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- 汽车实用英语教案推荐度:
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编写人:李建平 审核人:耿晓君 2015年1月15日
1、《汽车实用英语》内容为汽车专业英语,全书由30课汽车专业 英语课文组成,前15课为发动机专业英语,主要介绍发动机结构、原理、电控等内容;后15课为汽车底盘专业英语,主要介绍轿车底盘的组成、结构以及电子技术在汽车底盘上的应用。每篇课文后面附有本篇课文内容涉及的专业词汇和短语,并根据课文内容提出若干问题供课后复习时参考。
2、掌握并把握教学大纲。 3、熟悉并掌握大纲知识点。 二、课程性质
《汽车实用英语》是汽车专业的一门基础课,主要是帮助学生掌握基本的汽车专业英语词汇并在此基础上加深对汽车结构的认识。 三、课程任务
四、课时及培训方式 1、总课时为60学时
2、使用中央广播电视大学汽车维修专业(专科)系列教材, 全脱产每周5天集中培训方式。
Lesson 1 The History of Automobile
1. Early Steam Powered Cars 2. Early Electric Cars
3. The Internal Combustion Engine and Early Gas-powered Cars. 4. The First Mass Producers of Cars —— The Assembly Line 5. The Development of Cars
Lesson 2 Introduction to Automobile
1. Automobile Basic Construction 2. Automobile and Society
Lesson 3 Engine Fundamentals
1. Main Terms 2. Engine Systems
3. Engine Operating Principles 4. Basic Terms
Lesson 4 Diesel Engine
1. Historic Details of the Diesel Engine
2. Cycle of Operation of the Four-stroke Diesel Engine 3. Diesel Fuel Supply System
Lesson 5 Two-stroke Engine
1. Two-stroke SI Engine 2. Two-stroke CI Engine
Lesson 6 Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head
1. Cylinder Block 2. Cylinder Head
Lesson 7 Piston, Connecting Rod and Crankshaft
1. The Piston
2. The Connecting Rod 3. The Crankshaft
Lesson 8 The Valve Mechanism of an Engine
1. Purpose of Valves
2. Operation of Valve Mechanism 3. Valve 4. Camshaft
Lesson 9 Engine Lubrication System
1. Purposes of Lubrication
2. Construction of Lubrication System
Lesson 10 Engine Cooling System
1. Purpose of the Cooling System 2. Heat Removal
3. Types of Cooling System
Lesson 11 Engine Ignition System
1. Conventional Ignition System 2. Electronic Ignition System
Lesson 12 Engine Starting System
1. Starter Motor 2. Solenoid Switch
3. Ignition/Starter Switch 4. Cables 5. Battery
Lesson 13 Engine Intake and Exhaust System
1. Intake System 2. Exhaust System
Lesson 14 Gasoline Engine Management System (EMS)
1. Introduction
2. The Spark Ignition Engine
3. Primary Engine Management Functions 4. Cylinder Charge 5. Mixture Formation 6. Ignition
Lesson 15 Gasoline Fuel Supply Systems
1. Introduction
2. Fuel Delivery System
Lesson 16 Clutch.
1. General
2. Design Diagrams of Clutches
Lesson 17 Manual Transmission
1. Introduction
2. Function and Configuration
Lesson 18 Automatic Transmission
1. Parts of an Automatic Transmission 2. The Fluid Coupling
3. How does the Planetary Gear System Work?
Lesson 19 Propeller Shafts and Universal Joints
1. Introduction 2. Propeller Shafts 3. Universal Joints 4. Cross Type Joint
5. Constant Velocity Joint
Lesson 20 Final Drive,Differential and Axles
1. Final Drive 2. Differential
3. Front-wheel Drive (FWD)
Lesson 21 Suspension System
1. Introduction
2. Front Suspension 3. Rear Suspension
Lesson 22 Steering System
1. Overview
2. Configuration and Principle Steering Gears
Lesson 23 Mechanical Brake System
1. Overview
2. Early Brake Designs
3. Automotive Brake Designs
4. External Contracting-band Brakes 5. Internal Expanding-band Brakes 6. Internal Expanding-shoe Brakes 7. Disc Brakes
8. Brake System Operation 9. Service Brakes
Lesson 24 ABS,TCS and ESP
1. Introduction to Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) 2. The Principle of ABS Function 3. The Principle of TCS Function 4. The Principle of ESP Function 5. ESP Electronic Stability Program
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