys? Everyone can select presents for your best friend. What’s their favorite toy? Now let’s have a look. What kinds of toys are there in the shop?

3. Presentation. (Learn the new vocabulary.) a) T: Oh, how many toys! What do you like? S1: I like Barbie dolls. T: She likes Barbie dolls. Learn the new word: Barbie doll.


b) T: And what do you like? Ss: I like toy cars. T: Helen likes toy cars.

第二课时 2

Learn the new word: toy. (toy dog/ toy bus/ toy cat) c) T: And what’s this? Ss: It’s a toy ship. Learn the new word: ship.

d) T: (Show a game) What’s this? Who can try? S1: (Try to play the game)

T: It’s the computer game. Do you like it? S1: Yes. I like computer game. Ss: He likes computer games.

Read the sentence: He likes computer games. e) T: Look, here comes a toy. What’s this? S1: It’s a teddy bear. Do you like it? S1: Yes. I like teddy bears. Ss: He/She likes teddy bears. T: What do you like? S1: I like kites. Ss: He likes kites. T: Can you fly the kite? S1: Yes.

f) T: Clever boy! Do you know about my favorite toys? Can you guess? S1: It’s the teddy bear. T: (Shake my head.)


Look, I like jigsaws. (Show the jigsaw) Ss: Miss Qiu like jigsaws. Learn the new word: jigsaw.

T: Would you like to have a match with me? S1: Yes.

T/S1: (Play the jigsaw game)

Ss: Jigsaw, jigsaw, he/ she likes jigsaws. 4. Review the new words. a) Read the word cards. b) Listen and point. c) Look and say. 5.全课小结

第三课时 3

1. Learn to sing.

a) Listen and learn to sing.

b) Read the sentences: playing with toys/ for girls and boys c) Sing again.

d) Sing and do the actions. 2. Practise.

a) T: Look, who are they?

Ss: Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling, Tom.

T: Can you select presents for them? What do they like? Ss: Sam likes toy cars.

T: Look at the sad smile. Sam doesn’t like Barbie dolls. Learn the new sentence: He/ She doesn’t like… b) Practise in pairs.


T: And what about the others? Please tell your partner. 3. Check-up.

4. T: OK. Look, there is a small table. What do you like or dislike? Please draw√or×in the table. 5. Practise in pairs.

T: Now please make an investigation about the toys that your partner likes or dislikes. What do you like and dislike? 6.小结

第四课时 4

1. Discuss together.

2. Let’s play a game. 真朋友游戏开始了。Who is your best friend? Does he know more about you? Let’s have a quiz. 你的好朋友是否真正了解你?他能为你挑选到心爱的礼物吗?让我们一起来考验一下。如果你们是心心相应的朋友,就来接受考验吧。这里有无数个心的礼物在等着你! T: Who can try to come here? S1: (Come to the Bb) T: Who is your best friend? S1: Martha.

T: OK. Martha, what does Mike like or dislike? S2: Mike likes/ doesn’t like … T: Is it right, Mike? S2: Yes. (Show his table)

T: Clap for them. Here’s your present. S1/S2: Thank you … 3.Sum-up.


4.Make assignments.

a) Listen and repeat. 听音跟读课文。

b) Sing and act in groups. 小组合作表演歌曲(或创编歌曲)

c) Make an investigation about your parents’ favorite colours, sports, books and so on. 了解父母亲最喜爱的颜色、运动项目、书籍等,并记录在表格上。 5.作业:情景会话 6.全课结束

Module 2 Introductions

I. Function:Greeting and saying farewell; Introducing oneself

II. Target language: Good afernoon.What's your name? I'm... III. New vocabulary: Ms,too,and,boy,girl,what,is,

(what's= what is),your,name,afternoon, Mr. IV. Song:Good morning ,Sam.

第一课时 5

Step 1 Revision 以歌激趣

从儿童心理学特征来讲,唱歌能使学生感到松弛 、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。因此,课前一首歌是进行组织教学的好方法。

“Hello”这首歌节奏明快,学生易于上口,学生在优美的旋律中以不自觉地复习了第一单元句型Hello, I’m ?. 再配以挥手的动作,,,学生兴趣盎然。 Step 2 Free talk 温故而知新

从学生已有的知识水平出发 ,第一单元学生已学会Hi/ Hello. What’s your name? I’m?.的句型,可设计如下对话复习旧知并引出新知:


T: Hi, I’m Miss Zha. What’s your name,please? S:Hi, Miss Zha. I’m ….

此时,教师应适时引出Nice to meet you.及答句Nice to meet you, too.并与学生一一握手,五六轮下来,学生便可猜出其中的意思。

此对话可反复操练多遍,使学生在无意注意中感知句子,同时调动学生多种感官学习,更可促进学生的联想记忆。 Step 3 Presentation 以旧促新

第一单元学生已认识了Liu Tao, David, Yang Ling, Mike, Nancy. 在此,教师可让学生回忆他们的名字,Who is he?学生马上会大声叫出他的名字。教师可抓住契机,You can say “This is?”学生便知道介绍他人用“This is?”(板书)在此基础上引出本课四个新人物Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen.

根据勤反复的原则,教师启发或提示学生用Nice to meet you.. Nice to meet you ,too.进行交际问答。

第二课时 6

Step 4 Game 以动唤趣


在此,我设计了“开火车”的游戏,操练第一、第二单元所学句型“Hi/Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon . I’m? What’s your name ? This is?Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too.”游戏方式如下: S1:Good morning. I’m? What’s your name? S2:Good morning. I’m? This is?(向S1介绍同桌) S1:Nice to meet you . S3:Nice to meet you , too.




第三课时 7

Step 5听录音,模仿语音语调,以致学生一口纯正的英语。 Step 6 Say a rhyme 课间休息

牛津英语3A的单词都是接近生活,来源于生活。然而,简单的模仿、练读,小学生毫无兴趣,我认为编趣味儿歌是教授这册教材单词最好的方法。儿歌语言简洁,朗朗上口,通过读儿歌记忆单词,唤出了学生的童趣。这里,课间休息复习第一单元中的动物单词,儿歌编写如下: bird, bird, 飞飞飞; dog, dog, 汪汪汪; cat, cat, 喵喵喵; monkey, monkey, 真调皮; zebra, zebra, 黑白条; elephant, elephant, 长鼻子; panda, panda, 是国宝; tiger, tiger, 王中王。

Step 7 Consolidation 以情促说

学习最大的乐趣在于经过艰苦努力而获得成功,能学以致用,可激发学生的成就感。在此,我利用投影片把教室布置成公园,并把钟面拨到上午8:00。把全班学生分成若干组,每组为三人。每个同学可以带好自己喜欢人物或动物的头饰,进行小组会话。会话内容为第一、第二单元所有的交际用语(同Step 4 Game),使学生把所学用语融会贯通,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 Step 8 活动小结 给以鼓励



Step 9 Homework 适时反馈


2、用英语与同学、老师打招呼。(小学生很热情,他们有一种强烈的交流欲望,能学以致用,就能体验到成功的喜悦。 八、板书设计:Hi/Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon . What’s your name ? I’m… This is…

Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too.

module 3 Classroom

I.Function: Responding to introuductions; Identifying classroom objects.

II. Target language: Sit down,please.Stand up ,please.Point to...

III. New vocabulary: the,door,please,window, bird,desk,chair IV: Song: Please stand up.

第一课时 8

Step 1:Warm up 1. Greetings

2. Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: It’s green./black/blue/red/white/yellow. 3. Play a game: Show me ??



T:(出示一张彩虹的图片)What’s this? S:……… T:It’s a rainbow. 学生跟读几遍

T:今天我们要用水彩笔画出你认为最漂亮的彩虹,并用英语说说它的颜色。 Ss: Ok.

T:Well!Let’s sing a song about rainbow. Step3:Sing and do the actions. a.(show the rainbow )

T:There are many colrs.Can you tell you me what colors? Ss: It’s yellow S: It’s red. S:It’s pink ?? ……

T: Very good.It’s red and yellow and pink and green … 告诉学生如果有很多种颜色可以用“and”把颜色连起来 如:师拿出黑白相间的书说 It’s black and white. b.drill

S:It’s …and…

c.Play the song twice ,let the children be familiar with the melody. d.Learn to sing

T: Let’s try to sing the song, ok? Ss: Ok.(Listen and repeat the colour song) Listen and hold up the colour pens you hear.


第二课时 9

1. Warm-up. (1) Greetings.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Qiu. T: What’s your favorite sport?

Sing the ABC song and do the actions.

2. Show the topic: ABC song is your favorite song. And what’s your favorite toy? Look, Miss Qiu has a Toy Shop. Do you like the toys? Everyone can select presents for your best friend. What’s their favorite toy? Now let’s have a look. What kinds of toys are there in the shop Step 4:Fulfill the task

T: Now we can sing the rainbow,please draw your fovorite rainbow down on the activity book.Then tell your classmates the colors Of your rainbow.

Step5:请几个学生展示自己的彩虹,并说出颜色。It’s? Step 6:Homework


2用英语说颜色。 3、小结



Module 4 Colours

Unit1 It's red. 第一课时 10

Step 1:Warm up 1. Greetings

2. Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: It’s green./black/blue/red/white/yellow. 3. Play a game: Show me ?? Step2:Task-setting

T:(出示一张彩虹的图片)What’s this? S:……… T:It’s a rainbow. 学生跟读几遍

T:今天我们要用水彩笔画出你认为最漂亮的彩虹,并用英语说说它的颜色。 Ss: Ok.

T:Well!Let’s sing a song about rainbow. Step3:Sing and do the actions. a.(show the rainbow )

T:There are many colrs.Can you tell you me what colors? Ss: It’s yellow S: It’s red. S:It’s pink ?? ……

T: Very good.It’s red and yellow and pink and green … 告诉学生如果有很多种颜色可以用“and”把颜色连起来


如:师拿出黑白相间的书说 It’s black and white. b.drill

S:It’s …and…

c.Play the song twice ,let the children be familiar with the melody. d.Learn to sing

T: Let’s try to sing the song, ok? Ss: Ok.(Listen and repeat the colour song) Listen and hold up the colour pens you hear.

第二课时 11

1. Warm-up. bird, bird, 飞飞飞; dog, dog, 汪汪汪; cat, cat, 喵喵喵; monkey, monkey, 真调皮; zebra, zebra, 黑白条; elephant, elephant, 长鼻子; panda, panda, 是国宝; tiger, tiger, 王中王。 Step 4:Fulfill the task

T: Now we can sing the rainbow,please draw your fovorite rainbow down on the activity book.Then tell your classmates the colors Of your rainbow.


Step5:请几个学生展示自己的彩虹,并说出颜色。It’s? Step 6:Homework

1,听录音,学唱歌曲。 2用英语说颜色。

T:There are many colrs.Can you tell you me what colors? Ss: It’s yellow S: It’s red. S:It’s pink ?? ……

Unit 2 It's a black dog.

Teaching aims:

1知识技能目标: a.会听colour song出示水彩笔。 b.会唱colour song.

2 情感态度:通过说说唱唱,听歌出示水彩笔等活动,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 3 学习策略:通过小组实践的方式,培养学生合作学习的精神。 Teaching focus:1.掌握It’s a blue cap. 等的描述有颜色的物品的句式。 2.会唱colour song.

Difficult point:1、如何用英语描述有两种或者多种颜色。 Aids: tape recorder,teaching pictures,colour cards ,colour pens. Task:画彩虹并用英语说说你的彩虹是什么颜色。 Teaching procedures:

第一课时 12

Step 1:Warm up 1. Greetings


2. Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: It’s green./black/blue/red/white/yellow. 3. Play a game: Show me ?? Step2:Task-setting

T:(出示一张彩虹的图片)What’s this? S:……… T:It’s a rainbow. 学生跟读几遍

T:今天我们要用水彩笔画出你认为最漂亮的彩虹,并用英语说说它的颜色。 Ss: Ok.

T:Well!Let’s sing a song about rainbow. Step3:Sing and do the actions. a.(show the rainbow )

T:There are many colrs.Can you tell you me what colors? Ss: It’s yellow S: It’s red. S:It’s pink ?? ……

T: Very good.It’s red and yellow and pink and green … 告诉学生如果有很多种颜色可以用“and”把颜色连起来 如:师拿出黑白相间的书说 It’s black and white. b.drill

S:It’s …and…

c.Play the song twice ,let the children be familiar with the melody. d.Learn to sing


T: Let’s try to sing the song, ok? Ss: Ok.(Listen and repeat the colour song) Listen and hold up the colour pens you hear. Step 4:Fulfill the task

T: Now we can sing the rainbow,please draw your fovorite rainbow down on the activity book.Then tell your classmates the colors Of your rainbow.

Step5:请几个学生展示自己的彩虹,并说出颜色。It’s? Step 6:Homework

1,听录音,学唱歌曲。 2用英语说颜色。

Module 5 Numbers

第一课时 13

1. Warm-up

Sing a song. Stand up! Listen and do the action.

T: Stand up, Mary. Point to the door. S1: (Do the actions.) The door.

T: Sit down, please. Stand up, Jack. Point to the window. S2: (Do the actions.) The window. T: Sit down, please. Point to ten. S3: (Point to the Bb.) Ten. T: Can you make an order? S1: Point to 5.

S2: (Do the actions.) Five.



Now let’s sing another song, OK?

(4) T: Look, they are fingers. Now how many fingers? Ss: Four fingers.

T: Good. How many fingers? Ss: Seven.

T: How many desks are there in Group2? Let’s count. Ss: One, two, three… T: How many chairs? Ss: Twelve. ?

2. Show the topic: Today we’ll talk about the numbers. 今天我们将谈论有关数字的话题。Numbers are very important in our lives. We can count, reckon and so on.生活中我们可利用数字数数、计算等等做许许多多的事情。Can you give some examples? You can lookup some message from Internet. And then please discuss in groups. OK? 同学们可通过校园网查找有关数字在生活中的运用的例子,小组成员一起讨论,总结数字应用的例子。 3、Homework

1、听录音。 2、用英语说数字。

第二课时 14

1. Communication. Ss: (Discuss in groups.)

T: Which group can try to give some examples?

G1: 我们从校园网班级学生的学籍库中了解同学们的家庭地址和电话号码,可以知道数字在生活中经常表示门牌号和电话号码。


T: Good! We know about the telephone numbers and room numbers. Any more? (记录)

G2: 我们小组通过查找小学数学学籍库,找到数字在数学算式中云运用,我们可以用数字进行计算。(在黑板上做简单记录) T: Excellent! We can reckon.

G3: 我们小组查找了教师的签到表,发现生活中数字经常用于表示时间。(记录)

T: Very clever! We can know the time.

G4: 我们小组进入校园网英语动画乐园,和有趣的卡通人物一起做数数游戏,我们发现数字的数数作用。(记录) T: Yes. We can count.

G5: 我们小组到索材库中找到各种国家的货币,发现各国货币上都有数字,可以知道币值。

T: Oh, quite good! (记录) …

2. T: Numbers are very important in our lives. Each group has given some examples. Now let’s discuss together, OK?

3. 1)T: Look, there is a picture. Now let’s have a competition. 现在我们来进行数数竞赛,看哪个小组能在规定时间2分钟内,最快完成题目,并且统计数字最准确。我们将请完成最快最好的小组向大家介绍他们成功的秘诀。The questions are: How many boys, girls, caps, cats, birds are there in the picture? Then please fill the form in your group.

2)Point, count and fill the form. 3)Check-up.

T: OK, Group X is the winner. Now let’s check up. Each group asks the question, and Group4 answers.


G1: How many boys? GX: Eight. T: Is it right?

Ss: Yes. (课件突出图中所有小男孩的图象,让学生明确结果) G2: How many girls? GX: Six. Ss: No.

T: OK, what’s your opinion? G3: Seven girls. Ss: Yes.

T: OK, let’s count.(课件突出图中所有女孩的图象,让学生明确结果) …




第三课时 15

1. 请数数又快又正确的小组派一名同学来介绍一下他们成功的秘诀,怎样 分工才能达到较好的合作成果?

2. 1)T: Look, (point to Bb) we can reckon with numbers.. I think all of you are good at maths. Do you think so? Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Here are some exercises. Can you try to do it? Ss: Yes.

T: One and seven is eight. Learn to say.

T: Two and three is…


Ss: Five. …

2)Practise in pairs. T: Two and three is… S1: Five. …

3. T: (出示课件)OK. Look, this is Xipu Road. There are some cars. (Point and ask.) What’s the car’s number? S1: D 323647 Learn to say.

T: And what about the taxi’s number? S2: D 53782


T: Do you pay attention to the house? Who can tell me the house’s number? (Point to the house.课件中展现马路边房屋的门牌号) S1: 482

T: Good, the house’s number is 482.

4. T: And next let’s talk about the phone number. This is my telephone number 5128825.(Repeat) Learn to say.

Can you tell me your telephone numbers?

S1: Yes. 5126732 (如果学生出现少说一位号码或者表达不够熟练的情况,教师可适当重复正确读法,不必刻意纠正。) …

T: Maybe I will call you,OK?


Ss: OK. T: Thank you.

第四课时 16

1. T: When you buy something, you need some money.

Look, here is money. Can you make them out?(课件中出示一些人民币,让学生学会用英语表达它的币值) S1: One Yuan. S2: Two Yuan…

T: What do you find from internet? S1: I know about the dollar.

T: Yes. 美元 Do you know about pound? Ss: No.

T: OK. 英镑,英国货币。

11. T: At last, let’s talk about the time. Look here, what’s the time now? S1: It’s seven o’clock. Learn to say.

T: (Take out a clock.) Now the clock goes on. What’s the time now? Ss: It’s ten o’clock.

T: 谁想成为时间老人,来拨动时钟? S1: (拨动时钟)What’s the time now? Ss: It’s twelve o’clock. … 2. Sum-up

We know numbers are very important in our lives.数字和我们的生活息息相关,今天我们通过网络查找一些有关生活中数字运用的资料,也在课堂中了解了用英


语如何表达生活中出现的一些数字。同学下课后还可以观察和收集生活中有意义的数字,我们将在下节课进行交流,OK? 3. Make assignments. 1. 听录音跟读课文。

2. 完成课堂活动用书P20. 1. Listen, point and say.

3. 观察和收集生活中有意义的数字并记录下来,下节课交流。

第五课时 17

一、教学目标: 1、巩固复习

复习What is your name? Good morning, boys and girls. How many? Point to....等句型


能够流利的用How many 提问数量多少,学会并能运用How many +形容词+名词复数?的句型进行提问,进一步提高学生运用英语交际的能力 3、素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)

学生通过本课的学习,培养学生认真、仔细、善于观察的良好行为习惯以及团体意识。通过歌曲增强学生的节奏感、美感,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 4、教学重点

对eleven 、twelve的学习,以及对句型How many+形容词+名词复数形式的运用 5、教学难点

数字eleven、twelve的发音 6、教学任务 1) 学习任务

学习11和12的英文数字以及句型How many+形容词+名词复数的问句。 学习歌曲〈Number song〉(注:将这部分内容设计成为活动)


2) 运用任务


任务二:“眼力大比拼”,用来练习How many ,以及How many+形容词+名词复数的句型 I、 教学用具


学生:书、练习册 二、课堂教学程序 1、 启动。 A、 Greeting

师生之间相互问候,用Good morning.How are you?等问候语。然后以开火车的形式展开同学之间的相互问候。 B、 Sing a song

请同学齐唱以此来激活学习气氛。 2、 导入。

利用活动导入新课。 活动:小动物找家

教师用数字卡片进行训练,教师将事先写好的加法算式贴与黑板上,并且把答案卡片发给戴不同头饰的同学,让学生找到属于自己的算式。例如: 3+2= 5+5= 7+5= 9+3=

5+3= 5+4= 8+4= 10+2= 6+4= 2+5= 7+4= 6+6= 教师对学生做出的答案给予肯定,并将 7+5= 9+3=

8+4= 10+2=


7+4= 6+6=

的算式提出并问同学:大家算对了,但是知道11,12用英语怎么说么?让我们一起听录音,学一学怎样读,然后我们要擦亮眼睛比一比谁的眼力好。 3、呈现。

请同学合上书,认真听录音,并且逐句跟读,培养正确的语音。随后请三名同学站在讲台前做“快乐跳跳跳”,即两名同学摇绳,一名同学跳,全班同学一起数数。当同学跳够12下时就换另一名摇绳的同学跳。依次类推,全班同学可以连数1——12三遍。最后,全班同学集体读11、12两遍。 4、操练与指导。

教师从学生中选出一名学生,请他选一张所学新单词的卡片,展示给大家。然后,这位学生离开教室,同时老师将卡片放在任意一位同学的桌上,当他再次进入教室时要说:“Where is my ?.”其他同学就起声读这个单词,这位同学离单词近的时候,同学们的声音就大,远时声音就小。这样学生就能都参与到活动中去。

第六课时 18


活动三:师生同做“百宝乾坤袋”的游戏。即教师在事先准备好的袋子里放入不同种类、颜色的水果。如:红苹果、绿苹果、橘子等。先请一名同学上台数一数,大家问他:“How many?”台上的同学回答。然后大家一起数,看看到底有多少。随后教师问学生:“How many red apples?”“How many green apples?”等问题。请学生再数一数。同时练习How many+形容词+名词复数的句型。 2、运用任务。 3、任务一:快乐呼啦圈



了。看看哪一组做得快又好,哪一组就获胜。 任务二:眼力大比拼

要求:请学生合上书本,注意观察实物投影放出的图片,先请学生自己找一找图中有哪些动物?然后六人一组讨论,并回答老师问题:“1、How many boys? 2、How many girls? 3、How many cats? 4、How many birds? 5、How many red cats?”等问题。这些问题全写在一张白纸上,并用小纸条遮住,纸条上标明A、B、C等序号。全班八个小组各选出一名代表根据上一轮游戏比赛名次先后来选题。回答出色的同学及小组获得一枚贴画。之后一定要再次强调表示颜色的词一定要放在名词前。 4、课堂活动用书。

《课堂活动用书》第三单元活动1:听录音,并且做出与录音指令相同的动作。 5、总结与复习。 总结课文


Module 6 School

Function: Identifying objects. Asking about objects Language: This is ….What's this?It's a … What's that?It's a …

Vocabulary:puple,this,my,school,classroom,English,teacher,that,bag,pencil, pen,book

Unit 1 This is my school 19

I. Warmer:

1.Sing an animal song.Let the students act with the song.

II.1. Point to your chair and say 'This is my chair.'.Write the word on the board.Say it and get the students to repeat it.Look around ,indicate the room with your hands and


say 'This is my classroom.'.

2.Explain to the ss that you are going to the say the sentences and they have to finish them.Point to a desk and say'This is a...'.Have the ss to complete the sentence by adding the word 'desk'.Follow the same procedure for 'chair'and 'classroom'.Now have individule ss stand up and make sentences e.g. This is my desk.

3.Teach the words 'teacher','puple'and 'school'.Say the words and have the ss repeat them.Tell the ss that you are going to play the tape .have them look at the story and ask questions in Chinese e.g.Who drew the three pictures?How did the bird get into the classroom?Why are the children laughing?Now play the tape and get the ss to follow the story in their books.Have them point to the relevant pivtres as they listen. 4.Explain the diference between the words 'this'and 'that'.'This' is for sth.we are touching or that is beside us.'That' is for things that are some distance away.

5.Touch a chair and say 'What's this?'Prompt the ss to reply 'It's a chair on the other side of the room and ask'What's that?'The ss should response.Explain to the ss that you pick up or touch sth.,they have to say'What's this?'and if you point to sth.they should ask 'What's that?'Move round the class,point to or pick up diferent things and get the ss to ask the correct question.You should answer each question with 'It's a....' II. Listen and say.

1.Read the dialogue or play the tape.Pause after each utterance and get the ss to repeat the sentences.Make sure the ss use the correct intonation in the sentence 'What's this?'(The stress is on 'this'and there is falling tone at the end as it is a 'wh',or open question.)Hold up your book and point to different pictures.Have the ss identify the objects e.g.'It's a...'

2.Now repeat the excersise but now ask the question 'What's this?'and have the ss respond.If possible,have the ss continue the activity in pairs. III. Point ,ask and answer.


1.Let the ss look at the book .Have them read the example dialogue in pairs. 2.Ask in Chinese what the activity is about.(The jigsaw pieces are each part of larger objects.The sshave to identify what each object is.)Point to the diferent items and say 'What's this?'and have the ss respond 'It's a ....'Do a lot of practice.Now have the ss continue the activity in pairs.After four turns, they should swap roles. VI.Homework:

Ask the ss to act out the dialogue.

Unit 2 What's this? 20

I. Warmer:

1. Teach the word 'bag,pen,book and pencil'.Hold up each objects,say the word and have the ss repeat it.then point to the objects and have the ss identify them.

2.Now move around the class.Hold up an object and say 'What's this ?'After the ss respond'It's a ....'Ask 'What color is it?'(Not that the ss don't have to be able to ask this question.)The ss should respond\ Example: T:What's this? SS:It's a book. T:What color is it? SS:It's red. II. Listen and point.

1.Have the ss look at the book.Ask questions in Chinesee.g.\are the children?Why is Tom asking so many questions?Why was Tom scared?\ 2.Play the tape and have the ss point to the relevant pictures as they listen. 3.Now explain that you are going to say the names of objects inthe pictures and the


ss have to point to them. Example: T:It's a cat.

SS:(Point to the picture of the cat.) T:It's a bag.

SS:(Point to the picture of the bag.)

4.Have the ss continue the activity in pairs. III. Listen and say .

1.Read the dialogue or play the tape.Pause after each utterance and get the ss to repeat the sentences.

2.Now tell the ss to close their books .Play the tape again.Pause it after each question.Get the ss to tell you the answer.Then play the tape so they can check if they are right.

VI. Point ,ask and answer.

1.Hold up your book.Point to one of the jgsaw pieces and say \the ss respond\

2.Now have the ss continue the activity in pairs .After six turns ,they should swap roles.

V. Extra activities

1. Tell the ss to put some coloured pens or pencils,books and bags on their desks.Pick up an objects and say \

2.Do several examples .Make sure the ss' answer includes the color and the name of the item.

3.Now have the ss continue the activity in pairs.After four turns ,have them swap roles.

VI. Teaching tip


Write the names of classroom objectson sticky lables(or pices of cards).Give them to the ss and tell them to put them on the correct objects.Tell the ss to ask permission from their parents if they want to do this at home.This is an excellent way of learning and remembering vocabulary.

第三课时 21

I. Warmer:

1.Draw some pictures of different objects around the classroom.Now point to them and say \

2.Write the question on the board and have the ss continue the activity in pairs. 3.Remind the ss that we use \II. Chant.

1.Tell the ss to put some pens or pencils on their desk.Now give them some instructions. Example

T:Point to a pencil. T:Point to a yellow pencil.

2.Explain that if they don't have that colored pen or pencil,they don't point to anything.

3.Now have the ss look at the chant.Get them to describe what is happening in the picture.(The children are standing up and chanting while holding a pen in one hand and a pencil in the other.)

4. Read out the chant line by line.Get the ss to repeat each line.Repeat.

5.Now have the class say the chant.Explain that they must pick up a pen when they say the word \


6.Divide the class into to groups.Have one group say the chant.Then the other group say it. III.Act it out.

1.Tell the ss to look at the book.Have them read the example dialogue in pairs. 2.Ask in Chinese what is happening.(The children are playing a gamewhere they ask and answer questions about pictures they have drawn.)

3.Have the ss draw and color an objects on a large piece of paper.Write a list of things they











e.g.pen,pencil,desk ,chair,bird,bag,cap,door.

4.Get two ss to the front of the class .Point to your own picture and say \this?\that?\second s \

5.Now have the sswork in groups of four and continue the activity. VI. Extra activities

Take some of the pictures the ss have made and rest them against the board.Number them.Explain to the ss that you are going to ask about the objects. Example T:What is five? SS:It's a red pen. T:What is seven? SS:It's a blue door.

Have the ss continue the activity in pairs. V. Homework.

Module 7 Birthday


Unit1 Happy birthday.


学生用书:第七模块第一单元 活动1、2、3、第三单元 活动3 活动用书:第七模块第一单元 活动1、2、3、4、 2、教学目标 2.1技能与知识目标 A.基本要求

基本能听懂、会说词汇happy, birthday, cake

基本能听懂、会读并灵活运用Here’s your ?.Thank you.的语言结构。 B.初步要求

初步感知词汇present和I’m nine.的句式。 C.巩固复习

复习词汇pencil,pen,book,bag 等词汇以及英文数字1—12。 能够熟练运用What’s this? It’s a?.的语言结构。

复习自编歌曲 “What’s this?” 以及韵句“Pen and pencil” 2.2运用能力目的

学会运用英语向他人表达生日祝愿和并对别人的祝福表示感谢。 2.3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的

通过对本课的学习,让学生了解西方国家是如何庆祝生日的方式,以及中国庆祝生日的方式,比较中西方文化的差异。 培养学生勤俭节约,不铺张浪费的好习惯。 培养学生之间相互交流,相互关心的同学之情。 3、教学重点

词汇happy,birthday,cake以及Here’s your ?.Thank you.的语言结构。 4、教学难点



5、教学任务 A.学习任务


学习Here’s your ?.Thank you.的语言结构。 B.运用任务

运用任务一:运用“耳力大比拼”的游戏活动,来操练“Here’s your ?.Thank you.”的语言结构,并完成活动用书的活动1、2 运用任务二:生日派对 6、教学用具

录音机、磁带、单词卡片、挂图、小玩具。 教学过程:

第一课时 22


活动1: Greetings

活动2:复习韵句“Pen and pencil”及自编歌曲“What’s this? It’s a pen/pencil/book?.” 2、导入(传话游戏)

把歌曲“What’s this?”再以韵句的形式朗读出来,这时,教师手持学过单词卡片(如:pen,book,pencil,dog,cat?等越多越好)让学生通过传递玩具进行传话游戏。全班问:“What’s this? What’s this?”,持玩具的学生按节奏说出教师手中的卡片,如:“It’s a pen?.”,回答对的同学可以成为这张卡片的拥有者,教师奖励卡片时说“Here’s your ?.”并引导学生说“Thank you.” 3、呈现

教师可将本单元较难记住的新单词加入到游戏当中,让学生回答,表扬会说的学生,给大家进行简单的教读,教师“猜一猜今天的礼物是干什么用的呢?”(学生的回答可多样),这时教师放歌曲“Happy birthday”,再说“今天是Sam的生


日,让我们去看看他是怎么过生日的”。 播放课文录音,请学生看挂图或书中图片。 4、操练与指导


人庆祝生日和中国的生日聚会有什么不同?教师再对西方人的生日聚会特点进行简单介绍。(注:此处可将Happy birthday,cake 进行简单的教读)


文中“I’m nine.”是什么意思,让学生初步感知如何用英语描述自己的年龄。

听音跟读模仿,教师不断发现和表扬读的好的学生,促进学生的学习动力。 教师对比较难掌握的词汇以及语言结构进行强调。 教师请学生以四人小组为单位相互帮助朗读课文。 全班齐读课文。



第二课时 23


问一问学生,最近有谁过生日,并且请他们到讲台前来,大家一起为他们唱生日歌,由于仓促没能给他们准备礼物,建议大家用手中的获奖卡片当作礼物送给他们,在进行此活动时,教师鼓励学生多运用今天新学的语言结构---“Happy birthday?,here’your present.Thank you”. 2、复习巩固

完成活动用书的活动1、2、4。教师对学生活动情况进行检查和评估。 3、完成运用任务2



同学们上台,表演出来各自的“Birthday Party”,并评选今天的最佳表演奖。 4、复习总结


(2)听音跟读,发现和纠正自己或伙伴的发音错误。 5、家庭作业



Module 7 Birthday

Unit 2 How old are you?


1、技能与知识技巧 A、基本要求

基本能听懂、会说、会读:Where’s my present? It is in the hat. It is on the hat. It's under the hat.的语言结构。 基本能听懂,会说、会读词汇:on、in、under、hat。 B、初步要求

初步感知hat与cap之间的区别以及in的两种含义。 C、复习巩固

复习Happy Birthday! What’s this? Here’s your?. Thank you!等语言结构。 2运用能力目的

能够熟练地用Where's?? 的语言结构,对物体的位置进行提问,并学会并能运用It's in /on/under the?.的语言结构进行回答。 3素质教育目的(文化、情感态度、策略)


通过本课的学习,培养学生认真仔细、善于观察的良好的行为习惯。 培养学生在活动中的合作意识。

通过学习歌曲增强学生的节奏感、美感,提高学生学习英语的兴趣及交流英语的自信与能力。 3、教学重点 词汇:on,in,under,hat

Where is??It’s on/in/under?.的语言结构。 4、教学难点 词汇under的发音。 教学过程:

第一课时 24

1、启动 A、Greetings

师生之间相互问候,然后,展开同学之间的相互问候。 B、Sing a song

请同学齐唱“Happy Birthday”,以此来复习上节课的内容。 2、导入

教师事先将钢笔、书等物品放在讲台上、讲台里及讲台下,然后假装在寻找东西,边找边说:“Where in my pen?”、“Where is my book?”。此时教师可以鼓励学生运用汉语帮助自己找东西。当找到东西时教师可以说:“Oh, it is on / in/under the desk.” 3、呈现

T:老师很粗心,我们的好朋友Sam也有这个小毛病。Sam在自己的生日会上收到了许多礼物,可是今天,他却找不到自己的礼物了,让我们一起来帮他找找看,好么?请同学们打开书,听课文。 4、操练与指导


1) 教师请学生来说说看究竟发生了什么事,然后将hat 词汇引出,通过实物或图片对改词汇进行教授。

2) 教师通过将钢笔放于帽子的不同位置,对第二单元的重点词汇on,in,under进行教授。并通过手游戏,加强学生对这几个介词的认识。

3) 在学生对词汇比较熟练之后,教师对第二单元的语言结构Where is?? It's on/in/under/ the?.进行再次呈现和教授。

4) 教师请学生再次听录音,并跟读课文。(2——3遍) 5) 教师请学生以4人小组为单位自由朗读课文。 6) 教师将全班分成两个部分朗读课文。 5、复习巩固

1) 做课堂活动用书第二单元活动1、活动2,第三单元活动2,活动3。 2) 教师对学生的活动情况进行反馈与评价

第二课时 25

1、完成运用任务1 寻宝大行动

1) 教师事先将准备好八个不同颜色的礼物袋藏在教室的各个不同角落。并告诉学生自己在教室里藏了一个宝物。

2) 将全班分为八个小组,请八个小组的学生代表上来抽签。随后根据问题按组依次找礼物袋。问题:“Where is my black bag?”、“Where is my red bag?”、“Where is my white bag?”、“Where is my blue bag?”、“Where is my pink bag?”、“Where is my green bag?”、“Where is my yellow bag?”、“Where is my purple bag?”。 3) 各组学生代表从教师手中领取寻宝行动的命令。

4) 在学生开始行动之前,教师还要告诉学生在他们寻找到宝物之后,得先将寻宝命令的问题回答之后在可以打开宝物袋。告诉学生要注意观察,相互协作完成任务。

5) 由各组学生汇报寻宝情况,然后,请各组将自己的宝物袋打开,看看宝物是



6) 教师请其中得到宝物的学生告诉大家自己得到了什么宝物——一张纸条“请打开录音机,宝物马上显现”。 2、完成运用任务2 神秘的宝物

1) 教师按照纸条要求打开录音机,将宝物——第三单元的韵句呈现出来。 2) 教师请学生打开课本,再次听韵句。在听的过程中教师可以加入相应的动作,增加学生学习韵句的兴趣。 3) 教师与学生一起学习韵句。 4) 加入动作对韵句进行表演。 3、复习总结


Module 8 Friends

Function :Asking about age.Asking about objects. Language :How old are you? I'm..... You're ...... I don't know. Is it a....? Yes,it is. No,it isn't.

Vocabulary :today ,how old,know,no,dragon,yes, help, kite,look

Unit 1 Is it a dragon?

第一课时 26

I. Warmer:

1.Revise the numbers 1-10.

2.Tell the ss you are going to call out an object and it's color .The ss have to find the correct space on the grid and write the number they hear.



T:Blue chair seven.

SS:(Write seven in the blue chair box.) T:Red desk ten.

SS:(Write 10 in the red desk box.) II. Listen and point.

1.Put some objects in a bag.show the bag to the ss.

2.Ask and answer a question using the structure\it a [noun]?\\it a pencil?\ 3.Write the following structure on the board. Is it a....?

Yes,it is./No, it isn't.

4.Now have the ss ask questions to find out what is in the bag.Tell them that they have to guess the object and then the color.Write a list of objects and colors on the board. Example SS:Is it a pen? T:No, it isn't. SS:Is it a pencil? T:Yes,it is. SS:It is a red pencil. T:Yes, it is.

第二课时 27

1.Have the ss look at the story .Ask questions in Chinese e.g.\specil day it is?Why are they scared?Is it a real dragon?Are the boys naughty?\the word \


2.Read out the story or play the tape.Tell the ss to point to the relevant pictures as they listen.Repeat.

3.Tell the ss to look at the pictures.Tell them that you are going to say the names of objects in the pictures and they have to point to the correct objects. 4.Have the ss continue the activity in pairs. III.Listen and say.

1.Play the tape ,pause it after each utterance and have the ss repeat the sentances. 2.Get the ss to close the books.Play the tape again.Pause it after the first utterance.Have the ss Predicate what is going to be said.Play the tape to see if they are correct.Continue in this way until the end of the story. VI.Game:Choose a number.Then ask and answer. 1.Have the ss look at the book.

2.Explain that you are going to choose a picture.They have to find out which picture you are thinking of by asking questions.The ss can ask as many \it....?\[number]?\

3.Do two or three examples.Have the ss continue the game in pairs.After Student B has guessed the correct object,the ss should swap roles.

Unit Two How old are you? 28

I. Warmer:

1.Write the following structures on the board: How old are you? I'm.......... 2.Explain the meaning in Chinese.

3.Now tell the ss that you are going to call out two names.The two ss stand up.S A says \


4.Do a lot of examples. II. Listen and point

1.Tell the ss to close the books .Say that you are going to play the tape.They are going to hear two different numbers.Tell them to write down the numbers. 2.Play the tape twice and have the ss tell you the two numbers.(six and nine) 3.Now tell the ss to open the books. Play the tape again.Have the ss point to the relevant pictures as they listen.The can also find out if they guessed the numbers correctly. III. Act it out.

1.Tell the ss to look at the book.Have them read the example dialogue in groups of four.

2.Ask questions in Chinese e.g.\is the first boy diong?How does the girl answer?\

3.Write two names of t he ss and then ask them their ages. Example

T:Kim,how old are you? Kim:I'm nine.

T:Lee, how old are you? Lee:I'm ....

4. Now have the ss continue the activity in pairs.

Module 9 Family



2.能够听懂、会说几个职业单词driver,policeman,nurse,farmer。 3.练习运用He is .../She is ... 来作介绍。



情感目标:鼓励学生能够积极参与,大胆表达,营造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围。 本课重点、难点

1、重点:能够熟练运用句型He is .../She is... 2、难点:He 和She 的用法。 十一、教学流程

第一课时 29

Ⅰ.Warming-up Exercise. 1.Greetings.

2.Sing a song:One little finger Ⅱ.Revision

Revise numbers.(Play a game with numbers.) Ⅲ.New teaching

1. Set a situation about this lesson.(Revise words and sentences through a game CAN YOU HEAR ME?) 2.Lead to the new lesson. (1)Learn some new words.

Show some word cards and set an example for the pronunciation of these words.And then read again in a high or a low voice,and have students repeat in an opposite way. (2)Practise the new words.

Organize a game named Beat Rats to consolidate the words.

(3)Learn the new sentences He is .../She is ...(引导学生复习人称代词口诀和be动词口诀,学习新句型。)

(4)Have students introduce their friends with the sentences He is .../She is ... (5)Organize a Trap Game to practise the sentences again.


(6)Make students look at the screen again,and show a picture and a rhyme.Set an example for the pronunciation of this rhyme.

(7)Have students practise the rhyme with claps in groups. Ⅳ.Homework

Practise the sentences with parents and friends again.

第二课时 30

Ⅰ.Warming-up Exercise. 1.Greetings.

T:Boys and girls.Today here are some teachers in our classroom except us.Let's turn our bodies back and say \Ss:OK! T , Ss:Hello!

2.Sing a song:One little finger Ⅱ.Revision Ⅲ.New lesson.

1. Set a situation about this lesson.

T:Now,look at my mouth.(用一种神秘的眼神,身体前倾)I will say some words and sentences out.Can you hear me? Ss:(Listen carefully.)

T:Father(只做口型,不发出声音) Ss:Father.(大声回答)

T:Mother.(只做口型,不发出声音) Ss:Mother.(大声回答)

T:Sister,brother,grandpa,grandma...(只做口型,不发出声音) Ss:Sister,brother,grandpa,grandma...(大声回答) T:This is my brother.(只做口型,不发出声音)


Ss:This is my brother.(大声回答) 2.Lead to the new lesson. (1)Learn some new words.

T:Well,you all did a very good job just now.Today we will know another characters.Please look at the blackborad.(黑板上有事先画好的大楼,大楼上有四个窗户,每个窗户里有一张用纸盖住的人物卡片。) (2)Practise the new words.

(3)Learn the new sentences He is .../She is ...

T:Well,boys and girls.Do you know how to introduce the new friends? S1:This is a farmer. S2:This is a nurse. (4)Practise the sentences

T:Now,please look at the screen,I will show you some characters,and let's play a trap game with the sentences He is .../She is ...,OK? (5)Learn a rhyme.

T:We've known some new friends,and we will meet some more friends,please look at the screen again.(出示图片课件)What's in the zoo? Ss:panda

T:Yes,they're pandas.Let's introduce the new friends again with the following words.(在大屏幕上出示一首小韵诗,并拍手,有节奏的示范朗读。) This is mother panda,(拍4下手) and father panda too,(拍3下手) grandma,grandpa,(拍2下手) brother,sister,(拍2下手) all in the zoo.(拍3下手) Ss:(模仿拍手跟读)


{评:教师运用了TPR教学法,把新语言有节奏的展现给学生,把复杂过程变简单化,学生易接受。} (6)Practise the rhyme

T:You see,there are five-line sentences,I'll divide you into five groups.Let's read it in groups.Each group read a sentence,OK? Ss:OK!

Group 1:This is mother panda,(拍4下手) Group 2:and father panda too,(拍3下手) Group 3:grandma,grandpa,(拍2下手) Group 4:brother,sister,(拍2下手) Group 5:all in the zoo.(拍3下手)

Module 10 Body

Unit 1 This is his head. 31



基本能听懂,会读,会说This is his(my) ...句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。 基本能听懂,会读,会说 head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词。 初步会用This is my/your?.的语言结构描述自己以及对方的身体部位。 复习Hello! I’m?. Point to?等语言结构。 复习look, panda, your, finger等词汇。 2.运用能力目的

能正确This is his(my)...句型描述他人或自己的身体部位。

能正确运用“Point to your?.”的语言结构进行发令,并能够正确指出自己或他人的身体部位。





教育学生热爱小动物,保护小动物。 3、教学重点

基本能听懂,会读,会说This is his(my)...句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。 基本能听懂,会读,会说 head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词。 4、教学难点

词汇arm以及foot的发音。 课堂教学程序 1、启动。

活动1:唱第五模块的歌曲:Stand up! 活动2:师生之间互相问候。

2、导入。老师出示盼盼的图片把它贴在一名学生的身上说:Boys and girls, please look here. Panpan is coming, please say hello to Panpan.(引导学生和盼盼用学过的句型对话。)

老师出示盼盼的身体各部位继续问:What’s this? Do you want to know ? Please look at the Vdio. 3、呈现。






(1)老师指着盼盼的身体部位教学一个单词并检查发音。 (2)学生上台当小老师教学单词并检查其他学生的发音。 (3)学生互相指同桌的身体部位说单词。 (4)小游戏:看谁贴得快又准。


(5)老师指着自己的身体部位说:This is my head.再指着一名男生说:This is his head.让学生理解his的含义。 带读这句话。(指着盼盼的头。)

老师让几名学生当小老师指着盼盼的身体部位用This is his...句型进行描述,并检查其他学生的发音。



老师让学生画出自己喜欢的各种人物、小动物,用This is his...句型进行描述,学生也可以把画好的画贴在身上进行表演。(告诉学生,如果是女性可以用her代替his。)


全班展示。(可以用上以前学过的句型,如:Look! What’s this? It’s a? This is my good friend. This is his /her?) 评出小画家并给予奖励。

6、完成运用任务。 看谁指得快又准


老师发口令,学生指。(可结合以前学过的句型,如Point to the window, point to the




全班展示。对指得快又好的学生给予奖励。 7、复习总结(3分钟) 老师问:今天你学到了什么?


Unit 2 Point to her nose. 32

教学目标 1技能与知识技巧 A.基本要求

基本能听懂、会读、会说:These are his/her?.及This is his/her?.的语法结构。 基本能听懂 会读 会说:eye ear mouth nose feet 等词汇 基本能听懂并说出:shoulder knee toe等词汇 B.初步要求

初步感知名词的复数形式及This 与 These 的区别 C.巩固复习

基本能听懂并说出会读:This is my?.的语句结构,复习词汇head leg foot? 2.2运用能力目的

能够熟练的地运用These are her/his?的句型结构来表述他人的身体各部位。 能够运用This is my?的句型结构来介绍自己身体各部位。



通过歌曲增强学生的节奏感、美感,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 3、教学重点


词汇:eye ear nose mouth feet

句型:These are his/her? This is his/her? 4、教学难点



课堂教学程序 1、 启动。 A、 Greeting

师生之间相互问候,用Good morning.How are you? 等问候语。然后以开火车的形式展开同学之间的相互问候。 B、 Sing a song

请同学齐唱以此来激活学习气氛。 2、 导入。

活动1:教师请一名男生与一名女生到台前来,教师用活泼的肢体语言摸摸男生的头、胳膊等部位,引导学生描述他人的身体部位This is his head、arm... 教师在摸摸女孩的胳膊,学生会说This is his?教师摇摇头,这时用教学语言She’s girl, so this is her arm.教师出示单词卡片her,引导学生运用This’s her?来描述女孩的身体各部位。 活动2:

教师用语: Last time you tell me about dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor, Someone wants to be a nurse.但是你们首先要了解人体各部位,对吗?Today I want to be a good doctor to tell us the parts of body. If you do a good job, I will give you a prize. 3、呈现。

教师拿出一个手偶,学生争做“小医生”到前台来,并运用This is her?来介绍。 教师教学语言:I have a question, what are there? (指着手偶的眼睛,小医生遇到


