
更新时间:2024-01-23 16:21:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


八年级(上)Units 7-8

Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. (2017苏州)Nora opened the box. To her surprise,________ it was a gold watch. A. outside B. inside C. beside D. behind

2. (2017河北)Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is ________ in China. A. patient B. lucky

C. possible D. traditional

3. (2017莱芜)To our surprise, the computer ________ won the chess game against the human player.

A. certainly B. usually C. finally D. mostly

4. —I got a message saying my phone number won a prize worth $3,000. —Too good to be true. Don't ________ it. A. do B. let C. make D. believe

5. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself ________ your stay in China. The beautiful scenery and delicious food will bring you a sweet memory.

A. with B. during C. among D. except

6. In western countries, people usually have some ________ of bread and an egg for breakfast.

A. spoons B. pieces C. dishes D. bowls

7. —Jessica, please ________ a glass of tea for my friend. I'll be back after a while.

—No problem!

A. carry B. lend C. pour D. catch

8. —It's getting dark. Could you please ________ the light for me? —All right. Just a minute.

A. keep on B. turn on C. try on D. put on

9. In order to make the dish more delicious,Tom ________ some salt to it. A. threw B. took C. bought D. added

10. When James arrived at the railway station, he tried to ________a place to park his car.

A. look after B. look at C. look up D. look for

11. Most people are fond of eating ________ in summer. A. soup B. steak

C. watermelon D. chicken

12. To live a green life, we should try to save more energy and produce less________.

A. decision B. relation C. pollution D. suggestion

13. My friend ________ from his bike this morning and now he is in hospital. A. took down B. broke down C. fell down D. cut down

14. —Mr. Smith, do you think teenagers must be kept away from the Internet?


—No. I ________ with that. The Internet can help learn more about the world. A. argue B. disagree C. discuss D. support

15. Just as the saying goes, “Nothing in the world is ________if you put your heart into it.”

A. impossible B. polite C. necessary D. important 16. The manager of the restaurant has trained the waitress to ________ correctly and in time at table.

A. control B. change C. serve D. offer Ⅱ. 完形填空

No one can imagine what will happen in the future. According to IBM, computer will see, taste, smell, feel and hear things better in the next few years.

Can you feel your clothes on your computer when shopping online? This could be possible in five years. But that's just one of the__1__ that computer can do. It can also do other things that you can't even __2__.

It is amazing. IBM says computers will soon be able to give us information about the sounds they __3__. For example, a new computer may tell the parents why their baby is crying. __4__ the baby's sound, you know whether your child is sick or just feels lonely. That kind of information will be __5__ to parents.

It has other functions. For example, computers will also help to __6__ your health in another way. If you blow on your computer, it will __7__ your breath. Then it can tell you __8__ you need to see a doctor. It can give you an alarm and say, “Hey, you may not feel sick yet, but you will soon do. You must go and see your doctor as soon as possible.” IBM scientists are also developing a computer that can give good __9__ on what you should eat. It will be able to help make better food. The food will taste delicious. It can also be the best for __10__ health.

Mark, a computer scientist at Georgetown University, says a future computer will make what now seems like science fiction a part of the daily life. All we can do is to wait patiently for that day.

1. A. things B. problems C. opinions D. ideas 2. A. work B. explain C. imagine D. express 3. A. tell B. hear C. see D. meet 4. A. About B. From C. With D. Around

5. A. careful B. friendly C. useful D. peaceful 6. A. know about B. talk about C. look about D. worry about 7. A. recognize B. prevent C. create D. bring 8. A. when B. whether C. though D. unless 9. A. plans B. advice C. trouble D. smile 10. A. my B. your C. his D. her Ⅲ. 阅读理解


A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years from now. Experts on space and architecture(建筑), and city planners gave their ideas on life in 2117.

Twenty-five years ago, we could not imagine how greatly the Internet would


change our lives. Now the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and learn. They said the changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable.

The way we live, work and play will be totally different from today. There will be many tall buildings, underwater cities, and holidays in space. People will work at home and have virtual(虚拟的) work meetings. People will have 3D printers to “print” everything they need at home, such as food, clothes and so on. There will also be less need for doctors. Our home health robot will tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also go into space for holidays and get resources that we have used up on Earth. Researchers interviewed 2,000 adults about the predictions, and most of them thought they were most likely to happen!

1. Who gave their ideas on life in 2117? A. Experts and city planners. B. Teachers and workers.

C. Researchers and 2,000 adults. D. Officials and teachers.

2. According to the text, 25 years ago we could not imagine that ________. A. there would be more need for doctors B. we would make everything we need at home C. the Internet would change our lives greatly D. we would spend holidays in space

3. The underlined word “revolutionized” in the second paragraph means “________ ”.

A. 调整 B. 变革 C. 引领 D. 阻碍

4. Which of the following is TRUE about the changes in 2117? A. People will have to go to work from home as today.

B. People will need to go to the doctor as much as they do now. C. People will have to use the limited resources on Earth.

D. There will be many tall buildings, underwater cities and holidays in space. 5. What is the best title for the text? A. Why will changes happen in 2117? B. What might life be like in 2117?

C. How will we go into space for holidays? D. How does the Internet change our life?


Tony is Chinese American. His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week. Last week Tony invited his friend Amy for it.

__1__ The father was cooking vegetables with hot oil. The kitchen was filled with many good smells. They gave each person a pair of chopsticks, a soup bowl, a soup spoon, and a rice bowl on a plate.

“Where are the forks and knives?” Amy asked. “Oh, you won't need the forks and knives,” Tony explained. “I'll show you how to use chopsticks. Don't worry.”

Tony's mother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates.


