专题03 形容词和副词(押题专练)-2017年高考英语二轮复习精品资料

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1.—I have to say that his novel is not a bit interesting.How do you find it? —How come?It's ________ one that I have ever read. A. a less interesting C.a most interesting 【答案】D


2.Her husband's birthday is coming.After a long thought, she plans to buy a ________ wallet for him.

A.black leather small C.small leather black 【答案】B

B.small black leather D.black small leather

B.a more interesting

D.the most interesting

3.He doesn't know anything about the matter; ________, he doesn't want to get involved. A.nevertheless C.otherwise 【答案】B


4. It was ________ of them to have sent the old people and children to safety in case the flood destroyed their village.

A.tolerant C.typical 【答案】B

【解析】他们把老人和孩子送到安全的地方以防洪水毁坏村庄的做法是很周到的。tolerant“忍受的”;considerate“体贴的,周到的”;typical“典型的”;compulsory“义务的”。be considerate of意为“替??着想,周到,体谅”,符合句意。

5.Finally, the two brothers climbed up the last floor, ________. A.hungrily and tired C.hungry and tired

B.hungrily and tiredly D.hungry and tiredly B.considerate D.compulsory B.besides D.therefore


【解析】最后,兄弟俩爬上了最后一层,又饿又累。此处用hungry and tired在句中作状语表状态,故选C项。

6.Celine Dion, who performed wonderfully at the Spring Festival Gala, is ________ as she was 15 years ago.

A.as attractive a star C.attractive as a star 【答案】A

【解析】Celine Dion在春节联欢晚会上表演得很精彩,她和15年前一样是一位具有吸引力的明星。as和so/how一样,修饰可数名词单数时的顺序为“as+形容词+不定冠词+可数名词单数”。故选A。

7.According to the latest research, getting enough sleep is ________ to maintaining good health and reducing stress.

A.essential C.special 【答案】A

B.promising D.sensible

B.as an attractive star D.as attractive star


was your job interview?

—Oh, I couldn't feel ________.I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.

A.better C.worse

B.easier D.happier

【答案】C 根据答语的第二句可推知回答者感觉“再糟糕不过了”,所以答案为C项。 9.Old batteries can't be thrown away ________ even when they are no longer useful, because they'll pollute the environment.

A.casually C.gradually 【答案】A


10.It is difficult for children to change their eating habit later in life.________, parents should encourage healthy eating from an early age.

B. partly D.immediately

A.Otherwise C.Besides

B.Therefore D.However

【答案】B 【解析】因为孩子的饮食习惯在以后的生活中很难改变,所以父母应在孩子小的时候就鼓励健康的饮食。分析题干可知,句子前后为因果关系,所以选择B。


1.Club sports are less time-consuming than other athletic items, and you can________(easy)miss a practice or even a competition if your academic or work commitments are particularly demanding at a certain point.



2.He was very good-looking,with a very pleasant,sociable manner,and after the introductions,conversation flowed most ________(enjoy)in the little group.



was clearly most interested in Jane Bennet,and started talking particularly to her.Darcy,________,was just determining not to look at Elizabeth,when he suddenly noticed the stranger. 【答案】however


4.Of all living things,human beings are the ________(clever). 【答案】cleverest/most clever

【解析】在所有的生物中,人类是最聪明的。根据比较范围of all living things可知,此处有最高级意义,表示“最聪明的”。

5.There are ________(amaze) things in the world. 【答案】amazing


6. It seems that she is ________(thin) than before. 【答案】thinner

【解析】她好像比以前瘦了。由than可知本空填比较级,thin的比较级形式为thinner。 7.Practice some ________ (relax) techniques before you go into a social situation. 【答案】relaxing


8. ________(curious),I gave him my full attention. 【答案】Curiously


9.There are ________(absolute) no trees anywhere,just low bushes and yellow and brown grass.



10.I'm really ________(surprise) too. 【答案】surprised


11.The ________(easy) of all ways is to spend less! 【答案】easiest

【解析】最简单的方法就是少花钱。由句中的比较范围of all ways可知该句应用最高级形式,故此处填easiest。

12.One day,the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born.Sadly,________,the eagle was raised to be a chicken.


13. ____

____(obvious),I was doing very badly. 【答案】Obviously

【解析】很明显,我做得的确很糟。作句子状语,意为“明显地”,填副词Obviously。 14.A beginner's wall is usually about 15 feet ________(height). 【答案】high

【解析】初始者的墙通常大约有15英尺高。作句子的表语,表示“??高”,故填high。 15.Chopsticks originated in China,but they are ________(wide) used in many Asian countries.


【解析】筷子起源于中国,但是在很多亚洲国家被广泛地使用。修饰动词are used,用副词;wide本身可以作副词用,但是表示“充分张开地”,而此处所需副词表示“广泛地”之意,故应填widely。

