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考试科目: 351英语翻译基础
适用专业: 英语口译(MTI)、英语笔译(MTI)
(试题共 3 页)
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target languages respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30’)
1. CPI 2. SME 3. WWF 4. ISO 5. CIF
6. Foxconn 7. MOFCOM 8. TPP
9. IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 10.Chemical Oxygen Demand
11.the “100,000” Strong Initiative by President Obama 12.carbon foot print 13.debt ceiling
14.solar photovoltaics 15.Standard & Poor’s 16.非关税壁垒 17.平板电视 18.廉租房
19.经济二次触底 20.海选
21.剩男剩女 22.地沟油 23.潜规则
24.中国载人航天计划 25.紧缩性货币政策 26.云计算 27.民心工程 28.智能城市
II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’)
Source Text 1:
High-speed ground transportation (HSGT) technologies with vehicle speeds exceeding 150 mph can be divided into two basic categories:
High-speed rail (HSR) systems, with top speeds between 150 and 200 mph, use steel wheels on steel rails, as with traditional railroads, but can achieve higher speeds because of the design of both the rail bed and cars.
High-speed magnetic levitation (MAGLEV) systems, with top speeds between 250 and 300 mph, use forces of attraction or repulsion from powerful magnets placed in either the vehicle or the guideway beneath it both to lift the vehicle above the guideway and to propel it forward. A MAGLEV vehicle can be likened to a flying train or a guided aircraft. If linked effectively with highways and air service, HSGT technologies – particularly MAGLEV – could have a significant impact on congestion in the future.
When comparing HSR with MAGLEV technologies, MAGLEV appears to be the technology of choice. Though the new generation of HSR technology can reach commercial speeds of up to 186 mph, additional increases in speed pose great engineering problems, suggesting that rail transportation is a mature technology. MAGLEV technology, on the other hand, is in its infancy and will improve substantially with additional engineering.
Source Text 2:
The fortunate people in the world—the only really fortunate people in the world, in my mind, — are those whose work is also their pleasure. The class is not a large one, not nearly so large as it is often represented to be; and authors are perhaps one of the most important elements in its composition. They enjoy in this respect at least a real harmony of life. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labor is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose however necessary—is a tiresome interlude, and even a holiday is almost deprivation. Whether a man writes well or ill, has much to say or little, if he cares about writing at all, he will appreciate the pleasures of composition. To sit at one’s table
on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a Squeezer pen—that is true happiness. The complete absorption of the mind upon an agreeable occupation—what more is there than that to desire? What does it matter what happens outside? The House of Commons may do what it likes, and so may the House of Lords. The heathen may rage furiously in every part of the globe. The bottom may be knocked clean out of the American market. Consols may fall and suffragettes may rise. Never mind, for four hours, at any rate, we will withdraw ourselves from a common, ill-governed, and disorderly world, and with the key of fancy unlock that cupboard where all the good things of the infinite are put away.
Source Text 3:
锦江在秦汉时代称为成都二江,包括郫江(内江)和检江(外江)。自汉以后,二江开始有了一个诗意化的通称:锦江。据史料记载,蜀地的织女们爱用二江的水洗濯织锦(brocade),洗后的锦缎纹理鲜明,颜色更加艳丽,因而此二江得名“锦江”。锦江的得名还与都江堰有关。在古蜀时代,岷江进入成都平原后的水流是散漫混浊的,平原一片沼泽,难以农耕。由于有了都江堰,用二江引渠作灌溉,浊流变为清江,水害变为水利,这才有濯锦江波的条件,才有锦江的得名。都江堰使成都平原成为沃野千里、水旱从人的天府,锦江使成都成为繁荣富庶的名都。都江堰与锦江都是成都城市文明的摇篮。 锦江赋予成都天青水绿的自然环境。成都的天生丽质离不开锦江“水绿天青不起尘,风光和暖胜三秦”的优良自然条件。
Source Text 4: 多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。
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