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分布式系统领域经典论文翻译集 2011-04-30 10:13:33| 分类: 搜索与分布式 | 标签:分布式 google distributed 论文 scale |字号 订阅 分布式领域论文译序 sql&nosql年代记 SMAQ:海量数据的存储计算和查询 一.google论文系列 1. google系列论文译序 2. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine (译 zz) 3. web search for a planet :the google cluster architecture(译) 4. GFS:google文件系统 (译) 5. MapReduce: Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters (译) 6. Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (译) 7. Chubby: The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems (译) 8. Sawzall:Interpreting the Data--Parallel Analysis with Sawzall (译 zz) 9. Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing (译) 10. Dremel: Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets 11. Percolator: Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications 12. MegaStore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services 13. Case Study GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward (译) 14. Google File System II: Dawn of the Multiplying Master Nodes 15. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation on the MapReduce Framework (译) 16. F1-The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS Supporting Google's Ad Business 17. Elmo: Building a Globally Distributed, Highly Available Database 18. PowerDrill:Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

19. Google-Wide Profiling:A Continuous Profiling Infrastructure for Data Centers 20. Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

21. Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure 22. The Datacenter as a Computer google系列论文翻译集(合集) 二.分布式理论系列

00. Appraising Two Decades of Distributed Computing Theory Research 0. 分布式理论系列译序

1. A brief history of Consensus_ 2PC and Transaction Commit (译) 2. 拜占庭将军问题 (译) --Leslie Lamport

3. Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process (译) 4. Leases:租约机制 (译)

5. Time Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System(译) --Leslie Lamport

6. The Part Time Parliament (译 zz) --Leslie Lamport 7. How to Build a Highly Available System Using Consensus

8. Paxos Made Simple (译) --Leslie Lamport 9. Fast Paxos --Leslie Lamport

10. Paxos Made Live - An Engineering Perspective(译)

11. Paxos made code - Implementing a high throughput Atomic Broadcast 12. Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of a Distributed System --Leslie Lamport

13. Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems

14. Timestamps in Message-Passing Systems That Preserve the Partial Ordering 15. Fundamentals of Distributed Computing:A Practical Tour of Vector Clock Systems

16. Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems

17. Wait-Free Synchronization

18. Knowledge and Common Knowledge in a Distributed Environment 19. Uniform consensus is harder than consensus 三.数据库理论系列

0. A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks --E.F.Codd 1970 1. SEQUEL:A Structured English Query Language 1974 2. Implentation of a Structured English Query Language 1975 3. A System R: Relational Approach to Database Management 1976

4. Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared DataBase --Jim Gray 1976

5. Access Path Selection in a RDBMS 1979

6. The Transaction Concept:Virtues and Limitations --Jim Gray

7. 2pc-2阶段提交:Notes on Data Base Operating Systems --Jim Gray 8. 3pc-3阶段提交:NONBLOCKING COMMIT PROTOCOLS 9. Life beyond Distributed Transactions:an Apostate’s Opinion

10. A Comparison of the Byzantine Agreement Problem and the Transaction Commit Problem --Jim Gray

11. Consensus on Transaction Commit --Jim Gray & Leslie Lamport 12. What Goes Around Comes Around - Michael Stonebraker, Joseph M. Hellerstein

13. A Formal Model of Crash Recovery in a Distributed System - Skeen, D. Stonebraker

14. ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularit

y Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging-1992


0. Towards Robust Distributed Systems:Brewer's 2000 PODC key notes 1. CAP理论

2. Harvest, Yield, and Scalable Tolerant Systems

3. 关于CAP 4. BASE模型:BASE an Acid Alternative 5. 最终一致性 6. 可扩展性设计模式 7. 可伸缩性原则 8. NoSql生态系统 9. scalability-availability-stability-patterns 10. The 5 Minute Rule and the 5 Byte Rule (译) 11. The Five-Minute Rule 20 Years Later(and How Flash Memory Changes the Rules) 12. 关于MapReduce的争论 13. MapReduce:一个巨大的倒退 14. MapReduce:一个巨大的倒退(II) 15. MapReduce和并行数据库,朋友还是敌人?(zz) 16. MapReduce and Parallel DBMSs-Friends or Foes (译) 17. MapReduce:A Flexible Data Processing Tool (译) 18. A Comparision of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis (译) 19. MapReduce Hold不住?(zz) 20. Beyond MapReduce:图计算概览 五.基本算法和数据结构 1. 大数据量,海量数据处理方法总结 2. 大数据量,海量数据处理方法总结(续) 3. Consistent Hashing And Random Trees 4. Merkle Trees 5. Scalable Bloom Filters 6. Introduction to Distributed Hash Tables 7. B-Trees and Relational Database Systems 8. The log-structured merge-tree (译) 9. lock free data structure 10. Data Structures for Spatial Database 11. Gossip 12. lock free algorithm 13. The Graph Traversal Pattern 六.基本系统和实践经验 1. MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理 2. Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store (译) 3. Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System (译) 4. PNUTS: Yahoo!’s Hosted Data Serving Platform (译) 5. Yahoo!的分布式数据平台PNUTS简介及感悟(zz) 6. LevelDB:一个快速轻量级的key-value存储库(译) 7. LevelDB理论基础 8. LevelDB:实现(译) 9. LevelDB SSTable格式详解 10. LevelDB Bloom Filter实现 11. Sawzall原理与应用 12. Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems --Jeff Dean 13. Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems --Jeff Dean 14. Experiences with MapReduce, an Abstraction for Large-Scale Computation --Jeff Dean 15. Taming Service Variability,Building Worldwide Systems,and Scaling Deep Learning --Jeff Dean 16. Event-Based Systems:Architect's Dream or Developer's Nightmare? 七.其他辅助系统

