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Villa Interior Lighting Design Consultancy Services Contract


Mar 21, 2014


A. Scope of work工作范围

The Lighting Designer agrees to provide lighting design services for scope of works, listed below:


Basic scope of work 基本服务范围:



玄关 过厅一 会客厅 餐厅 休息区 厨房 衣帽间 化妆间一 2层 家庭厅 书房 储藏室一 过厅二 化妆间二

睡房一(含浴室、衣帽间) 3层


次主人睡房(含过道) 次主人衣帽间 次主人浴室

睡房二(含衣帽间、浴室) 睡房三(含浴室) 4层

主人休息区 主人睡房区 主人浴室

男/女主人衣帽间 地下1层

车库 入口门厅 娱乐区 电梯厅 酒窖 品酒区 茶水间 棋牌室

品茗室过厅/备水间 化妆间三 茶具收藏室

水疗室(含前厅、过厅、更衣室、过道) 淋浴区

水疗室卫生间 游泳区 泳池浴室


影音室(含过道、过厅、放映室) 衣帽间二 化妆间四

工作间(含过道) 工人起居室、工人餐厅 工人房 工人厨房 工人浴室 储藏室二 设备间 工具间 储藏室三 泳池设备间 电梯轿厢 楼梯




玄关 过厅一 会客厅 餐厅 休息区 厨房 衣帽间 化妆间一 2层 家庭厅 书房

储藏室一 过厅二 化妆间二

睡房一(含浴室、衣帽间) 3层


次主人睡房(含过道) 次主人衣帽间 次主人浴室

睡房二(含衣帽间、浴室) 睡房三(含浴室) 4层 主人休息区 主人睡房区 主人浴室

男/女主人衣帽间 地下1层

车库 入口门厅 娱乐区 电梯厅 酒窖 品酒区 茶水间 棋牌室

品茗室过厅/备水间 化妆间三 茶具收藏室

水疗室(含前厅、过厅、更衣室、过道) 淋浴区

水疗室卫生间 游泳区 泳池浴室


影音室(含过道、过厅、放映室) 衣帽间二 化妆间四

工作间(含过道) 工人起居室、工人餐厅 工人房 工人厨房 工人浴室 储藏室二 设备间 工具间 储藏室三 泳池设备间

电梯轿厢 楼梯


B. Report or analyses 报告或分析

1. Estimated equipment budget studies and review in collaboration with project

quantity surveyor 灯具设备预算概估 (与本项目之估算工程师合作完成) 2. Lighting power requirements 照明电力负载要求

3. Lighting control analysis report 照明控制系统分析报告

C. Execution of work 基本服务

The Lighting Designer agrees to provide the following services for this project in connection with the above Scope of Work: 照明设计师对本案之工作范围提供如下之服务:

Design coordination meetings 设计协调会议

1. The Lighting Designer agrees to meet with the Client, Architect, Landscape

Architect, Interior Designer, Graphic Designer, Electrical Engineer and the Owners’ representatives with the Client present, on aspects of the design to complete the Lighting Design


2. The Lighting Designer agrees to be present at a reasonable number of meetings

called by the Client, provided reasonable notice is given and conflicts due to prior commitments can be avoided


Responsibilities & Obligations责任和义务

1. All lighting design by AILD must comply or does not contradict with local code and

regulations. AILD 灯光设计需符合或不抵触国内相关规范

2. AILD must work with relevant party to resolve mounting details, calculation to

ensure structural integrity and safety to be by others.), AILD必须配合相关单位协调与灯具固定相关之土建结构有关安装节点, 确保灯具安全稳固。

3. AILD must provide necessary assistance if required to aid the client in obtaining

relevant permits, licenses and/or inspection for approval with relation to AILD design content. AILD必须针对其设计内容提供甲方必要设计图纸文件, 协助取得相关执照或许可证的审核。


方案设计阶段 -- 于甲方提供完整设计数据后(包括定案的建筑设计平立面及效果图) 完成工作时间:两周,交付设计成果份数:两份A3文本、一份电子版

1. Meet all parties for design intent. 与各方开会并讨论设计意图

2. Conceptual lighting studies & analysis.照明概念研究及分析

3. Preliminary lighting layouts plus elevations, sections.初步照明布置(包含相关剖立面及

节点研究) 4. Illustrate lighting proposal including lighting effects and mounting details. 照明效果


5. Budget study.依此概念提供灯具的预算

6. Preliminary power estimate and lighting system requirement. 依此概念提供灯具的电


阶段 II –DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE 扩初设计阶段-- 于甲方提供定案的设计扩初图纸后


1. Revised lighting layouts in accordance with project process依照项目发展的情形,更新


2. Provide lighting layout提供照明配置图

3. Provide luminaire schedule and estimate power load提供灯具表及电量估算表

4. Proved cost estimate提供灯具估算表

阶段III –TENDER DOCUMENTATION PHASE 施工图设计阶段-- 于甲方提供定案的设计施工图纸后


1. Revised lighting layouts in accordance with project process依照项目发展的情形,更新


2. Provide updated luminaire schedule更新灯具表

3. Provide luminaire mounting details提供安装节点

4. prepare luminaire specification准备灯具规范

5. Completion of documentation package for tendering purposes完成招标文件(包括灯具

描述、厂牌型号、光源类型、瓦特数、表面处理、安装位置、数量及厂商联系数据。此份文件可以由主要顾问整合放入建筑师或电气工程师之招标文件内。) 6. Prepare control schedule and diagram提供灯具控制表及回路图,以解释特定照明控制区



招标及施工阶段-- 配合甲方招标时间及施工进度完成此阶段工作

1. Assess tenderers and selection of manufacturers协助业主评选灯具厂商

2. Review and comment tender documents审核投标书

3. Review lighting shop drawings, fixture samples and control systems with Architects

and Electrical Engineers审核施工制造图、灯具样本及控制设备。建筑师及电机技师也需检视由照明设计师所规范之施工制造图及灯具。

4. Issue tender review reports & recommendations.提交评估报告及建议

5. Conduct shop & site / field inspection as required在甲方要求下至现场视察灯具的安装


6. Prepare field reports for rectifications. 准备施工现场审核报告

阶段V –FINAL TESTING & COMMISSIONING 验收阶段-- 配合甲方招标时间及施工进度完成此阶段工作

1. Field inspection for luminaires installation检查现场灯具安装

2. Make site visits to evaluate and direct final adjustments在现场评估并指导灯具的最终


3. Supervise the setting-up & commissioning of lighting scheme对照明场景及灯具提出


4. Inspect and prepare outstanding details list (lists for rectifications or at variance

with contract documents) 提供现场审核报告(纪录现场与设计不符之处,并协助甲方及建筑师解决方法)

5. Attend field inspection and final site adjustment 出席现场最后评估及调整

D. 额外服务

以下是不包括在上述基本服务的工作范围例子,将以额外服务计费,开始工作前需先得到甲方之书面同意,额外服务将以项次G. 费用 之工时表费率收费。:

1. 因为业主要求变更室内设计公司,致使照明设计需要变更时,将以额外服务计费。

2. 经由业主核可之照明设计,若业主要求其它可行照明方案或工作范围时,将计以额外服务收费。

3. 因业主要求制作照明模型,实验室测试或是收集研究数据所花之时间将以额外服务计费。

4. 因业主要求,设计师加速材料运送所产生之时间费用将以额外服务收费。

E. Work not included 非服务项目

The followings are not part of this proposal 下列为非服务范围: 1. 申请政府执照或许可证的取得,包括合同备案、消防报审等

2. The Lighting Designer shall not be responsible for any work not included in this

Proposal and shall only be responsible for negligence solely resulting from its efforts.乙方不对非本合同范围工作负责。

F. 费用

Basic scope of work 基本服务范围

10号楼别墅 150,000 RMB (人民币拾伍万元整 ) 11号楼别墅 150,000 RMB (人民币拾伍万元整 )

Payment schedule 付款方式:

Down payment 签约金

Schematic Design Phase 方案设计阶段完成

Design Development Phase 扩初设计阶段完成

Tender Documentation Phase 招标施工图阶段完成

Construction Administration Phase 施工阶段完成

15% 25% 25% 25% 5%

Final Commissioning 完工阶段灯具对焦及调整设定完成


All the billings require Client’s prior approval. 以上各阶段工作完成后,均需要甲方确认合格后方可付款

Except for down payment, the payment schedule for each area will be billed in accordance with project phases respectfully. 除签约金外,其他付款阶段按所属各区域不同进度分别付款.

G. Additional Services 额外服务费用:

Work on any items not covered in this Proposal will be charged on a time-spent basis in accordance with the hourly rates below, or if requested will be quoted on a not-to-exceed amount at that time.任何不在合同内的工作项目通称为额外服务,乙方会以实际人员所花的时间基准,依照下列的钟点费来收费。也可以在甲方或室内设计师提出额外的工作要求时,事先指示额外服务不得超过某个金额的费用来进行此项服务。

合伙人: 分公司经理: 项目经理: 设计师:

$ RMB 1200 $ RMB 800 $ RMB 600 $ RMB 600

H. 发票

Invoices will be submitted at the end of the each phase. Payments will be made by remittance to the Lighting Designer within 10 days upon receiving invoice. 付款方式按设计进度支付,乙方完成阶段工作并提送发票给甲方,甲方于十天内支付款项到乙方的上海帐户。


开户银行: 账号:


1. The Client is responsible for prompt and complete administrative coordination of the

work of all consultants and project participants. The Lighting Designer shall be provided with all relevant project documentation in a timely manner and all

information that influences the lighting design work, including but not limited to

meeting minutes, drawings and sketches, technical coordination of architectural and engineering drawings, schedules, decisions, criticisms, specifications, budgets, and changes. Should the Client not properly and promptly coordinate the work or

distribute necessary information as needed and available, resulting in delay or changes in the lighting design work, the Lighting Designer shall be relieved of any obligation to meet project schedules and overtime or additional work resulting from such delays will be considered Additional Services.

甲方负责协调、管理所有顾问方及项目其它单位。所有与乙方有关的项目文件及影响乙方工作的信息都应及时提供给乙方,包括但不限于如下内容:会议纪要、图纸及草图、建筑技术协调的相关文件如工程图纸、表格、决定、评判、规范、预算及变更。 所有因甲方的不当管理,信息传递不畅等原因引起的工程延误或设计变更,乙方没有义务按照时间进度完成工作

2. The Lighting Designer agrees to alter Conceptual Design and Schematic Studies, as

necessary, for areas described under the Scope of Work at no additional fee.

Commencement of work by the Lighting Designer on the Contract Documents Phase, as authorized by the Client, shall constitute the Client’s approval of previous phases of work by the Lighting Designer.


3. Upon approval by the Client of the proposed Lighting Design, any alterations to the

Lighting Design or to the Scope of Work necessitated by the Client’s requirements shall be billed as Additional Services.


4. The Lighting Designer agrees to secure written permission from the Client prior to

performing additional work billable as an Additional Service. Additional Services shall be billed at the hourly timecard rates set forth in Section E.


J. Termination 终止合约

This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon five (5) calendar days of receipt of written notice. Work products and materials prepared as part of this Agreement, including but not limited to drawings, specifications, details, research materials, budgets, etc., shall be property of Client once services are paid for, and shall be forwarded to the Client, if requested in writing, within five (5) working days after receipt of payment.

此份合约如需终止需双方协商同意。此份合约所准备之所有数据,包括图文件,规范,细部大样,研究数据,预算书等,一旦服务已付费,所由权与知识产权均归业主所有。 在收到付款后的五个工作天内,应将所有数据转交给业主。

In the event of termination of this Agreement, the Lighting Designer shall be deemed to have earned and immediately shall be entitled to receive fees as follows: 在本分合约中终止时,照明设计师因下列事项应收全额费用:

1. All invoices on Lighting Designer’s regular billing schedule up to the date of

termination 在终止合约前,照明设计师所开列之发票皆应付款。

2. Additional fees for proportion of work performed in current phase and not yet

invoiced, as well as fees for work in progress for the next submittal due (based on time sheet hours at the above-listed hourly rates).

已完成或正在进行中的工作,尚未开列发票,依照实际完成的工作比例请款(以上列之工时表费率,实际完成工作量需双方协商确定)。 3. Fees for Additional Services approved by the Client (based on time sheet hours at

the above-listed hourly rates) 经业主核可并已执行之额外服务费用(以上列G 之工时表费率)。







O. 签订

此份合同对双方之 合伙人,继承者,遗嘱执行人,管理人皆有束制效力。 在双方没有签定书面同意书前,双方皆不可指派或转让此份合同,或是修改,变更此份合同。


乙方: 法定代理人: 地址: 电话: 邮编:

公元 年 月 日

甲方: 法定代理人: 地址: 电话: 邮编:

公元 年 月 日

