计算机专业英语 复习

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Chapter 1

1. Raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds.


2. Perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources. h. utilities

3. Type of application programs that are more narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations. f. specialized

4. Also known as servers. b. midrange computers

5. The most widely used handheld computers are smartphones and ___. d. PDAs

6. Type of memory that is sometimes referred to as temporary storage because its contents will typically be lost if the electrical power to the computer is disrupted. e. RAM

7. The most important kinds of secondary media are hard disks, solid-state storage, and ___. c. optical disks

8. The type of solid-state drive widely used for transporting data and information between computers and a variety of specialty devices. g. USB

9. Type of file created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like budgets and to predict sales. i. worksheet

10. Provides a multimedia interface to the numerous resources available on the Internet. j. Web


1. Consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. f. program

2. Another name for a program. g. software

3. Enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware. i. system software

4. Type of computer that is small enough to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet is too big to carry around. a. desktop

5. A container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system. j. system unit

6. Devices that translate the processed information from the computer into a form that humans can understand.

d. output

7. Unlike hard disks, this type of storage does not have any moving parts, is more reliable, and requires less power. h. solid-state

8. The most widely used communication device. b. modem

9. A type of a file that might contain, for example, audience handouts, speaker notes, and electronic slides. e. presentation

10. A communications system connecting two or more computers. c. network

Multiple Choice

1. The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software are called: Proceduresprograms Rulesutilities

2. The part of almost all of today’s computer systems that uses the Internet and allows users to greatly expand the capability and usefulness of their information systems. Connectivityhardware USBWeb

3. Specialized programs that are designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system are known as: basic programsdevice drivers hi defstablets

4. The least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest-growing type of computer is the: Mainframemicrocomputer Midrangesupercomputer

5. The newest type of computer that is smaller and lighter than a notebook and typically does not have a keyboard but uses a touch sensitive screen for input. Netbooknotebook Tabletserver

6. Devices of this type translate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process. Inputoutput solid statetablet

7. The type of secondary storage device that uses rigid metallic platters to store programs and very large data files.

hard diskoptical disk solid stateWeb

8. Three types of optical discs are CDs, DVDs, and: Flashhi def MagneticRAM

9. The revolution that will dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology.

Wirelesstablet PC USBWeb

10. Type of computing that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user’s computer to computers on the Internet. Cloudbrowser InternetWeb


1. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit are: Hardwareoutput devices storage devicessoftware

2. Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as:

application programs operatingsystems storage systems utility programs

3. A browser is an example of a:

general purpose application specialized program system application utility program

4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage.

Mainframe midrange Notebook tablet

5. The smallest type of microcomputer: handheld notebook midrange tablet

6. RAM is a type of:


Networksecondary storage

7. Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off. primary RAM ROM


8. The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.

database document presentation worksheet

9. Uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user’s computer to computers on the Internet. cloud computing high definition network USB

10. The largest network in the world is [the]: Facbeook Internet Web USB

Chapter 2


1. This project launched the Internet. a. ARPANET

2. Programs that provide access to Web resources. b. browsers

3. The browser interprets the HTML instructions and displays___. i. Web pages

4. Web based e-mail accounts do not require an e-mail program to be installed on your ___. e. computer

5. The billions of unwanted and unsolicited e-mail. h. spam

6. Photos, lists of personal interests, contact information, and other personal information displayed on Facebook. g. profiles

7. Web site designed to allow visitors to fill in missing information or correct inaccuracies. j. wiki

8. Evaluate the accuracy of information on the Web by considering authority, accuracy, objectivity and _____. f. currency

9. Clients, the Internet, and service providers are basic components of this type of computing. d. cloud

10. Type of electronic commerce that involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another. c. B2B


1. The most popular Internet activity. a. communicating

2. The most common way to access the Internet is through a(n). e. ISP

3. Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet. c. e-mail

4. Type of instant messaging service that supports a variety of different IM services. i. universal

5. The premier business-oriented social networking site. f. LinkedIn

6. Another name for a blog. j. Web log

7. Publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write. g. microblog

8. Maintain huge databases relating to information provided on the Web and the Internet. h. search services

9. Electronic commerce involving individuals selling to individuals. b. C2C

10. The basic components of cloud computing are clients, service providers, and the___. d. Internet

Multiple Choice

1. The Web was introduced in 1991 in Switzerland at the:

APIXCERN InternetSpider

2. These programs use a URL to connect to Web sites.

Browsersspam Protocolsutilities

3. A type of communication that allows two or more people to contact each other via direct, live communication.

e-mail IM

social networking Webmail

4. The most widely used social networking site:

CERN LinkedIn Twitter Facebook

5. To evaluate the accuracy of information you find on the Web, you should consider the sites’ authority, accuracy, objectivity, and: currency objectivity source location

6. The type of electronic commerce in which a business sells a product to the general public. B2B B2C C2C


7. This type of computing frees users from owning, maintaining, and storing software and data: network cloud desktop Web

8. These programs are automatically started and operate as a part of your browser. filters FTP plug-ins spiders

9. FTP, Web-based, and BitTorrent are types of: file transfer protocols spam blockers wikis

10. This type of suite can be used to maintain your security and privacy while you are on the Web:

browser security filter plug-in

Internet security


1. The network that connects computers all over the world. CERN Internet LAN Web

2. The rules for exchanging data between computers. DSL

protocols Web WWW

3. Client-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer. e-mail client hyperlink Java


4. Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook: clients groups pages profiles

5. E-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a user's computer is known as: a blog a podcast Webmail a utility

6. A very well-known microblog. LinkedIn Google+ Twitter Wikipedia

7. These programs continually look for new information and update search services’ database programs. filters IM spiders wikis

8. Using a keyword, a search engine returns a list of related sites known as: blogs hits

podcasts strikes

9. This is the Internet’s equivalent to traditional cash. digital cash e-commerce iCash

Internet dollars

10. Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called: downloading filtering blogging


Chapter 3 Matching

1. Application software can be divided into two categories: basic and ___. h. mobile apps

2. This GUI uses a system of ribbons, tabs, and galleries. a. ribbon

3. This application can be used to analyze sales trends and also evaluate and graph stock market trends.

g. spreadsheet

4. A feature of most word processors that enables users to quickly apply predefined formatting characteristics to text. i. styles

5. A specialized graphics program for editing or modifying digital photographs. e. image editor

6. Bitmap images are also referred to as _____ images. f. raster

7. A program that sets up or structures a database. b. DBMS

8. Illustration programs are used to create and edit _____ images. j. vector

9. Graphics that typically appear as black and white boxes that automatically link mobile devices to a variety of different content including games, text, videos, and web sites. c. QR codes

10. A collection of separate application programs bundled together and made available as a group.

d. software suite


1.Toolbars typically appear below the menu bar and include small graphic elements called _____. a. buttons

2. Simplifies the process of making a selection from a list of alternatives by graphically displaying the effect of alternatives before being selected. d. galleries

3. A general purpose program that creates text-based documents. j. word processor

4. Program that organizes, analyzes, and graphs numeric data. g. spreadsheet

5. A collection of related data. c. database

6. Also known as a photo editor, this specialized graphics program edits or modifies digital photographs. e. image editor

7. The overall site design for a Web site is commonly represented in a graphical site ____. f. map

8. A Web site that provides access to specific mobile apps is known as an app _____. h. store

9. A type of suite that is stored at a server on the Internet and is available anywhere you can access the Internet. b. cloud

10. A type of specialized suite that includes a variety of programs designed to make computing easier and safer. i. utility

Multiple Choice

1. The portion of the application that allows you to control and to interact with the program.

dialog box gallery

user interface window

2. The type of gui that uses tabs to organize groups of related items.

character gallery ribbon traditional

3. This application software organizes, analyzes, and graphs numeric data.

spreadsheet word processor database

presentation graphics

4. A collection of related data equivalent to an electronic file cabinet:

database spreadsheet word processor

presentation graphics

5. These programs allow you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality focusing on page design and layout.

image editors

presentation graphics workbooks

desktop publishing

6. These readers allow mobile devices to use their digital cameras to scan quick response codes.

mobile readers camera scanners RC scanners QR code readers

7. A Web site that provides access to specific mobile apps is called a(n):

mobile store app store iPhone apps

smartphone store

8. A collection of separate application programs bundled together and available as a group is a:

integrated package software suite app suite office apps

9. One downside of using a _________ is that you are dependent on the server providing the application to be available whenever you need it.

cloud suite office suite utility program Windows program

10. Google Docs, Zoho, and Microsoft Office Web Apps are examples of:

basic applications cloud suites utility suites

specialized applications


1. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.

application general purpose system utility

2. A rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.

dialog box form frame window

3. Programs that create text-based documents.

DBMS suites

spreadsheets word processors

4. Programs that organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports.

DBMS suites

spreadsheets word processors

5. Programs that allow you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.


desktop publishing presentation productivity

6. The type of image consisting of geometric shapes.

bitmap raster ribbon vector

7. An online diary or commentary.

bitmap blog HTML vector

8. Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations.


presentation graphics spreadsheet word processor

9. Graphics that typically appear as black and white boxes that automatically link mobile devices to a variety of different content.

QR Codes bitmaps

raster images vectors

10. Also known as an online suite.

cloud integrated office utility

Chapter 4 Matching

1. Programs that allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system. b. device drivers

2. Operating systems allow users to interact with application programs and computer hardware through a user ___. e. interface

3. This type of interface uses graphical elements such as icons and windows. d. gui

4. In a ribbon gui these divide menus into major activity areas.

h. tabs

5. While there are hundreds of different operating systems, there are only three basic categories: network, stand-alone, and ___. c. embedded

6. The most recent Mac OS X version. g. Mountain Lion

7. Originally developed by a graduate student at the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds, this operating system is a popular and powerful alternative to Windows. f. Linux

8. Mobile operating system for many of Hewlett-Packard's smartphones and tablet computers. j. WebOS

9. Utility program that reduces the size of files so they require less storage space and can be sent more efficiently over the Internet. i. file compression

10. Wizard that provides step-by-step guidance for selecting hardware drivers and installing drivers.

a. add a device


1. Programs that perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources. h. utilities

2. Restarting a running computer without turning off the power. j. warm boot

3. Type of operating system that controls and coordinates networked computers. f. NOS

4. An operating system is often referred to as the software environment or___. g. platform

5. OS X Lion feature to display and provide direct access to applications. e. Launchpad

6.A type of software that allows a single physical computer to operate as though it were two or more separate and independent computers. i. virtualization

7.Mobile operating system that that is owned by Google and is one of the fastest-growing mobile operating systems. a. Android

8.Type of program that guards computer systems from viruses and other damaging programs. b. antivirus

9. If a file cannot be saved on a single track, it has to be____. d. fragmented

10. Program that works with the operating system to allow communication between a device and the rest of a computer system is called a device____. c. driver


1. This system software coordinates computer resources, provides a user interface, and runs applications. device driver operating system translator utility

2. Starting or restarting a computer is called: booting aligning initializing startup

3. Type of operating system used for handheld devices such as smartphones, cable and satellite television tuner boxes, video game systems, and other small electronics. cell

embedded network stand-alone

4. The operating system is often referred to as the software environment or the software:

desktop server platform window

5. An approach in which a single physical computer can support multiple operating systems that operate independently.

simulation hosting multitasking virtualization

6. An operating system released in 2012 with a user interface very similar to the interface used with tablets and smartphones with functionality similar to Windows 8.

OS X Mountain Lion OS X Lion Linux


7. An approach that allows a single computer to run multiple operating systems at the same time.

multitasking virtualization V.R.


8. Developed by Apple, based on Mac OS and is used as the platform for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. iOS

Blackberry OS Android

Windows Phone 8

9. A Windows utility program that locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations.

Backup Disk Cleanup

Disk Defragmenter Restore

10. Dangerous programs that can be “caught” in a variety of ways including opening e-mail attachments and downloading software from the Internet. app spam utility virus


1. What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details?

application desktop Linux system

2. The programs that convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process are language:

converters linguists managers translators

3. The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called:

diversion multitasking

operational interference programming

4. Graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function:

app icon image software

5. This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.

dialog box menu mouse pointer

6. The operating system based on Linux, designed for Netbook computers, and focused on Internet connectivity through cloud computing:

Chrome Mac Unix Windows

7. The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS:

Android BlackBerry OS iOS Mac OS

8. A utility program that makes copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or


Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup

Disk Defragmenter Compactor

9. A troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space, and improves system performance:

Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup

Disk Defragmenter Compactor

10. Windows makes it easy to update drivers with Windows:

Backup Restore Driver Update

Chapter 5 Matching

1. Another name for a notebook computer. e. laptop

2. The smallest computer system unit. d. handheld

3. The most widely used character encoding standard that is recognized by virtually every computer system. j. Unicode

4. The ALU performs two types of operations: arithmetic and ___. f. logical

5. A type of chip that allows a single computer to run two or more operations at the same time. h. multicore

6. Additional RAM can be added to a computer system by inserting an expansion module called ___. b. DIMM

7. Type of slot on the system board that allows users to expand their systems. c. expansion

8. Three types of expansion buses are USB, Firewire, and ___.

i. PCIe

9. Commonly used specialized ports are SATA, HDMI, MiniDP, S/PDIF and___. g. MIDI

10. This adapter plugs into a standard wall outlet to convert AC to DC. a. AC


1. A type of multiprocessor chip that provides two or more separate and independent CPUs. c. multicore

2. A type of memory that is volatile or loses its contents when power is turned off. e. random access

3. System board component that provides a connection point for specialized cards or circuit boards. g. slots

4. Plastic cards the size of a regular credit card that have an embedded specialty chip. h. smart cards

5. A type of memory that improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU. a. cache

6. A type of memory that provides a combination of features of RAM and ROM. b. flash

7. A generic term that is associated with the ability to attach any device onto a computer and have it play or work immediately. d. Plug and Play

8. This bus connects the CPU to memory on the system board. i. system

9. This port can be used to connect many USB devices to the system.. j. USB

10. This unit plugs into a standard wall outlet and converts AC to DC. f. slate

Multiple Choice

1. This type of system unit is designed to be placed either horizontally or vertically.

desktop notebook smartphone tablet pc

2. The binary system consists of only two digits: 0 or 1, called a: bit


character number

3. This controls communications for the entire computer system with every component within the system unit connecting to it.

power supply memory

expansion slot motherboard

4. Chips are mounted on carrier:

chips circuits packages processors

5. The number of times the CPU can fetch and process data or instructions in one second is known as its: bus

clock speed cycle rate

frequency rate

6. These chips hold the program (sequence of instructions) and data that the CPU is presently processing.

card Flash RAM ROM

7. These chips have information stored in them that cannot be changed by the user.

card Flash RAM ROM

8. The expansion card that is used to connect a computer to a network.


Network interface modem LAN

9. The number of bits that can travel simultaneously down a bus is known as the:

bus width byte path digital width slate distance

10. A socket for external devices to connect to the system unit.

chip dock port slot

aadcb cdbac


1. This container houses most of the electrical components for a computer system. carrier package system board system unit Unicode

2. A type of notebook, this computer specializes in on-the-go Web browsing and e-mail access.

chassis desktop

media center netbook

3. The mainboard or motherboard is also known as the:


board processor mobile system system board

4. How many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time? 1 4 8 16

5. In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit is contained on a single: bus chip module RAM

6. This type of memory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on a secondary storage device. direct expanded

random-access virtual

7. Also known as NIC, this adapter card is used to connect a computer to a: AIA

expansion graphics network

8. This provides a pathway to connect parts of the CPU to each other. bus

Plug and Play wired wireless

9. The specialized port that provides very high-speed connections for large secondary storage devices. eSATA HDMI MIDI MiniDP

10. Computers can only recognize this type of electronic signal. analog bus digital maximum

cddbb ddaac

Chapter 6 Matching

1. Type of keyboard that displays an image of a keyboard on a touch screen device. h. virtual

2. A type of mouse that is battery-powered and does not use a mouse cord. j. wireless

3. Type of screen widely used with tablet PCs, netbooks, and smartphones. g. touch

4. Accepts documents consisting of text and/or images and converts them to machine-readable form. c. OCR

5. Input device that uses special preprinted characters that can be read by a light source and changed into machine-readable code. f. scanner

6. A monitor feature expressed as a matrix of dots or pixels. e. resolution

7. Specialized digital video cameras that capture images and send them to a computer for broadcast over the Internet. i. WebCam

8. Printer resolution is measured in ___. b. dpi

9. Printer connected to the Internet that provides printing services to others on the Internet. a. cloud

10. The transmission of telephone calls over computer networks. d. VoIP


1. Pressing this key turns a feature on or off. i. toggle key

2. This type of mouse has a ball on the bottom and is attached with a cord to the system unit. e. mechanical

3. A penlike device commonly used with tablet PCs and PDAs. h. stylus

4. Bar code readers use either handheld wand readers or platform. g. scanners

5. Bar code system used by many electronic cash registers.

j. UPC

6. Records images digitally on a on a disk or its memory b. digital camera

7. The distance between each pixel. c. dot pitch

8.A monitor feature that is measured by the diagonal length of the viewing area. a. active-display area

9. Special-purpose printers for creating maps, images, and architectural and engineering drawings. f. plotters

10. A provider of lower-cost options for VoIP. d. MagicJack

Multiple Choice

1. Keyboard that does not have a physical keyboard, but has the keys displayed on a screen.

traditional notebook thumb virtual

2. This mouse emits and senses light to detect mouse movements.

dynamic cordless mechanical optical

3. A penlike device commonly used with tablets and PDAs.

joystick pointing stick stylus pointer

4. A type of reader that interprets encoded information from credit and debit cards.

bank card charge master

5. Often used to score standardized multiple-choice tests, this device senses the presence or absence of a mark, such as a pencil mark.


6. This indicates a monitor’s ability to display colors.

contrast ratio dot pitch aspect ratio resolution

7. The most common LCD display in which each pixel is independently activated producing a high quality and energy efficient image.


8. Using a technology similar to that used in a photocopying machine, this printer employs a light beam to produce images with excellent letter and graphics quality.

dot-matrix laser photo thermal

9. This device typically combines the capabilities of a scanner, printer, fax, and copy machine. dot-matrix LFT laser MFD

10. This Internet telephone service provides free domestic calling, supports video as well as audio, and does not require any special equipment.

Ooma MagicJack Skype Vonage

ddcbb adbdc


