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Module 1 family and relatives

Unit 1 my family tree

四会单词:member, cousin, uncle, aunt, granddaughter, grandson, only, always, usually, sometimes, else 四会词组:family tree, play badminton, play games, go shopping, go cycling 基本功能句:This is my brother/sister… These are my brothers/cousins… How many uncles do you have? I only have one… / I have (number)… What do you do with your aunt? I always play games with my aunt. usually sometimes What else do you do with him(her/them) I usually … with him(her/ them) 相关功能句: Vocabulary (词汇) Target language (目标语言) 单选 ( )1. My father’s father is my_______. A. grandmother B. grandson C grandfather ( ) 2. My daughter’s daughter is my _______. A. grandmother B. granddaughter C. grandfather ( ) 3. I always play games ______ my friends. A. to B. with C. in ( ) 4. Peter ______ has one uncle. A. don’t B. doesn’t C only ( )5. ______ lessons do you have on Monday ? A. How B. How many C What

Text (当堂检测) Unit 2 I have a good friend

四会单词: never, friendly, helpful,naughty, just, already,yet, 四会词组:talk to, get angry, tell lies, the USA, (be) late (词汇) for…, (be) kind to…,(not) at all, each other, for the first time. Target 基本功能句: They like to play together. Vocabulary language (目标语言) be He / She is always/ never friendly. He / She always/ never gets angry. (注意对比频度副词的在句中的位置) 相关功能句:Have you been to Beijing yet? Yes, I have already been to Beijing. just there. No, I haven’t been to Beijing yet. there. 读表格,填空。 play football play the violin have dinner watch TV Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Text (当堂检测) always usually sometimes never 1. I ________ play football at school. 2. I ________ play the violin at home. 3. I ________ have dinner at school. 4. I ________ watch TV. 单选。 ( )1. -Is Danny kind ______ his classmates? -Yes, he is. A. for B. with C to ( ) 2. -Have you been to the zoo with your brother _____? -Yes, we have ______ been there. A. yet, already B. just, never C. just, already ( ) 3. –Have you been to Shanghai? - No, I ________. A. don’t B. haven’t C. have

Unit 3 spending a day out together

四会单词:weekend, photograph, shop, plan, place, idea, shall, cost, trip 四会词组:far away from, come back, Vocabulary (词汇) 三会词组:the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square, the Temple of Heaven 相关词组:Yingze Park, the Jin Temple, Wutai Moutain, Fen River Park Target language (目标语言) 基本功能句: What do you usually do at weekends? I usually … in … Is … near or far away from…? It’s near / far away from… Which place shall we visit? Let’s go to … When shall we go there/ How are we going to get there? Let’s go by/on …. When are we going to come back? How much does it cost? How about…..? 相关功能句:It’s a photograph of… Where have you been in Beijing? I have been to Tiananmen Square. 单选 ( )1. _______ have you been in Beijing ? A. What B. Where C How ( ) 2. What do you usually do ______ weekends? A. at B. on C. for ( ) 3. It’s _______ Tiananmen Square. A. far B. near C. away Text (当堂检测)

( ) 4. This is a photograph _______ my friends and me. A. of B. for C with ( )5. -______ does it cost? - Fifty yuan. A. How B. How many C How much ( )6. How _______ nine o’clock in the morning? A. about B. many C much Module 2 places and activities

Unit 1 what would you like to be?

四会单词:secretary, bank , policewoman, dentist, pilot, would like, because, make, safe, driver, job, sick, better, start, work, finish, age 相关词汇:worker, housewife, engineer, manager, boss, cook, teacher Target language (目标语言) Why? 基本功能句:Would you like to be a/an … Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t. Vocabulary (词汇) Why not? Because I want to …… don’t like …… What would you like to be? I’d like to be a/ an … 连线。 This person makes sick people better. cook This person flies an aeroplane. bus driver This person drives a bus . pilot This person teaches children. teacher This person cooks food for people. doctor 单选 ( )1. -What’s your _______? Text -I am a student. (当堂检测) A. work B. name C job ( ) 2. I usually finish _______ at six in the evening. A. work B. job C. start ( ) 3. I don’t like _______. A. swim B. swimming C. cook ( ) 4. –What would you like to be? -_______ like to be a secretary. A. I’ve B. I’d C. I’m ( )5. I want _____ make our city a safe place. A. to B. for C / Unit 2 open day

四会单词:Open Day, will, programme, parent(s), arrive, Vocabulary (词汇) meet, first, next, then, after that, finally, club, gym 相关词汇:classroom, library, hall, toilet, teachers’ office, Music room, Arts and crafts room 基本功能句:Where will … be? He / She’ll be in … Where is it ? It’s on the ground floor. Target language first second (目标语言) third First, … Next, … Then, … After that, … Finally, … 单选 ( )1. Class 6C is ______ the third floor. A. on B. at C in ( ) 2. My parents will arrive ___ school ____ two o’clock. A. in, in B. at, at C. at, in ( ) 3. What will they do _____? Text (当堂检测) A. one B. first C. the first ( ) 4. I will have juice and chips ___ KFC ___ my friends. A. at, with B. in, with C. on, for ( )5. –Do you have the programme ____ the Open Day? - Yes, we do. A. for B. on C to Unit 3 going to school

四会单词:take, about, minute, hour, market, cinema, Vocabulary (词汇) restaurant, when, some 四会词组:how long, get to, post office, a lot of, a few Target 基本功能句: language (目标语言) How long does it take you to get to the supermarket? there It takes me about ten minutes. him/her half an hour. them an hour. I see a lot of people when I am on the bus. some walking to school. a few 相关功能句:Do you live near or far away from school? I live near / far away from school. How do you go to school? I go to school by … / on foot. 选词填空 how, see, how long, minutes, sees, hour 1. -________ does it take? -It takes about one hour. Text (当堂检测) 2. -________do you go to school? -I go to school by bus. 3. He ______ the trees. 4. We ______ a lot of students. 5. It takes me about ten _______.

6. Sixty minutes is one ______ . Unit 4 rules round us

四会单词:must, across, wait, left, right, enter Vocabulary 四会词组:keep quiet, run across the road, wait for, turn (词汇) left 基本功能句:Where do we have rules? We have rules in the classroom. on the road. What does this sign mean? Target language (目标语言) Don’t climb the trees. Where can we find it ? We can find it in a library. on a road. Text 单选 We must keep quiet. must not leave rubbish. (当堂检测) ( )1. What _____ this sign mean? A. do B. does C doing ( ) 2. We must not wait _____ the green man. A. at B. on C. for ( ) 3. We ______ listen to our teacher. A. must B. must not C. can’t ( ) 4. There are some rules _____ us. A. round B. near C between ( ) 5. We must not eat _____ drink in the classroom. A. and B. or C but ( ) 6.”You must not talk with others in class.” means ______. A. Don’t talk with others in class. B. Not talk with others in class. C You don’t talk with others in class. Module 3 food and drink

Unit 1 the food we eat

Vocabulary (词汇) 四会单词:dinner, tonight, also, kind, favourite, menu, any, soup, tomato, salad, wing, meat, bought(buy) 三会单词:steamed prawns, garlic, fried egg, boiled eggs, fried cabbage, dumpling, seafood, section 基本功能句:What would you like for dinner? Would you like rice or noodles? I’d like … What kind of soup would you like? Tomato or cabbage ? Target language Let’s have … / I’d like … Have you bought any prawns? (目标语言) Yes, I’ve bought some prawns. Where did buy it/ them? In the … 相关句型:How much was it / were they? It was … yuan. They were … yuan. 单选 ( )1. What would you like ______ dinner? Text (当堂检测) A. at B. for C of ( ) 2. ______ are the chicken wings? A. How much B. How many C. How old ( ) 3. Have you bought ______ apples? A. some B. many C. any ( ) 4. I’d like steamed prawns ______ garlic. A. in B. on C with ( ) 5. -What _____ soup would you like? - Tomato. A. of B. is C kind of 匹配 ( ) 1)fried chicken wings A. 鸡汤 ( ) 2)steamed prawns with garlic B. 番茄蛋汤 ( ) 3)tomato and egg soup C. 炒卷心菜 ( ) 4)steamed eggs with meat D. 炸鸡翅 ( ) 5)fried eggs with bacon E. 蒜茸蒸虾 ( ) 6)boiled eggs F. 水煮蛋 ( ) 7)chicken soup G. 肉蒸蛋 ( ) 8)fried cabbage H. 熏肉炒蛋 Unit 2 picnics are fun

四会单词:fun, tomorrow, shall, delicious, tasty, salty, Vocabulary (词汇) bitter, may 三会单词:spicy, nut, soft drinks, sack 相关单词:sausage, cola, apple pie, tea, bread, orange, juice, water 基本功能句:Shall we buy some …? Yes, I like … No, I don’t like … Would you like some …? Target language Yes, please. No, thanks. (目标语言) May I have some …, please? Ok. Here you are. 相关功能句:Why do you like …? Because it’s /they’re sweet/ delicious/tasty/ spicy. 选词填空: 1. I bought some chicken wings because they are _______(delicious/ bitter) 2. Mr Greens are going to have a picnic ______ (last Sunday/next Sunday) Text (当堂检测) 4. _____ (Would/Shall) we have some meat? 5. I don’t want any apple juice because it’s ____(too/not) sweet. 单选 ( )1. May I have _____ bread and soft drinks/ 3. Dad, have you bought ____ (any/some) prawns?

A. any B. some C many ( ) 2. -What would you like? -______ some lemon tea. A. I’d like B. I’ve like C. I’ll like ( ) 3. -Would you like some cola? -______. It’s too sweet. A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Thank you Unit 3 healthy eating

四会单词:healthy, eating, fat, plenty, fresh, breakfast, Vocabulary (词汇) than, less, yesterday, unhappy 四会词组:a little, plenty of, a lot of, as…as… , less than 三会单词:yogurt, chips, pizza, porridge, diet 基本功能句:How much … do we need every day? We need a lot of … every day. Target language (目标语言) a little… What do you usually have for breakfast? plenty of … some… lunch dinner I usually have … for… Your diet is healthier than my diet. less healthy than as healthy as 相关功能句:What did you have for breakfast yesterday? lunch dinner I had … for … 选词填空 a little some plenty of a lot of 1. Peter usually has ________ fresh fruit for breakfast. 2. Kitty usually has ________ fish for dinner. 3. We need ______ fat, salt and sugar. Text (当堂检测) 4. Yesterday I had _______ cola at the party. 单选 ( )1. ______ fruit do we need every day? A. How many B. How C. How much ( ) 2. Your diet is ______ than my diet. A. healthy B. healthier C. healthyer ( ) 3. We don’t need many ______. A. rice B. biscuits C. fat ( ) 4. I have bread ____ jam ___ breakfast. A. of, for B. with, of C. with, for ( )5. Chips and pizza are _____ healthy ____ rice. A. less, as B. less, than C. more, than

