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Special Topic on 2006 Landscape Architecture Education Conference

英国谢菲尔德大学景观系风景园林硕士设计课程简述The Department of Landscape at Sheffield University(英)安娜 约根森撰文赵纪军高枫译(UK)Anna Jorgensen, Translated by ZHAOJij-un, GAO Feng

摘 要:本文对谢菲尔德大学景观系风景园林硕士的教学工作、教学理念进行了综合介绍。主要侧重讲授式硕士课程(Taught Masters Programmes),尤其是两年制风景园林硕士(2 Year MA in Landscape Architecture)和一年制风景园林硕士(1 Year MA in Landscape Studies)课程。介绍了教学计划中的四个课程单元,即生态设计与管理、综合景观设计、城市景观规划、城市设计,并相应附有各课程单元最近的优秀学生作业。关键词:风景园林;教育;综述;生态设计;教学革新;研究指导教学中图分类号: TU986文献标识码: A文章编号: 1673-1530(2006)05-0020-10收稿日期:2006-07-15;修回日期:2006-09-11 Abstract: This paper provides a general overview of the work and ethos of the Department of Landscape at Sheffield University. It focuses on the taught masters programmes, specifically the 2 Year MA in Landscape Architecture and the 1 Year MA in Landscape Studies. Four course units, namely Ecological Design and Management, Integrated Landscape Design Project, Urban Design Project and Urban Landscape Planning, are introduced, and examples of recent student work on these units are illustrated. Key words: Landscape Architecture; Education; Summary; Ecological Design; Teaching Innovation; Research-led Teaching

1景观系介绍谢菲尔德大学景观系是英国最大的景观系,共有250余名学生就读,其中包括169名本科生、60名讲授式硕士生和24名博士生。其景观硕士课程于1968年设立,是目前英国景观教育的先驱。景观系的教学和科研成果受英国高等教育基金委员会(Higher Education Funding Council for England)认可,并在其最后一次进行的,即 1997年的教学质量评估(Teaching Quality Assessment)中荣获23分 (满分24分),在2001年的科研评估(Research Assessment Exercise)中也取得优异成绩。教学团队现由12名全职教员组成,其中教授4名,他们的学术研究与职业实践涵盖了景观规划、设计、管理等广阔的领域。值得一提的是,教员的专业领域包括艺术(景观设计、美术)、


1 About the DepartmentWith over 250 students the Department of Landscape at Sheffield University is the largest in England. The student cohort comprises 169 undergraduates, 60 taught Masters and 24 PhD students. Its postgraduate landscape programme was established in 1968 and the Department is now at the forefront of landscape education in the UK. The Department’ s achievements in both teaching and research are recognised by the Higher Education Funding Council for England awards of 23/24 in its last Teaching Quality Assessment (1997), and a top rating in its Research Assessment Exercise (2001). The team of 12 full-time, permanent academic staff includes 4 professors, and represents a wide range of academic and professional interests spanning landscape planning, design and management. Unusually amongst landscape schools, staff specialisms include the Arts (Landscape Design, Fine Art), Social Sciences (Community development, Landscape Planning) and Sciences (Ecology, Horticulture), enabling the Department to offer an exceptionally wide-ranging and integrated landscape education. The Department has close links with the Landscape Institute (Landscape Architecture’s professional body in the UK) and with landscape practice: it employs many practitioners in teaching roles to supplement the work of the core staff and its graduates are highly sought after in the profession. All staff members have active research profiles doing cutting edge work in areas including art and landscape, green roofs, landscape theory, meadow and prairie style plantings, computer visualisation, historic landscapes, landscape planning, landscapes of commemoration and memorialisation and social inclusion. Members of staff use their research to inform the content, delivery and quality of their teaching, and many contribute to landscape practice within their chosen fields. In recent years the student cohort in the Department of Landscape has included students from Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Korea, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan and

Taiwan. A number of recent international graduates from the Department have 1 been successful in obtaining employment in landscape practice in the UK after graduation.


2006中国风景园林教育大会 2课程介绍讲授式硕士课程的教学包括风景园林学术研究和职业实践两个方面,使学生能够以适合他们从业需求的方式进行学习。两年制的风景园林硕士课程为那些没有设计专业背景的学生提供了学术和职业转向的机会,进而从事景观行业。这个课程设置也适于那些来自相关设计学科、而希望获得一个国际认可的风景园林职业认证的学生。课程讲授当今景观实践所需要的知识技能,让学生在景观规划、景观设计或景观管理的学习中发展自身的兴趣和特长。本课程得到英国景观学会的全面认证。一年制的风景园林硕士课程针对来自相关设计学科、而仅希望获得风景园林学术认证的学生,其学位不具备在英国的从业资格。这两个学位课程完全兼容,学生可以在第一年学习结束之后,在两者之间做出选择。第一年的课程设置旨在讲授风景园林专业的各种知识技能,并以一个综合设计课程(Integrated design project)结束。该课程使学生在设计的不同层面经营指定场地,整合了概念发展、设计、植栽细部、构造等各个方面。第二年的课程设置着重具体的职业能力、发展个人的专业特长,包括特别设计(Special Design)、规划、管理等课程,使学生得以发展职业独立性,发挥特长与兴趣。两个学位课程设置都有学术研究部分,使学生在一定的综合层面探索其感兴趣的领域。具体的课程结构(自2006/7学年度实施)见表1。

2 About the CoursesThe taught Masters courses provide both academic and vocational qualifications in landscape architecture, enabling students to develop their studies in landscape in a way that is appropriate to their career needs: The MA in Landscape Architecture (2 years) offers graduates without a background in design the opportunity to take an academic and vocational‘conversion’ programme, and to enter the profession through this postgraduate route. The programme is also suitable for graduates from design disciplines who require an internationally recognised vocational qualification in Landscape Architecture. The programme provides the range of skills required to meet the needs of contemporary landscape practice, and offers students the opportunity to pursue their own interests and specialisms in landscape planning, design or management. It is fully accredited by the Landscape Institute. The MA in Landscape Studies (1 year) is intended for graduates from design disciplines who require a purel

y academic qualification in landscape architecture. The 1 year MA does not confer any vocational status in the UK. These 2 courses are fully compatible, enabling students to transfer from one to another after the first year, should they choose to do so. Level 1 units are geared to providing students with a portfolio of landscape architecture skills, and the year culminates in an integrated design project which aims to enable students to handle a demanding site at many different levels, combining conceptual development, design and detailed planting and construction. Level 2 (MA only) units are designed to deliver specific professional competencies and help develop inpidual specialisms; the year includes the Special Design/Planning/Management project, giving students an opportunity to develop their professional independence, and showcase their particular strengths and interests. Both courses have a research component, enabling students to explore areas of interest at a complex level. Detailed course structures (effective from the 2006/7 student intake) are given in Table 1. Table 1: Detailed course structure (units illustrated in the paper are in italics) MA in Landscape Architecture Level 2 MA in Landscape Studies MA in Landscape Architecture Level 1 Landscape Research Methods Research Report Ecological Design and Management Professional Practice, Law and Contracts Introduction to Landscape Design Practice Special project Introduction to Planting Design One of the following: Landscape Design and Art Practice Urban Landscape Planning Management and Maintenance Techniques






One of the following: Rural Landscape Planning Urban Design Project Landscape Management The Nature of Landscape Architecture: Landscape Research Dissertation Histories, Theories and Practices Social Aspects of Design Integrated Landscape Design Project Introduction to Landscape Construction Landscape Construction Design Introduction to Landscape Planning Landscape Dissertation (MA in Landscape Studies only) Advanced Planting Design



3 Sheffield’s Approach to Landscape EducationThe Department takes a project-based approach to learning and teaching, with all design projects involving real-life sites, usually in the Sheffield area. There is a strong commitment to innovation in teaching practice, with interactive, experiential modes of learning being preferred to traditional pedagogy. Students are encouraged to develop their own creative and critical skills within a highly supportive atmosphere. Staff-student relationships are informal, with most members of staff adopting an“open-door” policy, and students being encouraged to become involved in ongoing staff research projects. Group work forms an important component of many units in levels 1 and 2, enabling students to share their skills and different cultural perspectives, as well as preparing them for inter-disciplinary working in practice. Field trips are an important part of the postgraduate programme and offer students the chance to broaden their awareness of the possibilities in landscape architecture by visiting newly developed projects and outstanding historical landscapes, as well as having time for socialising and personal reflection (Figure 1).

风景园林 2006第五期 21

Special Topic on 2006 Landscape Architecture Education Conference



Some examples of Sheffield Student Projects4.1 Ecological Design and Management

level 1 (early Spring semester)Tutor: Dr Nigel Dunnet This project provides an opportunity for students to explore their own attitudes and vision of how‘nature’ and ecology can be incorporated into the urban environment, and also enables them to build up a basic palette of‘building blocks’ for biopersity that can form the basis of ecologically-based landscape design. The general aim of this project is to explore design, management and maintenance approaches for differing areas of urban green space, to maximize its value to people, wildlife and the wider environment. How can we make a more sustainable urban landscape that is ecologically-rich, good for biopersity, but which is also attractive and acceptable to the public? This project site is a scheme that is being developed as part of a new regeneration programme for Rotherham town centre, UK. The scheme will use land alongside the River Don to capture excess flood water and

prevent flooding of Rotherham centre, further downstream, and will become the basis of environmental education programmes in both Sheffield and Rotherham. Key issues that the project will focus on include the future of post-industrial, brownfield land;‘urban nature’ in an industrial setting; green buildings; wetlands and water; environmental education and green networks. This is a real project and allows students to be part of an ongoing design process. The project introduces exciting ways of understanding natural processes in a very urban environment. It concentrates on small scale ecological design as well as larger environmental planning issues, and takes an aesthetic view of ecology as well as a scientific viewpoint. The site is challenging in that it is not a conventional green field site-it is a derelict site containing imposing industrial structures, noise and waste materials, but also with a very strong and interesting character, and surrounded by a river, canal, railway and old industrial buildings. How can we make a place for nature and for people here? An important component of the course are site visits - every week the class visits inspiring examples of naturalistic landscapes in the Sheffield region and evaluates their value as reference landscapes for their own designs. In fact a lot of class time is spent on site and field visits, discussions, workshops and review of reading material as well as work at the drawing board or computer.

该课程让学生自主能动地探索自然生态与城市环境融合的途径,同时也使他们了解实现生物多样性的基本方法,并作为生态的景观设计的基础。课程的总体目标是探索各种城市绿地的设计、管理和维护的方法,最大限度地实现对人类、野生环境以及更广地域的价值。如何实现生态丰富、利于生物多样性,同时又吸引公众,并能为之接受的更可持续的城市景观呢?课程设计所选基址是目前英国鹿泽翰(Rotherham)城市中心更新计划的一部分。它使用东河(River Don)沿岸的土地控制过量的洪水,防止洪水威胁城市中心以及河道下游,并将成为谢菲尔德和鹿泽翰环境教育活动的基地。课程关注后工业时代城市废弃地的发展、工业环境中的“城市自然”、绿色建筑、湿地和水体、环境教育与绿色网络。这个实际的项目让学生参与到鹿泽翰市正在进行的设计过程之中。课程引入了在城市环境中理解自然过程的生动的途径;强调小尺度的生态设计,也涉及大的环境规划问题;并在美学层面以及科学层面审视生态。该场地的挑战性在于它不是一个一般意义的绿地,而是有着工业巨构、噪音和垃圾材料的废弃地,但它也有着鲜明而有趣的特点:四周有河流、沟渠、铁路和旧的工业建筑。怎样将该地块塑造成既裨益


设计方案表现图及其设计灵感之源。“漫步于原生态的自然——一个内在的自然体验。捕捉深入湖区的契机,探寻动人的生命,接近它们,并享受开放湖面的奇景。其空间体验是由封闭空间(林地)到开放空间(湖面)的过渡”。(胡睿珏) An example of Hu Ruijue’s 3D images of her scheme and sources of inspiration. Her accompanying text read:“Walk on the wild side of nature- an inside nature experience. Have a chance to go deep into the lake area, discover exciting species and get closer to them and enjoy the great view of the open lake. The spatial experience is moving from an enclosed space (woodland) to a wide open area (the lake).”



Masterplan for Templeborough Wetlands and Flood Management Scheme, Rotherham, UK- Liao Jie鹿泽翰市坦普尔自治区(Templeborough)湿地与防洪规划总图(廖婕)

Liao Jie’s response to the project brief contained a coherent aesthetic vision inspired both by the post-industrial remnants and the existing vegetation communities on site. Her masterplan combined this vision with a detailed awareness of the ecology of the different habitats included in her design. The fractured, organic design language she chose was well-suited to a varied and complex ecological design on a postindustrial site. Hu Ruijue’s masterplan was less complex but the graphic techniques she chose to communicate her ideas in 3 dimensions were very effective. Her drawing of the lake and board walk in her design, together with the accompanying text, powerfully convey the experie

ntial richness of her scheme: the sights and sounds of a journey through the reedbeds onto the open expanse of the lake. Jiang Tao’s scheme combined a bold and contemporary design language, contrasting dramatic structures with a liberal use of lush vegetation, enabling site users to interact with nature in a variety of different ways. The structures act as landmarks and focal points, inviting visitors to enter and explore the landscape, using them as cultural and physical points of reference.

手绘表现图。繁茂的植被与清晰的构成并置,相得益彰。(姜涛) Some examples of Jiang Tao’ s effective juxtaposition of lush vegetation and bold structures.

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Special Topic on 2006 Landscape Architecture Education Conference


4.2 Integrated Landscape Design Project

level 1 (late Spring semester)Tutor:Cathy Dee

这个课程设计涉及前圣·乔治墓地及其周边环境的发展计划,以形成城市和校园的绿地景观与街道景观,其主要目的是发展理论指导下的景观设计实践,整合社会、环境和文化的概念与认知。特别地,该课程强调在尊重现有景观的基础上,增加微妙的设计层次,或植入新的设计元素,与“空白式(tabula rasa)”的设计方法相对。这也是第一年课程的最后一个设计,是之前课程学习的风景园林知识和技巧的综合与扩展。

The project involves the development of proposals for the former St George’s cemetery and environs as public and University greenspace and streetscape. The primary aim of the project is to support the development of theoretically enriched design practices which integrate social, environmental and cultural ideas and understanding. In particular the project emphasises an approach to design as subtle layering or insertion of new elements with respect to the existing landscape: the antithesis of a“tabula rasa” style of design. This is also a culminatory design project for level 1 which draws together and expands landscape architectural knowledge and skills developed in previously studied units.

英国谢菲尔德市圣 乔治地块设计总图(陈滇) Chen Dian’s masterplan for St George’s, Sheffield, UK



The St. Georges site forms one of the largest greenspaces within the central university campus and yet it is an underused, under-developed resource for both the university and the wider residential and working population of the area. It is seemingly a forgotten, inaccessible space, surrounded on all sides by roads and transitional spaces, lacking a coherent management strategy with respect to both vegetation and users. Whilst the site is surrounded by several interesting buildings, and is dominated by the impressive, centrally located former St George’s Church, these built structures have a poor relationship with the greenspace. Within this space, the remnant walls, tombs and gravestones have tremendous presence and narratives (on close inspection) but are‘lost’ and degraded (visually, functionally and culturally) in the broader contemporary context.




Students were requested to develop design proposals for the cemetery greenspace and adjacent streets to provide for university students and staff and the public, including local working and residential populations. They were asked to produce an innovative, contemporary design, providing a new landscape“layer” which integrates with or is sensitively juxtaposed to older layers. Students were encouraged to develop their ideas through an intimate knowing of the site based on‘dwelling’ and on the use of‘poetics’ in concept generation and design process and case study. Chen Dian’s design was sensitive, elegant and restrained, adding a further layer to an already intricate and interesting landscape, rather than opting for radical change. Spaces, axes and vertical elements were expressed through a simple palette of rectangular and linear forms, with vegetation used imaginatively to structure as well as decorate. There was an innovative use of perennial planting to add colour, texture and sensory qualities to a perse range of spaces.

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Special Topic on 2006 Landscape Architecture Education Conference


4.3 Urban Landscape Planning

level 2 (early Aut

umn semester)Tutor: Dr Anna Jorgensen This unit aims to enable students to develop and expand some of the key skills and knowledge areas they can expect to use in the context of urban landscape planning in professional practice. This includes an exploration of current issues and theories in sustainable urban development and approaches to urban planning that regard green space networks and hierarchies as one of the key generators of urban form and urban sustainability. The project focuses on the production of a Greenspace Strategy for part of the Sheffield area. Students are expected to use a GIS database to record, map, analyse, illustrate and present relevant data and to produce a plan in report format containing a summary of their research and analysis and their strategic proposals for the study area. The project task is closely linked to national and local policy requirements. Students work closely with a local community organisation in furtherance of its own aims and objectives.

课程的目的是使学生学习和发展一些在城市景观规划的职业实践中所应具备的主要技巧与知识,包括探究目前城市可持续发展中的问题和理论,以及将绿色空间网络与等级作为形成城市形态和实现城市可持续性的规划方法。课程旨在发展谢菲尔德部分地区的绿地策略(Greenspace Strategy)。学生需要使用地理信息系统的数据库记录、绘制、分析、说明、展示相关的数据,并以报告的形式提出规划方案,包括研究和分析的概要,以及所研究区域的战略发展方案。设计与国家和地方政策的需要密切相关。学生的工作还与地方社区组织紧密相联,以促进设计目标的实现。设计项目基于谢菲尔德的黑利区(Heeley)。该区位于城市五大河流之一的什夫河谷(Sheaf valley),是城郊一个重要的居住区。黑利区是英国最贫困的地区之一,居民就业率和身体素质均低于平均水平。那些曾经沿河设置的大型工厂如今已经关闭,废弃、颓败的场址亟待开发,这意味着该城市区域面临深刻的变化,却不一定符合当地居民的利益。公共和私人绿地都受到来自城市密集化的压力,公共开放空间资源匮乏,且缺少整体的规划策略。课程采取分组设计的形式,学生需要为黑利区的绿地和开敞空间的更新及其将来的管理制定综合且可持续的发展策略,以作为黑利区社会和经济复兴的催化剂,并借此提高当地居民的生活质量。学生需要以规划尺度,而非设计尺度工作,并理解两者的差异。规划方案以报告的形式阐明,并明确规划概念中的空间含义。弗朗西斯·柯蒂斯(Francis Curtis)、卫华、李媛莹、维罗妮卡·米卡马(Veronica Meacham)、迪安·杨(Dean Youn


Conseve& Enhance- Maintain Function of Space but Improve Access

Enhance- Improve function of these spaces and enhance ecological value, e.g.through sensitive planting to promote wildlife

Enhance& Create- Give new purpose to these spaces, increase ecological value and or improve accessibility

Schematic plan showing proposals relating to greenspace quality (incorporating standards of maintenance, accessibility and ecological value). For example, Meersbrook allotments (see photograph), Heeley’s largest greenspace, are to be“conserved and enhanced” through planting to support a wildlife corridor and the provision of more community/public facilities. 概念性规划图显示了黑利区绿地管理的层次。该绿地策略的组成部分之一是为个别地块以及一般绿地类型设定管理目标。例如,米尔溪(Meersbrook)地块(如图)、黑利区最大的绿地空间,通过管理以最大限度地将其用于当地的食品生产,同时增强它作为一个绿色纽带的功能,联结当地不同区域的绿地。 All images shown are the work of Frances Curtis, Wei Hua, Li Yuan Ying, Veronica Meacham and Dean Young.



The project is based in the Heeley area of Sheffield, a predominantly residential suburban district of the city located in the Sheaf valley, one of the city’s 5 river corridors. Heeley is amongst the most deprived areas in the UK and the population suffers from higher than average unemployment and poorer than average health. The major industries that were once located along the river have now closed down, and the derelict and empty sites that have become available for development mean that this part of the city is facing a period of rapid redevelopment and change, not necessarily in the interests of the local population. Both public and private greenspace are under pressure from urban densification and public open space is under resourced and lacks a coherent overall strategy.

Working in groups, students are asked to produce a coherent, sustainable strategy for the regeneration and future management of Heeley’s green and open spaces, which will act as a catalyst for Heeley’s social and economic renaissance, whilst contributing to local residents’ quality of life. Students are required to work at a planning as opposed to design scale and to understand the differences between the two approaches. They are expected to articulate their strategic proposals in report format, whilst clearly demonstrating the spatial implication

s of their ideas. Francis Curtis, Wei Hua, Li Yuan Ying, Veronica Meacham and Dean Young worked together to produce a comprehensive and detailed response to the project brief demonstrating an excellent understanding of the site and the theoretical and policy context. Building on their investigative work they produced a holistic greenspace strategy that integrated many aspects of sustainable urban development including transport, local capacity building and ways of involving the community in greenspace planning and management.Main Road Secondary Road Community Road River Railway Bus Route Cycle Route Existing Footpath Potential Footpath Green Space Retail Special Bulidings

Low level maintenance/management

Low-moderate levelmaintenance/management

Moderate levelmaintenance/managment

Schematic plan showing levels of greenspace management across the Heeley area. An integral part of the group’s greenspace strategy was to set management objectives for inpidual sites and generic greenspace typologies. For example, Meersbrook allotments (see photograph), Heeley’s largest greenspace, are to be managed so as to maximise their use for local food production whilst enhancing their function as a green link, connecting different areas of greenspace in the locality. 概念性规划图显示了对于绿地质量的关注(包括管理标准、可达性以及生态价值)。例如,米尔溪(Meersbrook)地块(如图)、黑利区最大的绿地空间,通过种植设计对其加以保护与提升,增益野生动植物廊道,并提供更多的社区/公共设施。(弗朗西斯 柯蒂斯、卫华、李媛莹、维罗妮卡 米卡马、迪安 杨)

Schematic plans showing the proposed combined transport network and its components, and how they relate to the green structure proposed by the strategic plan. For example pedestrian routes forming part of the green spaces are to be improved to provide local school children with a safe and sustainable way of getting to school. 概念性规划图显示了交通综合网络及其组成部分,并表明了它们与所设计的绿地结构之间是如何联系的。例如,人行道是绿地空间的组成部分,对它的改善将为当地的小学生提供一个安全且可持续的抵达学校的途径。

英国.南约克郡.谢菲尔德市黑利区. Heeley. Sheffield. UK


风景园林 2006第五期 27

Special Topic on 2006 Landscape Architecture Education Conference

4.4城市设计——第二年课程(秋季下半学期)教师:凯文·斯维茨该城市景观设计是英国利兹市考茨区(Calls quarter)城市开放空间的新的设计提案的发展。其重点在于目前谢菲尔德大学景观系所研究的一种设计方法的运用(Experiential Landsc

ape Design),它阐释人的体验,用以指导空间形式的设计,进而形成一种设计语言,对应人的心理机能,尤其与方位感、场所感和空间认知相关。在过去的10年间,利兹的城市特征发生了转变。城市各个区域中,过去工商业留下的半废弃地和疏于管理的水域,随着时下零售业、商业、休闲和住区的发展重获生机。诸如考茨区曾是亚耳河(Aire)沿岸一个衰败、多余的19世纪的仓储地,而一座铁路高架桥更阻断了它与城市的联系。最近它发展成为富有活力与特色的城市区域,新建环境与历史遗留相结合,有住宅、办公楼、酒吧、餐馆、旅馆、商店和公寓,还形成了一个新的与城市中心相联的纽带。尽管有诸多良好的品质、考茨区因成功的重建而享有盛名的同时,也呈现出发展中的些许不足。显现的一些问题有:低劣的土地使用决策,尤其是对停车场而言;不恰当的建筑比例(和形式);与开放空间相比,建筑物比重过大,削减了街道质量和开放空间的变化、联系和秩序;开放空间单调、不恰当的设计处理等。课程采取分组设计的形式,学生通过文献综述与建成案例研究,探讨相关的理论原则,以形成考茨区开放空间的设计方案;运用景观体验原理进行该区域的分析;发展与交流部分场地的设计概念,以强化体验深度、塑造新的城市邻里;使用景观体验理论框架下的设计语汇对该城市邻里的部分场地进行设计。该课程使学生得以运用景观系当前研讨、发展中的新的设计方法,处理后工业时代旧城区重建中的诸多问题。学生的设计创意也用以优化这种设计方法。黄少慧、朱燕、黄孟筠同学组成的设计小组,充分运用景观体验的设计原则,以实现设计目标。他们搜集了大量的相关设计实例,在忠实于这些参考资料的基础上,进行创造性的解读,并以此发展自己的设计概念。

4.4 Urban Design Project- level 2 (late Autumn semester)Tutor: Dr Kevin Thwaites The urban landscape design project involves the development of innovative design proposals for urban open space in the Calls quarter of the city of Leeds, UK. Emphasis is placed on an approach to design (“experiential landscape design” ) currently under development in the Department of Landscape at Sheffield, which interprets elements of human experience into spatial form. This is used to generate a design language responsive to aspects of human psychological functioning, related particularly to orientation, place attachment and area awareness. Over the last ten years or so the city of Leeds has undergone a transformation of its urban character. Regions of the city, once semi-derelict and neglected backwaters of by-gone industrial and commercial

use, have been brought to life with a now vibrant mix of retail, business, leisure and residential development. Until recently the Calls area was a neglected area of redundant 19th century warehousing alongside the river Aire, cut off from the city by a railway viaduct. More recently it has been redeveloped into a lively and distinctive urban quarter combining new and historic built form, housing, offices, bars, restaurants, hotels, shops and apartments, and a new physical link with the city centre is now open. Despite its many qualities the Calls is beginning to show signs of what can happen when the prestige that comes with successful regeneration begins to pressurise the area. There is, for example, some evidence of: Poor land use decision making, especially in relation to car parking. Inappropriate building scale (and styling). A preponderance of buildings compared with open spaces, resulting in erosion of street quality and open space variation, linkage and sequence. Unsophisticated and inappropriate treatment of open spaces. Working in small groups, students are required to generate proposals for open space in the Calls by means of literature and precedent review to explore and identify relevant theoretical principles; an analysis of the Calls area using experiential landscape principles; the development and communication of a concept for a part of the site that aims to intensify experiential dimensions and create an urban neighbourhood; and site design employing the experiential landscape design vocabulary for a part of this new neighbourhood. This project gives students the chance to confront many issues commonly



英国利兹市考茨区城市开放空间更新方案。设计图综合展示了总图、设计实例、设计概念、设计过程以及三维图像表现。(黄少慧、朱燕、黄孟筠) Combined presentation sheet showing proposals for the regeneration of open space in the Calls, Leeds, UK showing masterplan, precedents, concepts, design development and illustrative 3D images- Huang Shao Hui, Zhu Yan and Huang Meng Yun.



affecting the redevelopment of historic urban districts in post-industrial cities using an innovat

ive design methodology that is in the process of being developed in the Department. Students’ contributions are welcomed as a means of further refining this approach to design. Working as a group Huang Shao Hui, Zhu Yan and Huang Meng Yun engaged fully with the principles of experiential landscape design and the objectives of the project. They selected a relevant range of precedents, which they interpreted creatively in developing their design concept, whilst remaining faithful to their sources of inspiration. Their final scheme was distinctive and legible, using both vertical and horizontal form to respond positively to the existing structures on site, whilst providing users with a rich variety of routes, destinations and experiences.

5 ConclusionBecause of its multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary nature Landscape Architecture has the ability, perhaps more than any other single discipline concerned with the understanding and shaping of the environment, to integrate many other different academic perspectives and professional practices. Consequently Landscape Architecture has the capacity to make a major contribution globally to human wellbeing, sustainable development and a healthy environment. The full scope and potential of Landscape Architecture is still in the process of being recognised. The Department of Landscape at Sheffield aims to be at the forefront of these developments, both locally and internationally.

注释:①英国的硕士课程分为讲授式硕士课程(Taught Master P r o g r a m m e)和研究式硕士课程(R e s e a r c h M a s t e r Programme)。“讲授式”和“研究式”的提法常见于一般的英国留学信息之中。本文主要涉及“讲授式”课程,而“研究式”课程一般而言是为博士阶段的研究做准备的。②谢菲尔德大学景观系的国际学生在英国实现就业的情况参见http://www.shef.ac.uk/international/③谢菲尔德大学景观系所研究的Experiential Landscape Design设计方法详见/。

作者简介:安娜 约根森(Anna Jorgensen)/博士/谢菲尔德大学景观系讲师/研究方向为城市中的野生景观感知

译者简介:赵纪军/1976年生/男/湖北人/谢菲尔德大学景观系博士研究生高 枫/1980年生/女/内蒙古人/谢菲尔德大学景观系博士研究生

Biography:Anna Jorgensen, is a doctor in landscape architecture and a lecturer in the Department of Landscape teaching design, landscape processes and urban landscape planning. Her research interests focus on popular meanings of wild urban la

ndscapes with a particular emphasis on wild or naturallooking vegetation.

About the Translators:ZHAO Ji-jun,male,born in 1976,native of Hubei Province, is a PhD of the Department of Landscape at Sheffield University. GAO Feng, female, born in 1980, native of Inner Mongolia, is a PhD of the Department of Landscape at Sheffield University.

风景园林 2006第五期 2

