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人教新目标英语七年级上 Unit 1 My name is Gina
Unit 1 My n ame '
Gi na
(The 4th period Sectio n B 1a — 2 c ) Teachi ng aims (教学目标) 1 ?复习并熟练掌握数字 0-9的英文表述。 2. 掌握一些常用数字(如 110,121,119,114,120等)的实际意义。 3. 填写通讯录。 Lan guage points (语言点)
1. 要求掌握以下句式: What 'your pho ne number? It's …
2. 要求掌握以下词汇: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seve n, eight, nine Difficulties (难点):数字的中英文对应关系。 Teachi ng steps (教学步骤)
1. Warmi ng-up and revisio n (课堂热身和复习) (1) Daily greet in gs to the stude nts (日常问候) S4: His n ame is … T: Good morning, every one. My n ame is Peter. What syour name, please?1 S1: My n ame is Lily. T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: And what 's your n ame? S2: My name is … 教学设计说明 (2) Revision (复习)
1?操练这个问题是为了 熟
悉日常用语及对姓名 的提
问法;同时也是为 了使同学们尽快熟悉各 自的英文名字。应尽可 能让多个Ss 作答。鼓励 他们大胆开口,大胆回 答。
Part one: 2
T: S1, what's his name? S1: His n ame is … T: S2, what 'her name? S2: Her n ame is … Part two:
S1: Good morning. What ' your name, please?3 S2: My n ame is Jack. What ' your n ame, please? S1: My name is Susan. And what 'your name, please? S3: My n ame is Tony.
S1: S4, what ' his name? (point to S2 )
2.重点复习、操练、巩 固 his, her, my, your 这 几个
物主代词的用法及 英文名字的使用。
3?以小组为单位,同学 间
进行交流,既加大了 句型的复习密度,同时
2. Presentation (呈现)
T: Please tell me how to say it in English? (show the Ss the number
cards, one by one)4
Ss: It 's one.
Ss: It 's two.
3. Game
Part one
T: We have 10 groups. Every group has a number. When I show the number card, the group must stand up and say the 5
number loudly. Ready?
(Every time, T shows the Ss one card. The group must stand up.)
Ss: Five./Seven./Three.
Part two
T: Now, this time, I 'll show you the number card, but the next
6 number group must stand up and say the number loudly. 6 (T
shows the Ss one card.) eg:
T: (Show the card —2)
Ss: Three. (Group 3 stands up and say the number loudly)
Part three
T and the Ss play the game again, but this time, not the next group stands up, but the number before. 7 eg:
T: (Show the card —5)
Ss: Four. (Group 4 stands up and read the number loudly)
T shows the Ss some numbers (car number, room number etc),
asks them to read out.
T: (show a car number) 浙A3M827
Ss: Zhe-A-three-M-eight-two-seven.
T: (Show a room number)1508
Ss: Room one-five-o-eight.4.教师事先准备好0-9 ,共10 张数字卡片。课堂上随机使用。看学生的反应速度、熟练度和准确性。
5. Work on 1b (完成P4--1b )
(T asks the Ss how the number is pided up. Guide them to understand that three numbers come before the hyphen and four numbers after it)
T: Now let 's listen to the tape.
T: (ask the Ss to write the phone numbers in the blank.)
T: (check the answers:2-7-8-6-9-2-6)
6.Work on 1c (完成P4- -1c )
T: Now please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about phone numbers1.0
S1: What 's your telephone number, S2?
S2: It's 356-9865.
S1: 356-9865. Thanks.
7.Work on 2a,2b (完成P4-2a,2b)
T: Point to the numbered names. Read each one aloud along with the number that comes before it. Then say each number and ask a student to read the name after that number.
Point to the blanks in the four telephone numbers. Tell the Ss that the last two numbers of each telephone number are missing. Listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers.
Play the tape then check the answers.11
(1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a)
(278-7928, 555-8042, 398-6149, 929-3160)
8.Work on 2c (完成P4-2c)
T: (Point out the address book headings “names” and “phone Numbers”.)12
Let the Ss ask other four students in the class these questions to complete the chart.
( the four students who are asked should not be in his/her group)
9.Follow up (进一步扩展)
Part one
T: Now it 's your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please 9.播放磁带。完成数字的填写。之后当场校对。
10.学生模仿1b 的对话,以四人小组的形式进行练习,并记录小组成员的电话号码。
11.播放磁带。如有需要,T 可播放磁带两遍。
询问他们的姓名和电话号码,并记录在表中。而此时的“随机” 更能增加语言的真实交际性。
work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about his/her friends 'names and
telephone numbers.
Eg: A: Hi / Hey,…What' your friend 'sname?
B: His name is …
A: What s s his first name?
B: …
A: What s s his given name?
B: …
A: What s s his telephone number?
B: His telephone number is …
Part two
Introduce one classmate in the address book before class.
Oral work: (1) Listen to Section B 2a, read and recite it.
(2) Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.
Written work: (1) Finish workbook P.3. Exx 4 and 5.
(2) Bring some photos of your friends s or your relatives s telephone numbers, car numbers and get ready to
introduce to the classmates.
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