
更新时间:2023-09-09 06:07:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟 1.Q:What’s your name?

A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案)

2 .Q:Where are you from?

A:I come from (JiangSu Province) 3. Q:Are you a student or worker? A:I am a (student/worker)


Q :What do you like most about your study? A:这个要你回答最喜欢的一门课 Q:And why?

A:阐述你的原因,不要过于简单和复杂,三句话左右。这个考前要准备好。 如果你不是学生:

Q:What do you like most about your work? Q:And why?




5.What do you wear when you go to college? (如果你是学生,需要准备) 6.How do you normal dress for job? (如果你是非学生,需要准备)

7.The company has a dress code for their employee, what’s you viewpoint?


8.Do you think businessman have enough time to relax themselves? And why? 9. About free time or to relax work

Should the company offer leisure facility to employee? And why? Matter people free time or money more? And why? Is employee encouraged to work overtime? And why? 10. About Business news

What kind of business news is most interesting? And why? How do you keep up with business news?

Is it important for business people read business news? And why? 11.About organizing time

Do you think you are good at organizing the work? And why? Is it important to be well organized in the work? And why?

Do you think people will work more efficiently if they take a regular breaks?

And why? 12.About conference

How useful for business people to go to conferences? What makes a conference interesting? And why?

Do you think pay for staff to come to the conference in other country? And



当问Do you think。。。。时,回答是Yes, I think so / No, I don’t think


当问Is it important。。。时,回答是Yes,it is important / No, it is not


当问到And why时,才回答原因。

原因要说到三句以上,词汇要丰富,句子要正确,表达要清晰。 同一个问题,搭档两人都要回答,所以后面一个人不要重复前一个人的词汇、句子等。如果是持相同观点的话,最好能从不同角度来讲。



Selecting a business magazine,which is more important? Cost Content

Aiming to increase sales of a product, which is more important? Cutting price Advertisement

Choosing software, which is more important? Potential benefit Hard disk Requirement

Selecting delivery services, which is more important? Reliability Speed

For the manager , which experience is more important? Experience

Education background

Writing a newspaper advertising for a job vacancy, which is more important? Description of the work Experience need by applicant

Deligating work to others, which is more important? Clear in organization Choose of person fro the task

Deciding a company website, which is more important? Type of information to included Different kind of version

When importing good, which is more important? Quality control Transport arrangement

Operating in competitive market, which is more important?

Product price Advertising

Recruiting young trainees, which is more important? School qualification Reference

Choosing a personal assistant, which is more important? Job needed skills Personal quality

Deciding to sell product on internet, which is more important? Security for customer

Describing system

Choosing a place to hold a training, which is more important? Equipment available Location

Choosing a business qualification to take, which is more important? Length of course Cost

Managing a product, which is more important? Communication skills Keeping to budget

Marking a new brand, which is more important? Age of target customers Design of logo

Maintaining stock levels, which is more important? Accurate records Efficient storage system

Dealing with customer’s inquiry, which is more important? Product knowledge Politeness

Choosing a translation service, which is more important? Language offered Speed of service

Planting a layout for office, which is more important? Organizing of space A mount of light

Sending out new catalogues, which is more important? Up-date mail list Method of delivery

Setting up a production plant in another country, which is more important? Cost Labor supply

Trying to attract new staff, which is more important?

Company reputation Competitive wages

Preparing for a negotiation with a customer, which is more important? Getting a accurate information in active Choosing where to meet

Selecting staff for sales dept, which is more important? Communicate skills Appearance

Deciding whether to increase price, which is more important? Strength of brand Market condition

Charging a meeting, which is more important? Preparation Keeping the time

Launching a product, which is more important? Production capacity Marketing condition Whether visit a trade fair Type of production displayed Number of exhibitions

Selecting employee for further training, which is more important? Contribute to the company Precious training

Setting a budget for setting a new product, which is more important? Predicted sales Quality of product




背景和两到三个问题,30秒钟的准备后进行3分钟的讨论。 1. 前面有一个背景,具体忘了

Q:How to select employee for promoting?

