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第一节 主系表结构 A熟悉句型 连词成句
一 结构:主语+系动词+表语 二 说明
系动词的种类有:1. be动词;2. look, feel, sound, seem ,taste, smell等;3. become, go, turn, get, grow, prove等;4. keep, remain, stay, lie, stand等。
1. Smith is a boss/over 40/smart/in a room/to go to see a film/excited/out. 2. Her job is looking after the baby. 3. This dictionary is not hers but mine. 4. She looks happy/felt shy/fell ill/went mad. 5. It is no use/useless doing it now. 仿写句子:
1. 到那时我将二十八岁了。
2. 正如一则谚语讲的那样,兴趣是最好的老师。 3. 我对团队合作更感兴趣。
4. 当今,课外活动在中学正变得越来越流行。 5. 最重要的是,你必须保持镇静。 6. 得知你目前过得不好,我很难过。
7. 因此坐在教室里答卷时,我颇有信心,精力充沛。 8. 听说下学期你将作为交换生来我们学校,我很高兴。
9. 众所周知,由于全球变暖、环境污染以及人口不断增加,全球水资源匮乏正变得日益严峻。
10. 今天很高兴在此和大家交流我的英语学习经验。 11. 我们缺乏的正是创造性思维。 12. 我们最需要的是科普读物。
13. 在英语周期间,我们有幸邀请您到场。 14. 新学期之初我很想家。 15. 我们像往常一样繁忙,正在备战即将到来的高考。 16. 因此,该是我们针对水污染采取措施的时候了。
A 熟悉句型 连词成句 仿写句子
书面表达句子写训练(2016改编版) 1
1. I will be twenty-eight years old then. 2. As a famous saying goes, interest is the best teacher. 3. I’m more enthusiastic about the teamwork. 4. Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.
5. Most importantly, you must keep calm. /What’s the most important is that you must keep calm.
6. I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment.
7. So while sitting in the classroom and doing my papers, I felt confident and was full of energy.
8. I’m delighted to hear that you will come to our school as an exchange student next term.
9. As we all know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. 10. It’s a great pleasure to be here today and to share my experience of learning English with you.
11. What we are lacking in is creative thinking.
12. What we need most are popular science reading books. 13. We are honored to have you here during our English Week. 14. I was homesick at the beginning of the new term.
15. We are busy as usual, preparing for the approaching college entrance examination.
16. Therefore, it’s high time that we did something about water pollution.
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17. 再者,惩罚绝不是有益于他们身心发展的明智之举。 18. 该图片传递的信息很清楚。 19. 家长不在身边,我感到很伤心。 20. 多数学生厌倦参加那么多考试。 三 “There+be+主语”(存在句型)专练
1.同学们越来越注意自己的外表,这一点有日益增加的趋势。 2. 我认为这幅图画告诉我们,在梦想与现实之间通常存在差异。
3. 我们在生活中可能会遇到许多失败,但只我们尽力了,无需为这些失败感到遗憾。 4. 有一幅有趣的图画,生动地传递了这样一个信息,梦想与现实之间的差异在我们的生活中可以见到。
5. 我的母亲好像有点不舒服。 6. 我们的停车场依然有很多工作要做。 7. 对于这种善举应该树立一种积极的态度。
8. 目前,有两种选择摆在我们面前:要么勇敢地面对失败,继续尝试直到成功;要么就此退出,每日生活在绝望之中。
9. 当然,前方会有很多挑战,但是我喜欢应对挑战。 10. 因此,我认为世界上没有哪一种工作是平凡的。
B 即时演练 连句成段
1. 我认为十年后我的生活会很不一样。那时我将二十八岁了。
2. 正如一则著名的谚语讲的那样,兴趣是最好的老师。你不这么觉得吗? 3. 我擅长语文、英语的数学。另外,我对团队合作更感兴趣。
4. 我们最需要的是科普读物。通常科普读物能够用一种简易且有趣的方式翻译自然界的基本原理。
5. 对于这种善举应该树立一种积极的态度。而且我希望大家都能共同参与到这种捐助行为中。
6. 我们不应该嘲笑他们的热心。相反,对于他们的善举应该树立一种积极的态度。 7. 垃圾总是堆积如山。结果,气味总是难闻。自然,当地社区的人们的健康时常受到威胁,这令人很担心。
8. 之前我的学业成绩很棒。然而,不知什么原因,成绩大幅度下降。
9. 祝愿你身体健康。我在这里挺好的,就是很累。眼下正是高考前夕,大家都在忙于备战高考。老实说我们几乎从早忙到晚。
17. Furthermore, punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up physically and mentally.
18. The message conveyed in the picture is very clear.
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19. I was sad about the absence of my parents.
20. Most of the students are tired of taking so many exams.
1. There is an increasing tendency that the students are paying more and more attention to their appearance.
2. I think the picture shows us that there is usually a difference between dream and reality. 3. In our life we may meet many failures, but as long as we try our best, there’s no need to feel regret for these failures.
4. There is an interesting picture conveying a message vividly that the difference between dream and reality can be recognized in our life.
5. There seemed to be something wrong with my mother.
6. There is a lot of work remaining to be done with our parking lot. 7. There should be a positive attitude towards such a kindness.
8. Now, there are two options in front of us: face the failures bravely and keep trying till you make it, or drop out and feel desperate every day.
9. Of course, there will be many challenges ahead, but I like meeting challenges. 10. Therefore, I think there is no ordinary job in the world.
B即时演练 连句成段
1. I think my life will be very different ten years later and I will be twenty-eight years old then. 2. As a famous saying goes, interest is the best teacher. Don’t you think so?
3. I am good at Chinese, English and maths. In addition, I’m more enthusiastic about the teamwork.
4. What we need most are popular science reading books. Usually popular science reading books can explain the basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way.
5. There should be a positive attitude towards such a kindness. Moreover, I hope everyone will get involved in the donation.
6. We shouldn’t laugh at their devotion. Instead there should be a positive attitude towards their kindness.
7. Rubbish would be piled up. As a result, smell would be unpleasant. Naturally, there is a worrying fact that the health of everyone in the community would be threatened.
8. I used to be successful in my study. However, there is a surprising decrease in it without any reason.
9. I hope you are well. I am fine, but tired. At present, the college entrance exam is drawing near and everyone is busy preparing for the exam. To tell you the truth, we almost keep working from dawn to dark.
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第二节 主谓结构
A 熟悉句型 连词成句
一 结构:主语+谓语(不及物动词)(+状语) 二 说明
1. He worked hard/in a factory/to support his family. 2. The meeting begins at 11:30 仿写句子:
1. 中秋节在中国农历八月的第十五天。
_________________________________________________________________ 2. 师生在新的环境中愉快地生活并努力地工作着。
_________________________________________________________________ 3. 作为回应,母亲注视着孩子,蹲下来以表达自己的内心的愉悦与感激之情。
_________________________________________________________________ 4. 清洁工每天早上必须很早起就床,全天在外面工作。
_________________________________________________________________ 5. 我写信是告诉你有关我考试的一些情况。
_________________________________________________________________ 6. 我们将于这个星期五晚上八点钟在学生俱乐部集会。
_________________________________________________________________ 7. 她的背疼得厉害,无法像往常一样走动。
8. 有了更多的练习,我的英语提高很多,最终我的努力没有白费。
B 即时演练 连句成段
1. 清洁工每天早上必须很早就起床,全天在外面工作。正是他们的辛勤劳动,我们才能够在更洁净的环境中生活。
2. 他是昨天上午大约十点到达这里的。不过,过了五分钟,他又匆匆离开了。 3. 她的背疼得厉害,无法像往常一样走动。目睹此状,我毫不犹豫地走过去并送她到最近的医院。
第二节 主谓结构
书面表达句子写训练(2016改编版) 5
A熟悉句型 连词成句
1. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eight month of our Chinese lunar calendar.
2. In the new environment, teachers and students are living happily and working hard.
3. In response, looking at the child, the child, the mom squats down to show how happy and thankful she feels.
4. Cleaners have to get up early in the morning every day and work outside all the day.
5. I’m writing to tell you something about my examination. 6. We’ll gather at the Students’ Club at 8 p.m. this Friday. 7. She had a terrible pain in the back and couldn’t walk as usual.
8. With more practice, my English improved a lot and at last my efforts paid off. 9. He arrived here at about ten o’clock yesterday morning.
B即时演练 连句成段
1. Cleaners have to get up early in the morning every day and work outside all the day. Thanks to their hard work, we will be able to live in cleaner surroundings. 2. He arrived here at about 10 o’clock yesterday morning. Five minutes later however, he hurried away.
3. She had a terrible pain in the back and couldn’t walk us usual. At the sight of it, I went over and sent her to the nearest hospital without hesitation.
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第三节 主谓宾结构
A 熟悉句型 连词成句
一 结构:主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 二 说明
1. 一些不及物动词加介词构成的短语,相当于及物动词。
2. 可以作宾语的有:名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、从句等。 示例:
1. She looked after the baby carefully.
2. I remembered him/his name/doing it/I had seen him before. 3. I decided to see him in person. 仿写句子:
1. 前不久我在我们学校组织的英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。 2. 虽然很累他仍继续工作。
3. 在空闲时间,我会继续经常锻炼身体,如游泳、跑步、还有各种球类活动。 4. 我喜欢这句谚语,因为它告诉我一个有价值的人生哲理。 5. 他几乎不知道怎样写作文。
6. 在我们的地球村中,我们看到一门语言从其他语言借用词汇很普遍。 7. 在此我想跟你们一块儿分享我在英语学习方面的经验。 8. 中国政府已经决定在全国范围的公共场合禁止吸烟。 9. 过去三十年我们国家在各个领域取得了巨大进步。 10. 我们必须学会心平气和且明智地解决冲突。 11. 他向学生们解释说那天他病了。
12. 学校应该为学生组织更多的活动并且通过给学生组织更多的活动并且通过给学生留更少的作业让学生有更多的时间参加活动。
13. 我们应该学会怎样与他人友好相处。
14. 越来越多的研究表明痴迷手机常会导致自私,忽视他人的需求,甚至脱离现实生活。 15. 我禁不住在课堂上分心走神。 16. 老师不止一次地纠正她的错误发音。
17. 它们也导致了一些诸如空气污染与交通阻塞这样的问题。 18. 我依然能够记得一件事,这件事发生在一个下雨的星期天下午。 B 即时演练 连句成段
1. 我禁不住课堂上走神。更糟糕的是,这种情况日益严重,令我非常困惑。 有哪一种工作是普通的。
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3. 我首先代表学校向你们表示热烈欢迎。请允许我对我们学校做一个简单介绍。
4. 在地球村中,我们看到一门语言从其他语言借用词汇很普遍。在英语中,就有许多词汇借用拉丁语、法语,还有汉语。事实上,汉语从来就没有停止过这种做法。
第三节 主谓宾结构 仿写句子
1. I got first place in the English speech contest held by our school not long ago. 2. Tired as he was, he continued to work.
3. In my free time, I will continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games.
4. I like the proverb because it shows me a valuable philosophy of life. 5. He hardly knew how to write a composition.
6. In our global village, we see that it’s not uncommon for one language to borrow words from other languages.
7. Here I’d like to share my experience of learning English with you.
8. the Chinese government has decided to ban smoking in public places across the country. 9. The last three decades saw great improvements in different fields in our country. 10. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely. 11. He explained it to his students that he was ill that day.
12. The school should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework.
13. We should learn how to get along well with others.
14. More and more studies have showed that mobile phone addiction causes selfishness, ignorance of the needs of others and even disconnection from reality. 15. I couldn’t help being absent-minded in class.
16. The teacher corrected her wrong pronunciation more than once.
17. They have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. 18. I can still remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
1. I can’t help being absent-minded in class. Worse still, it is getting more serious, which has puzzled me.
2. Without the cleaners, our society wouldn’t function normally. Therefore, I think there is no ordinary job in the world.
3. On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. Please allow me to make a brief introduction of our school.
4. In our global village, we see that it’s not uncommon for one language to borrow words from other languages. In English, there are many words borrowed from other languages.
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第四节 双宾语结构
A 熟悉句型 连词成句
一 结构:主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语 二 说明
(一)give, tell, teach, write, bring, lend, hand, show, offer, send, pay, pass, award等。这一类动词后的间接宾语可以用一个介词to引导的短语来表示。
Please hand him a book. Please hand a book to him. 仿写句子:
2. 在你待在这儿的日子里,我希望你给我们讲一讲更多关于美国文化的情况。 3. 你能给提出一些关于演讲比赛的建议吗?
4. 在此,我代表们学校讲一讲6月28号参观我们学校的有关安排。
5. 这幅画给我们展示了一个感人的瞬间。一个小女孩上前迎接她工作了一天的妈妈。 6. 当你回家时,在你方便的时候,最好给我们写封电子邮件。 7. 在公共汽车上,他主动把座位让给那位老人。
8. 法官判定他获600万美元。 9. 财富并没有给他们带来幸福。
(二)buy, do, get, fetch, save, make, sing, choose等。这一类动词后的间接宾语可以用一个介词for引导的短语来表示。
Her father bought her a bike. Her father bought a bike for her. 仿写句子“
1. 你给孩子们取些水来好吗?
2. 为了庆祝老师的生日,全班同学给老师买了一大份蛋糕,还给老师做了一张明信片,上面签上了大家的名字。
3. 老师给我们挑选了许多重要的练习题,同时我们复习了各个语言要点。 4. 当我们到达目的地时,导游已经给我们预订好了宾馆。
5. 他给他的孩子们攒了很多钱。 6. 他给我们弄了两张票。7. 这个新方法省了我们不少时间。 8. 他给自己要了一瓶软饮料。 9. 最终我给他俩找到了一辆开往颐和园的公共汽车。 10. 我能占用你几分钟宝贵的时间吗?
(三)ask, take, cost等,这一类动词后的两个宾语都是直接宾语,无法改变其结构形式。 仿写句子:
1. 我可以询问一下今年暑期有关商务英语口语课程的一些问题吗? 2. 在我离开之前,请先回答我一个问题。
3. 完成这个项目可能要花费我将近一周时间,因此,你最好帮我一下。 4. 事实上,在城镇地区开车比骑自行车花的时间要多得多。
B 即时演练 连句成段
1. 他们相互交换了名片。之后,他们就开始经常通信了。
2. 我们通过说“教师节快乐”来向我们的老师表示祝贺,而后给她送上了鲜花和礼物
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第四节 双宾语结构 (一)仿写句子
1. The teacher gave me some advice and lent me some grammar books. 2. During your stay here, I hope you can tell us more about American culture. 3. Can you give me some suggestions about the speech contest?
4. On behalf of our school, I’d like to show you the arrangements for your greet her mom who has worked for a day.
5. The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her mom who has worked for a day.
6. You had better write us an email at your convenience when you are back home. 7. he offered his seat to the old man on the bus. 8. The judge awarded him 6 million dollars. 9. Wealth has not brought them happiness.
1. Would you fetch some water for the children?
2. To celebrate the teacher’s birthday, the whole class bought him a big birthday cake and made him a post card with all our names on it.
3. Our teacher chose many important exercises for us and we went over the language points at the same time.
4. When we got to the destination, the guide had booked the hotel for us. 5. He saved a lot of money for his children. 6. He got us two tickets.
7. This new method saved us much time. 8. He ordered himself a soft drink.
9. Eventually I managed to find both of them a bus to the Summer Palace. 10. Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time?
1. Could I ask you some questions about the business spoken English course this summer holiday? 2. Please answer me a question before I leave.
3. It may take me nearly one week to complete the project, so you had better give me a hand. 4. In fact, it will take you much more time to drive than to cycle in urban areas.
1. They sent each other their cards. From then on, they began to communicate by letter regularly. 2. We congratulated our teacher by saying “Happy Teachers’Day”. Then we gave her some flowers and gifts to express our thanks to her.
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7. Mind your behavior in public places. 8. Please join us in building a beautiful home! 9. Do be careful next time wherever you go.
10. Let’s take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. 11. Remember that communication is a great opportunity to make yourself known to others.
12. Please call me at 44976655 if you have any questions. 13. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
14. Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying what you don’t want in the supermarket.
1. Don’t be afraid of failing! Most students take an active attitude towards failure. They encourage themselves to be self-confident. What’s more, they try to find out the causes so that they will no longer make similar mistakes.
2. Work hard, or you will fail the next exam. Apparently, most people have made it through hard work.
3. Imagine living in such a bad mood for a long time. Now it is time for you to make a change.
4. Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know. Instead, try to find where you are wrong.
5. You are welcome to get involved in the event. So don’t miss the chance of being the winner.
第七节 感叹句结构
A 熟悉句型 连词成句
一 说明
感叹句用来表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情,句末用感叹号,读时用降调。 二 结构
What+(a/an+)形容词+名词+主谓结构(句子其他成分)! 示例:
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1. What a clever child!
2. What bad/terrible weather(it is)! (一)仿写句子
1. 你给我们讲了一个多么有趣的故事啊 2. 本学期我们取得了多么大的进步啊! 3. 看到我们中国人获得诺贝尔文学奖,这多么令人高兴啊!
4. 他给我们送了多么好的礼物啊! 5. 她在这部电影里演了一个多么有趣的角色啊! How+形容词或副词+主谓结构(句子其他成分)! 示例:
1. How fast he is running!
2. How patiently they are waiting! (二)仿写句子:
1. 没有及时赶到,多么令她失望啊!2. 能应邀参加国庆大典,多好啊!
3. 在一个新的班级,对我来说环境看起来多么陌生,新学期之初,我多么相信父母! 4. 在教师节那天,能看到我们的老师面对节日礼物时的兴奋劲,那将太好了! 5. 能够顺利通过高考多么令人激动啊!
6. 在这么冷的天,你帮了我这么大的忙,你多热心啊! How+陈述句(强调动句) 示例:
1. How time flies! 2. How I miss you! (三)仿写句子:
1. 我多么希望能尽快阅读并回复你的电子邮件啊! 2. 消费者多么痛恨那些造假的商家啊!
3. 尽管卧病在床,但他多么热爱自己的事业啊! 4. 在远离家外出上大学期间我是多么想念父母啊! 5.我多想尽快赶上其他人啊! 6. 她唱得多好啊!
B 即时演练 连句成段
1. 当时天气多么冷!然而在他的保护下我没被冻着。
2. 我多么想尽快赶上其他人啊!然而,剩下的时间不多了,赶上其他人谈何容易。 4. 多么感人的故事!你想像不到一个生活俭朴的女工人给贫困大学生捐赠了这么多钱。 5. 过去你学习多么努力!但是现在你这么懒惰!
6. 每一名队员都跋涉了50多英里的路程。在那样寒冷的天气中,他们是多么坚强! 7. 每一分钟都非常重要!即使我们眨一下眼睛,时间也将会被浪费掉。
8. 这是一项多么伟大的工程!正像我们目睹的,真的难以想到它是建在高山之巅。 9. 他太勇敢了!先是冲到门口,接着用尽全身力气把小偷撞翻,最后小偷被成功控制住。
10. 及时赶到面试现场非常重要!否则,一切失败都说明这是你的错。
第七节 感叹句结构 (一)仿写句子
1. What an interesting story you told us! 2. What great progress we have made this term!
3. What a great pleasure it was to see us Chinese get the Nobel Prize in Literature! 4. What a nice gift he has given us!
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5. What an interesting role she played in the film!
1. How disappointing it was for her not to make it in time!
2. How wonderful(it is) to be invited to the National Day celebration!
3. How strange it seems to me in a new class and how I miss my parents at the beginning of the new term!
4. How nice it’ll be to see our teacher so excited facing our presents on Teachers’ Day! 5. How exciting it is to pass the College Entrance Exam!
6. How warm-hearted it is of you to help me so much in such cold weather!
1. How I wish I could read and replay to your email as soon as possible! 2. How the consumers hate the factories making the fake goods! 3. How he loves his career although he is ill in bed!
4. How I miss my parents while I am away from home for university! 5. How I wish to catch up with others as soon as possible! 6. How well she sings!
1. How cold it was! However, it was he that protected me from being attacked by the cold weather.
2. How I wish to catch up with others as soon as possible! However, it is no easy job for me to do so in such a short time.
3. How time flies! I haven’t seen you for ages.
4. What a moving story! You can’t imagine that an ordinary woman worker with a frugal life donated a great deal of money to college students struggling with financial difficulties. 5. How hard you used to study! Now you have been so lazy!
6. Each team member covered a distance of more than 50 miles. How tough those men were in such cold weather!
7. How every minute counts! Time will be lost even if we blink.
8. What a great project it is! As we have seen, it’s hard to imagine that it was built on the top of the mountain.
9. How brave he was! First, he rushed to the door. Then, he pushed the thief down with full strength. At last, he managed to control him.
10. How important it is to be in time for the interview! Otherwise, all failure will show that it is your fault.
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第八节 并列句结构
A 熟悉句型 连词成句
1. 由并列连词或分号把两个或两个以上的、具有逻辑关系的简单句连接为一体,构成并列句。
2. 常用的并列连词有:but, and, for, so, or, either…or…, neither…nor…,not only…but also…, while, when, not…but…等。
1. 妈妈抱住我,我能从她眼中看出她对我非常满意。 2. 那么请支持我吧,我不会让你们失望的。
3. 我写信是想告诉你我叔叔李明准备到你们市开会,届时我让他给你捎去之前你要的中国画。
5. 不仅空气清新,而且街道干净。
6. 我们可以尽一切力量帮你,然而你必须做好迎接各种困难的准备。 7. 这篇作文挺好,然而仍有可以改进的地方。
8. 参加汉语比赛对提高汉语口语帮助很大,因此无论何时有机会,我都会抓住。 9. 对同学们敞开心扉,这样他们就会主动与你交流。 10. 不是他错了,就是你错了。 12. 有些人支持它而有些人反对。
13. 汽车中途出故障了,要么打电话叫朋友来帮忙,要么我们马上来拦辆出租车。 14. 有一次我在去书店的路上,正巧在十字路口等绿灯,就在这时一个大约十岁的小姑娘被一辆路过的汽车撞倒,车迅速逃离现场。
15. 小凡既不回家,也不上学,整天没日没夜地泡在网吧打发日子。
16. 结果孩子们觉得自己的努力得到奖赏是现所当然的,不然他们就会失去动力。
17. 面对建立在考试基础上的教育体制,我们没有展示自己、自由发言的机会,要知道,老师占据了几乎所有的课堂时间。 18. 该栏目还是去掉好,要知道没人对它感兴趣。 19. 我爱喝黑咖啡,而她喜欢喝加奶油的咖啡。
20. 中国结或作礼物赠友人或人们把它们作吉祥物悬挂于屋内。
第八节 并列句结构 仿写句子
1. My mother gave me a hug and could see satisfaction in her eyes. 2. So please support me and I won’t let you down.
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3. I’m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I’ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you’ve asked for before.
4. She must be ill, for she didn’t come school this morning. 5. Not only the air is fresh, but also the roads are clean.
6. We can do what we can to help you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties.
7. The composition is all right; however, there is room for improvement.
8. Attending Chinese speech contests is of great help to improve our spoken Chinese, and therefore, whenever there is an opportunity, I will grasp it.
9. Be open to your classmates and they will communicate with you actively. 10. Either he is wrong or you are wrong.
11. I got off the train at the station but I lost my way to the place I would stay in. 12. Some people support it while others do not.
13. The car broke down on the halfway, so either we should call to turn to our friends or we should stop a taxi immediately.
14. Once I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, which drove off quickly.
15. Neither would Xiaofan go home nor he would go back to school, and he killed time in the cybercafé all day and night.
16. As a result, children take it for granted that they do deserves a reward, or they will lose motivation.
17. Faced with the exam-oriented education system, we had no chance to show ourselves and speak freely, for the teachers took up almost all the time in class. 18. The column may as well be left out, for no one shows interest in it. 19. I like drinking black coffee while she prefers coffee with cream.
20. Either Chinese knots are given as gifts to friends or people hang them for luck in their houses.
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1. They introduced to us when the flag-raising ceremony would be held. 2. The teacher said that the book was very interesting and it was worth reading. 3. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp. 4. You can’t imagine what the public think about it.
5. The teacher reminds that we students should resist what will ruin the soul of teenagers.
6. Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use.
7. We must keep it in mind that theory should be combined with practice. 8. I don’t doubt that he is sure to get ahead of others.
9. Through the housework today, I think I have learned what I can’t learn from books.
10. It depends on whether we make enough efforts.
1. The picture conveys a message that there is usually a difference between one’s dream and reality.
2. You had better answer the question whether you will purchase the fitness equipment as soon as possible for the reason that it is popular in the market and it isn’t plentiful.
3. He has no idea how he will be able to get more fruit in the shortest time. 4. The whole truth came out at last that she had been helping us.
5. I hold a strong belief that education will make people have a bright future. 6. The news that he would come gave us much pleasure. 7. An idea occurred to him that he could go there by air.
8. The question whether he will leave or not remains to be considered.
9. It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents.
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说明:定语从句在复合句中起定语作用,修饰主句中的名词或代词。被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关系代词有who, whom, whose, which, as和that; 关系副词有when, where, why等。
1. 我决定列出我为之高兴的五十件事情。 2. 实际上,我们尝试的每一件事并非都能成功。
3. 良好的人际关系是我们未来社会生活中不可缺少的,因此,将手机收起来并多交好朋友,这的确是明智之举。
4. 高考考查我们高中学过的所有科目。
5. 我同意Susan的看法,她的文章让我想起了我最好的礼物,即一支钢笔,它是我父亲送我的,我父亲当时是一个工人。
6. 我会捐助那些生活在低于现代生活条件眄的人们。
7. 正如大家所知,如果我们有难,不是手机而是朋友能帮助我们脱困。 8. 我们最喜爱的就是待在一起赏月的时光。
9. 年底来我们学校参观吧,到那个时候我们的图书馆大楼将会竣工。 10. 我们学生应该经常与父母交换看法,父母经验丰富,最重要的是他们世界上最爱我们的人。
11. 去年我们参观了杭州,杭州是中国最美的城市之一。 12. 住在隔壁的布朗先生来自美国。
13. 他们钭飞往昆明,并将在那里街上两天。
14. 自从上大学以来,我一直是班长,这让我具有了较强的组织能力。 15. 地铁深受公众欢迎,地铁在北京是一种非常普及的交通工具。 _________________________________________________________________
1. I decided to make a list of fifty things I was happy with. 2. Actually, we can’t succeed in everything we try.
3. Good interpersonal relationships are a must for not future social life, so put your phone away and make more good friends, which is really a wise move.
4. In the National College Entrance Examination, we were examined on all the
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subjects that we had learned in high school.
5. I agree with Susan, whose article reminds me of my best gift, a pen, given by my father, who was a worker.
6. I would make donations to those who still live under the bottom line of the modern living conditions.
7. As is known to us all, if we are in trouble, it is not our phones but our friends that can really help us out.
8. What we love must is the time when we enjoy the full moon together.
9. Come and visit our school at the end of this year, by which time the library building will be finished.
10. We students should often exchange ideas with our parents, who are rich in experience, and above all, love us most in the world.
11. We visited Hangzhou last year, which is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
12. Mr. Brown, who lives next door, comes from America. 13. They will fly to Kunming, where they will stay for two days.
14. I have been a class monitor since I came to our college, which has brought me a strong ability of organization.
15. The subway, which is a widespread transportation in Beijing, is popular with the public.
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(六)状语从句 A. 时间状语从句
由连词when, whenever, as, while, after, before, until, till, since, once, as soon as 等引导。
1. 公交车停车时,没有乘客上下车。
_________________________________________________________________ 2. 三个月过去了她才意识到这一点。
_________________________________________________________________ 3. 我练习骑自行车一直练到我独自能够找到平衡。
_________________________________________________________________ 4. 直到那时,你才会意识到反复练习的重要性。
_________________________________________________________________ 5. 只有当我们的语言与行动相一致时,我们才能在凡是自己希望完成的方面做出个样子来。
_________________________________________________________________ 6. 随着年龄的增长,你会越来越了解自己。 7. 再过一年我们就要毕业了。
8. 接下来我一直苦练,直到我变得信心十足以至于敢于挑战优秀选手。 9. 自从到这里以来,我只收到家里一封信。 10. 我从小时候就认识史密斯先生了。
由the minute, the moment, the instant, immediately, instantly, directly, the day, the week, the year, the first time, any time, next time, every time, each time, the last time, all the time, by the time等引导。
11. 我一看到父亲打开盒子时脸上的表情,我就知道给他的礼物很合他心意。 12. 按钮一按,机器便开始工作。
13. 第二次世界大战爆发那一年他在美国。
14. 每逢他觉得自己取得了一些进步时,以往的经历总是妨碍他继续下去。 15. 这位先生一来,你立即领他进来。 16. 钟表刚敲了五下我就离开了。
17. 他刚风到教室,老师就进来了,铃也响了。
18. 雪下得很大的那一周我们在那里。
19. 下次当你来这儿时,我们会请你品尝本市地的地方小吃。
20. 儿子一放学回到家,就把自己关在房间里,玩弄手机,无视他人的存在。
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(六)状语从句 A. 时间状语从句
1. When the bus stopped no passengers got on or off. 2. Three months had went by before she realized it.
3. I practiced riding the bicycle until I could balance it by myself. 4. You won’t realize the importance of the repeated practice until then.
5. Only when we match our words with deeds can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.
6. As you grow older, you’ll know better and better about yourself. 7. It will be one year before we leave school.
8. Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players.
9. I have had only one letter from home only once since I came here. 10. I have known Mr. Smith since I was a child.
11. The minute I saw the look on my dad’s face as he unfolded the box, I knew that I had given him the perfect gift.
12. The machine starts the moment the button is pressed. 13. He was in the US the year the Second World War broke out.
14. Every time he thought that he had made some progress, the past experiences always prevented him from going on.
15. You must show the gentleman in immediately he comes. 16. I left immediately the clock struck 5 times.
17.Instantly/Directly he arrived at the classroom, the teacher come and the bell rang. 18. We were there the week it snowed so heavily.
19. Next time you come here, we will treat you to local snacks in the city. 20.
The instant the son got home from school, he locked himself in, playing with the cell
phone all the time without noticing anybody else around him.
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