
更新时间:2024-05-23 14:27:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




熊猫___________ 大象________ 长颈鹿________ 动物__________ 澳大利亚________ 聪明的_______ 美丽的________ 友好的________ 腼腆的_______ 懒散的_________ 忘记__________ 睡觉________ 二、短语 稍微、有点______________ 处于危险中___________________ 由………制成的__________ 迷路_______________ 来自_______________ 砍倒 ________________

对某人友好_________________用两条腿行走____________忘记去做_____________________ 三、词汇应用

1.He is very ________ (friend) to everyone. So we all like him.

2.Pipi is a lazy pig. He usually sleeps and ________ (relax) 20 hours a day. 3.Keep ________ (quietly)! We are in the library now. 4.We must finish our homework ________ (one).

5.The dolphins are very smart and ________ (interest). 6.What ________ your sister want ________ (do)? 7.When spring comes, ________ (leaf) turn green. 8.The panda is one of China’s ________ (symbol)

9.Elephants can walk for long time and they never get ________ (lose). 10.Don't forget ________ (bring) your pen here.


1.People are destroying their best fighters _____ pollution.

A. for B. by C. against D. in 2.He has a garden(花园)______a lot of flowers(花).

A. has B. there is C. with D. have 3.The little girl is ______ shy.

A. kinds of B. all kinds of C. kind of D. a kind of 4.One of Thailand's symbols ________ the elephant.

A. is B. are C. have D. is having 5.The trees are small. Don't ________.

A. cut down them B. cut them up C. cut them down D. cut up them 6.______ I'm late again, ______ the teacher is very angry.

A. Because; / B. So; / C. Because; so D. /; but 7.Let him ________ to the zoo.

A. goes B. going C. to go D. go 8.Elephants can remember the places food and water.

A. with B. for C. in D. of 9.There is elephant in the zoo. elephant is three years old.

A. /; An B. an; The C. a; The D. an; / 10.Don't forget ________ the door when you leave the room.

A. close B. closed C. to close D. closing

11.I forget ________ my homework, so the teacher is very angry(生气的) with me.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. does 12.Please be quiet ________ your grandmother is sleeping.

A. because B. so C. or D. but 13.We mustn't buy things ________ ivory.

A. made of B. make of C. are made of D. making of 14.Let's ________ the old woman ________ the housework today.

A. to help; to do B. help; do C. help; with do D. to help; doing 15.Our English teacher Miss Wang is very ________ to us. We are ________. A. friend; friend B. friendly; friend C. friend; friendly D. friendly; friends



报纸_________ 电影__________ 在明天,明天____________ 超市_______________ 学习,研究____________ 美国的,美国人_____________ 喝,饮料_______________ 购物,商店____________ 任何的,任一的______________另外的,其他的____________ 年轻的,幼小的___________ 希望___________美味的__________ 还,仍然____________ 二、短语

看报纸__________________ 去电影院_____________________ 喝茶_______________ 去购物__________________ 听收音机__________________ 希望做某事______________ 做汤____________________ 在电话里交谈________________ 出去吃饭______________ 三、词汇应用

1.Look! Liu Ming ________ (watch) the boat races with his parents. 2.Li Ming ________ (not speak) English.

3.________ they ________ (work) at the office now? 4.She isn’t________ (listen) to music. She is reading. 5.—________ your father ________ (run) every morning? — Yes, he ________ (run) now.

6.He ________ (shop) in the mall with his mum now. 7.I like ________ (play) basketball.

8.He often ________ (play) football on weekends. 9.She ________ (wash) her clothes at the moment. 10.It's 7: 00. The Smiths ________ (have) breakfast. 四、单选

1.Here two of my family.

A. is; photo B. are; photoes C. are; photos D. is; photos 2.There are fifty ________ in our school. They are all friendly to us.

A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. woman teacher D. women teachers 3.Tom and Lily are talking the phone.

A. in B. to C. with D. on 4.My aunt is at the supermarket.

A. shopping B. shops C. swims D. swimming 5.Look! That's my brother Tom. He with his dog.

A. plays B. play C. is playing D. to play 6.— she TV?—No, she isn't.

A. Does; watching B. Is; watching C. Does; watch D. Is; watches

7.My brother is ________ his homework. He often ________ his homework at home. A. does; doing B. doing; do C. do; doing D. doing; does 8.Be quiet! The baby .

A. sleeps B. slept C. are sleeping D. is sleeping 9.It's seven o'clock. My father is a newspaper.

A. reading B. looking C. reads D. looks 10.I hope them in Tianjin.

A. to meet B. you to meet C. you meeting D. you not to meet 11.My friends and I often ________ after school.

A. walk to home B. walks home C. walk home D. walking home 12.—Where is Mary?

—She is busy _________ for the exams(考试).

A. study B. studies C. studying D. to study 13.I _______ my room every day. But now I________.

A. clean; am reading B. am cleaning; reading C. cleaning; read D. clean; read 14..— What's your dream?

— I wish ___________ in London.

A. work B. works C. working D. to work 15.— Does he finish the picture?

— No. He _______ needs more time.

A. either B. just C. still D. well

