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雅思A类机经 超级小范围预测 针对2014年11月8日考试

小站教育YOUNG老师, 以十年磨一剑的功力,专注托福、雅思机经的研发,现隆重推出雅思机经(超级小范围)的超级小范围预测,从海量的雅思历年及最新考题题库中,凭借独具的慧眼,针对雅思听力、阅读、写作、口语,作出准

Contents 1 2 3

听力机经预测 写作机经预测 口语机经预测 P2-46 P47-61 P62-100 确预测, 形成史上最小范围的雅思机经预测体系。


YY频道868686 TPO小站留学YY公开课,只等你来!

上课日期 针对考试 课程主题 课程详情 ?戳我查看 ?戳我查看 11月06日 11月8日 【机经点题】Garcia:高分开头段 11月06日 11月12日 【机经点题】Bas:迷人的英伦口音 1







2014.11.08 听力机经预测





Section 1: 旧题 搬家 insurance claim

Section 2: 旧题 V111022(09144)咨询学前班课程(一级命中) Section 3: 旧题 新西兰毛利建筑

Section 4: 旧题 V111022高科技游泳池(一级命中)


V110108 S1 S2 S4; V110115 S2 S4; V110122 S1 S4; V110127 S1; V110212 S2; V110217 S2, S3; V110219 S2; V110226 S2 S4; V110305 S1; V110312 S1 S2 S4; V110319 S4; V110402 S3 S4; V110416 S2; V110428 S2;

V110430 S2, S4; V110507 S1 S3; V110514 S1; V110519 S2 S3 S4; V110528 S2 S4; V110604 S1 S3; V110611 S1 S2 S3 S4; V110612 S1 S2 S3 S4; V 110625 S2 S3 S4; V110709 S2 S4; V110728 S1; V110730 S3 S4; V110813 S3 S4; V110825 S2 S3 S4; V110827 S1; V110903 S1 S2 S4; V100915 S2; V110917 S2; V110924 S1 S2; V111008 S3; V111020 S1 S2; V111022 S3 S4; V111029 S1; V111105 S3; V111117 S1 S2; V111119 S2; V111126 S1; V111201 S4; V111203 S3 S4; V111217 S1 S2 S3 S4 二级命中

V09117 S3; V09119 S2, S4; V09120 S3; V09121 S2, S3, S4; V09122 S3, S4; V09123 S4; V09124 S3; V09125 S3; V09129 S2; V09130 S4; V09132 S1, S4;V 09133 S1, S3, S4; V09136 S3, S4; V100206 S1, S2; V100211 S4; 100220 s3; 100320 S2, S3, S4; V100327 S1, S4; V100415 S2, S4; V100424 S1; V100508 S1; V100515 S1; V100617 S1; V100619 S1, S2; V100710 S1; V100717 S2; V100731 S4; V100828 S1, S3; V100911 S1, S3;

V100916 S2, S4; V100925 S1; V101023 S2; V130214 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130223 S2, S4; V130309 S2, S4; V130314 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130105 S1, S3; V130110 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130112 S4; V130119 S1, S2; V100109 S1, S2; V100114 S1, S4; V100123 S1, S2; V100130 S1, S2, S3; V100227 S4; V100626 S2; V100805 S4; V100814 S1;

V100821 S2, S4; V101104 S3, S4; V101104 S3, S4; V101106 S3, S4; V101120 S3; V1011127 S3; V101204 S1, S3; V101211 S1; V101218 S3; 三级命中

V120107 S3; V120112 S3; V120114 S2; V120204 S4; V120209 S2, S4; V120218 S1, S4; V120308 S3; V120616 S1, S3; V120630 S4; V120707 S1, S3; V120712 S1, S3; V120721 S1, S2; V120728 S1, S2; V120804 S2; V09108 S1, S4; V09109 S1, S4; V09104S1,S2; V09105 S1; V09106S2,S4; V130525 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130606 S1, S2;




V130608 S1, S3; V130622 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130706 S1, S3; V130713 S3, S4; V130718 S1, S3, S4; V130727 S3, S4; V130803 S1, S2; V130817 S1, S2; V 130824 S2, S4; S130829 S2, S3, S4; V130907 S1, S4; V130912 S3, S4; V130921 S1, S2, S3; V130928 S1, S3, S4; V131010 S1, S2, S3, S4; V131012 S1, S4; S1301019 S1, S3; V131026 S3; 131109 S1; V131116 S3, S4; V131121 S2, S3; 四级命中

V131130 S1, S2; V131207 S2, S4; V131212 S2, S3, S4; V131214 S2, S3; V131221 S1, S2, S4; V130202 S3; V130323 S2, S3; V130413 S1; S3; V130418 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130427 S2; V130511 S1, S2; V130516 S1, S2, S3; V130518 S3, S4; V08117; V08118; V08119; V08120; V08121; V08122 S2 S4; V08123; V08124; V08125; V08126; V08127; V08128; V08129; V08130; V08131; V08132; V08133; V08134; V08135; V08136 S1 S3; V08137; V08138; V08139; V08140 五级命中

V08141; V08142; V08143; V08144; V08145; V08146; V08147; V08148; 08101; V08102; V08103; V08103; 08104; 08105; 08106; V08107; V08108; V08109; V08110; V08111; V08112; V08113; V08114; V08115;

V08116; V120310 S1, S2; V120317 S1, S4; V120331 S2; V120414 S3, S4; V120421 S1, S3; V120510 S1, S3, S4; S120512 S1, S3; V120609 S2, S4; V120614 S2, S3 场景预测

Section 1 & Section 2的重点场景(生活类):租房、图书馆、旅游活动报名、加入会员等,Section 1注意数字、号码、人名、地名、时间;Section 2注意地图。

Section 3 & Section 4的重点场景(学术类):独白介绍某事物、学术讨论、作业讨论,注意掌握机经中陌生的词汇。

TPO小站倾亲奉献 —— ★ 2014年雅思机经全年汇总 ★

★ 2014年度大陆雅思考试真题回忆及真题解析汇总 ★






Section 1

打电话报名烹饪课程 Question 1-5 Multiple Choice

1. 报名满了,选B A. Thai Cookery 3. Beginner 可以学的,选A 4. 有优惠的Discount选C

5. 和老师相同国家tutor from relevant country 选C 6. 男子名叫Furness

7. 出生日期:16th October 1987 8. 住在运河大街River Avenue 9. 怎么通知你Messages

10. 问credit card有没有额外优惠Cash

Section 4

介绍澳洲的轮胎公司。 Question: 31-40 Completion 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

per month profit size research wheels floor

get rid of dirt plastic

water treatment ink

B. Italian cookery

C. French Cookery D. All three

2. 有晚上上课的 available in the evening 选D


Section 1

打电话报名烹饪课程 Question 1-5 Multiple Choice 租房场景 房子的设备

1. 有个小的swimming pool 2. dining room 3. 单个的garage




房子周遭的设备 4. Supermarket

5. Park, 然后打电话的访客说太好了,正好可以带女儿去,房东说正好有个school,过度到第六题 6. 有个primary school,房子的租金$980

7. 要填的是租金include the maintenance of gardens

8. 房子是21或者22号空出来,但房子available的date是23rd April 9. 女的说中午12点半meeting,所以可不可以早点看房,最后敲定10.15 am 10. Spring Street Section 2

介绍Revlgain Mall

11. 问建设那个大厦前主要遇到的问题,答案时因为土地的问题,land什么什么,具体选项不记得,好像是B 12. 问这个大厦的特色,选C. display of art works.

13. 问之后会装什么安全措施,选B.Emergency button. A.摄像带头(这个干扰选项,已经装了) 14. 问这个大厦为残疾人提供什么服务,让他们觉得骄傲,选A. 15. 问这个大厦的餐厅有什么特色。 选B. not too many chain resturanrants

16. 问为什么这个大厦没有什么娱乐设施,比如说电影院什么的,女的说因为设计师考虑到他们没有太大的用途, 这个设


17. 第一个地址的位置在图的中间,文中提到实在central,但是opposite the main entrance 18. 第二个地址在图最下方,两个店的中间 19. 第三个地址是说靠近一个什么Café

20. 第四个地址靠近main entrance,选的好像是A


Section 1

一个女学生打电话给一个男的,说她想找part-time job Question 1-5 Completion Company Name Power (manufacturing company) 2. Cotton In 3. supermarket Question 6-10 Completion 6. Ads

7. Buy a paper (略读)就是newspaper

8. 也可以agency(女的说会考虑也找中介,男的不建议她的) Remember to bring: student card 9. Can use a tutor as a referee 10. 还要填一个feedback form

Job’s duty In a 1. warehouse section Work in a 4.bakery Reference Number … 5.ARW204/AOW204 Contact Person Jane Hitch Go to office 6



Section 2

一个男的在做radio program

11. Made some special music, 选C(做classical music) 12. Did some social events, 选A(通过音乐互相认识朋友) 13. Won some musical prize, 选B 14. Record a CD recently, 选C 15. Do some charity, 选A

16. 一个是问现在合唱团多少成员: 选C, A9 B12 C19 A是4年前的数目, C是现在的,B是平均数

17. 问这个合唱团都是什么时候做音乐: 选B, A. before work B. at lunch time C. after work,干扰项C, 说大部分音乐制作的

都会选择工作后,课这个团队是中间的Break的时候。 18. 他们是靠什么来收入的。

A. by selling performance clothes

B. by function some commercial music C. by paying for singing classes

19. 合唱的作用:改善了员工之间的relationship 20. 使他们escape from work.


Section 2 Seeing a doctor

1. Main topic of this speech: economy 2. M这个地名的起源是: East Coast 3. 一开始这个叫M的地方出口什么? 4. 现在主要向亚洲出口: A 5. 举办concert: B 6. 下雨天做什么: A Matching 四个景点适合什么类型的人 7. Hot spring: married couples 8. 第二个: young adults 9. 第三个: primary school students 10. 第四个: disabled people Section 4 澳大利亚物种的灭绝 11. Several species of frog which lost habitat because of human activity因为人类失去habitat 12. Birds 13. 单一的种植single crops 例如corn会对动物不利 14. With disguise of insects 15. protections are influenced by opinions of media 16. With shock or fear 17. rivals 18. plants A A Farm 7



19. in terms of food chain 20. Disorders of blood system


Section 2

介绍一家叫“global travelling”的公司 Question 11-12 Completion

1. Money 2. School

Question 13-16 Matching

3. USA: specific date (在某个特定日期前到岗 available at particular time) 4. Australia: minimum period 澳洲是必须至少一段时间will work in a farm 5. South Africa: must be good at sports 6. India: stay with Local family

Question 17-20 Multiple Choice

7. What you should do to get the Global Travelling Certificate?

A. Record activity every day (需要些diary定期记录, 通过对report的评定来换取证书) B. …

C. Talk the experience with the assessor 8. When you should pay the final installment?

A. Before you leave

B. must be paid 1 month before the trip C. before get the ticket

9. 问什么时候把最后一部分的经费交掉?

A. Final installment should be paid one month before leaving 10. What you need to do to exchange the certificate? 走之前必须做什么

A.health check Section 4

某学校采取了新的模式student tutor

B. go to work shop C. meet with the people you will work with

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.



computer teaching method enjoy communication confidence

more flexible approach solutions to new prelims time management skill materials income


Section 2





Question 11-16 Matching A.会员必须做 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

B.会员可以选择做 C.组织者做

DVD players: C Book camp: C Take bikes: A

Buy the train tickets: C Buy match tickets: B Collect information: C

目的地1:不确定,farming museum 目的地2: market selling clothes 目的地3:local produced food

10. 目的地4: transport museum

Section 4 Obesity

29. fat摄入量最多的群体:teenagers How:

30. 以不同的age, race, income, whether born overseas来分组调查 31. surveys 32. similar Results:

33. drink milk

34. parents have no time Limitation of this research 35. 36. 37. 38.

number of children

relationship between the

influences decrease with the age of children influenced by friends


Section 3

一个男生打壁球弄伤了手 Question 21-30 Completion 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


Make notes on Photo-copies Take test

Ask tutor arrange more time for problems 2 essays

Give summary presentation Communication system Case study outline





Section 1

采访一个年轻人对城市建设的意见 31. Address: 10. Fowler Road 32. Code: RO62LR 33. Occupation: waiter 对城市满意的地方 34. Street干净的程度 35. Health service 36. Police的印象 37. Parks很多

38. Schools方便,质量好 两个建议

39. Talk to local people 40. Swimming pool

Section 3

一男一女讨论关于有价值的历史事件 Question 21-22 fill in the blanks 21. a piece of jewelry 22. stitching

Question 23-27 multiple choice 23. C. much more info. In the Internet 24. A. visible label

25. B. too useful for owner to remove 26. B. 关于material来辨认物品的年代 Question 27-30 Match A.Linda only


C.Neil only

27. met interesting person 选A 28. new method for search 选B 29. 选C

30. Felt prepared at the start 选A


Section 1 Restaurant

打电话要求house cleaning service


答案有:第三间放给children; 2 间double房; 地名是anyes(不确定);最长需要3hours;位置是southern west.




Section 2 Travel

地图题 野营公园

全部选择, 最后有2个双选题,比较简单 选择题答案中有BBQ和bike trail Section 4



Section 2

一个evening school有一些课外的课程,艺术班的课程介绍 Question 11-14 多选 A. venue change F. competition

11.12. 哪两个课程要自带材料


B. limited age

C. yoga-all the age D. half price(special price

E. tennis famous coach

13.14. 哪两个课程持续多一个学期 A E

Question 15-20 15. 网球是选有名师

16. 高尔夫是有可能被选作选手打比赛 17. 瑜伽是老少皆宜 18. 太极是有年龄限制的 19. 韵律操选换了场地的选项 20. 有关费用的选项


ection 2

一个医院的简介和结构 Question 11-15 Multiple Choice 1. 2. 3.

这个health care center有多少病人?B. 5000 哪个医生主治hearing problem? B. Dr. Green

可以和女医生的见面时间是:A. every weekday morning





病人们可以在哪里买药? C. Health care’s pharmacy

5. 病人们会被问道是否同意做什么?A. one student attending in the consultation Question 16-20 Map 6. 7. 8.

Reception: F (左上角) H B 9. Manager room: C (两个store room中间) 10. D


Section 3

介绍一个女生换课的事情 Question 21-25 Matching

1. 女的说暂时不转是想获得学分 2. 男的说这个专业可以容易找到好工作 3. 女的说要和父母说,父母给她建议 4. 女的同意男的所说要花很多钱 5. 觉得毕业后太少工作经验了 Question 26-30 Multiple Choice 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Administration office Tutor Financial

Residence hall library

credits good advice


Section 3 Tourism

Question 21-30 Multiple Choice 1. C. good future 2. B. financial planning 3. Patience

4. 老师对ecotourism的看法:A. popular

5. 对比大学,某个地方学校有什么特点: A. 价钱便宜 6. 不确定

7. 语言课包括Japanese: 选learning language skills

8. 包括了medical care class, 因为提到了injury: 选learning medical skills 9. 不确定

10. 这个是提供一些接待的技能,选learning customer relationship

Section 4





Question 31-35 Multiple Choice 11. B 12. 为什么unique: B

13. 有什么作用: A. 找出缺点并且focus on 14. C 15. Cameras

Question 36-40 Matching 16. 第一个人事反应太慢 17. 18. 19. 20.

第二个人是需要提高leg, kicking Slow turn Dive too deep into water Short stroke 听力真题V111029

Section 1 Enquiry 1. $37.50 2. 20 3. playground 4. primary school 5. report 6. family photo 7. September 8. apron围裙 9. certificate 10. Collipe.


Section 1 Enquiry (job)

是一篇学生出国留学同时想找PART TIME JOB的电话联系对话,一个女孩子想出国,并找一份工作,开头姓名已经给出,叫Sarah Brown

1. 答案肯定是March 8th 1988 2. 电话号码 0903 775 115




3. hopes to travel North Europe 4. wants to by train 5. find work in a hotel

6. recommend to do e.g. farm work 7. better to have a European pass 8. provide a booklet of information 9. apply an insurance from agency 10. Internet Cafe to communicate Section 2

Introduce a place地图题 10. G 11. A 12. D 13. E 14. wooden or gas cook 15. hot water for the shower 16. plants 17. wind-powered toys

18. next item is called \Apple Day\20. Cost 9.50(pound已给出)


Section 1


1. Type of policy: standard 2. Natural medicine 3. Name: Jane Galloway

4. Work telephone: 033835071 5. Occupation: student 6. Broken window 7. by a smash 8. Camera 9. Antique ring

10. Matching cover填carpet Section 4 衡量幸福

31. old people are happiest

32. money dost not impact happiness 33. very happy people are more sociable 34. negative thinking 35. ivertrip




36. human's mind is used for : 选A 37. C. set a goal

38. a realistic attitude of work 39. a health life style 40. help others


Section 1


1. 为什么在机场:转机,选C transit 2. 还要等多久:选C over 3 hours

3. 对voucher(优惠券)的看法:选B not attractive 4-6 多选,希望机场增加的设施:beds, cinema, fish tank 7. 一年飞20次

8. 希望在飞机上用laptop 9. 形容自己的生活enjoyable 10. 希望飞机上增加fruit Section 2



11. 对公众开放日:19th (18 为干扰项不是对公共的) 12. 观看人数:70,000 13. 儿童平日价:5 pounds

那天最合适:Sunday (主持人说周末好,但是不推荐周六) 有什么新发展:electricity 包含的游乐有:racing car

17—20 Matching 近两年的比较 A-last year, B-this year, C-both 17. 座位,去年不够数,今年有所改善,选B 18. 儿童设施,两年都有,选C 19. 4×4试驾,两年都有,选C

20. 汽车抽奖,今年没有了,很遗憾,选A





Section 1 介绍旅游景点

1. 要带cash 2. 至少呆4 days

3. Caravan(房车),很多人都误写成了hotel 4. Museum 5. went sailing 6. snow boarding 7. White mountain

8. 在山上的café吃cakes

9. 租辆car(motorbike 为干扰项) 10. 前买map Section 2

讲在Ship Travel结束之前,船上的人告知第二天的安排和手续什么;填空+选择: 11.a bill

12.a comment card 13. a booking form

14.最后拿行李时间11.30pm 15.晚饭时把cabin keys留在桌子上

16.room services(最后一天不提供Room service)

17.排除法:什么时候开始准备下船A.停船之前的两个小时 B. before the goods is unloaded C. after legal formality 18.什么样的人先走选要搭飞机的(A. **** B.要搭飞机的 C.行李是红色的) 19.在下船之前大家要呆在哪里选Public Room 20.如果goods要declare的话,要怎么办选Phone


Section 4 interactive lecture

Why traditional lecture inefficient 31.high absent rate 32.students hard to recall Why still use traditional lecture 33.lecturer do not want change 16



34.students feel confused 35.A survey do on a regularly basis 36.B quarter 37.A use real-experience 38.B sentence completion 39.C stop without activities 40.C under different subjects


Section 3

一个男的去找他tutor问选课的事 21-23 选课需注意的地方,选择题 7 选 3 21. relevant to future career 22. structure of the course 23. selection of topics


24. Tutor说time management跟你以前一门课重了(overlapped),不用选了,是A。

25. 关于dissertation. tutor问他为什么要写dissertation而不是做research,他说他想going to details,选B 26. 说dissertation的topic should be narrowed down,所以选C- the research was too complicated. 27. What will he do for the dissertation,他说另一个老师建议他去企业问,选A-interview 后面三个填空题

28. dissertation的完成时间是5月底,所以first draft should be finished by the end of March. 29. dissertation should be registered with the secretary in department office. 30. you can get the relevant database from the computer office


Section 1




A lady and a man discussing about the drama club. 1. Membership Limitation: No children

2. Next membership start (not sure about the question, but sure about the answer) October 3. Location is college

4-7 Activities in following months (Not sure about the sequences) 4. June Art Trip 5. July Drama Workshop

6. August No actives/Outdoor party(can not remember) 7. September Planning Meeting 8-10 Multiple Choice

8. Now and Then is a A. comedy

a. comedy b. detective c. fiction

9. Now and then is originally written as C. radio a. film b. drama c. radio

10. Now and then is good for people C. remember late 60s'.

a. in their 20s b. love music c. remember late 60s'. Section 2

Media Career Development

11. People go to somewhere to C. ask for price

a. get transport to the location b. book a place c. ask for price

12. Who will present today's event? B. A media professional

a. a famous person b. a media professional c. a lecture (not sure) 13-17 Gap filling in a table 13. TV producer 14. music videos 15. Film 16. cameraman




17. DJ

18-20 Advantages of being a runner 18. C. make good contacts 19. E. travel to other places 20. F. learn techniques Section 3

Discussion of books related to Insects 21. Flies in Color 22. 198 23. Museum 24. outstanding 25. Common 26. editor 27. identification 28. organization 29. pictures 30. index


Section 4 网站介绍

是一个女人建了一个帮助学习的website: 1. 为什么建这个website,好像是一个同事建议的,

2. 用什么materials,是从一个以前的学生写的文章里得到的灵感, 3. 第一次建立网站是在什么样的基础上建立的,

4. 是关于她如何能够决定什么东西帮助的了学生 选C students‘ journal 接着六选二,是选学生写作的困难: 5. persuasive writing A 6. E

接下来是个表格 7. 说唯一one answer




8. scores

9. 多一些academic essays 10. code


Section 2 关于沉船探险

11. 必须有一个 certificate才可以diving 12. 英国沉船数量 250000 13. can not see 14. 船的名字 name 15. 回忆不详

16. 不会遭受 sharks的威胁

17. 威胁在于潜水的深度和在水下的 time 18. 还有人们捕鱼用的 nets 19. Peckham 人名 有拼写 20. 电话号码 很长 记忆不详


Section 1 俱乐部情况咨询

有关于健身中心的信息,一个女孩子想给姐姐送张健身卡作为生日礼物 1. 地址:Wickford

2. Package: Silver,因为Golden是for full time 3. 开始时间:from 7.30a.m. (干扰说从6点多开始) 4. 价格:£40(per month) 5. Joining fee: £30 提供的活动:

6. tennis(outside only)

7. dance (问有没有yoga class ,说没有,但是有dance)




8. café for everyday(all week open) 9. hire a towel (50p)

10. 报名需要两个东西:XX和 photos Section 4 机场的规划

关于机场的现状和发展 第一部分 三个选择 31. A 说发展很快的那个

32. B. more important than other buildings 33. 和city相似之处在于A. respond to change 第二部分 五个matching 34. shortage of fuel使flight更贵

35. 不断有new airport 建成(文中说的是发展中国家机场越来越多航线越来越多出行更方便) 36. 不断的有新的交通形式产生 37. 人们对乘坐飞机旅行的兴趣下降 38. 航空公司现在很难维持经营 第三部分 两个小填空

39. 如果不解决污染问题,\green tax\

40. 航空公司将无法经营如果不保证 get insurance


Section 3 关于公司的论文

21. 那个公司未来发展有帮助 B….experience…. 22. 导师觉得学生哪一点没有想到 C. Overseas XX 23. 学生哪一点impress导师了?选C. new legislation 24. 25. 26. 27.

学生的论文中还需要补充什么 A. final recommendation Not suitable for their study Hard to apply Suitable for any size of business 28. 无回忆

29. Save time and effort 30. 无回忆





Section 3

老师问一男一女作俄语翻译的经历感受 21. B 22. B 23. B. 演员都能够接受变化 24. A 25. C 26. B Question 27-30 Match 27. 含有practical的选项 28. 含有super的一项 29. 待定

30. 含有too long的一项


Section 2

Question 11-15 multiple choice 31. A. 有很多species 32. B 11. B. 用metal XX是为了seed label 12. C. garden新开的会设置toy vehicles

13. C. garden的创意来自于J这个人看到的一个Italian garden Question 16-20 match 16. 含有最近建造的一项 17. 含有自己设计的一项

18. 含有linked with exibition的一项 19. 含有old status的一项 20. 含有award的一项


Section 3(=V09139 S3) 一男一女做作业 配对题

21. 上网查资料 男女一起做 22. 去图书馆找资料 女的做 23. 査旧城区资料 男的做




24. 找人做采访 男的做 地图题 25. 26. 27. 28.

E. Café

B. Prison(at the corner of the fair street)

G. Railway Station(alongside somewhere of the college street) D. Storage warehouse(opposite to the Fair Street, on the square)

29-30选2男女focus什么方面 A. Leisure activity

B. Family C. shopping

D. work E. mediate


Section 2 煤炭矿场博物馆

1. The museum was closed down in the year of 1988 2. Mine museum includes the social and the technological aspect 3. Tourists are recommended to take a tour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner 4. If you do not come please contact the reception 5. A relax please go to restroom area next to the staff office 多选题

What does***souvenirs sale beside the postcards? A. Map


B. Lecture theatre C.Bookstore是workshop D. Lift entrance close to…

Section 4 英国垃圾站

31. a broken egg

32. fish hooks are made of fish bones 33. road is built

34. you need to get a permit immigration travel 35. are safer than… as less likely to…building 36. early settlers ate Hugh birds

37. rare glass objects can be found in European maddens 38. Lakes are beside a mountains 39. ***

40. Found where soldiers stayed

B. clothes

C. posters

E. drinks


Section 1




俱乐部会员申请 A. ***

B. Saturday excursion C. Film festival

D. Culture evening event E. Disco dance F. Lecture of*** 填空题

4. 钱交到club office 5. Deposit of $15

6. Library start from 11.00 a.m. 7. 女的通常说usually to museums 8. One more guest

9. 包括免费的one free drink 10. Grand hotel举办

Section 4

31. as a function of village 33. in the form of a tree

33. build on the top of bridge in city center 34. the problem of finance 35. made of concrete 36. triangle shaped 37. a small garden 38. a study exhibition hall 39. New Building School 40. good facilities


Section 4

31. 选择含有:high absent rate 32. 选择含有:Students hard to recall 33. 选择含有:Lecture do not want change 34. 选择含有:Students feel confused 35. A. survey done on a regular basis 36. B. 34%

37. A. use real-experience 38. B. sentence completion 39. C. pause without activities 40. C. under different subjects





Section 1 医保卡办理 1. Name: Prenay

2. Date of birth: 17th March

3. Address and contact No.: 34Market Road 4. Race: European 5. The Citizen

6. Type of cards: the New Zealand high user 7. Former company: the castle hill 8. Location: north island 9. Hours: Full-time 10. Specialist: Sports Section 2


11. Something about the company's history -A. quickly established

12. 为什么要招人A. to develop new products or C. cater for more customers 13. 人么工作时间长短-B. half a year

14. 大部分职位the biggest number of positions are in? -B. Package 15.出问题的环节是?C. pay slow 配对题

主要负责任各自负责的区域: 16. 第一个人-wages 17. 第二个人-production 18. 第三个人-maintenance 19. 第四个人-computer

20. 第五个人-maintain customer relationship





Student survey questionnaire

1. 是讲Shrona做的一个survey有6个选择题通过其他国家的人拿到数据,选的是B helps from the students from the foreign countries ( C tutor的学生也帮忙了但没提tutor,那tutor and tutor's students是误导项) 2. 调查对象包括:A young people B working men C unemployed women,

3. 问卷的目的:A gather a wide range of data B limit people's view? C guide people’s view

4. 在初始阶段发现的问题:A 媒体对于人们关心的医疗问题误导了方向 B 政府缺钱 C 医院内部变革失效 5. 下一步将继续调查为了:

A search findings for government B how much fund are needed C what people really need\\

6. 发现什么问题:A 实验初期要做好计划B?C同事的意见会不和,(听到一个什么group 里面啥的)。 最后4个配对题选项

7. someone in the street因为比较shy,选的是stop participating, 因为他第二个就不回答了

8. a college undergraduate student:选confidential的那个选项(因为学生说他不希望personal detail被别人知道) 9. a colleague反应,选kept changing his answer那个选项(一开始说,would do, then didn’t want, then back too would do) 好

像是D:change mind during participating先提供了很多细节,然后又不讲了,但最终还是讲了。 10. TUTOR, 我选的是不愿意告诉别人C:What their job about


Section 2

Travel agency recruitment 1-3 multiple choice

1. 旅游公司是干嘛的 A travel package; B business trip; C budget trip(主管一开始说以前是以卖便宜机票为主,但是现在什


2. 为什么喜欢在这工作? 她说原因是friendly environment:A. 免费机票还是免费旅行 B. 这里的长期员工很friendly C.

supportive atmosphere

3. 新人来这里都干嘛?她说,你需要帮着接电话,记录一些东西之类的,但是你的主要工作是对着screen, 新人来了都是

work with computer B. in front of screen的,然后有什么deliver tickets, receptionist,然后不记得啦 4-7 是一个表格填空 items pen, pencils, etc Coffee machine First aid kit Voucher should be delivered with 6. tickets to clients

8-10 sentence completion

location 4. store room Mail hall / canteen 5. kitchen 7. receptionist Manager’s office 31



8. 有问题可以问我,manager说虽然我的房间一直是开着的,但是最好先问front desk 9. 工资怎么发啊on hourly basis /on Thursday 10. 会计给你们的信里会告诉你该付多少tax。

Section 3

course change enquiry 一个学经济学的学生Ann不想读统计学课,去学校咨询 1. 女孩专业是什么, 填economics, 不想读统计学课 statistics 2. 如果她要不学的话会被记录到academic record 3. She has difficulty in understanding ideas

4. 然后说statistics是compulsory的,可以把它当成一个应该是challenge 然后是表格题 下面有解决办法 5. study group 6. class representative 7. administration 8. secretary 9. Computer Centre

Section 4

presentation about an architect of England (名字D开头)

1. 为什么选这个题?先说从小就崇拜他,等等,最后听到个C interesting life

2. 选想要有别于传统tradition,干点特别的。那个人为什么从事那行? A受他父亲的影响,错(父亲是个做生意的),B

他第一次的选择错误了。 我选的是C他想要与众不同那个。

3. 为什么那个人最后从伦敦回来了?文中说,因为他去的那个地方有赚钱的机会。选项B说回来有更多business


4. 是这个人最后干吗了选的是B被commission授予什么

后面那几个建筑的填空 (一个表格填空讲了3、4个那个人设计的建筑):

5. 第一个建筑是用玻璃材料做的,window tend to leak然后说这个建筑现在做什么了 conference centre. 6. 第二个有一个balcony,很大的space 7. 现在用作car park

8. 第三个建筑原来是监狱,不方便囚犯做exercises ,后面最后改成hotel 9. 最后这个建筑现在用作transport museum


Section 4

Cape Breton Mining in Canada

第一部分是填空题。第二部分是表格题。 说从1720s 就怎么怎么样了。。。。




31. move coal from cliffs(一定有s。他说矿工已开始是挖那些裸露在悬崖外的矿石,布列塔尼角Cape Breton这里有很多这种) 32. 政府开发布列塔尼角Cape Breton,developed an efficient system of transport

33. 说很多矿工一开始只是季节性的从事这个行业,自从发现煤矿以后就改变了,people from rural areas 34. 工作时间是人们in the spring

35. 这个地方全面发展以后,这个地方产的coal accounts for 40%

36. 说这个地方变成殖民地了,从很多地方来人到这里寻找工作,有Russian, French,等等。the majority of population from


下面就开始讲miner用过的工具,说一开始并不是用手电的 item Grease torch A 37. candle in a holder describe **** ******** advantages *** ****** Have fewer 39. accidents to occur ***** Davy Lamp fitted link with a 38. lock Carbide Lamps

contained certain material that mixed with 40. water 听力真题V09124

Section 2 (=07138 Section 2) 介绍一个社团活动 事物部分

1. Hot drinks and cakes

2. 中午提供的事物:9:00-12:00 Lunch (mainly salads) 小孩:

3. Parents and tutor 4. Story

5. 运动: stretching movements 有说道体操,瑜伽,那就是伸展运动 6. Bring your own mat

7. 人名Mrs Waddell,紧接着是个phone no, 6967812 Match付款方式和各个活动 a. Book in advance提前预定 b. FREE Enter 不要钱 c.

Pay at the door来了在门口直接付款 d. Pay after you finish e. Pay advanced 8. 小孩的那个 A 9. 体育的那个 C




10. Quiz B



computer technology对教育的影响

两个老师谈一本关于电脑对教学的影响的书,并探讨。 A. 男教师名字 B. 女教师名字

C. 文中谈到那本书的作者,教授的名字

女老师问男老师有没有看过那本书,然后两个人探讨书中各个观点。选项给出多个观点,配对,选择是谁的观点 1. 研究主题,选A. music’s effect on customers 2. In***restaurant, music is played

3. In different areas B. uniform level C. certain time

4. 调查问卷的第一目的在于:disguise the purpose of the survey 5.6选择该餐馆考虑因素:Competitor nearby & seat capacity

Question 7-10 match 4中音乐和6中人的态度 Jazz: people spend more money

Nomusic: people did not think the…worth the price Classic: people left right after eating Pop: people came back again

Section 4 (=40213 Section 4)

Business Culture. 一个教授讲不同管理风格的特点、有点、缺点、适合哪种人。 1. Organization 2. Central Power Source 3. 适合什么人 4. Big company 5. Technical 6. Responsibility 7. Flexible 8. Formal meeting 其他答案有:




Conversation Take risks Market Make decision


Section 1

是找工作,谈论各个公司的情况。一个表格, 三个公司.

公司名称 主要产品 职责描述 notes 1. weekends 需要周末也工作 联系方式 (4位区号已给出)填一个6位 2. 电话号码 900641

Garden 已给出 3. tools

已给出 4. carpets 5. training programs 要维护 已给出 6. website

已给出 已给出 已给出

已给出 已给出 已给出 7-10 搭配题,此女说了几个她自己看到的在招聘公司,被此男以每家公司的一个problem给毙掉了,公司和它的problem 对应

7. 公司A 选 由于要搬家(move), 所以upset employees, 8. 公司B 选 customers complain.

9. 公司C 选 有surroundings的那项,意思是 环境不好. 10. 公司D 是sales in falling.

Section 3

Marketing research

讲一男一女学生要完成一个marketing research,他们在讨论第几周完成什么内容,需要填一个表格也分别是按照第几周做什么的顺序。

21. 要调查这个产品是healthy drink aimed at children 22. 要做diet research

23. 男生要负责收集数据sales/trade figures

24. check (performance of similar products), 女生负责的工作已给出。




25. 要在本周完成first section

26. 开始准备产品描述detailed product description 27. 男生可以借女生相关资料是一个booklet/book, 28. 里面有一个useful checklist 29. shop managers 30. media


Section 2

关于一个什么学校活动的 school activity = version 08122 11. morning program: XX,XX已经给了,第三项 classroom tour

12. 13. 学校的二个强项(strengths): music and science(这个注意有干扰,开始说数学mathematics, 后来说science 发展boost,,现在发展非常好,已经很出名了)

14. 然后说下午参加什么活动 不记得内容,但答案是tea and coffee 15. lunch time activities: chorus, XX, orchestra, 16. chess club 17-20是表格填表题 program, price, sports

17. need report from previous reward

18. 发钱的时间January (这个有干扰,开始说November,后来说November to January) 19. Academic scholarship

20. £650 (这个有干扰,开始说400,后来说涨了) Section 4

营销调研和顾客的关系 marketing and customers 31-36是选择题

31. 公司在问及市场咨询时confident about the results 32. 好像是说 即使在产品launched了(新产品投放市场)还是会unsuccessful 33. 说消费者 对new technology不熟limited knowledge 34. 是说 ‘lead ’ 的,他们not typical

35. 对于新产品消费者觉得 unnecessary的功能太多 37-40 填空

37. strategies 38. outcome 39. direct 40. behavior





Section 1

Booking hotel –Rainbow hotel

1. postcode TO34YU 还有问他从哪个杂志知道HOTEL的 前面问是和不是从New Ideal, 后来他说是从Country Life 2. 房子要靠近什么地方:south coast

3. 要有几个bedroom: 3他说了几个人,wife and I, mother-in-law, two children,好像还说了2个小孩能住一起,所以我填的


4. 外部需要有什么设施: 最好能安静:quite 5. 最好能有 farm 6. 一定要有 café 7. garage 内部有什么设施: 8. Bath

9. fridge as well as a freezer 10. dish washer

Section 2

Photography match


1. 在国际的节目上叫什么:Open Gallery(要大写) 2. 摄影主题'On the Street要大写 3. 展览地点theatre foyer 后面部分,介绍大赛3位评委的资料。第一个是澳洲出生的,后来去了意大利,再后来去了UK攻读学位,目前居住在伦敦。 第二部分 表格 Name 6. Kesteven Nationality 4. Australian British Present job Interesting things collecting old 5 maps running a 7.picture library 8. wildlife photograph lecturer: college of 9 design 10 sports photograph 听力真题V09130

Section 1

part time job (A girl student looking for part time job in a children store)




1. 问是住在哪条街上 Acacia Avenue 2. 直接的一个填空 Post Code: RA67BU

3. 问她的专业: demography (先说了是在一个艺术学校读个什么专业,后来她转到demography了)

4-6 表格题 time 1.5years 1 year 0.5 year

7-10搭配题 问哪些工作时间合适 A definitely available 7. 8. 9. Section 4

a survey about university and employers relationship (一个research,关于employer,university和professor对于毕业生的素质的一个调查 ) 31-32 选择

31. 学生入学的趋势

A the increase of application will decrease B some subject will not be popular in future C the enrolment number is as before

32. 某个人的论文得出了一个结论,但是这个结论don’t have support based,问结论是怎么来的:(c)很不完整

33-35 填表: 有关这个survey的调查对象,人数,和调查方法

xxxx 200 xxxx 16 xxxx 45

36-40 填空: 有关调查结果的汇报 student of science lack skill of 36. (problem solving)

37. (communication) 原文是lack of communication skill, 这里要变一变

33. (telephone survey) 34. (case study) 35. (postal survey) B possible

C definitely unavailable

Place 4. Flower store 5. Nursery Hotel position Sales assistant supervisor 6. waitress weekends 她说大部分空余时间都在周末 可以的所以选A after 7 pm她说有功课要做就最好不要选 C holidays are ok 选A

10. lunch time 要make it flexible所以B




老师认为学生要在两方面加强group discussion 38. 是一个self-开头的词, self-evaluation employer认为学生要

39. get young graduates involved in 40. have (further training)


Section 1(=version 09131 s1) 四种不同的住宿方式

第一种方式里 1. Lunch is not included 2. must pay for one term 第二种住宿种类叫做3. Studio 4. usually keep the contracts for 12

第三种electricity的费用5.是£43 (一开始说去年30多,又说今年是43)。 6. water是£8 第四种住宿种类7. Friendly Faces 8. 费用从35英镑到 80 9. include bills and 10. meals


Section 1

讲一个人打电话寻求医疗帮助。 1. 2. 3. 4.

邮编:EF142BF(不确定:也可能是AL142BF) Address: Queen's Family name: Atkinson Birthday: 1986 5. 眼睛的问题:flashing 6. Cause: bright condition 打网球 7. Address: central 8. 医生的建议是rest 9. 还可以买eye drops 10. sunny conditions Section 3

老师学生探讨学生活动中心 Question 1-4 multiple choice

1. C 学生对一个self access center的看法:学习生活中的一部分 2. C 部分老师对于这个center的看法:调高监管进入 3. B 这个中心迁到图书馆的不利因素:difficult to help 4. 不确定




Question 5-10 fill in the blank 5. Reading materials 分类 6. CDs collection 7. Work books 8. Book a timetable 9. Install an alarm 10. Use of E-mail Section 4

部落建筑风格是美国原住民的建筑 1. Walls made of branches 2. Roof—a layer of grass 3. 一个建筑形状是square 4. 一个建筑形状是dome 5. 形状像tent 6. 用mud做个什么

7. 确保每个家庭都有一个room 8. Tower 9. At an angel

10. Use the pressure of wind blowing


Section 1

Question 1-3 multiple choice

1. B 老师赞扬小女孩是其他人的榜样good example--B 2. 改时间原因: 教室不够大 the size of classroom—B 3. C 时间改到4.45了C (15 to 5)

Question 4-6配对:老师推荐三个课程, Emma不能去的原因: 4. 人满了dancing class----full--A

5. 当天晚上Emma有其他课singing class----have other class this evening---D 6. voice class-----high pay---B Question 7-10 fill in the blank 7. 学乐器...and how to write music

8. 好像有个价格的,好像是$85 (题目问的是那个新的课程是多少钱?然后老师说是85。接着说,如果小女孩把课程转到

这个新的课程上来,只要再多交22就行了(因为原来的课程已经交了一定的费用) 9. 日期是14th September开始(注意,不是7th of September) 10. 人名是Curtis (会拼出来)

Section 2




环保及垃圾回收问题,前半部分是选择,后半部分是大表,根据不同颜色填回收的东西 还有紧跟括号里填(For used ...) 11. 体现环保的一个措施是买的颜料paint够用就好A 不要用某种paint B. not too much paint 12. 回收垃圾的时间在哪里查到-我选的A Consumer Service Centre B 垃圾筒盖子、C information pack 13. 分类的垃圾桶怎么放 我选的是A leave some space between them 14. 玻璃垃圾怎么处理把B 压扁再丢,我选的是C bottle tops 留下 15. 某zone是用于回收paper and cards

16. 某zone是用于回收电脑之类东西的spare components 17. 某zone是用于回收car batteries 18. 某zone是用于回收glass 19. but not colored glass

20. 某zone是用于回收printers and ink cartridges


Section 2

国家植树,讲了一些植树的好处和弊端 1. 20 million 树被种植了 2. Provide shade

3. Lower people’s stress levels 4. Reduce traffic noise 5. Make risk of flooding 6. Rural area 7. Change of climate


Section 4 engineering design

Question 1-2 multiple choice 讨论engineer和scientist的不同

1. Compared with Science what is difference?


2. 拿真空吸尘器作例子,说如果scientist来做的话肯定要失败

Question3-10填表格 engineer design的发展历史(共4个阶段) 3. design and manufacture 最早的时候engineer 和manufacture同时进行 4. stage: a slow process evolution




5. 然后制造大型东西的时代(造船), using models of ship sections 6. Industrial Revolution: a lot of men were involved, reproduce lots of parts 7. 21世纪电脑时代,用电脑设计有很多advantages:complex 8. speed 9. hand

10. no need to meet


Section 2

11. There are two key: the flat key (the smaller one) and XXX key 12. You should not forget bring key with you because the door is self-locking 13. There are two bathroom in the flat but only one has the shower 14. Music is not allowed before 7 am and after 9 pm 15. You can have you own food (meal) in the kitchen 16. You can do laundry at the basement 17. you can find fire blanket on the roof 18. Fire alarm is on the wall 19. You can find cleaning materials in the XXX 20. You do not have to take care of the outside environment and the outside windows Section 2

关于科学课程,还有什么生物课程。有些课程提供full-time, part-time long distance等授课方法 Question 21-30 multiple choice 21. The specialist subjects/courses is? Compulsory and regular 22. Microbiology science course available for? A full-time and flexible study time 或full-time and student only 23. Applied science course available for? Full-time on campus 24. Who are interested in microbiology science course? People out of campus 25. 为什么某一门没开设?No experimental facilities. 26. 哪门课选修人数上升最快?Environmental science Question 27-29 fill in the table 从表格8门课中选出三个共同的必修课 A. ******** B. Computing E. statistics F. biology C. Mathematics D. *********** 42



G. Laboratory Technology H. ********* Question 30 fill in the blanks

1. 不需要学费offered every year 2. $1500 cash 3. Book loans


Section 2

顺序想不太起来了,反正是有个人画landscape,有个人画people(他说到singer什么的),有个人画wildlife还是farming animal(这个不确定,因为他说画birds和一个什么东东,也不晓得鸟属于啥)地图题不是很好回忆吧!~ 第一个accommodation貌似是右下角的

第二个什么outdoor paint 我听到在river bank 但是不知道是长方形的那个,还是在树里面的那个正方形的那里,走神了。 第三个是film studio 在最远的那堆山里面

第四个是student什么来着,是最左下脚那个,上面那个是什么professional的 Section 4

Question 1-4 multiple choice

先是4个选择题,两个学生对话,其中一个研究一个建筑师,并解释为什么研究,建筑师的经历。 1. 为什么选这个题 2. 主人公为何学建筑 3. 主人公为何回英国

4. 主人公因为什么有名。选项比较长,建议听明白再选题。 Question 5-10 fill in the table 5. 是conference center,

6. 现在是 conference center 有一个大的balcony, 7. 第二个是supermarket的car park,第三个没有地方 8. do exercise,缺点没有足够的room给prisoner do exercise 9. 个地方现在是hotel以后会变成博物馆Museum。 10. 缺点是窗户leak


Section 3




Asian honey bee 选择题

21. Asian honey bee最早在Australia哪里发现A. Queensland 22. 对Australian bee 造成什么影响A attack C. damage crops 23. Austrulia bee的一个特点:我选的是数量少了影响了B pollinate

24. 引进AHB的影响:A(affect economy)(好像提到了影响make money之类的)有助于agriculture 填空题 25. Insects 26. Feeding 27. Laboratory 28. water, 29. wings, 30. reliable Section 4 multiple choice

31. 为何选这个Town做research? ( 多references in the library)(我选的是经常被提到,好像是B吧,因为有很多reference

说明经常被提到,感到奇怪所以开始研究……) 32. The Mostown was first 用来trade什么的?

A. Crafts B. Agriculture C. Animals (我选的是C,因为听到原文中说,famers brought the cattle to sell in the market什么的,


33. Fee用来做什么,我选development,有人选reconstruction, fee做什么用:development (说用从那些店收来的toll建新的店


34. 什么导致decline:我不记得了, (因为transport) 35. 钱被用于 defense

36. bell tower 最早做什么选prison(文中说jail) 填空:

37. market 38. interviews 39. useless, crimes 40. photographs


Section1 sports club




Question 1-2 fill in the blanks

讲Gym Membership,有个女的叫 Jean Simpson( Example) 1、出生日期:24th August 1979 2、address: Fox

Question 3-4 multiple choice

3、问那个女的为什么选择参加the yearly membership

A. Get more fitness B. Free Gift C. Saving money (原文:男:yearly比较便宜而且还有更多的设施可以让你用,女:这样可以省钱,又使身材更加fitness)

4、Jean有什么事情要做on June…this year

A. Holiday B. Travelling for business C. Get married (原文: her sister gets married next year) Question 5-10 Match 问女的有没有兴趣CACBCA

A. Interest in Future B. Interest in Now C. Not interest 5) Fitness

6) Weight class(原文:她interest now, but before this class她要参加XX class) 7) Swimming 8) Pool

9) (fitness or weight)under water

10) Child mind (老公现在在放假,她的小孩由他带。等老公回去上班了,她在考虑这个) Section4 archaeology

Question 31-40 Fill in the blanks

考古探寻,内容涉及到Scotland, North Ireland等,科学家希望分析出resources和age… Conflict and xxxxx 31. resources 32. age

Technology and techniques….. 33. … 34. of form

35. …Farming……Soil damage…… by




36. machines 37. chemical

用Law 来保护:该列小标题是指各国法律的严谨程度,从最完善的开始到最差的 38. Scotland –8) that was found must be reported 39. Ireland -…. 9)license…… 40. England - 10)…


Section 2

找工作, 指导大家如何弄好简历,简历要注意layout

1. Internet(建议使用internet, 因为newspaper也不错,agency不能提供你想要的职位) 2. Resume not too long, 因为没有时间去看,求职信要typed 3. handwriting(说有些公司希望通过书写看出些什么) 4. CV layout 要好

5. 避免问题出现,corrections(是问什么一定不要出现在application上) 6. 列出skills

7. 保留contact number (比e-mail什么的都好用) Question 8-10多选三个,在interview中应当问什么 8. D 9. E 10. F training ,promotion opportunities, holidays

这个问题是问在面试的时候最好问什么,holidays, work time 第三个不太确定了好像是training或者是升职的可能,反正原文说最好不要问关于钱的问题 ,所以salary等就不能选了 Section 3

讨论对课程的评级,两人都同意还是反对,还是都没表态。对于哪个部分需要改进,有食堂还有sports center,填写学生对学校服务的意见。 A. B. C. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Both of the students agree with the statement

The students neither agree with nor disagree with the statement The students disagree with the statement Enough room in the library: C Library provision: C

Comments on whether the tutor's feedback is useful: A Course每一部分的教学目标完成情况:B Course outlines are good: B




26. 27. 28. 29-30. B. C.

Academic support: A need helpdesk services 更多的part-time job Which two parts of college should be improved? catering facilities healthcare service 2014年雅思考试真题回忆及TPO小站名师解析(年度汇总)2014年01月汇总2014年02月汇总2014年03月汇总2014年04月汇总2014年05月汇总2014年06月汇总2014年07月汇总2014年08月汇总2014年09月汇总1月9日1月11日1月18日1月25日2月1日2月13日2月15日2月22日3月1日3月8日3月13日3月15日4月5日4月12日4月24日4月26日5月10日5月15日5月17日5月24日6月7日6月19日6月21日6月28日7月10日7月12日7月19日7月26日8月2日8月9日8月16日8月21日9月4日9月6日9月20日9月27日2014年10月汇总 2014年11月汇总 10月2日10月11日10月18日10月25日11月1日11月8日 11月13日 11月22日 点击日期直达当场雅思考试真题解析




2014.11.08 写作机经预测






The first chart below shows the value of goods that Australia imported from China and those exported to China from Australia. The second chart shows the types of goods imported from China.




Sample Answer:

The bar charts provide some detailed information about importation and exportation between Australia and China.

In 1998, the value of Australia imports from China was 20 billion. Since then, it climbed smoothly and reached 40 billion at the end of this period. Similarly, there was also a marked increase in the value of exports to China. At the beginning, the figure for imports was 10 billion. The following six years had

witnessed a rise of 20 billion. In 2004, the value of Australia exports to China was three times as much as that in 1998.

Between 2003 and 2004, there was a striking difference in the value of five types of goods that were

imported from China to Australia. The years of 2003 and 2004 saw the same value of clothes, which were 4 billion. The figures for computers and furniture were also the same, with 5 billion in 2003 and 6 billion in 2001 respectively.

As to toys or sports equipment and computers, the value increased dramatically from approximately 2 billion to 8 billion.

Overall, the value of Australia imports outnumbered that of the exports during this period, and the value of toys or sports equipment imported from China rose the most remarkably from 2003 to 2004.


The plans show community center 10 years ago and after redesign of the community center.

Sample Answer:

The diagrams illustrate the changes in the community center before and after the decoration.

It is noticeable that the whole area for indoor activity has been expanded over the 10-year period. The most significant change is that the initial garden was replaced by inner sports.

Inhabitants can enter the reception through a door as before. In the center of the community center, there is a hall which can accommodate 100 people at the same time, and this is also the same as before. However,




the large storage room north to the hall, has been divided into two parts today, namely, a smaller storage and toilets.

The coffee bar is no longer a part of the community center. Instead, an office equipped with toilets has taken its place. Also, four offices in the northeast corner and the storage opposite to the kitchen disappeared. A newly-built café area occupies this area and is open to all visitors currently. Finally, the kitchen and parking lot are still in use.



It is better for people to be unemployed rather than to be employed without a job they enjoy. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people’s choice of jobs has drawn more attention. Some people would rather to be unemployed if they are not satisfied with their jobs. My view is that employees should take financial factors into account before deciding to resign.

Obviously, an unsatisfactory job has a negative effect on the working efficiency of enterprises for the reason that employees who don't enjoy their jobs will probably not be able to fully devote themselves to their work. When these employees are confronted with an overwhelming number of tasks, there exits a possibility that they would choose to give up rather than take responsibilities and accomplish all the tasks positively. If a large number of such employees are recruited, the morale in the workplace is likely to be influenced and the employers are bound to have difficulty in developing the company sustainably and successfully.

In addition, people's attitudes towards life depend on many factors, including their job satisfaction. Apart from being employed in a company, people still have a lot of options. One choice for many people is to

operate their own businesses. It is true that some new business models such as E-commerce and franchising have provided many unprecedented opportunities for self-employment. Therefore, it is not a wise choice for employees to accept the jobs they don't enjoy.

However, it is undeniable that unemployment is believed to threaten social instability. This is because a decent income people obtain can ensure the life quality. If they are unemployed for a long time, they may face numerous problems caused by economic crisis.

In conclusion, the unwise persistence in the jobs people don't like is meaningless to the development of both individuals and enterprises, although a decent job can guarantee the quality of people’s life.


