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- 超市管理技巧和营销推荐度:
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学 号: ******* 姓 名: *** 年 级: 2008级 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 论文题目: 超市管理系统的
设计与实现 指导教师: ***
论文题目: 超市管理系统
此次系统主要包括前台应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面。对于前者要求系统求应用程序功能完备,能够采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,对于后者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性,保证数据的安全性,能够对系统内各类信息进行高效准确的管理,最大限度地实现系统的易维护性和易操作性,本系统选择的是在visual studio 2005平台上使用Visual C#语言作为前台开发工具,SQL 2005作为后台数据库平台,通过SQL 2005将系统所需的数据和用户操作的数据与前台连接起来。
关键词:数据库;人机交互;Visual studio 2005;Visual C#
Title:Supermarket Management System
Abstract: With economic development, social progress, the computer more and more depth to our day-to-day work of learning and life, become indispensable tool in our daily life. Faced with the current prevalence of the supermarket sector management tools, management techniques and so on, a large extent, the use of computer management in the supermarket can help overcome these difficulties. Invoicing supermarket management system can improve the management level, save a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to make management more scientific and orderly operation of the logistics clear, detailed operating conditions and accurate. As part of computer applications, the use of computers to store information management, have the manual management of unmatched advantages. For example: the rapid search to find convenient, high reliability and large storage capacity, the confidentiality of a good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of the supermarket management.
The system mainly includes the development of future applications as well as the background of the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. For the former system for applications that require full-featured, to adopt the way of human-computer interaction, interface beautiful and friendly, for the latter requires the establishment of data consistency and integrity to ensure data security, enable to manage all types of system’s inner information efficiently and accurately, maximize to accomplish the system’s easy to maintain and easy interoperability, The system choose in the visual studio 2005 platform using Visual C # language as a tool for future development, SQL 2005 as the back-end database platform, SQL 2005 will be required through the system data and user data and link up front.
Keywords:Databases; Human-computer Interaction; Visual Studio 2005; Visual C #
目 录
1. 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 课题开发背景 .................................................. 1 1.2 课题研究的目的及意义 .......................................... 1 1.3 系统设计目标 .................................................. 1 1.4 论文所做的主要工作 ............................................ 2 2. 系统的需求分析与总体设计 ......................................... 5 2.1 系统功能需求 .................................................. 3 2.2 系统需求分析 .................................................. 3 2.3 数据库设计 .................................................... 5
2.3.1 数据库各实体E-R图 ..................................... 5
3. 系统的设计与实现 ................................................ 12 3.1 商品进货管理模块 ............................................. 12 3.1.1 模块功能介绍 ............................................ 12 3.1.2 进货模块时序图 .......................................... 12 3.1.3 商品进货模块窗体图 ...................................... 13 3.1.4商品进货查询模块窗体图 .................................. 14 3.2 商品销售退货管理模块 ......................................... 14 3.2.1 销售模块功能介绍 ........................................ 14 3.2.2 销售管理模块时序图 ...................................... 15 3.2.3 销售管理模块窗体图 ...................................... 16 3.2.4 退货管理模块窗体图 ...................................... 16 3.3 库存管理模块 ................................................. 17 3.3.1 库存管理模块功能介绍 .................................... 17 3.3.2 库存管理模块时序图 ...................................... 18 3.3.3 库存查询模块窗体图 ...................................... 18 3.4用户登陆模块 ................................................. 19 3.4.1用户登陆模块功能介绍 .................................... 19 3.4.2用户登陆模块窗体图 ...................................... 19 3.4.3登陆信息错误提示窗体图 .................................. 19 3.5系统维护模块 ................................................. 19 3.5.1系统维护模块功能介绍 .................................... 19 3.5.2数据备份窗体图 .......................................... 20 3.5.3数据还原窗体图 .......................................... 20 3.6系统功能测试 ................................................. 20
3.6.1 模块测试 ................................................ 20 3.6.2 整体测试 ................................................ 20 3.6.3 测试结果 ................................................ 21 4. 结论 ............................................................ 22 参考文献 ........................................................ 23 致谢 ............................................................ 24 附录 ............................................................ 25
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