真空玻璃对办公楼的节能效益分析(英文) Analysis of Energy Savings of Vacuum Insulated Glass

更新时间:2023-08-28 20:52:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Simulation Analysis of the Energy Saving of Vacuum Insulated GlassComparisons of single glazing vs. low-e insulating glazing vs. low-e vacuum insulated glass in terms of energy consumptions of HVAC of an office building in Shanghai Apr. 2015http://www.77cn.com.cn


Foreword This analysis develops a model with an energy simulation tool for a typical floor of an office building in Shanghai. It simulates and compares the energy consumptions of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) of an office floor installed with different types of glazing, single glazing, LowE insulating glazing and Low-E vacuum insulated glass. Dr. Kuei-Peng Lee, Department of Energy and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, National Taipei University of Technology, was appointed to conduct this analysis. Dr. Lee is an acknowledged expert on building energy efficiency and participated in many major LEED certification projects in Taiwan.http://www.77cn.com.cn


The office floor The simulation model of this analysis is a typical floor of an office building in Shanghai climatic zone. The dimension of the floor, shape, operating schedules, equipment intensities, window to wall ratio, U value of the wall, are listed below.Interior Area Perimeter AreaU value of wallDimension of office floor Length Width Height Climatic Area ShanghaiWindow to Wall ratio Total Window AreaOccupant DensityLighting Power DensityAppliance Power Densityhttp://www.77cn.com.cn


Schedules of the office floorOccupancy SchedulesLighting SchedulesAppliance Scheduleshttp://www.77cn.com.cnAir Conditioning Schedules


HVAC of the Office Building The air conditioning system of this office building is chilled-water central air conditioning system. There are two scenarios for heating system, natural gas boiler system and electric heating system. The climate data of Shanghai is excerpted from U.S. DOE website and the original data is from National Meteorological Center of China. Below is the summary of the climatic data.Jan Daily avg. total Solar Radiation(Wh/m^2) Highest dry-bulb temp(℃) Lowest dry-bulb temp(℃) Daily Average dry-bulb temp(℃) Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2025 17.6 -4.2 4.53064 21.1 -1.4 6.32873 29.3 1.5 9.94040 31.1 7.4 15.34709 30.0 12.5 20.64347 36.8 17.2 24.34372 35.2 20.8 27.53802 4247 33.3 21.0 27.0 31.9 17.8 24.43366 29.4 8.1 18.92493 21.9 4.5 13.62457 16.1 -4.5 7.4http://www.77cn.com.cn


Energy Simulation Software eQUEST, a dynamic energy consumption simulation software, is used in this analysis. The software is based on DOE-2, a widely recognized building energy analysis program that predicts the energy consumption for all types of buildings. DOE-2 uses a description of the building layout, construction, operating schedule, conditioning system and utility rates along with climate data to perform an hourly simulation of the building.http://www.77cn.com.cn


Simulated Plans - GlazingPlan Glazing Product Visible Reflect Outdoor % 8 Solar Heat Direct Trans % 79 U Value SHCE Trans % Single Clear Glass (Clear Glass) CL-8mm Low-E Insulating Glass (IG) 8mm Low-E+12A+6mm Double silver Low-E VIG (VIG) 8mm+0.2V+8mm Reflect % Absorb % Freezer W/M2K 5.75 Cooler W/M2K 5.19 0.96188714265141744391.781.770.57367112345320.600.610.46Remarks: Plan 1 : Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp’s “Clear Glass” Plan 2: Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp’s “Low-E Insulating Glass” Plan 3: TG TECO V-Glass Corp‘s “Vacuum Insulated Glass”http://www.77cn.com.cn


Cooling load of Air ConditioningHeat gain of air conditioning cooling load of the office floor (kW)Code Lighting sensible heat LT_S Window sensible heat WIN_SOLAR Ext. wall sensible heat EXT_W_S Occupant sensible heat OCC_S Occupant latent heat OCC_L Plan 1 Clear Glass 29.171 37.094 6.011 23.781 21.097 16.291 4.569 3.301 1.025 142.34 Plan 2 IG 29.171 22.024 6.011 23.781 21.097 16.291 1.46 3.301 1.025 124.16 Plan 3 VIG 29.171 17.774 6.011 23.781 21.097 16.291 0.496 3.301 1.025 118.947Equipment sensible heat EQ_S Window Conduction WIN_CONDInfiltration latent heat INF_L Infiltration sensible heat INF_S Totalhttp://www.77cn.com.cn


Energy Consumption (with Electric Heating)Monthly Electricity Consumption of Electric Heating (kWh)Plan 1 Clear Glass (kWh) Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Plan 2 IG (kWh) Plan 3 VIG (kWh) Air Con Heating Others Sum Air Con Heating Others Sum Air Con Heating Others Sum 10742 22552 12274 45568 9004 14536 12274 35814 8530 11135 12274 31939 9793 16032 10959 36784 8232 10114 10959 29305 7805 7623 10959 26387 14008 21508 14258 49774 11839 13642 14258 39739 11245 10835 14258 36338 15150 14701 14150 44001 12939 9305 14150 36394 12333 7561 14150 34044 14016 0 13267 27283 12261 0 13267 25528 11789 0 13267 25056 17541 0 14150 31691 15452 0 14150 29602 14868 0 14150 29018 20167 0 14754 34921 17898 0 14754 32652 17235 0 14754 31989 18146 0 13762 31908 16049 0 13762 29811 15438 0 13762 29200 16414 0 13654 30068 14454 0 13654 28108 13917 0 13654 27571 15007 0 14258 29265 13088 0 14258 27346 12574 0 14258 26832 13647 15779 13654 43080 11569 9723 13654 34946 10998 7873 13654 32525 14111 22917 14754 51782 11863 14565 14754 41182 11247 11448 14754 37449 1 7874 2 1134 89 163 894 45 6125 15 4648 7188 5 1638 94 390 427 147 979 5 6475 1 6389 4 36834 8http://www.77cn.com.cn


Comparisons of Energy Saving (with Electric Heating)Energy Saving Rate – Plan 2 IG & Plan 3 VIG vs. Plan 1 Clear Glass60% 50% 40% 30% 19.24% 20% 10% 0% Total Air Con. Plan 2 IG Electric Heating Total Air Con. Plan 3 VIG Electric Heating 5% 0% Total Air Con. Electric Heating 14.40% 13.48% 17.21% 10% 5.66% 4.31% 36.66% 15% 50.24%Energy Saving Rate – Plan 3 VIG vs. Plan 2 IG25% 21.44% 20%Plan 3 VIGhttp://www.77cn.com.cn


Energy Consumption (with Boiler Heating)Monthly Electricity Consumption of Electric Heating (kWh)Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Pla 1 Clear Glass (kWh) Plan 2 IG (k Wh) Plan 3 VIG (kWh) Air Con Others Sum Air Con Others Sum Air Con Others Sum 10742 12274 23016 9004 12274 21278 8530 12274 20804 9793 10959 20752 8232 10959 19191 7805 10959 18764 14008 14258 28266 11839 14258 26097 11245 14258 25503 15150 14150 29300 12939 14150 27089 12333 14150 26483 14016 13267 27283 12261 13267 25528 11789 13267 25056 17541 14150 31691 15452 14150 29602 14868 14150 29018 20167 14754 34921 17898 14754 32652 17235 14754 31989 18146 13762 31908 16049 13762 29811 15438 13762 29200 16414 13654 30068 14454 13654 28108 13917 13654 27571 15007 14258 29265 13088 14258 27346 12574 14258 26832 13647 13654 27301 11569 13654 25223 10998 13654 24652 14111 14754 28865 11863 14754 26617 11247 14754 26001 1787 42 163 894 342 636 15 4648 1 63894 3 18542 151719 163894 311873http://www.77cn.com.cn


Natural Gas Consumption (with Boiler Heating)Natural Gas Consumption of Boiler Heating System (MBtu)Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Totalhttp://www.77cn.com.cnPlan 1 Clear Glass 103.5 74.1 99.5 69 73.8 106 525.9 -Plan 2 IG 67.3 47.3 63.8 44.3 46 68.1 336.8Plan 3 VIG 51.9 35.9 51.1 36.437.6 53.9 266.8


Comparisons of Energy Saving (with Boiler Heating)Energy Saving Rate – Plan 2 IG & Plan 3 VIG vs. Plan 1 Clear Glass60% 49.27% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Total Air Con. Plan 2 IG Boiler Heating Total Air Con. Plan 3 VIG Boiler Heating 0% Total Air Con. Plan 3 VIG Boiler Heating 7.03% 13.48% 8.98% 5% 2.09% 17.21% 10% 4.31% 35.96% 20% 15%Energy Saving Rate – Plan 3 VIG vs. Plan 2 IG25% 20.78%http://www.77cn.com.cn


Conclusions (1/2) Power Consumption Comparisons with Electric Heating The energy saving of Plan 3 VIG is the best Compared with Plan 1 Clear Glass, Plan 3’s energy saving rates of electric heating, air conditioning and total energy consumption are 50.2%, 17.2%, and 19.2% respectively. Compared with Plan 2 IG, Plan 3’s power saving rates of electric heating, air conditioning and total energy consumption are 21.4%, 4.3%, and 5.7% respectively. Power Consumption Comparisons with Boiler Heating The energy saving of Plan 3 VIG is the best Compared with Plan 1 Clear Glass, Plan 3’s power saving rates of boiler heating, air conditioning and total energy consumption are 49.3%, 17.2%, and 9% respectively. Compared with Plan 2 IG, Plan 3’s power saving rates of boiler heating, air conditioning and total energy consumption are 20.8% and 4.3%, and 2.09% respectively.http://www.77cn.com.cn


Conclusions (2/2) The above mentioned results only calculate the energy savings from the improvement of building envelops. The cost saving results from the reduction of the related facilities, such as HVAC, is not included. On the other hand, because the thickness of VIG is much less than that of IG, the amount and weight of window frames/accessories can be reduced. Therefore, the loading of the building structure will be reduced. If the building is designed with VIG, the cost of the building structure materials can be decreased.http://www.77cn.com.cn


About TECONano TECONano is a technical services company, offering: - VIG process technical licensing services - Turnkey solutions or key facilities for VIG mass production and product designContact InformationTECO Nanotech Co., Ltd. E-mail: information@http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn Tel: +886-3-4736200 Fax: +886-3-473-6259http://www.77cn.com.cn

