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with a bag on his back. “ ” I said. The uncle replied, “ No, thanks. ” “ Please sit here, I’”“He’s a good boy. It’s good manners (行为) to give one’”

一、1.happened 2.stopped 3.take 4.much 5.low 6.on 7.front 8.turned 9.seat 10.smiled



. He rushed to the door and was very 讨 厌

二、1.reading 2.rang 3.opened 4.Tom 5.away ter 7.again 8.trouble 9.hand 10.found




B: The station, the station…图)

’s see now that’s the second turning on your r

’ll b in Bridge Street. Go a Bridge Street for a few minutes and then t of you .

A: So that’s second right and first left. Thank you very much. It’ of you.

B: Don’t mention it.

三、1. Excuse 2.How 3. Let’s 4.until 5. right 6.be 7. along 8.take 9. front 10. kind



幼儿园). Some

around and then came over to a little boy named Xiao Ming. He (4) c the boy’s arm. He wanted to


take the boy away for a lot of money because the boy’man in the town. The boy


Miss Lin was the teacher on duty that day to the man and

called out, “Stop! Stop! Don’t hurt the boy!” The strong man brought out a knife and shouted back, “Go away!

I will kill you!” Miss Lin wasn’“Let the boy go!” The bad man was so angry that he waved (挥舞) his knife and hurt Miss Lin’s hand with it.

Another teacher (10) h the noise. She called the policeman quickly. The boy was saved.

How brave (勇敢的) Miss Lin was!

六、1.happily 2.ball 3.black 4.caught 5.rich 6.cried 7.ran/rushed 8.or 9.afraid 10. heard



Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang are students of No.l Middle School. Last Friday school, they went

happily. Suddenly on the road. Xiao Fang picked it up. They

to the owner of the wallet. And they w there till it was dark.

The owner didn’morning, the

headmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming’s classroom. The owner said lots of thanks to

them and offered (送) a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised (表扬) they had

done and called on (号召 from them..

七、1.after 2.together 3.lying 4.back 5.waited 6.so 7.next 8.what 9.other 10.learn




Alan worked in an office in the city. He usually went to the seaside for his holidays. But one day he s

Fresh air! Good food! Great Prices (价格)!” “a good idea,” He said to himself, “I’ll go

’ from sitting by the seaside

and swimming.”

八、1.saw 2.newspaper 3.country 4.life 5.Stay 6.farm 7.like 8.riding 9.fishing 10.change




about it.

As soon as she was ready for the park —---- it was on the other side

of the town.

Suddenly the sirens (警笛As a result (结果 off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t

a car hit her bike.

car stopped and three

policemen got out and started running two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the


thieves (贼)!”

At the same time a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a way, she had helped

them catch the thieves.

九、1. with 2. happy 3. left 4. heard 5. getting 6. happening 7. fell 8.but 9. police 10. after



Long, long ago, there was a foolish man. One night he went out for a well (井). He looked into it. The water in the well was clear. The man the moon in the water. “The

moon has fallen down the well.” He said, “I must get it ” He ran home to get a rope (绳子) and it into the water. He wanted to catch the moon and pull it “Catch the end of the rope and hold it,” he said, “I’ll pull you out.” But the rope fell round the rock (岩石)

in the well. He pulled and pulled, but the rope move. He pulled harder and moved a little. Then he

pulled very hard, and the rope came off (脱离) the rock. The man into the air. While he was on his back, he saw the moon in the sky, he was very . “Good!”

he said, “ I’ve pulled the moon into the sky!”

十、1.walk 2.saw / found 3.out 4.threw 5.up 6.didn’t 7.fell 8. lying 9. happy 10.back




looking at them. There are two boys and they are and two girls are the

, the other two girls are .

十一、1.school 2.few 3.students 4.thirteen/many/some 5.jumping

6.classroom 7.basketball 8.skating 9.studying/reading 10.talking/cleaning



One morning Li Lei went to school very early

He came to the flower bed. There were lots of and several bees were there was nobody nearby, so he picked a big flower and put it into his cap. Of course he didn’t know there

was a bee in the flower. He thought the flower was hidden in a good place and neither his classmates nor

to ’Li Lei was so happy. Just then the bee stung him. He felt

such a sharp pain that he away. Meimei felt very

十二、1.schoolbag 2. play 3.flowers 4.flying 5.find

6.water 7. why 8.cried 9.fell/dropped 10. surprised




his home work. His granny was going to do some s

突然地 when he saw his granny lying (躺 at once.

came. They sent the old woman to the hospital.

十四、1.doing 2.shopping 3.fell 4.ground 5.passed

6.worried 7.without 8.hospital ter 10.doctors



1.In Lily’s bedroom there’s a table. There is a clock and a on it. There are maps in the

room .One is a map of China and the other is a map of the 2.Look! Li Fang is her ’t hurt herself.

st Sunday we visited the e had a very nice time.

4.Mr. Wang is a since 10 years ago.

十五、1.glass 2.two 3.world 4.falling 5.off 6.bike 7.Great 8.Wall 9.worker 10.factory



Mr. Black didn’t like obeying any street signs and notices. One day, he was walking on the side

of a street when he saw a sign which said “Keep Left”. He would not obey it. He just kept “No smoking.” But he didn’t obey it. He a cigarette

and a lighter, and to smoke. He walked on and saw another notice with the word “Silence” it.

He didn’t obey it , either. He began to sing very , above which there was a

notice “Mind Your Head”. At once he bent his and went in. For the first time Mr. Black had to a notice.

十六、1. right 2. walking 3. on 4.took 5.out 6. began 7. on 8. loudly 9. head 10. obey



Here’s the weather report for the next 21 hours. Taiyuan will be at times and the temperature will be eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong

wind will reach Datong. It will bring much and the lowest temperature

will fall to sixteen again. Yangquan will be with the temperature from

nineteen to thirty. Lin-fen will be thirty-two. Yuncheng will have a hot day. The temperature will stay


十七、1.cloudy 2.rain 3.fine/sunny 4.windy 5.over/above


根据下面的图画和短文的内容,在短文的空格内填上适当的单词, 一空一词。


One day Lin Tao and his classmates were waiting a bus at the bus stop near their ,

Suddenly they a bag of rice fall off the truck..

They to the driver, but he didn’t them. the truck drove away.

At this time a young man the corner. He was traveling too fast to

his bike and it hit the bag. He was badly hurt and lying on the road.

The students rushed to the young man. They away the bag and the bike first. Then they called

in an ambulance (救护车) and took the young man to the

十八、1.for 2.school 3.saw/found 4.shouted 5.hear

6.on 7. round / around 8.stop 9.moved / carried 10.hospital


根据下面的图画和短文的内容,在短文的空格内填上适当的单词, 一空一词。

It was a afternoon. Xiao Ming was on his way home from man in the rain .The old man hadn’t got an umbrella (伞) him and he was wet all over.

Xiao Ming went up to him and tried to the umbrella for the old man but he failed .He was too and it was difficult for him to hold it enough. Then he saw the old man’s stick (手杖 )and he tried

hard to tie it to the handle (柄) of the umbrella. This time the umbrella was made to be long enough and it


stopped the old man getting wet. The old man was very pleased and and again, Then they went on their way

十九、1.rainy 2.school 3.walking 4.with 5.hold 6.short 7.high 8.from 9.thanked 10.together


Praise for the Future

It’s just the new century. To welcome the new age and the new world, a child (1) predict and give good (2) to every family member. The father, mother, grandfather and grandmother

are waiting anxiously and smilingly (3) As it is said, the (4) is “Praise for the Future”. The little child’s wishes are: “The dad’s singing

will be as loud as noise; the grandpa’s head will be as shaven as the forest; the mum’s hair will be as dark as

the river; the grandma’s eyes will be as dim as the moon and the sun.” After (5) these words,

everyone is surprised and stops the smile.

What really caused the child to think so? The (6) are that there are so many terrible things

happened in this world. The forest has been cut down. The rivers have been (7) and turned into

black water. The houses have been surrounded by the noises and there are clouds or smog in the sky which

have blocked the sun and the moon. The most awful thing is that the child thinks (8) is not unusual.

These phenomena have been received and rooted in the child’s brain. So it is time for us to take some

measures to (9) the earth will be

destroyed by our hands.

二十、1. wrote 2. wishes 3. for 4. title 5. hearing 6. reasons 7. polluted 8. it 9. stop 10. Or



This is (1) interesting picture. In the (2) of it is a big jar (缸). In the side of the jar

there are a lot of (3) Four men are busy (4) with their buckets (桶) and pouring (倒) water into it. But

immediately the water comes out (5) the holes while they are pouring it. There is water all over the

ground. (6) these men feel nothing at all. They go on with their work no matter (7) happening.

I don’t think it is a true story. But it (8) us that some people often do such foolish things ----

they work hard (9) thinking of its results. In the end they get (10) from their work.

二十一、1. an 2. middle 3. holes 4. carrying 5. through

6. But 7. what 8. tells 9. without 10. nothing


Xiao Hong is a primary school student. On her (1) , she has to do all kinds of extra work. On


Saturday (2) On Sunday morning, she is to be (3) lessons. On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn

(4) . Does this girl really have so (5) hobbies ?

Nowadays, parents in china place too great hope (6) children. They hope that their

children are (7) , In

my opinion, few of the children are really (9) in these lessons. Children will be children. They must

have some free time to enjoy (10) childhood. As an English proverb goes, “All work and no play

makes Jack dull boy.”

二十二、1.weekend / weekends 2. morning 3. given 4. painting / drawing

5. many 6. on 7. able 8. future 9. interested 10. their


Li Hua is a good boy at school. Last Monday his master teacher told each of the students to write a (1) about housework so as to make them (2) ,

he (3) , when he was

working on the rubbish, his grandma came up and asked him not to do it. Then he began to clean the window.

His grandpa saw him and told him to stop (5) it. Both grandma and grandpa were afraid that he was

still too young to do anything. Therefore, Li Hua (6) write any diary about housework.

In China, more and more families have only one child. They look on the child (7) “king” or

“queen” and won’t let them do anything at home. They only hope that their children can learn their lessons

well so as to find a good job in the future. In fact, (8) daily life, they will not be able to prepare themselves for the future. They will not be able to do anything (9) the help of others. So it is not good for the children to learn only the knowledge from books. They have to


learn about life. (10) keep themselves in books only!

二十三、1. diary 2. do 3. began 4. it 5. doing 6. couldn’t 7. as 8. if 9. without 10. Don’t


There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all good time, me,“…”

“Don't ,”I said.“I can look after her.”

“Thank you, Xiao Fang.”Then she left.

The baby was about ten months and began to “Don't cry,”I said. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few she started to cry Then I started to sing. The baby watched and listened, and she didn't cry any more. Then I

made laughed.

I jumped and sang and did all was so In the evening Liu Ming came to me. After I told him the whole “You

are I'm going to tell everyone: your babies to Ling Feng. He can take good

care ”

1.went 2.but 3.looked 4.hospital 5.worry 6.old 7.later 8.cry 9.turned 10.

minutes 11.again 12.faces 13.and 14.kinds 15.tired 16.see 17.story 18.grea

t 19.bring 20.of


This is a street in a town. There are some buildings each side of the street. It is

the street is!

The the middle of the street. traffic. He wants the

children get across the street safely.


48.1.on 2.in 3.and 4.traffic 5.busy 6.few 7.are 8.crossing 9.other 10.s

chool 11.is 12.standing 13.is 14.stopping 15.to


1.It was Sunday morning. The went fishing in a river. His friends caught one fish after another, but David caught none.


3.Then he went back to the river. He 鱼钩the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all this, because of them had his own

work to do.

4 a few minutes, David shouted, “What a big fish I've caught last!”His friends were

all surprised when they saw David pulling a big fish up the water. They asked him how he

was able to catch a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead.

22.1.weather 2.an 3.bought/got 4.put 5.mouth 6.each 7.After 8.one 9

.from 10.such



A strange old man liked eating poisonous snakes(蛇) every much. It didn't 1. _______if

a poisonous snake bit(咬) him.

One day, the old man was walking in the street when a 2.________ ran out and bit him.

Nothing 3.______to him, but the dog died right away. The man took the dead dog home

and 4._______it. When the meal was ready, one of his friends came to see him. The old man

asked him to have some meal with him. While the old man was5._________his delicious

meal, suddenly his friend got ill and 6._______to the ground, crying loudly.

The old man was sent to hospital at once. When the doctors 7._______ about the story

and the strange old man, they treated him with some medicine for snake poison. Soon the

man felt 8. __________. The old man was so 9. _________to the doctors that he let the doctors

look over his body. It was very 10.________that too much poison had been in the man’s




When we think of money, we think of coins and paper bills. That is what money is today. But in the 1._________, people used many things in place of money. Some countries

used cows. 2._________countries used salt, tea or stones. Today there are 3. ______some

places in the world that do not use paper money. One of them is the island of Yap

4.___________the Pacific Ocean.

On the island of Yap, people use the heaviest money in the world—Yap 5._________.

These are round, white stones with a hole in the 6.________. The Yap stones are not from the island. The Yap men have to go to island four hundred miles away to get them. Big stones

can twelve feet high—as big 7.___________two tall men. Small stones are as big as a

dinner plate.

Rich people do not carry the Yap stones. Servants follow 8.________ rich. Each servant

carries a stone with a pole 9._________his shoulder. Today the people on the island use

paper money for everyday shopping. But for other things, they still 10.___________stones.



(17) Most people have 1_________kites, but few know that 2.________were first made in

China thousands of years ago. The ancient (古代的)Chinese were 3.________and flying kites

even before they were writing.

A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to use in war. They would fly these war kites

in the dark. The kites were fixed so 4. _________they made strange sounds. Men who were

at war with 5._________would hear these sounds and run away. They thought those sounds were made by gods in the sky.

The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops

6._________rich and tall. Sometimes they tied long strings and hooks 7. __________their kites.

Then they would fly kites over 8._________, letting the hooks hang down to catch fish.

The Chinese use sticks, strings and paper for 9.________kites. Some of these kites

10.________like animals, or trees. Others look like birds or houses.


Lin Tao's parents live in the country. They have a ______(1). Its name is

Cabby. On a______(2) day his parents went to work in the fields ______(3) his

little sister and Cabby. While they were ______(4), his sister walked to a river.

Cabby followed her there. She was trying to pick a ______(5). Suddenly she

______(6) into the river. Cabby barked and jumped into the water at ______(7).

When his parents______(8) Cabby barking, they ran to the river. They saw

Cabby carrying his sister with its ______(9) towards the side of the river. His


sister was saved at last! Both his parents were very______(10). His father

touched the dog on the head and said. "Thank you, dear Cabby."

Keys:1.dog 2.sunny 3.with 4.working 5.flower 6.fell 7.once 8.heard

9.mouth 10.thankful/grateful


I never get up early _______ Sundays. Sometimes I stay in ______ until lunch time.

Last Sunday, I _______ up very late. I _______ out of the window. It was dark(黑暗) outside. “_________ a pity!” I thought. “ It was _________ again.” Just then the telephone rang. It’s my aunt Lucy. “I have arrived ________ train.” she said, “I’m _________ to see you.” “But I am still _________ breakfast.”I said. “What are you doing?” She asked. I ___________ again. “Oh,dear! Do you get up so late? It’s one o’clock!”She said.


It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. Three It's hard outside. Liu Ying has no umbrella (雨伞


So Li Mei says to Liu Ying, "I'll go with you to your home first." Then happily the two 看图填词练习(31)

Salesman: Good morning, madam. Can I 86 you?

Mrs White: I'm looking for a T-shirt for my son.

Salesman: What 87 does your son wear?

Mrs White: Size L. He is a tall boy. He likes cotton T-shirts.

Salesman: 88 about this one? It's made in China.

Mrs White: OK, let me have a look. How 89 is it?

Salesman: 280 yuan. It's popular with young

Mrs White: But I'm afraid it's a little more expensive and I don't like the 90 .

Salesman: Do you like this black one? It's only 108 yuan.

Mrs White: Hmm, it looks nice. I'll take 91 . By the way, is there a CD store ?

Salesman: Well, look at the map. Let me tell you the way. Go down this street and at the first crossing. It's between the bank and the 94. You can't it.

Mrs: White: Thanks a lot.


Salesman: You are welcome.









