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7A Unit1 This is me



1. What’s your name? My name’s…/ I’m…

2. I ./ I l after school./She . 3. 4. 她学习/工作很努力。 5. 6. 她擅长于游泳。 7. She 8. He 9. 10. 我每天带有的狗去散步。 11. 12. 他为黄河足球队效力(踢球)。 13. 他擅长于射门得分。 14. 15.


16. 你对你的新朋友有多了解? 17. “I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

18. Can I borrow your pen?


一般现在时:阐述一般的客观事实;目前存在的事实;经常的习惯性的动作。 (1)当主语是第三人称单数时:

肯定句:主语+is+其他/主语+动词的等三人称单数形式+其他。 如:He is kind. Nancy lives in Nanjing. 否定句:主语+isn't+其他/主语+doesn't+动词原形+其他 如:He isn't a student. Nancy doesn't live in Nanjing. 疑问句:Is+主语+其他/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 如:Is she your mother? Does Nancy live in Najing? (2)当主语不是第三人称单数时: 肯定句:主语+am/are/动词原形+其他 如:I am a boy. They like apples.

否定句:主语+am not/are not+其他/主语+don't+动词原形+其它 如:They don't like apples. They are not friends. 疑问句:Am/Are+主语+其他Do+主语+动词原形+其它 如:Do they like apples? Are they good students?

7A Unite2 Let’s play sports


1、喜欢散步 enjoy/ like/ love walking 2、走到我碗边 walk to my bowl 出去散步 go out for a walk

走回家/这儿/那儿 walk home/ her/ there 遛狗 walk a dog

3、每天许多次 many times a day

一年一次 once a year

一天三顿 three meals a day

4、看起来很强壮/开心 look very strong/ happy 5、在他的空余时间里 in his free/ spare time

6、在下一届世界杯里踢球 play football in the next World Cup 7、黄河足球队的新成员 a new member of Huanghe Club 8、观看电视上的篮球比赛 watch basketball games on TV

听收音机上的英语新闻 listen to English news on the radio

查互联网上的一些信息 search for information online/ on the Internet

9、在周末 at/ on weekends at/ on the weekend 在工作日 on weekdays 10、呆在家里 stay at home

11、我的很多学生 many of my students

12、谈论运动 talk about/ of sports 13、谈论如何学英语 talk about/ of how to learn English 14、我最喜欢的英雄之一 one of my favourite heroes 15、和某人一起玩 play with sb. 二.重点句型:

1. What’s your favourite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么? 该句型为 “One’s favourite + 名词 + be 动词 + ···“, 意为“某人最喜欢的···是···” E.g. My favourite food is meat.

句中favourite 意为“最喜欢的,特别喜爱的”,既没有比较级,也没有最高级,所以不能用程度副词best, most, very, quite修饰。

注意:favourite 既可以作形容词,又可作名词,其近义词组是like···best/most E.g. His favourite sport is football. = Football is his favourite. = He likes football best. 2. I like football very much. I plays football very well.

2. He also enjoys listening to musi. 3. It makes him happy.

1)make作动词,意为“使得” make + sb./sth.+ 形容词,“使某人/某物处于某种状态” make sb./sth. do sth. “使某人/某物做某事” E.g. Doing morning exercises makes us healthy.

You help me make the work easy. 你帮助我使这个工作容易了。 I love music. It makes me feel great. 我喜欢音乐,它使我感觉很棒。 His stories make us laugh. 他的故事使我们笑了。 2)make作动词,还可意为“做;制作”。 E.g. make a cake/ card 做蛋糕/ 做卡片 4. I hope his dream comes true.

1)hope 既可作动词,也可以名词,意为“希望” E.g. He hopes that she will win. 他希望她会赢。 固定结构 hope to do sth. 不能用 hope sb. to do sth. E.g. We hope you to win the game. [误]

We hope that you will win the game. [正]

2)dream 作动词,意为“梦见,做梦”;

构成的短语有:dream about 梦到某人或某物; dream of 渴望某事 dream 作名词,意为“梦,梦想”;

E.g. She misses her family and often dreams about her father and mother. I sometimes dream of visiting the Great Wall. 3) come true 意为“变为现实,成为事实” E.g. I hope your dream will/can come true soon. 我希望你的梦想很快实现。 5. What about you?

What about ```? = How about```? 意为“(你认为)···怎么样”,常在口语中用来征求对方的意见、建议、看法

或询问情况。其中 about 为介词,后面常跟名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式作宾语。 E.g. --- What about/ How about going fishing? --- I’d love to.

注意:英语中表示建议、邀请的表达法还有: Let’s do sth., shall we?

Why not do sth.?= Why don’t we/you do sth.? Would you like````? 6. What else do you like to do? else 意为“另外;其他”,常用于不定代词(anybody, everything等)和疑问词(who, what, where等)后面,

但不能说 which else, 应说 what else E.g. What else would you like?

Where else do you want to visit? 注意:else的所有格: else’s

E.g. someone else’s book 其他某人的书

7. I read a lot of interesting books. 我读了很多有趣的书。 a lot of= lots of 意为“许多,很多”,后可接可数名词也可接不可数名词,接可数名词时,相当于many;接

不可数名词,相当于much。 E.g. I meet lots of/ many new friends at the party. There is a lot of/ much water in the bottle. 8. Reading is fun.

fun 为不可数名词,意为“享乐,乐趣;有趣的事”;还可作形容词,意为“有趣的,令人愉快的”。

固定搭配:for fun 为了享乐; have fun 玩的开心; have (great) fun doing sth. 做某事很高兴 形容词: funny, 滑稽的,有趣的

E.g. The children often go to the park for fun on Sundays. 星期天孩子们经常到公园去玩。 The teacher often makes his class very fun. 那位老师经常使他的课堂非常有趣。

I have great fun reading books in my free time. 闲暇时我很喜欢读书。


行为动词:除be动词、情态动词、助动词以外的动词,也叫实义动词。 基本用法:一般现在时表示经常性的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与usually, often, every day, every morning 等时间状语连用。 E.g I do my homework every day. She speaks English very well.

基本句型: 肯定句: 主语 + 动词 + 其他成分 E.g I live with my parents.

He walks to school every day.

1)否定句: 主语 + don’t\ doesn’t + 动词原形 + 其他成分 E.g I don’t live with my parents.

He doesn’t walk to school every day.

2)一般疑问句及其回答: Do\ Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分? E.g. ----Do you live with your parents ? ---- Yes, I do.\ No, I don’t.

----Does he walk to school every day? ---- Yes, he does.\ No, he doesn’t. 3)特殊疑问句:疑问词\词组 + 一般疑问句 E.g Who do you live with? How does he go to school?

How often do they play football?

注意点:用作助动词的do 和 用作行为动词的do 在英语中,do 既是一个助动词,又是一个行为动词 1)do 用作行为动词一般表示“做”,“干”。 E.g. We do morning exercise every day.

Jack often does his homework in the evening.

2)Do用作助动词主要用来帮助构成疑问句、否定句。 E.g. Do you watch TV every evening? She doesn’t work on Sundays 3)区别do 在以下句子中的不同功能

E.g. Do you do your lessons every day?

The students don’t do their homework on Sundays. 二、行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数形式的构成及读音

1)一般动词在词尾加-s, -s 在清辅音后读[s],在浊辅音或元音后读[z]。 E.g help--helps make--makes get--gets

2)以-s,-x,-ch,-sh 结尾的动词加-es,-es发[iz];如动词词尾是-es,只加-s,也发[iz]。 E.g guess--guesses teach--teaches wash--washes 3)以-o结尾的动词加-es,-es发[z]。

E.g go--goes do--does

4)以辅音字母加-y结尾的动词,先变-y为-i,再加-es,-es发[z]。 E.g fly--flies carry--carries

7A unite 3 welcome to my school


1. on foot 步行 2. far away from 远离

3.a few 一些,少量 4.learn about 学得,获知

5.would like sth/to do sth 想要/想要做某事 6.after class 下课后

7.on this day 在今天 8.all kinds of 各种各样

9.on the phone 在电话中 10. look at 看

11.ground floor 底层,一楼 12.on the wall 在墙上

13.by bus 乘公共汽车 14.in front of 在……前面

15.let me see 让我看看 16.go to school 去上学

17.reading room 阅览室 18. borrow from 从……借……

19.get to school 到达学校 20.on the Open Day 在开放日 二.重点句子:

Thank you for doing sth 为做某事而感谢你 be ready to do sth 准备做某事

It takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人多少时间做某事 show sb around 领某人参观 need to do sth 需要做某事

Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。 What’s the date taday?今天几月几号

Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:30.让我们1:30 在学校门口会面吧 Who’s that man in the white shirt?穿白衬衫的那个男的是谁?

There are all kinds of books in our library.在我们图书馆有各种各样的书 I’d like to say hello to her.我想向她问好。

Do you borrow books from the library?你从图书馆借书吗? We only have a few classrooms.我们只有几间教室

It takes me about an hour to get to school.大约花了我一个小时的时间到达学校。


人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。 I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too. We/You/They are students.



而名词性物主代词则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如: Is this your book? No,,it isn’t, it’s hers(her book)

This pen is mine.


单数的人称代词为 第二人称,第三人称,第一人称(2,3,1) 复数的人称代词为第一人称,第二人称,第三人称(1,2,3)

7A Unit 4 My day





3.★Some dogs just don’

4. 5.




She is very busy and doesn’

8. 9.

10. ¥10. ¥10 11. 12. ¥5. 13.★ 14.

15. 16. They 17. I love reading because I want to .


用in一般在“上”“下”“晚”,还有时间,年、月、季; On 指特定的某一天,日期,星期和季节 At 用在时刻前,还有正午,午夜连 频率副词

从频率最大到频率最小依次为:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never. 对频率副词提问要用how often

