新概念第一册同步练习 L1-2

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Lessons 1~2

Ⅰ. 听句子,从下列选项中找出相应的答语。

① Yes, it is.

②. You are welcome. ③. Yes?

④. Is this your watch? A. ①②③④

Ⅱ. 听录音,补全对话。

1. A: __________ __________! Is this your car? B: I __________ your __________? A: Is this your car?

B: Yes, __________ __________. A: __________ thanks. B. You are __________.

2. A: __________ __________. Where is Zhongshan Park, please? B: It’s over there.

A: __________ __________. B: __________ are welcome.

Ⅰ. 单词辨音。

B. ②①③④

C. ③①②④

D. ④③②①


Ⅱ. 补全单词。

1. e _ c _ se 原谅 5. dr _ ss 连衣裙 7. sh _ _ t 衬衫 9. v _ r _ 非常

Ⅲ. 英汉互译。

1. 请原谅! 3. 你的衬衫 5. 两只手提包 7. 非常大 9. 你们的房子

2. h _ ndb _ g 手提包 4. h _ _ se 房子 6. sk _ _ t 裙子 8. w _ tch 手表 10. p _ nc _ l 铅笔

3. p _ _ don 原谅,请再说一遍

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

2. thank you 4. Pardon? 6. very much 8. small car 10. new dress

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。 1. Excuse me! Is this __________ coat? A. you B. your

2. — Is this your new car?

C. yours

D. you’s

— Yes, __________. A. it is B. it isn’t C. they are D. they aren’t

3. Carol and I __________ students, and __________ parents are doctors. A. are; we B. are; our

4. — Is this your brother? — Yes, __________. A. he is B. it is

5. Is this bag __________? A. her

C. it isn’t C. she

D. this is D. hers

C. am; my

D. is; her

B. she’s

6. — __________, could you tell me the way to the cinema? — Certainly.

A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello 7. Mark Twain was __________ American writer. A. an

B. a

C. the

8. — Is this your book? — __________

— Is this your book? A. Yes? B. Sure. C. Sorry. D. Pardon? 9. I met Kate on __________ way home. (北京中考) A. my

D. Thank you D. 不填

B. me C. his

D. him



10. What __________ the number of the girls in your class? (哈尔滨中考) A. is B. am C. are D. be

Ⅱ. 根据例子,用所给单词写出问句。

handbag 1. book 2. coat 3. house 4. pencil 5. skirt

Ⅲ. 用be (am, is, are) 动词填空。

1. __________ that your watch?

2. I __________ 12 years old.

3. They __________ on the chair. 4. We __________ at the table.

5. Kate and Janna __________ good girls.

Ⅳ. 改写同义句。

1. This is my handbag, and it is big. My __________ is big.

2. Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. I __________ __________ pardon? 3. Excuse me, sir. Is this your book?

Excuse me, sir. __________ this book __________? 4. Thanks a lot.

Thank you __________ __________.

Ⅴ. 根据所给词语,翻译下列句子。

1. — 汤姆,这是你的手提包吗? — 是的,这是的。(handbag)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2. — 这是你的眼镜吗? — 不,不是的。(glasses)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________


Ⅰ. 补全对话。

Mary: Hello, Tim. How are you?

Tim: 1. ________________ What about you, Mary? Mary: I’m OK, thanks. Do you like some tea?

Tim: 2. ________________ Do you have any orange juice? Mary: Of course. 3. ________________

Tim: Thanks very much. Is this the photo of your family? Mary: 4. ________________

Tim: And is the boy with a basketball your brother?

Ⅱ. 情景问答。

1. You don’t hear something very well.

What do you say?

_____________________________________________________ 2. Someone gives you something.

How do you thank him or her?

_____________________________________________________ 3. You want to speak to someone.

What do you say first?


Self-assessment: □ Excellent

□ Good □ So-so



