Manual-REV2 安装运行手册

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Installation and Operation Manual

4 MW Ammonia Vapor Turbine Generator



SSNE and Sinopec

Hainan Island Refinery, China

Energent Job 10415



Energent Corporation

2321 S. Pullman St.

Santa Ana, California, 92705

Telephone 949-261-7533

Internet: 58d753753186bceb19e8bbb3

Installation and Operation Manual

Turbine - Generator


Ammonia Vapour Turbine Generator (AVTG) 氨气轮发电机组安装运行手册

Designed and Manufactured for


for Installation in

Sinopec, Hainan Island, Refinery

Hainan Island, China



Energent Job Number: 10415

Energent 工作编号:10415

Date: 13 January 2013


Serial Number: E01-10415-023





本手册由上海盛合新能源科技有限公司匡艳华、曹燕、陶霞、刘丽娟、戴军翻译,ENERGENT公司 **** 校对。


Table of Contents


Section 1: Technical Data page 4

第1节 技术参数 第4页 Section 2: Installation page 9

第2节 安装 第9页 Section 3: Operating Instructions page 12 第3节 运行指导 第12页 Section 4: Maintenance and Service of the Turbine-Generator page 21 第4节 氨气轮轮发电机组维护 和服务 第21页 Section 5: Spare Parts page25 第5节 备件 第25页 Section 6: Drawings page 28 第6节 图纸 第28页 Section 7: Sub Vendor Manuals page 29 第7节 分包商手册 第29页





Section 1

Technical Data



1.0 Unit Overview

The Ammonia Vapour Turbine Generator (AVTG) described in this manual is designed for power generation in a Kalina cycle waste heat recovery system. The equipment is a single stage radial outflow turbine. A radial outflow turbine is used because the cycle fluid is an ammonia water mixture with wet gas. The turbine drives the generator

through a speed reducing gearbox at a factor of 4.3 to 1. The energy removed by the turbine is used for power in the refinery.

The AVTG unit is mounted on a steel skid to which are connected the turbine, gearbox, and generator. The seal gas system and the lube oil system are each mounted on separate skids.

This equipment is custom designed for SSNE for use in the Sinopec refinery of Hainan Island as part of a paraxylene plant.


本手册中所描述的氨气轮发电机组 (AVTG)是专为Kalina 循环废热回收系统设计的发电设备。设备是一个单级径流式离心透平。使用径流式离心透平是因为循环工质是含湿气的氨水混合物。透平通过减速齿轮箱驱动发电机,减速比为4.3:1。废热能量被氨气轮发电机组转换电能供炼油厂。

AVTG 整体安装在钢制底框架上,包括透平、齿轮箱和发电机。密封气系统和润滑油系统都安装在单独的底框架上。

本设备为SSNE 定制用于海南岛的中石化炼油厂对二甲苯装置的一部分。

Equipment Identification

Turbine – Generator

Serial Number: E01-10415-023



序列号:E01 - 10415 - 023 1.1 Gas Dynamics Performance Criteria

The gas dynamics performance criteria is shown in the API-617 performance datasheet.


气体动力学性能准则如API - 617的性能数据表所示。

1.2 Secondary and Separation Seal Gas Specifications (Customer Supplied) Gas Nitrogen - Warm and Dry Mole Weight 28.0 Temperature Ambient Minimum Pressure 4.0 bar a Normal Operation Pressure 7.0 bar a Maximum Pressure 9.0 bar a

1.2二次密封气和隔离气规范(客户提供) 气体: 氮气 - 温暖和干燥 摩尔重量: 28.0 温度: 环境温度 最低压力: 4.0bar a 正常操作压力:

7.0bar a 最大压力:

9.0bar a



Please see Appendix E (image from Flowserve seal with ports) for exact details on the seal gas flow rates and pressures required for the double tandem dry gas seal.

请参见附录E(来自Flowserve 密封接口图片)双串联式干气密封所需的密封气体流量和压力详细信息。 1.3 Instrumentation Air Specifications (Customer Supplied) Condition Air-Warm and Dry Minimum Pressure 6.0 bar a Maximum Pressure 9.0 bar a

1.3仪表空气规范(客户提供) 条件: 空气-温暖和干燥 最低压力: 6.0bar a 最大压力:

9.0bar a

1.4 Lube System Specifications Maximum Operating Level

730 mm from bottom Minimum Operating Level

660 mm from bottom Minimum Suction Low

230 mm from bottom Charge Capacity 7050 Liters 1.4润滑系统规范 最高操作液位: 730mm 从底部 最低操作液位: 660 mm 从底部 最低吸入液位: 230mm 从底部 充油量:


1.5 Oil System Data

Oil temperature into Bearings Minimum

Temperature 20 0C to minimize damage to the Bearings from cold start.

Oil Pressure to Gearbox / Generator Bearings 2.4 / 1.8 bar a Flow to Gearbox / Generator Bearings 22.7 / 1.6 m3/h Reservoir Pressure Atmospheric Oil Temperature Inlet 45 – 65 ℃ Oil Temperature Drain 60 – 78 ℃

Cooling Water Flow Rate (Lube Oil /Generator) 25 m3/h Lube Oil, 40 m3/h Generator Temperature Water Inlet 33 0C Temperature Water Outlet 38 0C Pressure Drop 0.45 bar Lube Oil, 1.5 bar Generator




齿轮箱/发电机轴承供油压力:2.4 / 1.8bar a 齿轮箱/发电机轴承供油流量:22.7 / 1.6 m3 / h 油箱压力: 大气压力 供油温度: 45 - 65 ℃ 回油温度: 60 - 78 ℃ 冷却水流量(油站/发电机):油站25 m3 / h,

发电机40 m3 / h

进口水温: 33 ℃ 出口水度:

38 ℃

冷却水侧压降: 油站0.45bar ,发电机1.5bar Oil change/replacement schedule at 1 time per year. Oil filters should be replaced at 4 times per year. 润滑油每年更换1次,滤油器应每年更换4次。

Light, non foaming turbine oil (VG 46 oil) Viscosity Specified 42 cP @ 40 0C Viscosity Minimum 6 cP @ 100 0C 轻质不起泡的透平油(VG 46润滑油) 粘度指标: 42 cP @ 40 ℃ 最低粘度:

6 cP @ 100℃

See the API-614 lube oil system datasheet

见API - 614润滑油系统数据表。



See Lube Oil system installation and operation manual for more lube oil details

See Generator installation and operation manual for more generator details


发电机更多细节见发电机安装和运行手册。 1.6 Control System Settings & Setpoints See the list of alarms and trip point settings.

1.6控制系统设置和整定值 见报警和跳闸整定值清单。 1.7 Detailed System Description

Refer to the 4 sheets for the P & ID Drawing.

1.7详细的系统描述 请参考4份P & ID 图。 1.8 Radial Outflow Turbine

The turbine is a radial outflow turbine. This style of turbine is rare as most are radial inflow turbines or axial flow turbines. But the radial outflow turbine style was required due to the condensing moisture in the ammonia-water mixture. Any heavy liquid that forms in the radial outflow turbine will be slung by the centrifugal field radial outwards and will exit the machine. If a radial inflow machine were selected the heavy liquid would remain inside the machine and damage the nozzle and turbine wheel blades by impinging on the metal surfaces repeatedly. 1.8径流式离心透平


When the flow enters the turbine it passes through the turbine nozzles. The nozzles impart angular momentum on the flow which then moves

downstream to enter the turbine impeller. In the impeller wheel the angular momentum is extracted. The rate of change of angular momentum gives the torque on the shaft. The flow then exits the turbine impeller and passes to the turbine diffuser. After the diffuser the flow is collected and exits the turbine outlet flange. 当流体进入透平时流经透平喷嘴。喷嘴传递给流体动量矩,使其进入下游透平叶轮。动量矩在叶轮内被提取,流体通过改变动量矩对轴产生扭矩。流体随后流出叶轮,通过透平扩散器,在扩散器后流体被收集并从透平出口法兰流出。

1.9 Seal System

The sealing system is an API-617 tandem dry gas seal with labyrinths. The seal drawing and a sketch of the seal gas supply lines is supplied with this manual. The primary seal gas is the process gas of ammonia and water vapor. A seal gas system heater and moisture knock out system ensure the primary seal gas is dry. The secondary seal gas is dry warm nitrogen supplied by the customer. The separation seal gas is again dry warm nitrogen supplied by the customer. Such tandem dry gas seals with labyrinths a commonly found in process gas compressors and turbines.


密封系统是符合API – 617标准的带迷宫的串联式干气密封。本手册提供密封图纸和一个密封气体供应管线简图。主密封气是氨水蒸气的工艺气。气体加热器和水分分离系统确保主密封气体干燥。二次密封气体干燥温暖的氮气,由客户提供。隔离气也是干燥温暖的氮气,由客户提供。这种带迷宫的串联式干气密封常见于工艺气体压缩机和透平。

1.10 Lubrication System




The lubrication system circulates filtered, cooled and pressurized lube oil as shown on the P & ID

Drawing. Operating pressures and temperatures are listed in the data section of this manual and on the lube oil system datasheet. Information about the

vendors is supplied in the appendix to this manual. A bladder type accumulator is installed in the system to provide continuous oil supply in the event of a change over from the primary oil pump to the auxiliary oil pump. An oil rundown tank is also

provided for coast down protection to the bearings in the event the oil pressure is lost unexpectedly.

润滑系统按照P&ID 图循环过滤、冷却和加压润滑油。操作压力和温度都在本手册的数据部分和润滑油系统数据表中列出。供应商的信息在本手册的附录中列出。系统中装有一个皮囊式蓄能器,以便当系统从主油泵切换到辅助油泵时,提供连续供油。系统设一高位油箱,当发生意外润滑油失压时,保护惰走时的轴承。

An automatic thrust balance system is installed to provide protection to the thrust faces of the bearings during normal unit operation and during start-up and process flow transitions. Axial thrust will vary due to changing process conditions but the thrust balance will compensate to maintain the thrust at reliable levels. The thrust balance (ATB) valve uses the pressure at the back of the impeller and the pressure at the nozzle/impeller rotating interface location. The pressure tap locations for the thrust balance are seen in the section drawing. The thrust balance valve sets the pressure difference between P(back wheel) – P(nozzle/impeller) = 1.1 bar. If this value is too low the ATB valve opens to increase the back wheel pressure. Contrarily if this value is too high the ATB valve closes to decrease the back wheel pressure. By maintaining a pressure difference at 1.1 bar

experience has shown the rotating assembly thrust to be maintained at long term reliable levels. The thrust balance system is set in the DCS and no manual adjustment is necessary.

系统中装有一种自动推力平衡系统,在机组正常运行期间、启动和流程转变期间,保护轴承推力面。由于工况改变,轴向推力会有所变化,但是推力平衡将补偿以维持推力在可靠的水平。轴向推力平衡(ATB )阀使用叶轮背面的压力和喷嘴/叶轮旋转界面位置的压力。推力平衡的测压孔位置见剖面图。推力平衡阀的压差设定在P(叶轮背面)— P(喷嘴/叶轮)= 1.1bar 之间。如果这个值太低, ATB 阀打开以增加叶轮背面的压力。反之如果这个值太高,关闭ATB 阀以降低叶轮背面的压力。通过保持压差在1.1bar ,经验表明旋转组件的推力将保持在长期可靠的水平。推力平衡系统是在DCS 中设置,无需手动调整。

1.11 Alarm and Shutdown Monitoring System Instrumentation alarms and trips are found in the appendix list and P & ID. All instrumentation contained on the package is pre wired, tested and terminated within the flame proof junction boxes mounted on the skids.


仪表报警和跳闸见附录列表和P &ID 。包含在包裹里所有仪器已经预接线、测试,接线端子安装在底框架上的防爆接线盒里。

Control of the AVTG starting and stopping is done with the quick closing shutdown valve, the main control valve, and the start-up control valve mounted at the inlet of turbine. These valve are shipped loose and must be installed at the mounting location provided on the package. Energent has selected the

该AVTG 起动和停机的控制,是由安装在透平入口的快关停机阀、主调节阀和启动调节阀完成的。这些阀是散装运输,必须安装在撬块上提供的安装位置。 Energent 已经为该应用选择了合适的阀门,在跳机事件中,跳闸阀可在


ENERGENT JOB 10415 correct valves for this application and has sized the trip valve to close within ? second in the event of a trip event. The control system is designed so this valve is always “fail closed” in the event of power loss to the system.

0.5秒内关闭。控制系统设计成当系统失电时,此阀一直是“故障关闭”。 The alarm and shutdown systems are “fail safe” systems that require proper operating conditions to be met prior to starting. If any of the conditions listed in this manual are not satisfied, the

interlocking design of the protection is not met. So the AVTG cannot be operated. The HPP panel provides an extra layer of protection to ensure that gross operator error can not occur.

警报和停机系统是“故障保护”系统,启动之前需要满足适当的操作条件。如果本手册中列出的任一条件不满足,保护联锁设计并不满足。所以AVTG 不能运行。HHP 面板提供了更多一层的保护,以确保操作者误操作不会发生。



Section 2 Installation



Equipment Foundations Section 2.1 Lifting and Handling Section 2.2 Plant Process Connections Section 2.3 Process Gas Cleanliness Section 2.4 Inlet Shutdown Valves Section 2.5 Inlet Screens Section 2.6 Seal Gas System Section 2.7 Instrument Air Section 2.8 Electrical Connections Section 2.9 Junction Boxes Section 2.10 Local Gauge Board Section 2.11 Lube Oil Cooler Section 2.12 Turbine Drain Connection Section 2.13


2.1节 吊装

2.2节 设备工艺连接

2.3节 工艺气体管线清洁

2.4节 入口跳闸阀

2.5节 入口滤网

2.6节 密封气系统

2.7节 仪表空气

2.8节 电气连接

2.9节 接线盒

2.10节 就地仪表盘

2.11节 润滑油冷却器

2.12节 透平疏水连接

2.13节 2.1 Equipment Foundations The skid dimensions for mounting the package on its foundation are given on the General Arrangement GA drawing. The Customer is to provide a level foundation that will support the entire weight of the unit.


撬块的底框架尺寸见GA 总布置图。客户需提供一个水平基础,用于支撑整个装置的重量。 2.2 Lifting and Handling A suitable crane with spreader bars is to be used for lifting the skid onto the foundation. There are lifting rings on the sides of the skid for this

purpose. Extreme care must be exercised when

moving the package with special care taken not to drop or jar the package. Lifting locations are shown on the AVGT machinery arrangement drawing.



位置见AVGT 机械布置图。 2.3 Plant Process Connections

Connections sizes, rates and locations for the plant process inlet and discharge piping are shown on the System P & ID and Service Assembly drawings. Make certain to verify the maximum allowable pipe loads on the flanges as listed on the Maximum Nozzle Loads drawing.

2.3 设备工艺连接

设备工艺入口和出口管道连接尺寸、等级、位置等见系统P&ID 图和组装图。根据喷嘴最大负荷图,确定并验证法兰连接管道的最大许用压力。

2.4 Process Gas Cleanliness

The process gas entering the expander must be clean since dust or other foreign contaminates in the gas could damage the turbine. Inlet screens are not intended to filter out dust which requires the





process gas to be cleaned and filtered prior to entering the turbine. The process gas composition must be properly controlled to prevent foreign debris build up on either the nozzles and turbine impeller.


2.5 Turbine Inlet Shutdown Valve

A turbine inlet shutdown trip valve with solenoid control valve is provided and shipped loose. This valve must be installed at the inlet of the turbine. The correct air supply pressure must be supplied to valve for proper operation. The valve is selected to close within 0.5 seconds. Refer to the P & ID drawing. NOTE:

If for any reason the expander inlet shutdown valve is to be installed outside of the recommended position as specified on the System P & ID drawing, then Energent must be consulted prior to installation.


提供并散装运输带电磁阀的透平入口停机跳闸阀。该阀门必须安装在透平入口。必须提供正确的供气压力,以保证阀门的正确操作。阀门关闭响应时间为0.5秒内。参考系统P&ID 图。


不管因何种原因,膨胀机入口停机阀需安装在系统P&ID 图指定的推荐位置以外时,安装前必须咨询Energent 。

2.6 Expander Inlet Screen

An 40 mesh expander inlet screen is provided and must be installed by the Customer in the turbine inlet process piping. Install the inlet screen as shown on the System P & ID and screen drawing. Energent designs the inlet screens to have a large surface area to allow operation when the screens become contaminated. Should the screen become dirty, removal and cleaning is required and must be done as soon as possible. Failure to clean the screen can lead to screen collapse with resulting damage to the turbine. The inlet screens should be installed in the removable spool piece at a convenient location for ease of access to remove and clean. The screen must not interfere with the operation of the turbine inlet trip valve or control valve.


提供一个40目的膨胀机入口滤网,必须由客户安装在透平入口工艺管道上。根据系统P&ID 图和滤网图安装入口滤网。Energent 设计入口滤网时选用了较大的表面积,滤网被污染时仍能使用。假如滤网变脏,则需尽快完成滤网的拆除和清洁工作。未及时清洁滤网,可能会导致滤网崩塌,而对透平造成损害。为便于人员进入拆除和清洁,入口滤网应安装在便捷位置的可拆式短接管内。滤网不得干涉透平入口跳闸阀或调节阀的操作。

2.7 Seal Gas System

Connect the primary, secondary, and separation seal gas to the connections as indicated on the System P & ID. This drawing shows the connections, sizes and requirements.


主、次要和分离密封气体的连接见系统P & ID 图,图中显示了连接、尺寸和要求。

2.8 Instrument Air

Connect the instrument air supply to the package connections as indicated on the System P & ID. This drawing shows the connections, sizes and


仪表空气供应撬块的连接见系统P & ID 图,图中显示了连接件、尺寸和要求。



2.9 Electrical Connections

Refer to the electrical drawings for electrical connections. Refer to the Vendor Instruction Manuals for details on the specific equipment. Care must be taken with all Electrical and Instrument connections to ensure proper voltage, polarity and current rating are observed. Confirm all wiring and connections prior to energizing the systems. WARNING

Disconnect and isolate all electrical sources including any secondary power sources to the package prior to connecting any wiring within the field junction boxes.


电气连接请参考电气图。具体设备的细节请参考供应商说明书。必须注意和观察所有电气和仪表的连接,以确保适当的电压、极性和额定电流。系统通电确认所有的布线和连接。 警告:


2.10 Junction Boxes

All junction boxes and control panels must remain closed at all times except during actual wiring and connecting. In no case should junction boxes be allowed to remain open overnight, during inclement weather or for extended periods. This will protect the equipment and terminals from dirt, rain, moisture and of possible causes of damage.

2.10 接线盒


2.11 Local Gauge Board

Connect and check as required all instrument sensor tubing and signal connections verifying proper position. Ensure signal connections are not shorted to earth.



2.12 Lube Oil Cooler

Connect the supply of clean, fresh water to the cooler as indicated on the System P & ID. Flush the cooler with water prior to connecting the water return line.


按系统P & ID 图连接供给冷却器的清洁、新鲜冷却水管道。回水管线连接前用水冲洗冷却器。

2.13 Turbine Casing Drain Connection

A drain connection is provided on the turbine

casing. This drain is to remove any process liquids that may accumulate during shutdown periods after long periods of operation. The drain is normally closed during operation.


Welding onto the turbine skid is not permitted

with out permission from Energent. Welding

can cause damage through arcing to bearings inside of the turbine.


透平缸体上设置疏水连接口,用于排除在长时间运行后的停机期间累积的液体。透平运行期间,排水口保持常闭状态。 警告:

未经Energent 允许,不得在透平底框架上进行





Section 3

Operating Instructions



3.1 Pre Startup Warnings

After installation, should it be suspected that foreign materials are inside of the unit, the unit must be disassembled and cleaned prior to startup. Assembly and disassembly is detailed in Section Four.

NOTE: It is recommended that Energent

Technicians inspect and disassemble the unit if needed. Plant personnel can also be trained at this time.

3.1 启动前警告


注:建议有必要时,由Energent 的技术人员检查和拆卸机组,同时工厂人员也接受培训。

Turbine Inlet Screens

Inspect the turbine inlet screen at the earliest possible time after startup of the unit to check for dirt and debris that may be present. Screens should be checked repeatedly until they are clean.






3.2 Overspeed – Warning

The danger of overspeed to the unit exists until the trip valve closes and the system is depressurized. The unit is designed to withstand an overspeed event for a short duration. In the event of an

overspeed event please provide Energent with all the logged data such as speed, pressure, and vibration as a function of time.


在跳闸阀关闭、系统泄压之前,机组存在超速的危险。机组设计为能禁受住短暂的超速。发生超速事故时,请将记录的所有数据提供给Energent ,如速度、压力及振动随时间的变化关系。

3.3 Pre Startup Instructions

Please follow these steps before placing the unit in operation.



3.3.1 Seal Gas System

Energize the seal gas system. Ensure the secondary and separation seal gas are all functioning. These seal gases are very important as they will block any lube oil from entering the dry gas seal and contaminating it.

3.3.1 密封气系统




3.3.2 Lube Oil Reservoir

Fill the lube oil reservoir shown on the P & ID with lube oil as specified. Start the oil pump and

circulate oil with ALL vent valves open, the oil by-pass valve open, and the turbine skid oil valve closed. Verify ALL electrical connections are properly connected and the oil pump motor rotates in the correct direction. After confirming that all air is removed from the system, close all vent valves and check that the oil level in the reservoir is

correct. Confirm the temperatures and pressures are acceptable. Open the turbine skid oil valve and close the skid by-pass valve.

3.3.2 油站油箱

将指定的润滑油充入P&ID 图所示的油站油箱。所有放空阀打开,旁路油阀打开,透平进油阀关闭,启动油泵油循环。核实所有的电气连接,油泵电机旋转方向正确。确认所有空气排出系统后,关闭所有放空阀,检查油箱的液位是否正常。确认油温和油压正常。打开透平进油阀,关闭透平旁路油阀。

NOTE: Should it be necessary to flush the lube oil system, use the same type of oil as specified for the unit operation. Under no circumstances is oil containing detergent to be used !


3.3.3 Accumulator and Rundown Tank

Confirm the accumulator bladder is charged to the correct pressure as specified. To charge the accumulator, please follow these instructions:

3.3.3 蓄能器和高位油箱

确认蓄能器的蓄能罐充装至正确压力。蓄能器的充装,按如下说明操作: ? Close valve to isolate the

accumulator from the oil system. ? Slowly open the accumulator drain valve. Place a suitable container under the valve to collect any oil. ? Install the supplied accumulator charge kit to the accumulator fill valve on the top of the accumulator ? Slowly fill the accumulator bladder with Nitrogen to the pressure specified.

? Remove the accumulator charge kit and replace the cap. ? Close the drain valve.

? Slowly open the oil supply valve to the accumulator. ? 关闭供油阀将蓄能器从系统中隔离; ?




? 向蓄能罐缓慢充装氮气至指定压力;



? 关闭放泄阀;

? 缓慢开启蓄能器供油阀。

Confirm the oil Rundown Tank is filled to the proper level. This can be seen from the level transmitter and on the rundown tank gauge.


3.3.4 Valves

Confirm that all valves are in the correct open or closed positions. Refer to the System Drawing for location and positions.

3.3.4 阀门




3.3.5 Control Settings

Confirm that all gauges, controls and safety devices are correctly connected, set and operate properly. The set points are set at the factory and need to be checked prior to startup.



3.3.6 Seal Gas & Instrument Air Supplies

Confirm that the proper primary, secondary, and separation seal gas, and instrument air supplies are connected properly and the correct pressure(s) & temperature are supplied. The primary seal gas is the process gas as supplied from the system and made warm and dry. The secondary and separation seal gas and the instrument air are supplied by the customer at all times.



3.3.7 Inlet Shutdown Valve

Confirm that the turbine inlet valve is installed properly in the inlet piping with no interference to the movement of the valve butterfly. Verify that the valve closes properly by simulating operation of the unit WITHOUT process gas. The solenoid valve is sized to close the valve within 0.5 seconds and must be installed on the inlet flange to the turbine.



3.3.8 Inlet Screens

Confirm the inlet screens are correctly installed in the inlet pipes to the turbine. The screens are

designed for the flange to be installed downstream of the screen mesh.



3.4 First Start Procedure 3.4 首次启动程序 3.

4.1 Instructions

In brief, starting the unit consists of:

A. Isolate the turbine by closing all valves including drain valves

B. Start the seal gas system

C. Start the lube oil system in by-pass mode and verify lube oil system

D. Open the oil valve to feed oil to the turbine gearbox and generator

E. Open the turbine block valves, then the trip valve

F. Open the control valve and startup valve to begin turbine rotation

G. Use the startup valve to fine tune the turbine speed to required synchronous rotation

H. Synchronize the generator to the grid


简而言之,机组启动包括: A . 关闭所有阀门包括疏水阀,以隔离透平。

B . 启动密封气系统。

C . 以旁路模式启动润滑油系统,检查润滑油系

统。 D . 打开进口油阀,为透平齿轮箱和发电机供


E . 打开透平隔离阀(工艺系统中),再打开跳闸


F . 打开调节阀和启动阀,透平开始旋转。

G . 利用启动阀调整透平转速至所要求的同步转



I. Review all turbine operating parameters for normal expected range

速。 H . 发电机并网。

I . 检查透平所有运行参数在正常期望的范围


3.4.2 Detailed Start-Up Instructions

Refer to the appendix details for the correct set points and settings.



Start-Up after long periods of non-operation

NOTE: The unit must be completely isolated from the process during these steps.

? Confirm the oil level in the reservoir is correct

? Reset the control panel to clear any alarms

? Confirm the turbine inlet control valve, inlet startup valve and any additional system process block valves are closed

? Confirm the turbine inlet trip valve is in the closed position ? Slowly turn on the primary,

secondary, and separation seal gas system

? Confirm the flow of secondary and separation seal gas. Confirm the seal gas heater is working for the primary seal gas. Open and close the seal gas drain valves as needed.

? Inspect the seal gas system for proper pressure & temperature ? Open, slowly, the drain valves on the turbine cases to drain any liquid that may be present. Close

the valves when no liquid remains in the casings

? Open the lube oil filter purge valves and set the filter switching valve handle to the center position to allow both filters to fill with oil



? 确认润滑油箱液位正常。 ? 控制屏复位,清除所有报警。

? 确认透平进口调节阀、启动阀及任何其他的


? 确认透平进口跳闸阀处于关闭状态。

? 缓慢开启主密封气、二次密封气和隔离气系


? 确认二次密封气、隔离气的流量,确认主密


? 检查密封气系统的压力和温度处于正常。

? 慢慢地开启透平气缸的疏水阀,放掉可能存


? 打开润滑油过滤器放气阀,手动设置过滤器


? Open the pump discharge purge valve and turn on the oil pumps allowing the oil to circulate. Ensure the oil valve to the turbine is closed but the oil by-pass valve is open to circulate the oil.





o When the oil filters have been purged of air, slowly close the filter purge valves and move the filter switching to either filter


Close the discharge purge valves and stop one pump. Confirm the oil pressure is stable. Should the oil pressure be below the minimum, troubleshoot and fix the cause

? Inspect the lube oil filter differential pressure gauge

? Inspect the lube oil systems for proper pressure & temperature ?

Confirm that the lube oil is at the minimum operating temperature. This is the temperature downstream of the oil cooler.

o 当润滑油过滤器空气放空后,缓慢关闭




? 检查润滑油过滤器压差表。

? 检查润滑油系统压力和温度处于正常状态。 ? 确认润滑油是在最低操作温度。,这个温度指冷油器下游的油温值。

NOTE: Starting the unit with below normal oil temperature can result in bearing damage and will void the unit warranty


The steps listed above are for startup after long periods of non operation. They need not be

performed during a normal restart of the unit which was previously operating a short time ago.

? Pressurize upstream of the turbine by first opening the turbine trip valve

? Use the DCS to control the start-up valve to gradually crack a small amount open.

? Monitor the generator speed to start rotation at some small generator speed such as 100 rpm. ? Carefully observe the

instrumentation for abnormal

conditions. Allow the unit to run at this “idle” while checking the operating conditions


? 先打开透平跳闸阀使透平上游增压。

? 使用DCS 控制启动阀逐渐开启一个很小开


? 监控发电机转速,以较小的发电机转速开始


? 仔细观察仪表的异常情况,检查运行情况时


? Now continue to open the start-up valve gradually to slowly ramp up the generator speed at for example an acceleration of 25rpm per second. Using this method, in a about 1 minutes the generator speed will reach 1500 rpm.


现在继续逐渐缓慢开启启动阀,加大发电机转速,转速升速率约为每秒25rpm 。以这个方法,大约1分钟后发电机转速将达1500rpm.



? Monitor operating conditions while the speed stabilizes.

? After about 5 minutes after all parameters have been checked and verified increase the speed again in small steps to reach the generator speed of 3000 rpm using the start-up valve.

? Once at the generator speed of 3000 rpm the generator can be synchronized to the grid.

? After synchronization to the grid, begin to open the main turbine inlet control valve and close the startup valve to increase the load on the turbine.

? Monitor seal gas and lube oil parameters during operation to verify they are within the normal range

Note: If for some reason the generator speed of 3000rpm can not be reached with the startup valve alone a combination of the inlet control valve and the startup valve can be used. This will depend on the exact site process conditions.

? 当速度稳定后监控运行情况。


大约核对和确认完所有运行参数5分钟后,再次用启动阀慢慢增加发电机转速至3000rpm 。

? 一旦发电机转速达3000rpm ,发电机可以同期并网。





注:如果因为某些原因,仅靠启动阀,发电机转速没能达到3000rpm ,可以一起使用入口调节阀和启动阀。这取决于外部现场工艺条件。

3.5 Daily Operation & Periodic Service

During normal operation it is only necessary to monitor and record the operating condition of the unit. High speed data such a vibration spectra (Fast Fourier Transform plots), should be recorded and trended over days and weeks to keep history of the machine.

3.5 日常操作和定期服务


Inspection and maintenance of the AVTG unit

varies depending on the operating conditions on the unit. The following guidelines are based on best practices for this unit.


These items should be checked on a regular basis in order to establish the proper frequency for checking:

? Reservoir oil level

? Primary, secondary, and separation seal gas pressure & flow ? Lube oil pressure

这些指标应定期检查以建立合适的检查频率。 ? 油箱液位

? 主密封气、二次密封气和隔离气的压力和流

? 润滑油压力 ? 润滑油温度



? Lube oil temperature

? Lube oil filter differential pressure ? Differential pressure for the turbine axial thrust

? Vibration levels and the frequency spectra

? 润滑油过滤器压差

? 用于透平轴向推力的压差 ? 振动水平和频谱

Lube oil viscosity shall be checked on a regular basis for contamination and changed as needed to maintain good operation of the unit. The lube oil shall be changed at a minimum of yearly interval including the oil filters.


3.5.1 Oil Filter Servicing

If either of the filters is removed from service and the housing drained of oil, it MUST be refilled with oil before being returned to service. Failure to fill the housing with oil and purging prior to placing in service will cause trapped air in the housing to be forced into the bearings resulting in damage. Use care to maintain oil pressure when servicing the filters.



To replace the duplex filter element while the unit is in operation:

? Move the switching valve to the

filter opposite the filter to be serviced

? Confirm the filter equalizing

valve is closed

? Open the filter bleed valve on

the filter to be serviced to relieve the pressure in the housing and then close the valve

? Open the housing drain valve

and drain the oil into a suitable container. Leave the drain valve open

? Open the housing and remove

the used filter. Install a new, clean filter element into the housing.

? Close the filter housing

? Close the drain valve and fill the

housing with fresh, clean lube oil ? Open the filter bleed valve and

slowly open the filter equalizing


? 操作过滤器切换阀至备用过滤器。

? 确认过滤器平衡阀已关闭。

? 打开需维护的过滤器的泄压阀,使过滤器壳


? 打开过滤器壳体排污阀,将润滑油排放至合


? 打开过滤器壳体,拆除用过的滤芯,安装新


? 闭合过滤器壳体。

? 关闭排污阀,向壳体内充新鲜清洁的润滑


? 打开过滤器泄压阀,慢慢开启过滤器平衡阀




valve to refill the housing and remove any air

? SLOWLY move the filter

switching valve to the center position to complete the filling and purging process. Do not allow the oil pressure to the bearings to decrease during this operation

? Close the purge valve and

equalizing valves. Select the filter to be in service by moving the switching valve handle to the position



? 关闭放气阀和平衡阀。通过手动设置过滤器切换阀选择需工作的过滤器。

3.5.2 Turbine

Inspections of the main turbine are not needed unless damage is suspected or the performance has degraded



3.5.3 Bearings and Gearbox

The bearings installed in the gearbox unit are

designed to be in service for many years of normal operation. The bearings are designed to have high strength and stability during operation. During operation under off design conditions, bearing damage may result. Trending of the vibration during operation will allow for damage analysis should it be suspected



3.6 Normal Shutdown

Shutdown of the unit follows this procedure:

? Close the turbine inlet control valve slowly until the generator load is zero ? If required begin to open the turbine process by-pass valve

? Disconnect the generator for the electrical load

? Close the turbine inlet valve, stopping the process flow through the unit.

Ensure the turbine startup valve is also closed.

? Close the turbine inlet trip valve.

? Confirm the inlet valve is closed and the rotation of the unit has stopped ? Close and process block valves as required

3.6 正常停机


? 缓慢关闭汽轮机进口调节阀,直至发电机的


? 若有需要,开始打开透平旁路阀。 ? 发电机和负载断开。

? 关闭透平进口阀门,阻止工质流经机组。确


? 关闭透平进口跳闸阀。

? 确认进口阀门已关闭,机组停止转动。

? 按要求关闭工艺流程透平隔离阀



NOTE: If the shutdown is to be for a short time, leave the seal gas and lube oil running. If the

shutdown is to be for a long time, stop the lube oil system first and then the seal gas system, continue by following the outline below

? Block in the unit from the process by closing the process block valves on the inlet and outlet to the unit

? Close the lube oil valve to the turbine and open the lube oil by-pass valve ? Close the seal gas supplies to the unit Do not stop the seal gas prior to stopping the lube oil system

? Open and close the turbine casing drains.


? 关闭机组进出口工质隔离阀,阻止工质通过


? 关闭汽轮机进口油阀,打开旁路油阀。

? 停止机组密封气的供应。


? 打开和关闭汽轮机气缸疏水阀。

3.7 Emergency Shutdown Should an emergency condition occur during operation, the safety devices installed will shutdown the machine automatically by closing the

turbine inlet trip valve. The unit can also be stopped

manually in an emergency by pressing the

emergency stop button on the control panel. The

seal gas and lube oil systems remain active after an emergency shutdown.

3.7 紧急停机 运行时发生紧急状况,安全装置将通过关闭透平进口跳闸阀自动停机。突发事件时,通过按控制面板上的紧急停机按钮,能实现机组手动

停机。紧急停机后,密封气系统和润滑油系统仍旧运行。 If the emergency shutdown is of a catastrophic nature involving the process plant not related to the turbine, the customer must ensure the lube oil and seal gas systems have a method of being shutdown including depressurization of the casings.

如果紧急停机是由于自然灾害,使得工质不能连接至汽轮机,客户必须保证润滑油系统和密封气系统能关闭,包括气缸泄压。 Note: Please see the flow charts that summarize the written items here. 注:请参照流程图,此处简约概括。



Section 4

Maintenance and Service of the AVTG


AVTG 的维护和保养

Energent provides this section as a brief overview of the basic procedures to assist maintenance personnel. More detailed service procedures are available by contacting Energent directly. The drawings provided with this manual are current at time of publication. Should any question arise, contact Energent to confirm the most up to date drawing is available.

以下是Energent 为协助维护人员提供的基本程序。更多详细的服务程序可直接联系

Energent 。和本手册一起提供的图纸是目前出版时版本。如果有任何问题,联系Energent 确认最新图纸。

These instructions refer to the Service Assembly & Parts List drawings




While under warranty, the AVTG must be disassembled by or in the presence of an

Energent service representative unless Energent provides permission otherwise. A 10/25 micron cleanliness level must be maintained to ensure satisfactory reassembly and successful

operation. Under no circumstances should any arc welding take place on the skid or structure without Energent consent. This could possibly cause arcing across the bearing and shaft which would damage the bearings and shaft.

在保修期内,AVTG 必须由Energent 服务代表拆卸,或有Energent 服务代表在场情况下拆卸,除非Energent 另有允许。10/25的微米清洁必须维持,以确保满意的重装和成功运行。没有Energent 的同意,无论如何任何都不能在底框架或钢结构上使用电焊。可能引起电弧划过轴承和轴,从而损坏轴承和轴。

4.1 Lube Oil System

CAUTION - Do not mix different types of oils.

4.1 润滑油系统


4.1.1 Reservoir Level

Fill the reservoir to the "center" mark of the level gauge. Once the AVTG is running the oil level should be maintained at one-half the level gauge. Oil may be added while the system is operating.


油箱注油至液位计的中间线位置。一旦AVTG 运行,油位需维持在液位计的二分之一处。系统运行的时候油应该加好。

4.1.2 Oil Viscosity

Check the oil viscosity once a month. Drain and refill the complete system if the viscosity is outside the range specified on data sheet. Oil should be changed 1 time per year.

4.1.2 油粘度


4.1.3 Filter Replacement

4.1.3 过滤器更换

