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(2014-2015-2 练习册)



Exercises for General Introduction

Part One: Multiple Choices

1. The color of white in American flag symbolizes _________.

A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor

2. How many stars and strips are there on the original flag of the United States? A. 13, 13 B. 48, 13 C. 50, 50 D. 50, 13 3. What is the motto of the United States?

A. Everyone is created equal B. Freedom is everything C. In god we trust D. Rely on yourself 4. _____________ is the official name of America? A. United States B. the U.S

C. America D. the United States of America 5. The national flower of America is _____________.

A. rose B. peony C. lotus D. sunflower 6. The 50th star in the American National flag stands for _______________. A. Alaska B. Texas C. New Mexico D. Hawaii 7. The color of blue in American flag symbolizes _________.

A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor

8. On August 3, 1949 President Truman officially declared _________Flag Day. A. July 14th B. June 14th C. June 4th D. July 4th 9. The color of red in American flag symbolizes _________.

A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. perseverance 10. The 49th star in the American National flag stands for _______________. A. Alaska B. Texas C. New Mexico D. Hawaii

Part two: Term Explanation

American Flag

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Exercises for Chapter 1

1. In which state is Hollywood located? _________

A. New York B. San Francisco C. California D. Los Angeles

2. Which of the cities in the United States is nicknamed “the Big Apple”? _________ A New York B Los Angeles C San Francisco D Washington, D.C.

3. How many of the states in the Republic of the United States are on the continent of North America? _________ A. 50 B. 49 C. 48 D. 35

4. ___________ is the largest state in land area and _________ the smallest. A. Alaska; Rhode Island B. New York; Rhode Island C. Hawaii; Rhode Island D. Texas; Rhode Island

5. The climate of the United States, as a whole, can be classified as __________. A. tropical B. temperate C. subtropical D. monsoonal (季风的) 6. Which river is nicknamed “the Big Muddy” in U.S? A. the Mississippi River B. the Missouri River C. the Ohio River D. the Minnesota River

7. The climate of the United States is _____in Alaska and ____ in coastal California. A. tropical, polar B. temperate, semiarid C. polar, Mediterranean D. monsoonal (季风的), arid

8. ________is the largest state on the mainland of the US and _______ the smallest. A. Alaska; Rhode Island B. New York; Rhode Island C. Hawaii; Rhode Island D. Texas; Rhode Island 9. What are the four largest countries in the world?

A. America, China, Canada, Brazil B. America, China, Canada, Brazil C. Russia, Canada, China, Brazil D. Russia, Canada, China, America 10. Which lake is totally within the region of America?

A. Lake Michigan B. Lake Superior C. Lake Erie D. Lake Huron

Part two: Term Explanation

The Mississippi River

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Part three: Answer the Following Question

Why is L.A. so attracted to immigrates?

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Part four: Translate the following into Chinese

1. Pacific Ocean_____________ ___ 2. Atlantic Ocean _____________ _______ 3. Arctic Ocean ___________________ 4.Cosmopolitanism ___________________ 5. Pacific Theater __________________ 6.Golden Gate Bridge ________________ 7. Rocky Mountains ________________ 8. Big Apple _______________________ 9. Nile River ______________________ 10. Stature of Liberty __________________ 11. China Town _______________ 12. Washington Monument ________________

Part Five: Passage Translation


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Exercises for Chapter 2

Part One: Multiple Choices

1. Which of the following is not the result of American Civil War? A. Union victory B. Reconstruction C. slavery remained D. South impoverished

2. Which is not the official reason claimed by America for the invasion in Iraq 2003? A. spreading of democracy B. the elimination of weapons of mass destruction C. the liberation of the Iraqi people D. support Iran

3. Which of the following is not included in the “ 3 Rs” during the Great Depression? A. revolution B. relief C. recovery D. reform 4. What is the result of the Second Continental Congress? A. Declaration of Independence B. Treaty of Paris C. Bill of Rights D. Rebellion against British

5. The term “Manifest Destiny” is closely related to which period in the history of America?

A. Cold War B. Independent War C. Westward expansion D. Great depression 6. When was the United States Constitution adopted?

A. on September 17, 1789 B. on September 17, 1787 C. on September 19, 1787 D. on September 18, 1787 7. The independence war broke out in _____________. A. 1775 B. 1776 C. 1778 D. 1787

8. “… that this nation, under God, should have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish(毁灭) from the earth” is from which of the following documents?

A. Declaration of Independence B. Emancipation Proclamation C. Bill of Rights D. The Gettysburg Address

9. After the carrying out of New Deal, The recovery was rapid in all areas except_______, which remained fairly high until 1940. A. unemployment B. agriculture

C. banking system D. agricultural production

10. In the history of America, Progressive Movement took place after _________. A. World war one B. Great Depression C. The Second Industrial Revolution D. Westward Movement


Part Two: Term Explanation

Great Depression

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Part Three: Answer the Question

What are the causes of American Civil War? And what are results and the influences of it?



Part Four: Term Translation

1. Emancipation Proclamation _____________________ 2. Battle of Gettysburg ___________________________ 3. Westward Movement __________________________ 4. Constitutional Convention______________________ 5. The Gettysburg Address________________________ 6. Operation Iraqi Freedom _______________________

Part Five: Passage Translation




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Exercises for Chapter 3

Part One: Multiple Choices

1. American Federal Judges have to leave their positions in the following situations except__________?

A. death B. retirement C. conviction by the Senate D. low education 2. The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in__________.

A. Philadelphia B. Manhattan C. Los Angeles D. San Francisco 3. Which of the statements about Bill of Rights is right? A. The first twelve amendments of U.S. Constitution B. They were ratified simultaneously by 1891 C. They were introduced by James Madison

D. Franklin Roosevelt was a supporter of the Bill of Rights. 4. Which of the following is not included in the Motto of FBI? A. fidelity B. bravery C. competition D. integrity 5. The size of Petit Jury varies ______.

A. 8-23 B. 6-12 C. 8-16 D. 12-23 6. Who of the following can be a juror?

A. those who are not well educated B. those who are deaf C. those who are under 16 D. the no-English speakers 7. All Justices are nominated by _______, confirmed by ________. A. President, the Senate B. the Senate, Congress C. the Republic D. President, congress

8. CIA is an executive agency and reports directly to______________. A. President B. the Senate C. the Director of National Intelligence D. Congress 9. The size of Grand Jury varies ______. A. 8-23 B. 6-12 C. 8-16 D. 12-23

10. FBI is an agency of the United States belonging to_________. A. Department of Legislation B. Department of Justice C. Department of Executive D. free institution

Part Two: Term Explanation

Life-long Term



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Part Three: Answer the Question

What are the advantages and disadvantages of jury system in America? Does it fit the situation of China?

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Part Four: Term Translation

1. chief judge ______________________ 2. grand jury _______________________ 3. Supreme Court _______________________ 4. FBI _________________________ 5. supermajority ________________6. The Bill of Rights _____________________ 7. CIA __________________________ 8. petit jury ___________________________

Part Five: Passage Translation


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Exercises for Chapter 7

Part One: Multiple Choices

1. Why was the couple showered with rice and wheat when they are heading for honeymoon in a traditional American wedding?

A. symbols of fertility B. symbol of bright future C. symbol of loyalty D. symbols of sweetness 2. Which is the dominate family structure in the United States? A. blended family B. DINK family C. single parent family D. nuclear family

3. The original purpose of the veil and the bridesmaids in the western wedding ceremony is ________.

A. to decorate the wedding ceremony

B. to allow your friends to share your happiness

C. to confuse the evil spirits that were believed to be lurking about on this holy day D. none of the above mentioned

4. The following are the different types of adoption except ________. A. embryo adoption B. international adoption C. private adoption D. state adoption

5. The belief goes that if a woman slept with a piece of the groom's cake under her pillow, she would __________. A. have a nice dream

B. have a happy family

D. have a healthy body

C. dream about the man she would marry

6. In recent years many states, including North Carolina and New York, require a __________ legal and physical separation prior to a formal divorce decree. A. half-a-year B. one-year A. in a church the bride’s virginity. A. pink

B. green C. blue

D. red

9. __________, divorcing spouses had to allege that the other spouse was guilty of a crime or sin like abandonment or adultery

A. Prior to the 1970s B. Prior to the 1980s C. Prior to the 1960s D. Prior to the 1950s


C. one-and-a-half-year D. two-year

7. The usual place for a western wedding is __________.

B. outdoors C. in a scenic spot D. in a restaurant

8. During a western wedding something __________ is often interpreted to represent

10. The no-fault divorce revolution began __________. A. in 1969 in California

B. in 1979 in South Dakota

C. in 1959 in North Carolina D. in 1949 in New York

Part Two: Term Explanation

Blended Family

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Part three: Topics for Discussion

Nowadays DINK family structure becomes popular throughout the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a family structure? What is your choice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part Four: Term Translation

1. Biological Offspring ______________ 2. No-fault Divorce _________________ 3. Single-parent Family ______________ 4. Adopted Children _________________ 5. Marriage Vow ___________________ 6. Blended Family __________________ 7. Same-sex Marriage _______________ 8. Wedding Reception _______________ 9. Proposal ________________________ 10. Groom _________________________

Part Five: Passage Translation

在中国,小孩的满月酒(one-month-old feast)和抓周(one-year-old catch)仪式独具特色。小孩出生满一个月的那天,孩子的家人一般要招呼亲朋好友,邀请他们一起来庆祝孩子满月。小孩满周岁的那天,有抓周的仪式。按照中国的传


统,父母及他人不给予孩子任何的引导或暗示,任孩子随意挑选,看他先抓什么,后抓什么,并以此为依据来预测孩子可能存在的志趣和将从事的职业及前途。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Exercises for Chapter 8

Part one: Multiple Choices:

1. Which is the largest religious group in the United States? A. Christianity B. Judaism C. Buddhist D. Islam 2. Which is the largest racial minority in the United States? A. African-American B. Asian Americans

C. Native Americans D. Hispanic and Latino Americans

3. Who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama?

A. Rosa Parks B. James Blake C. Martin Luther King, Jr. D. Irene Morgan 4. In God We Trust was adopted as the official national motto in_________. A. 1766 B. 1976 C.1956 D.1946

5. Asian Americans make up ________ minority group in the United States. A. largest \ A. 1956

B. 1954

C. 1957

D. 1860

7. According to the proportion of the population, the order of the four main racial groups in America is __________.

A. White, Native American, African American, Asian American B. White, Asian American, Native American, African American C. White, African American, Asian American, Native American D. White, African American, Native American,Asian American

8. Barack Obama, an African American, is the __________ and current president of the United States. A. 42th nation.

A. lowest poverty rate

B. highest educational attainment levels D. highest personal income

C. lowest household income

B. 43th

C. 44th

B. second largest C. third largest D. fourth largest

6. The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance was modified in __________ to add the phrase

D. 41th

9. Overall, Asian Americans have __________ of any racial demographic in the

10. Most African Americans are the direct descendants of __________ within the boundaries of the present United States. A. early black immigrants

B. early native Americans

C. captive Africans who survived the slavery era D. African Americans 11. Condoleezza Rice Served as the 66th United States Secretary of State, and was the


second person to hold that office in the administration of President __________. A. George W. Bush C. Barack Obama

B. Bill Clinton

D. George Herbert Walker Bush

12. Formal racial discrimination was largely banned in __________, and it came to be perceived as socially unacceptable and/or morally repugnant as well. A. the 19th century C. the 20th century

B. the mid-19th century D. the mid-20th century

13. After the Civil War, the U. S. expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the __________Amendment to the United States Constitution. A. 12th

B. 13th

C. 14th

D. 15th

Part Two: Terms Explanation

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Part Three: Answer the Questions

How to improve Chinese Americans’ stature in the United States?

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Part Four: Term Translation

1. Protestantism ______________

2. Pledge of Allegiance ______________ 4. Native American ______________ 6. Affirmative Action ______________ 8. In God We Trust ______________


3. Civil Rights Movement ________ 5. Non-violent Struggle __________ 7. Racism ___________________

9. Racial Prejudice _____________ 10. Asian American ______________

Part Five: Passage Translation


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