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四川农业大学 编印




2、网络教育春、秋入学考试时间,详见四川农业大学网络教育招生简章,具体考试安排以入学考试通知为准。 3、入学考试科目:大学语文、高等数学、大学英语。



目 录

大学语文………………………………………………………… 1




大 学 语 文


1、我国历史上最早的一部文学作品总集是 ( ) A、《文选》 B、《乐府诗集》 C、《左传》 D、《战国策》

2、《背影》描写人物肖像和行动时所采用的手法是 ( ) A、比兴 B、白描 C、情景交融 D、直抒胸臆

3、侯方域是明末清初著名的 ( ) A、政治家 B、诗文作家 C、思想家 D、教育家

4、《日出》的情节结构特点是 ( ) A、回顾式写法 B、横断面描写法 C、闭锁结构 D、开放式结构

5、王昌龄最擅长的是 ( ) A、七言律诗 B、七言歌行 C、五言绝句 D、七言绝句

6、中国现代小说的奠基人为 ( ) A、巴金 B、鲁讯 C、冰心 D、茅盾

7、曹操的《短歌行》(其一)是一首 ( ) A、律诗 B、新乐府 C、乐府旧题 D、绝句

8、在我国现代文学史上,郁达夫是杰出的 ( ) A、诗人 B、剧作家 C、杂文家 D、作家

9、下列各句中,含有使动用法的是 ( ) (1)虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中。


(3)白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。 (4)明月松间照,清泉石上流。

A、拟人 排比 比喻 对偶 B、比喻 拟人 夸张 对偶


C、比喻 排比 夸张 对偶 D、拟人 比喻 对偶 夸张 10、下列带点的的词解释正确的是 ( ) A、战百万日滋.之师。 滋:滋养。 B、字而幼孩,遂.而鸡豚 遂:于是。 C、间.道经其门。 间:间或,偶尔。 D、凌.

余陈兮躐余行。 凌:超过。 11、《关山月》用来抒情的线索是 A、笛声 B、歌舞 C、泪痕 D、月夜

12、具体来说,绝句又属于 A、古体诗 B、楚辞体 C、乐府诗 D、格律诗

13、屠格涅夫是俄国十九世纪的 A、现实主义作家 B、自然主义作家 C、批判现实主义作家 D、浪漫主义作家

14、在儒家政治理想中,逊于“大同”社会的是 A、小康社会 B、大道社会 C、春秋社会 D、战国社会

15、“麦琪的礼物”的含义是 A、指主人公的真挚情感及他们的美好心灵 B、指西方国家圣诞节所馈赠的礼物

C、指年轻夫妇德拉和杰姆所购买的表链和梳子 D、指生日礼物

16、郁达夫《故都的秋》是一篇 A、反映地方民情风俗的散文 B、游记散文 C、写景散文 D、记叙文

17、下列句子属于判断句式的是 A、制,岩邑也。 B、广为人长,猿臂。 C、以此常不见悦于长吏。 D、为虏所生得。

18、下列带点的解释正确的是 A、而吾未尝以此自多.者。 多:夸耀。 B、举.先王之政,以兴利除弊。 举:列举。 C、此所谓藉寇兵而赍.

盗粮者也。 赍:借给。


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

D、初守睢阳时,士卒仅万人。 仅:只有。 .

19、下列画横线的句子翻译正确的是 ( ) A、“闻道百,以为莫己若者”,我之谓也。

我之谓也:这是我所说的啊。 B、今将军尚不得夜行,何乃故也。 何乃故也:这是什么缘故呢。 C、虏多且近,即有急,奈何。

即有急:即使遇到紧急情况。 D、愿陛下矜愍诚,听臣微志。


20、下列各句带点的词,词义相同的一组是 ( A、民以.殷盛,国以富强; 以.子之道,移之官理,可乐? B、故病且.怠若是; 且.吾相当不当封侯邪?且固命也?C、故远人不服,则修文德以来之.; 是何异于刺人而杀之.。 D、遂而想见,其.谁曰不然; 河内凶,则移其.

民于河东。 21、李白《行路难》中“将登太行雪满山”的象征意义是 ( A、心绪茫然 B、壮志难酬 C、前途暗淡 D、道路凶险

22、下列作品中,充满了象征意蕴的散文诗是 ( A、屠格涅夫《门槛》 B、艾青《我爱这土地》 C、冰心《往事——之十四》 D、茅盾《香市》

23、《诗经》中保存民歌最多的为 ( A、风 B、颂 C、小雅 D、大雅

24、茅盾倡导并组织成立的是 ( A、新月社 B、创造社 C、文学研究会 D、语丝社

25、老舍是我国现代 ( A、著名诗人 B、著名文艺评论家 C、著名作家 D、著名游记作家

26、“想佳人、妆楼顒望”中“顒望”的意思是 ( A、举头凝望 B、低头俯视 C、远望 D、仰望


) ) ) ) ) ) ) 27、描写按对象分类,大体可归纳为人物描写和 ( ) A、细节描写 B、直接描写 C、心理描写 D、环境描写

28、郁达夫“五四”时期参加的文学社团是 ( ) A、文学研究会 B、左翼作家联盟 C、太阳社 D、创造社

29、《冯谖客孟尝君》中孟尝君是 ( ) A、魏国人 B、赵国人 C、楚国人 D、齐国人

30、下列句中“之”是实词,当“到”讲的是 ( ) A、所操之.术多异故也。 B、夫子欲之.。 C、大军不知广所之.。 D、今我睹子之.

难穷也。 31、孔子的思想核心是 ( )

A、兼爱 B、仁和礼 C、严刑峻法 D、自然无为

32、北宋中叶诗文革新运动的领袖是 ( )

A、王安石 B、苏轼 C、欧阳修 D、柳宗元

33、“请以遗之”中“遗”的解释正确的一项是 ( )

A、赠送 B、遗忘 C、遗留 D、遗弃

34、我国田园诗派的开创者是 ( )

A、王维 B、孟浩然 C、李白 D、陶渊明

35、下列各组词中加点的字,读音与所给注音全都相同的一组是 ( ) A、埋mái 埋.葬 埋.怨 埋.头苦干 隐姓埋.名 B、处chǔ 处.方 处.置 处.变不惊 安常处.顺 C、鲜xiān 鲜.活 新鲜. 鲜.为人知 寡廉鲜.耻 D、辟pì 开辟. 复辟. 鞭辟.入里 开天辟.

地 36、下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 ( )

A、婉转嘹亮 冠免堂皇 轻而易举 B、哗众取宠 手屈一指 百战不殆 C、独抒新见 百无聊赖 执迷不悟 D、白壁微瑕 挺而走险 貌合神离

37、现代文学史上,擅长描写北京底层平民生活,作品具有浓厚的京味的作家是(A、茅盾 B、老舍 C、曹禺 D、刘心武

38、下列句中“从”是使动用法的一句是 (


A、天子使中贵人,人人广勤习兵 B、广乃遂从百骑往驰三人 C、大军不知广所之,故弗从 D、从人田间饮

39、《女神》作者是 ( )

A、闻一多 B、艾青 C、郭沫若 D、戴望舒 40、成语“信誓旦旦”出自

A、《诗经》 B、《论语》 C、《左传》 D、《史记》


1、先秦时期一部最能代表儒家思想的语录体散文集是 。 2、“大道之行也,天下为公”出自 。 3、我国盛唐边塞诗派的代表诗人是 。 4、文学史上田园诗派的开创者是 。 5、鲁讯的小说《风波》选自 。

6、“遥岑远目,献愁供恨,玉簪螺髻”所使用的修辞方法是 , 。 7、所谓“四书”指的是《论语》、《大学》、《中庸》和 。 8、说“知识就是力量”这句名言的是 。 9、闻一多属于诗歌流派中的 派。

10、《背影》一文为刻画一个慈父形象所选取的描写重点是人物的 。 11、《诗经》根据音乐的不同,分为 、 、 三部分。 12、《史记》是中国第一部 ,被鲁迅称之为“


13、唐诗的发展阶段分为 、 、 、 四个时期。 14、“元曲四大家”指 、 、 、 15、鲁迅的散文代表作品有 等,鲁迅的杂文代表作品有 等。 16、词在其产生的唐代一般被称为 和 。 17、20年代小说有三大潮流,一是以文学研究会为主的 ,代表作

家 ;二是以创作社为主的 一派,代表作家 ;三是 ,代表作家 。

18、宋词的两大流派是 和 。

19、道家学派的代表人物是 和 。墨家学派的代表人物

是 ,法家的代表人物有 等。


20、杂剧作家中 和 成就最高,影响最大。 三、作文


这只狗的主人是本市有名的大富翁。这位富翁丢狗后十分着急,因为这是一只纯正的进口名犬。于是,皖在大街上张站了一别寻狗启事:如有拾到者请速还,付酬金两万元。 第二天,乞丐沿街行乞时,看到这则启事,便迫不及待地抱着小狗准备去领那两万元酬金。可当他匆匆忙忙抱着狗又路过贴启事处时,发现启事上的酬金提高到了3万元。 乞丐似乎不相信自己的眼睛,向前走的脚步突然间停了下来,想了想又转身将狗抱回了窑洞,重新拴了起来。第三天,酬金果然又涨了,第四天又涨了,直到第七天,酬金涨到了让市民都感到惊讶时,乞丐这才跑回窑洞去抱狗。可想不到的是那只可爱的小狗已被饿死了。乞丐还是乞丐。




阅读后确立一个议论中心,题目自拟。 要求:A、必须写成议论文; B、不能少于800字; C、字迹工整,卷面整洁。




1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.C 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.B 36.C 37.B 38.B 39.C 40.A


1.论语 2.礼记 3.岑参 4.陶渊明 5.呐喊 6.比喻、拟人 7.孟子 8.培根 9.新月派 10.人物的背影 11.风、雅、颂 12.纪传体通史,史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚。

13.初唐、盛唐、中唐、晚唐 14.关汉卿、白朴、马致远、郑光祖 15.《野草》 《坟》《花边文学》 16.长短句 乐府 17.人生写实派,叶圣陶。自叙传,郁达夫。乡土文学,彭家煌。 18.豪放派和婉约派 19.老子 庄子 墨子 韩非 20.关汉卿、白朴 三、作文 答案(略)




sin(ax)?3,则a的值是( )

x?0x1 A. B.1 C.2 D.3


x?ke2(x<0)f(x)??,在x?0处连续,则常数k? 。

?1?cosx?x?0) A. 1 B.2 C.0 D.3 3、已知函数y?f(x)在点x0处可导,且limh?0h1?,则f?(x0)等于

f(x0?2h)?f(x0)4 A.-4 B. -2 C. 2 D.4 4、设函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,则b?af(t)dt( )

A.小于零 B.等于零 C.大于零 D.不确定 5、若A与B的交是不可能事件,则A与B一定是( )

A.对立事件 B.相互独立事件 C.互不相容事件 D.相等事件

6、甲、乙二人参加知识竞赛,共有6个选择题,8个判断题,甲、乙二人依次各抽一题,则甲抽到选择题,乙抽到判断题的概率为 A.

862414 B. C. D. 919191913x7、要使f(x)?1n(1?2x)在x?0处连续,应补充f(0)等于( ) A.e6 B. -6 C. -

3 D.0 28、已知f(x)在x0处可导,且limh?0h1?,则f?(x0)等于( )

f(x0?2h)?f(x0)4 A. -4 B. -2 C.2 D.4 9、设f(x)?x1nx,则f(n)(x)(n?2)等于( )

n(?1)nn!?-1??n?1?! A. B.

xn?1xn 8

n?2 C.

?-1??n?2?! (?1)n?2(n?2)!xn?2 D.


10、函数y?f(x)在点x?x0处取得极小值,则必有( ) A.f??(x0)<0 B.f?(x0)?0

C.f?(x0)?0且f??(x0)>0 D.f?(x0)?0或f?(x0)不存在11、设函数f(x)在[a,b]上连续,则下列结论不正确的是( ) A.?baf(x)dx是f(x)的一个原函数



C. ?bxf(t)dt是?f(x)的一个原函数(a<x<b)


12、1im2x?1x??3x?4?( )

A. -14 B.0 C.23 D.1

13、已知f(x)在x?1处可导,且f?(1)?3,则1f(1?h)?f(1)him?0h?( A. 0 B.1 C.3 D.6 14、设函数y?1nx,则y?? ( ) A. 11xx B. —x C. 1n x D.e 15

设函数f(x)在x?0处连续,当x<0f?(x)<0,当x>0时,f?(x)>0,则( )

A.f(0)是极小值 B. f(0)是极大值


) ,

时 C. f(0)不是极值 D. f(0)既是极大值又是极小值 16.设函数y?sin(x2?1),则dy? ( ) A.cos(x2?1)dx B,?cos(x2?1)dx C.2xcos(x2?1)dx D.?2xcos(x2?1)dx 17、设f(x)的一个原函数为x3,则f?(x)? ( )

14x C. 4x4 D.6x 4?z?( ) 18、设函数z?tanxy,则?x A.3x B.

2 A.

yx?x?y B. C. D.

cos2xycos2xysin2xysin2xy3?2z19、设函数z?(x?y),则? ( )

?x?y A.3(x+y) B.(3x?y)2 C. 6(x+y) B.(6x?y)2 20、五人排成一行,甲乙两人必须排在一起的概率P=( ) A.

1234 B. c. D. 5555

二、填空题 1、lim1?cos2x? 。

x?0x·sin2x32、设函数=sin(1nx),则y?? . 3、设函数y=ecosx,则y???

34、若函数f(x)?x?x,则2??2f(x)dx的值为 . 5、

??11x2?3xdx? . 10

6、limsin(x?1)? . 2x?1x?17、已知f(x)??8、

?2x?1(x?0),则f(0)? 2x(x>0),?dx?x2? . 9、设函数z?xy,则dz? . 10、设函数z?x?y2的驻点是 .

三、计算题 1、在曲线y?32x上求一点M0,使过点M0的切线平行于直线x?2y?5?0,并求过





4、求函数f(x,y)?4(x?y)?x2?y2的极值. 5、甲、乙二人单独译出密码的概率分别为和2131,求此密码被译出的概率. 46、求抛物线y?2x与直线y?x?4所围图形的面积。 7、计算limx?0x(tanx?sinx). 4sinx8、设y?arctan1?x,求y? 1?x1dx.





x2?9. 11、计算limx?3x?312、设函数y?x3?sinx?3,求y?. 13、计算sin5xdx.

14、设抛物线y?1?x2与x轴的交点为A、B,在它们所围成的平面区域内,以线段AB为下底作内接等腰梯形ABCD(如图所示),设梯形上底CD长为2x,面积为S(x)。 (1)写出S(x)的表达式;






18、袋子装有大小相同的12个球,其中5个白球,7个黑球,从中任取3个球,求这3个球中至少有一个黑球的概率。 19、设f(x)为连续函数,试证:x2?z?212f(3?x)dx??1f(x)dx.




1.D 2. B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6. C 7.B 8. B 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.C. 20.B


( )71.In 2008, 27 people were arrested because of the contaminated(有毒的) milk


A. incident B. accident C. event D. occurrence ( )72.Don’t put off until tomorrow should be done today. A. that B. what C. is D. when ( )73.He had a pain his back.

A. on B. with C. in D. onto ( )74.They talked and talked as if they never meet again. A. will B. would C. should D. shall

( )75.You cannot ignore the situation forever, one day you will have to the


of your act

A. look up to B. wake up to C. stand up to D. face up to ( )76.Open the window, ?

A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ( )77.He spoke so quickly that I did not what he said.

A. catch B. accept C. take D. listen ( )78.More , Less speed.

A. hurry B. rush C. quickness D. haste ( )79.At the bus stop a soldier and two young people on their way to North


A. were B. was C. is D. sits and waits ( )80.The police chief ordered that parking on Main Street during the rush


A. be prohibited B. be prohibiting

C. is prohibited D. was prohibited



Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades. 1 your teenager starts a family quarrel by sitting in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework , why not 2 a simple experiment ? Rather than taking the heavy handed(严厉的)line of ordering him to his bedroom to get on with it 3 ,let him do the homework the 4 he wants. You might well find that this essay is more sparkling (有文采的)than 5 he’s done before.


According to the research of Millfield prep school , around 20% of youngsters 6 best with background music, 10% excel (突出)when allowed to break up their work with short walks around the room, while up to 80% can concentrate(集中注意力) 7 if allowed to fiddle(用手拨弄)with a small object

The research has advised the school to adopt (采取)a complete 8 approach(措施),analyzing pupils to discover which learning style 9 them best, then letting them do their work with listening to music or 10 lying down. Doubtful parents at first regarded the move as a layabout’s (懒散闲荡的人)deed but may are now applying it at 11 where children are also allowed to do their work 12 the television on.

―I 13 to work on the floor with music on low, ‖admits Susan, 13, a day-girl(走读女生).“At first my parents thought I was skiving (逃避), but my 14 persuaded them to look at my homework and when they saw it was OK, they 15 .‖ 1.A.Next time 2.A.take 3.A.quickly 4.A.atmosphere 5.A.everything 6.A.work 7.A.faster 8.A.new 9.A.interests 10.A.still 11.A.school 12.A.while 13.A.continue 14.A.teacher 15.A.refused

B.Then B.try B.quietly B.way B.something B.relax B.deeper B.special B.affects B.perhaps B.class B.when B.hope B.classmate B.agreed

C.Before long C.form C.carefully C.method C.nothing C.think C.better C.common C.suits C.almost C.home C.as C.hate C.friend C.stopped (二)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage., there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

It was wonderful up there. Ralph wanted to reach out and 1 a star, for they 2 so close. He could see the earth getting smaller and smaller.

The ship circled around a made star called Mars(火星)and his space friends 3 Ralph understand that this was their home.

He wanted to ask all kinds of 4 , but no one could answer him. There was nothing to eat or drink. There people had only 5 colorful pills which they can eat 6 they were hungry.


D.In case D.allow D.attentively D.means D.anything D.progress D.worse D.interesting D.improves D.even D.last D.with D.prefer D.neighbor D.accepted

Soon it became 7 harder for Ralph to breathe than he felt at first. He felt 8 light that he could not even stand 9 his own feet.“If I could only have some water,” he 10 “,and a ride back down to the earth!”

The spacemen knew that it was 11 for Ralph to leave. He could not live up there 12 longer without special air or suit like theirs. So they took him to a part of the ship where there was 13 enough for just one man. A door closed over his head and 14 a minute Ralph was flying down to the earth in his own rocket ship.

Suddenly he felt the rocket 15 down and then stopped. He was back on the earth. 1.A.getting 2.A.felt 3.A.told 4.A.problems 5.A.a few 6.A.where 7.A. very 8.A.very 9.A.by 10.A.hoped 11.A.day 12.A.no 13.Afloor 14.A.day 15.A.fly




Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East, Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest underground lake. The Lost Sea is a part of extensive and historic cave system called Graihead Caverns.

The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation. The Cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain. One mile from the entrance, in a room called ―The Council Room‖, many Indian artist facts have been found.

For many years it had been considered that there was a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not discovered until 1905. In that year, a 13-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled into a small opening three hundred feet underground, he found himself in a large cave


B.touch B.saw B.caused B.questions B.a little B.because B.quite B.so B.above B.expected B.date B.any B.ground B.after B.fall

C.hit C.looked C.let C.words C.little C.if C.rather C.as C.in C.wished C.time C.too C.place C.for C.slowed

D.knock D.watched D.made D.phrases D.no D.when D.even D.too D.on D.wanted D.hour D.very D.room D.before D.go

half filled with water.

Today tourists visit the Lost sea and ride far out in glass-bottomed boats. More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far and still no end of the lake has been found. Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea, the full extent of it is still unknown. ( )1.The Lost Sea is unique because it is . A. part of a historical cave system

B. the biggest underground lake in the world C. listed in the Guinness Book of World Records D. the largest body of water in Tennessee

( )2.The Craighead Caverns have been known .

A. through history B. since the time of the Indian nations C. since 1905 D. since divers explored them ( )3.Who located the Lost Sea in recent times? A. The Cherokee Indians. B. Tourists. C. Ben Sands. D. Scientists

( )4.It can be inferred from the passage that the Craighead Caverns presently serve as . A. an underground testing site B. an Indian meeting ground C. a tourist attraction D. a motor boat race course


Human needs seem endless. They might be regarded as making up several levels. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.

The first and most basic level of needs involves food. Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears. By the end of World War I1, these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. Then a third level appeared. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.

By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the ―life-enriching‖ level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is. the feed in comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called ―luxury‖ items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation. Also included here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.

On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods.

A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudice. After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our


teeth, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

( )1. According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and

clothing only when A. he has saved up enough money

B. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter C. he has satisfied his hunger D. he has learned to build houses

( )2. It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War II, most Americans

A. were very rich B. lived in poverty C. did not own automobiles D. had their own automobiles

( )3. What is the main concern of man on the fourth level? A. The more goods the better.

B. The more mental satisfaction the better.

C. The more ―luxury‖ items the better. D. The more earnings the better.

( )4.The author tends to think that the fifth level

A. would be little better than the fourth level B. may be a lot more desirable than the first four C. can be the last and most satisfying level

D. will become attainable before the government takes actions


At the University of Kansas art museum, scientists tested the effect of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown . Movement of each group was followed by an electrical equipment under the carpet. The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one . Dark brown made people more active, but the activity ended sooner. Not only the choice of colors but also the general appearance of a room affects those inside. Another experiment presented people with photographs of faces whose energy was to be commented. Three groups of people were used; each was shown the same photos, but the first group was in an ordinary room, the second was in a nice office and the third was in a tastefully designed living room with a carpet. Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tend to give higher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did . Other studies suggest that students do better on tests taken in comfortable rooms than in ordinary – looking or ugly ones.

( )1.Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage? A. People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people

in ugly rooms.


