大学体验 3 Unit 7. drug abuse lead in

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Unit 7

Drug Abuse

Watch the video clip and try to answer the following questions.1. Why did the man smoke the cigarette?

2. Why did he want to quit smoking?3. Is it easy for him to quit smoking?

Lead-in Questions

What is drug?


Drug refers to substance that affects the nervous system, esp one that is habit-forming.List some kinds of drug.

Alcohol, cigarettes cause intoxication(醉, 极度兴奋) of some sort.

Illegal substances:

Opium [ pi: m] 鸦片; 麻醉剂

Cocaine [k u’kein]


pseudophedrine 冰毒 [sudo 'f dr n, - f drin]


Marijuana [mær ’wɑ n ]大麻

Ecstasy 迷幻药

Psychedelic drug 迷幻剂

The disastrous effects of the drug

The disastrous effects of the drug1.The physical problems affects the nervous system Sleep difficulty Immediate death Lung cancer, liver problem, heart attack, etc. 2.The mental problems (Long-term brain issues) Depression, anxiety, guilt, embarrassment, loneliness 3.Alter the way people think, behave and react Tell lies, steal money, get violent with people

Step 3 Listening practiceDirections: Listen to lead-in and try to fill the missing words. Click here to listen.

Depending on 1)_____________ the drug, many people report feelings like happiness, confidence, or peace when they take drugs. But even when they’re feeling these things, there’s a sense that 2) it’s not real __________, that the happiness is going to disappear any moment. unfortunately And 3) ____________, in most cases these feelings are followed by depression, anxiety, guilt, embarrassment, loneliness and wanting more drugs. interfere with Generally, drugs 4) ____________ the nervous system’s basic functions. Sometimes they alter the muscles and how they function too. Besides, almost all drugs can make it tougher to sleep.

Some drugs can cause immediate death, and some can give on the spot even healthy people a heart attack 5) ___________. Using drugs over and over for a long period of time can cause lots of medical problems, from lung cancer to liver problems to 6) brain damage ____________.

In addition to 7) ____________ the physical problems, drugs cause major long-term brain issues. Depression is a serious problem for many addicts. Also, they can really hurt people — telling lies, stealing violent with people money for drugs, sometimes even getting 8) _________________ they love. Their biggest ambition becomes getting high, instead of setting high goals.

interfere with: 防碍,干扰 Don’t allow pleasure to interfere with duty. Don't interfere with him while he's working.

interfere (in sth)interfere (between A and B)


Don’t interfere in matters that do not concern you.It’s unwise to interfere between husband and wife.

Dialogue SamplesDialogue 1

Dialogue 1: The Death of a Promising ActorJudy: I guess they also have hard times there are paparazzi following them everywher

e a young and promising Judy: Havereallyspoken to his SuchandRemember when we actor.in It is you unfortunate. family? taking photos of them. But Judy: everyone wants to be friends with stars. were Turn to and he always let’s and high school together p. 138, why said he wanted to great Lin: Indeed. It’s hard to imagine one with much go in Lin: the movies the world of read. choose life in themean, he Maybe it’s and we thought it was a ridiculous dream? lane success listen horizon would Maybe drugs. I fast on the and stardom. is too much sometimes. him! have to wear the right thing, had everything made it, kind of. But no. I was thinking of going for You Lin: Yeah. the right look and know the right people and say the have Well, he Judy: calling onthought that to give were condolencespeople who I always his family stressful up there. right things. It might be drugs my for losers, in person. Would didn’t get much satisfactionI from doing these things. really you mind coming along hate life. Judy: But why do you think this happened? Overdose. Was he Judy: Of course I’ll party? His parents were always so nice to us. Lin: alone or at you know, lots of stars who seem to have it all Yeah. But a come. Boy, it’sdrugs. turn to sure going to be tough for them! Lin: Nothing’s out yet. The police aren’t talking and his manager isn’t either.

Dialogue A

Words and expressions:

1968年,意大利导演费德里柯· 费 里尼1960年出品的电影《露滴牡 丹开》(La Dolce Vita),讲述 的就是两个狗仔队成员的生活。主 on the horizon: about 人公马切罗(Signor Paparazzo) to happen 即将发生的, 是个无聊的记者,整日顽强地追踪 着上流社会的丑闻。此片在当时引 临近的 起轰动,从此Paparazzi就成了 Paparazzi: 其实是意大利语,又作Paparazzo, “狗仔队”代言人。

意为“热衷于追逐名人的自由摄影记者”,也就 竞争激烈,忙碌而快 是猎奇摄影者,他们的目的多是为了偷拍镜头卖 节奏的生活方式 给杂志和报纸。 Life in the fast lane / life on a fast track Condolence: sympathy 吊唁1: Tom is a hotel manager. He works 60 hours a week, but he's always flying to Hong Kong, Tokyo or New York and enjoys life in the fast lane. 2: Bill used to enjoy life in the fast lane in New York, but his family didn't. Now he's happier living a quiet life in a small town with his wife and two kids

In 2001, Jia Hongsheng, who took the initiative in admitting having taken drugs to the public, shot a movie

Quitting according to his drug-taking experience.

In 2002, the singer Su Yongkang was arrested while taking ecstasy at a night bar in Taibei.

In 2003, the singer Jin Gangshan was arrested at the Beijing airport while going through a security check, for possessing 0.25g ecstasy, 4.75g marijuana, and 2g heroin,

In 2006, Tai Wan Police tracked down a severe case on marijuana traffic. The stars including X

iao Shushen, Chi Zongkang and Qu Zhongheng were involved in taking drug. Later, Chi and Qu offered to hold a news conference to admit taking drug and apologized to the public. In 2007, Xiedong and his girlfriend were arrested for taking drug at home. The police found small amount of drug at his home. On the spot, the police took the urine test, and both their urinalysis showed positive.


Why do some pop stars turn to the drug?

Why do some pop stars turn to the drug? Too much pressure from work and the public Little privacy Depression Too much fame Easy money Loss of control of their behavior Fashion A disappointment in love Seek pleasure and excitement Lose weight Inspiration of creativity curiosity

