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阳光家教网www.ygjj.com初三英语学习资料 初三英語寒假練習一

筆試部分(80分) I.選擇填空(15分)

( )1. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I ______ fishing. A. go B. went C. going D. will go

( )2. Thomas Edison was the man ______ never gave up. A. who B. what C. he D. it

( )3. Andrew is speaking too quickly. Let’s ask him to speak more______. A. quick B. slow C. quickly D. slowly ( )4. I want to learn ______ healthily. A. to eat how B. to how eat C. how to eat D. how eat to

( )5. Saint Nicholas wanted to give money to______ . A. rich B. poor C. the rich D. the poor

( )6. Children wake up very early, and ______ open the presents. A. can’t B. don’t

C. can’t wait to D. aren’t waiting for

( )7. As China is a big country, people in different ______ celebrate this holiday in different ways.

A. countries B. places C. clothes D. ways


阳光家教网www.ygjj.com初三英语学习资料 ( )8. That night Mary gave ______ to this very special boy. A. bear B. born C. birth D. birthday ( )9. She has nothing______. A. say B. says C. to say D. is said ( )10. A brush pen ______ for writing. A. uses B. used C. is used D. is using

( )11. But it is also used very widely ______ a foreign language in many other countries of the world. A. as B. when C. because D. for

( )12. So these eggs were ______ long long ago by Dinosaurs! A. laid B. seen C. found D. broken ( )13. How long have you ______ up? A. got B. get C. been D. be

( )14. Water the young trees, as______ as possible. A. much B. many C. long D. often

( )15. ______ the satellites’ help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. A. With B. Under C. Have D. Use II. 完形填空(15分)


Jenny was often late 1 school. One morning, when she earn in late, Mr. Black, her


阳光家教网www.ygjj.com初三英语学习资料 teacher, got angry. “I’1 2 your father if you aren’t 3 on time tomorrow, ” he told her.

The next day she got up very 4 and went to school without breakfast. When the bell rang, she 5 in her seat. The door opened and the teacher came in. But 6 wasn’t Mr. Black. It was Miss Green. Mr. Black was ill 7 she was taking his class instead. 8 disappointed Jenny was!

The next morning Jenny got up 9 earlier. 10 she got to the school gate, she stopped. On the ground there was a wallet.

She 11 it up. “ 12 is this?” she wondered.

As she stood there, she heard the first bell. “What shall I do?” she asked 13 “I’ll turn it in first, ” she decided. And so she 14 . When she hurried into her classroom, Mr. Black 15 begun his lesson. ( )1. A. to B. for C. from D. at

( )2. A. write for B. write C. write to D. write with ( )3. A. here B. there C. in D. out ( )4. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. much early ( )5. A. wait B. waited C. is waiting D. was waiting ( )6. A. he B. it C. what D. who ( )7. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )8. A. How B. What C. Why D. Who ( )9. A. very B. too C. even D. more

( )10. A. Right now B. Before just C. Just after D. Just before


阳光家教网www.ygjj.com初三英语学习资料 ( )11. A. put B. picked C. got D. stood ( )12. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which ( )13. A. herself B. her C. hers D. she ( )14. A. turn B. turned C. does D. did ( )15. A. is B. has C. had D. was III. 閱讀理解(20分)



April 1,2000 Dear Francis,

I received your very nice Christmas card nearly one and one – half years ago. I am sorry it has taken me so long to tell you how happy I was to hear from you! I will always remember how beautiful you sang at the very special China culture night the summer of 1998.

When I came back from China wanted to learn more studies. I was accepted at the university of Texas and have been a student there for almost three semesters. To graduate, I must study a foreign language for four semesters. I would like to learn Chinese but they do not teach it there, so I would have to go to a different university. I have a Chinese friend, Jing, in my biology class. She is very nice.



This week a bad tornado struck the town where my daughter works but she was not hurt. It did nearly $500, 000, 000 of destruction but less than 10 people were killed. We are happy about that.

None of the teachers who went to China, at least to Jingzhou, knew each other before going. However, being together made us friends. Last week was spring break from school. I flew to the home of Polly and Lois in Minnesota, about 2400 kilometres from me, to visit and to talk about how much we missed China and all our friends there. Do you remember them? They said Andy had been to visit them. He came to watch a basketball game between his state, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. They told me if he can get enough money, he will go back to China this summer. Polly has a newspaper route to help earn money to go to China each summer. She walks from house to house to deliver the newspapers so she will be used to walking when she gets to China. While I was there, I helped her.

My husband and I have four children, three girls and one boy. Our boy is not married He is 26 years old and works as a computer analyst Our youngest daughter is staying home from work since she had her baby boy six months ago. He is very chubby and happy.

Did you get married yet? Do you have good students this year?

