Outcome 3 HND 公司法
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Outcome 3
You are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the management and administration of a company.
Time allowed two hours. To be written under closed-book controlled conditions. Answer the following four questions.
1. Provide an outline of the duties of a director. Include in your answer details on how they are appointed, how their role as directors can be terminated and what their duties and powers entail.
2. Outline the qualifications necessary for a company secretary in a public company. Include in this how they are appointed and what their duties are. How does this compare for the company secretary of a private company?
3. Outline the purpose of AGMs and EGMs. How often are they held and what is their purpose?
4. Define the difference between a motion and a resolution during the procedure at a company meeting and explain the differences between ordinary, extraordinary and special resolutions.
Each answer should be completed with a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 150 words.
To achieve this Outcome, candidates should attain 70% of the available marks.
Outcome 3 HND 公司法11-16
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