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Unit 2 单元小结班级:_____ 姓名:________


1.hard → ( adv .)________( 几乎不);→ ( adv.)__________( 努力地)

1)努力学习__________ 2)下大雨___________ 3)几乎不___________

2.one→( adv.)_______( 一次,曾经) __________( 第一)

1)一两次___________ 2) 起初,首先_________ __________3.two→( adv.) ________( 两次,两倍) __________( 第二) 4.maybe ( 同义词) ______ _________.5.full(adj.) 短语:充满______________= ____________________6.little ( 比较级) ______ ( 最高级) ________ 短语:_____________( 至少,起码)少于_________ 多于______________

7.health ( n. ) 健康___________( adj .) 健康的____________( adv.) 健康地→(反义词)________ .短语:保持健康________ ________ __________________________

8.body (复数) _______ 9.die ( v.) 死_________( n. ) __________( adj. ) 死的

10.such as ( 同义词) _____________ 11.almost ( 同义词) ___________

12.写出下列名词形式1)write _______ 2) sing _______ 3.teach ______4) work _____ 5) play _____ 6. farm ______ 7. swim _______8) learn _______ 9.dance______10)read____ 二.同义词,词组,句型

1.exercise:_____ ______ ______ ______


3.hardly:________ ___________

4.read books :__________ ___________

5.go shopping ;____ ___________ ______________ ____________

6.help do sth.:___________ help sb. with sth.:_____________________

7. sometimes 意思是________ = __________;some times意思是_________ sometime意思是__________; some time意思是_______口诀记忆:分开“一段时间” ;相聚“某个时候”。

8.on weekends:___________ __________9.go to the movies :___________ _______________ 10.What’s your favorite program ? : __________________11. use the Internet :____________ ____________12.Are you free next week ? : ____________________13.Next week is quite full for me ? :I am _____ next week . 14.be full of : ______ ______________15.stay up late : ___________16.at least:_________17.program :________18.help with housework: __________________19.hard:______20.want to do sth.__________ _______________21.go to bed : _____________22.I’m not hungry.: _____________23.junk food :__________24.kind of : ________ _______ 25.quite a few : _____ ________ _________ 26.such as:___________27.have fun :____________ _____________ __________________28.more than :___________29.may be : _______ 30. I am 18 years old : _________________31.quite a little : _______ ________ _________ 32.be good for : ________________33.be good at :___________ 34.be good for :____________

35.be good with :_______________36.although:__________ 37.not …at all :____________

38.rain hard :__________ 39.rain hard :__________40: be afraid of doing sth.:_____________

41.not the same as : ______________ 42.not expensive : _________43.look after :__________

44.keep healthy : _____________ ______________ _______________________



2. 摇摆舞








13. 在某人的业余时间14. 比如;诸如15. 每周一次

16. 每月两次17.每月三或者四次18. 积习难改

19. 去看牙医20. 上舞蹈课和钢琴课

21. 对……有好处22.动物世界23.熬夜,睡觉晚

24. 早点睡觉25.吃营养早餐


1.help to (do) sth . help with sth. help sb. to ( do ) sth. help sb. with sth

0c7cd2542d60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e2f4e sth. to do sth.

3. How about…?

4. want sb. to do sth.

5. How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?

6. 主语+ find + 从句.

7. spend time with sb. 8. It’s+ adj.+ to do sth.

9. ask sb. about sth. 10. by doing sth.

11. What’s your favorite…? What do you like ….best ?

12. the best way to do sth.

五.语法归纳1)一般现在时态2)频率副词(always ,usually, often , sometimes , hardly, never 等)



1.他周末做什么?他通常看电视。________________? _________________________

2.你多久看一次电视?我每天看电视。_________________? _____________________




6.—他去购物吗?---他从不去购物。_________________? _______________________




________________________________________________________________________. 10.通过因特网或观看游戏类节目来放松很好,但是我们认为放松的最好方式是通过锻炼。__________________________________________________________________________.



14.你通常在晚上睡多少个小时?__________________________________________? 六.练习题

1.We know drinking too much ________( coffee) isn’t good for us .

2.The boy isn’t ______( health ) because he doesn’t like to exercise .

3.We must brush our teeth _______( two ) a day .

4.Li Ping’s father is a famous _______( write ) . He writes a lot of stories.

5.The old man wants his son ______( eat ) lots of fruit .

5. Here _______( be ) the letters from the Internet all over the world .

6.They will do a survey about the students’ ___________( active )

( )7.I’m not free tomorrow. It is quite full ______me . A. at B. of C. for D. on

( )8.--____do you go to the movies ? ---Three times a week .

A. When

B. How many

C. How often

D. How old

( )9.---How was the weather yesterday ?

---It was terrible. It rained _____. People could _____go out .

A.hard, hard

B. hard, hardly

C. hardly , hardly

D. hardly , hard

( )10.---How do you exercise ? ---____ever. Because I am very busy with my homework.

A. Hardly

B. Sometimes

C. Always

D. Usually

( )11.---Why does Tom’s mother ask him to drink milk ?

---She says it’s _____drink , and it’s good for his _____.

A. health, healthy

B. healthy, healthy

C. health, health

D. healthy , health ( )12.I was going to call her , _____I lost her phone number.

A. however

B. but

C. so

D. since

( )13.Mary is ____high school student. She comes from Australia.

A. a 18-year –old

B. a 18 years old

C. an 18-year-old

D. an 18 years old

( )14.Sonia eats ____meat than her sister because she doesn’t want to be too heavy.

A. more

B. most

C. little

D. less

( )15. Lin Tao and his sister sometimes help with housework at home .

A. help do housework

B. work

C. do homework

D. do with housework

( ) 16.They don’t like to work hard. A. likes B. like not C. not like D. dislike

( )17.If you stay up late , you will be tired .

A. go to bed late

B. don’t go to bed

C. work hard

D. sleep early

( )18.We do exercise five times a week . What about you ?

A. do sports

B. work hard

C. takes walk

D. play games

( )19.I want to see my parents this Saturday .

A. want to do

B. go to see

C. would like to see

D. want to know

( )20.She usually goes to bed at 11:00 .

A. goes to sleep

B. gets up

C. goes home

D. makes a bed

( )21.---Would you like something to eat ?----No, thanks. I’m not hungry .

A. I don’t want to eat anything

B. I’m not thirsty

C. I’d like some noodles .

( )22.---Jack, you are certainly an early bird .

---Really ? My alarm clock rang at 6:00 this morning .

A. sing very well

B. get up early

C. study to hard

D. get back early

( )24.Many people have a lot of time to do many things A. much B. many C. a lot D. lot of ( )25.---How many hours do you watch TV every day ? ---For about one hour.

A. How much hour

B. How long hours

C. How long

D. How much

26.Hwo often do you eat ________( 垃圾食品) ?27.Her _______( 饮食习惯) is good .

28.Exercise _______playing sports is fun .( 例如)

29._______________( 最好的方式) to relax is taking exercise .

30.I am learning _________________( 摇摆舞)。

31.can you ______________( 照顾) yourself when we aren’t at home ?


Today , I’m going to talk about how to have healthy eating habits .

Some bad eating habits are common (普遍) among us students. For example , some students often go to school without breakfast ; some like to eat snacks and some don’t like to eat fruit and vegetables. Some students hardly ever do sports.

It is very important to have healthy eating habits . First , we should eat three meals a day and keep away from junk food . Then , we should have a balanced diet . We should try to eat fruit and vegetables every day . And we should exercise three or four times a week. A healthy


lifestyle helps us get good grades . Good habits and exercise help us to be strong and study better .

That’s all . Thank you !


