
更新时间:2023-09-03 02:55:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





1. –What does he look like? –He is of medium h__________.

2. I am very h_______________. I want to buy some food to eat.

3. –How’s the w____________ today? –It’s sunny.

4. Mum often tells us to w___________ hands before each meal.

5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks J_____________.

6. Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city.

7. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog.

8. –What would you do if you had a million dollars? –I’d give it to medical ______________ (研究).

9. English is very________________________ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it.

10. The people in the ______________ (乡村) are richer than before.


1. I h_____________ you’re feeling better soon.

2. He has a good i____________ to solve the problem.

3. -What s_________ bowl of noodles would you like? -I’d like a large bowl of noodles.

4. There’s a b___________ near the post office. We can save our money there.

5. Would you m_________ turning down the radio? The boy is doing his homework.

6. China is a _____________(国家)with a long history.

7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems _____________(容易地)now.

8. They are _________________(友好的)to each other.

9. His uncle is a ________________ (科学家). He works in Beijing.

10. Mr Wang’s _____________(办公室)is on the fourth floor.


1. It’s impolite to p______________ at others with chopsticks at table.

2. This is an e_____________ box. Could I have a full one, please?

3. It’s c__________ outside. Please put on your coat.

4. Would you mind not making a loud n___________ here? Your father is sleeping.

5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer m_______________.

6. Don’t ____________(浪费)any water. We should save it.

7. “ _____________(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers.

8. There is a beautiful ______________(花园)in front of the tall building.

9. He is neither blind nor _____________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well.

10. We should learn to ______________(拒绝)the bad things.


1. -What’s the matter with her?

-She hasn’t seen her pet dog for a week, so she is very w___________ about it.

2. There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go s_____________.

3. –What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

-They are supposed to s_________ hands.

4. He often l___________ books to us. And we return them to him as soon a

s possible.

5. Of four seasons, I like a_____________ best, because it’s cool.

6. Ruth loves to tell a ____________ (笑话).

7. -Could you please take out the trash? -With ______________ (乐意).

8. Hi, little boy, don’t ____________ (爬) the wall. It’s dangerous.

9. I didn’t ____________ (赶上) the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.

10. We’ll have tea in the garden ____________(代替)of in the sitting-room. 单词拼写(五)

1. -When was the telephone i__________________? -In 1876.

2. He is t___________. He wants something to drink.

3. Lucy spoke too and I couldn’t follow her.

4. The manatee weighs about 1,000 p___________. It’s too heavy.

5. Teachers’ Day is S10th.

6. The computer is too expensive. I don’t have ______________ (充足的) money to buy it.

7. -_______________(谁的)backpack is this? -Oh, it’s Lily’s.

8. I will feel ______________(自豪的)when I see the national flag of China.

9. -What do you think of soap operas? -I can’t (忍受) them..

10. I like soft music. It always makes me_______________(轻松的). 单词拼写(六)

1. Julia’s sister is a nurse. She works in a h_______________ .

2. This question is very d___________________. I can’t answer it.

3. We visited a small village in Gansu Province. The v______________ there

are really friendly.

4. He was upset, because he didn’t p___________ the math test again last week.

5. Be c______________ when you drive, it’s very dangerous to drive in such bad weather.

6. -Paul, what day is today? -It is ________________ (星期三).

7. The weather report says that tomorrow will be ________________ (阴天).

8. Eating more vegetables and less meat can make you _______________ (健康的).

9. Sally, can you ________________ (带来) some story-books here from your home?

10. Good _________________ (友谊) can make you happy. So we all need friends.


1. -What’s wrong with Jenny? -She’s not well, she has a f__________, 39.5 ℃.

2. -What’s your e-mail a____________? –It’s 3. -How did you get to school yesterday? -I r__________ my bicycle.

4. -What’s your hobby? -I like to c_____________ shells.

5. Liu Ming is very tall, but Zhang Qiang is quite s___________.

6. -Excuse me, where’s the bank?

-Walk along this street and turn _____________(右边). It’s next to the movie theater.

7. -Do you know my new friend? -I think I know him. He often______________ (抽烟).

8. Chen Yong _______________ (总是) plays computer games. He doesn’t want to go to school.

9. France is a beautiful country. It’s ____________________(著名的) for its wine.

10. Alice made a living by ________________(她自己) when she was young. 单词拼写(八)

1. It was too late after the game. We the last bus. So we had to walk home.

2. Talking loudly in the library is i_________________.

3. -How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies o____________ a month.

4. When is Sally’s birthday p___________?

5. Don’t be near the lions. They are d_________________.

6. Everyone goes to play soccer 除……外)Tom because he doesn’t like it.

7. Are you ____________ (有空的)next Sunday? Let’s go to the zoo.

8. It is ______________________ (必要的) to learn a foreign language.

9. She _______________ (成为) a basketball player in 2005.

10. Science is one of my favorite _______________ (科目). What about you?


1. Please keep q_____________ . I' m trying to study.

2. She didn’t go to bed uher mother came back last night.

3. Take the medicine a day, then you’ll be better soon.

4. My father doesn’t let me p_________ football after lunch.

5. I r_______________ a gift yesterday. My grandma sent it to me from Nanning.

6. Our classroom is very __________(脏的). Please clean it at once.

7. He borrowed my pen and didn’t_____________(还)it last week.

8. Li Hua is one of the ________________ (成员) of the school football club.

9. _______________ (除……之外) milk and cheese, we also need vegetables.

10. (学习) math every night because he is not good at it. 单词拼写(十)

1. What are you going to be when you up ?

2. They can’t go to a movie tonight, because they have lost their .

3. One hundred years is a c______________.

4. Last week we held a concert to 500,000 yuan for Hope Project.

5. She has two children, a son and a d________________.

6. (猴子) like to eat bananas.

7. That is a _____________________ (令人惊叹的) film. You should go to se

e it.

8. China 赢) the most gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games.

9. Confidence is the key to .

10. –What’s your 电话) number? –It’s 7822360.


1. Don’t forget to l_________ the doors when you leave the classroom.

2. There are four in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

3. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are w______________.

4. Betty is only four years old. She is y___________. She can’t go to school.

5. Broccoli and tomatoes are healthy 6. Listening to tapes is _________________(有帮助的) for you to improve your English.

7. Lana always gets_______________ (神经紧张的) when she answers the teacher’s questions.

8. I think this theater has the most ____________________ (舒适的) seats.

9. Liu Xiang is famous in the _____________ (世界).

10. China has a long of about 5,000 years.


1. Don’t c the street when the light is red.

2. My movie star is Jackie Chan.

3. Did you listen to the weather last night?

4. -What' s Jim doing ? -He' s watching a football m___________ .

5. An accident on the road yesterday. A man was hurt.

6. I want to buy a ________________ (毛衣) for my mother.

7. Where does he ____________(居住)?

8. I _______________(相信)he will come this evening.

9. I have (粥) every morning.

10. This kind of bus is made in a city. 单词拼写(十三)

1. I hope you are in good h__________.

2. -What's the m__________ with you? -I think I have a cold.

3. I always f____________ his name. Do you remember?

4. -How do you s___________ the word “magic”? -M-A-G-I-C.

5. Would you like to go to the c_____________ with me? The film is very exciting.

6. We should ____________ (复习) our lessons every day.

7. –Excuse me. Where is the park? –It’s _____________ (在对面) from the library.

8. I like to live in the _______________ (北方) .

9. The woman is very ____________(疲倦的) because she has work all the afternoon.

10. Do you think she is telling the ___________(真实)?


1. –What’s your favorite subject? -I like p___________ best.

2. Children like to eat candy. But I don’t like it, because it tastes too s__________.

3. Two men were badly h__________ in the car accident.

4. My fifteenth b____________ will be on next month. Can you come to my party?

5. Don’t forget to take an u_______________ with you. It’s raining outside.

6. The boys were all very _____________ (激动) when they heard the good news.

7. “One World, One __________ (梦想) ” is the most popular words in the Beijing Olympics.

8. Her mother agreed with her _______________ (决定).

9. –Where is Li Hua? -He’s not here. He has _____________ (已经) gone to Shanghai.

10. Mr Smith is a ______________ (外国人) , but he speaks Chinese quite well.


1. This book is too old. Do you have a n_________ one?

2. Are you i_______________ in music? We want a music teacher.

3. The students in the school are not a___________ to go out at night.

4. A k___________ is used for cutting things.

5. Don’t t__________ me. I’m busy with my homework.

6. Shall we meet _________(在外面) the zoo or the park?

7. You need to have a good ___________ (休息) after the long walk.

8. Young people like to ________ (发送) messages to friends to greet each other on mobile phones.

9. His ___________(爱好) is to listen to music after school.

10. When the earthquake happened I was in my ___________ (卧室).


1. Don’t laugh at that blind man. That’s not (有礼貌的)

2. You read the sentence too fast, I can’t follow you. Please read it s.

3. -How much is the cap? –It’s 3 d___________.

4. Please off the light when you leave classroom.

5. This is a _______________ (现代的) mobile phone. I like it.

6. –What’s wrong with you? -I have a ________________ (头痛).

7. Her mother couldn’t _____________ (负担得起) to pay for her child’s education.

8. David (穿着) an old shirt every day.

9. Mr Green is a good teacher. He t______________ us English last year.

10. National Day is on 1st.


1. Yesterday we went to a (音乐会).

2. Hangzhou is a _________________ (美丽的) city. Many people visit it every year.

3. The 2012 Olympic will take place in London.

4. You can send an to her telling the news through the Internet

5. If you want to keep fit, you should take (锻炼).

6. As we know, it is bad for our health to eat a lot of junk 7. Lisa likes reading. (花费) a lot of money on books every year.

8. They gave us some advice, but nobody (赞成) with them.

9. Please brush your before going to bed.

10. Because he has tried his best in his study, he has made much .


1. I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to out of bed.

2. In the future robots will help people do most at home.

3. –Where is the post office? –It’s b_______________ the bank and the hotel.

4. Last night we part in Mary’s birthday party except Gina.

5. The boy was walking down the street when a UFO 6. The ____________ (桥) was built two years ago.

7. Let’s call up Joe and (邀请) him to play basketball.

8. The skirt is too ________________ (昂贵的). I want to see another one.

9. You are ____________(重的). You can’t eat too much meat.

10. He is a teacher in Harbin, the (省会) of Heilongjiang Proviince.


1. We listen with our ears and we walk with our 2. Don’t wabout your lessons. I’ll help you.

3. –What does your father do? –He’s a d_____________. He works in a hospital.

4. He is learning to play the piano. He wants to be a .

5. Oh, you are taking photos. How much is your c_______________?

6. We shouldn’t (笑) at the people who are in trouble.

7. The (听众) like the radio program very much.

8. Shenglong Park is a good (地方) to have fun.

9. (不管什么) you do, don’t miss the concert, or you will feel

regret (遗憾).

10. The ice is too thin. It’s dangerous to s on it.


1. Please keep the room clean. And don’t t________ the rubbish everywhere.

2. Peter failed the exam once again. He’s very sad. Let’s c_________ him up.

3. My shoes are old and out of style. I want to buy a new p___________.

4. You should go to bed early. Don’t s________ up.

5. My grandma lives a_________ in the countryside, but she never feels lonely.

6. Nothing can live _______________(没有)water.

7. My _____________ (邻居) is a man with a kind heart. He always helps others.

8. Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. He is very ______________ (受欢迎的).

9. - Did you use to be _____________ (害怕的) of the dark? -Yes, I did.

10. They are having dinner in the _________________ (饭馆).




1.height 2.hungry 3.weather 4.wash 5.Japan

6.busy 7.lucky

ge 8.research 9.important 10.villa


ce 1.hope 2.idea 3.size 4.bank 5.mind 6.country 7.easily 8.friendly 9.scientist 10.offi

1.point 2.empty 3.cold 4.noise 5.mista


5.a(三) kes se 6.waste 7.Safety 8.garden 9.deaf (四) 1.worried 2.shopping 3.shake 4.lends


6.joke 7.pleasure 8.climb 9.catch


(五) 1.invented 2.thirsty 3.quickly 4.pounds 5.September

6.enough 7.Whose 8.proud 9.stand 10.relaxed

(六) 1.hospital 2.difficult 3.villagers 4.pass

5.careful 6.Wednesday 7.cloudy 8.healthy 9.bring


(七) 1.fever 2.address 3.rode 4.collect 5.short

6.right 7.smokes 8.always 9.famous 10.herself (八) 1.missed 2.impolite 3.once 4.party 5.dang

erous 6.except 7.free 8.necessary 9.became


(九) 1.quiet 2.until 3.twice 4.play


6.dirty 7.return 8.members 9.Besides 10.studies

(十) 1.grow 2.tickets 3.century 4.raise 5.daughter

6. Monkeys 7.wonderful 8.won 9.success 10.tele(十一) 1.lock 2.seasons 3.weekdays 4.young 5.vegetable


6.helpful 7.nervous http://www.77cn.com.cnfortable 9.world 10.history

(十二) 1.cross 2.favorite 3. report 4.match 5.happ

ened 6.sweater 7.live 8.believe 9.porridge 10.southern

(十三) 1.health 2.matter 3.forget 4.spell 5. cinema

6.review 7.across 8.north 9.tired 10.truth

(十四) 1.physics 2.sweet 3.hurt 4.birthday 5.umbrella

6.excited 7.Dream 8.decision 9.already 10.foreigner

(十五) 1.new 2.interested 3. allowed 4.knife 5.trouble

6.outside 7.rest 8. send 9.hobby 10.bedroom

(十六) 1.polite 2.slowly 3.dollars 4.turn 5. modern

6.headache 7.afford 8.wears 9.taught 10.October

(十七) 1.concert 2.beautiful


6.food 7.spends


(十八) 1.get 2.housework


6.bridge 7.invite


(十九) 1.feet 2.worry

http://www.77cn.com.cnugh 7.listeners

(二十) 1.throw 2.cheer

6.without 7.neighbor


3.Games 4.e-mail /email 8.agreed 9.teeth 3.between 4.took 5.l8.expensive 9.heavy 10.capi3.doctor 4.pianist 5.camera 8.place 9.Whatever 10.skate 3.pair 4.stay 5.alone 8.popular 9.afraid 10.rest

