新人教版四年级Unit 1 B Read and write 教学设计

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B Read and write Let’s sing


B部分Read and write Let’s sing


本课时包括B Read and write和 Let’s sing两部分内容,主要让学生



学生在三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car?中已经学习了句型“Where is …?It is in/ on/ under…”,掌握了方位介词的用法。本单元第一课时中也涉及到此句型。学生在听说认读方面已经掌握得很好,所以本节课的重点是让学生看图正确理解短文,并且正确书写句子。学生第一次写英语句子,可能会遇到很多困难,如:忘记句子开头单词的第一个字母大写;忘记在句子末尾加标点符号;把句点写成句号;句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽等。学生需要认真看教师板书,多加练习。



1. 能听、说、读、写句型:Where is the…? It’s in/on/under/near the…

2. 能朗读并理解本节课文本。

3. 能阅读并理解其他相关话题的文本。

4. 了解知识点:方位介词in/on /under/near的用法。代词it的用法。代词it可以用来指上面提到过的人或事物。如:Where is the book? It is …


1. 培养学生良好的行为习惯。

2. 热爱我们的教室;保持教室干净整洁。



1. 准确理解图和短文的内容。

2. 掌握句型 Where is the …? It is in/on/under/near…的正确书写。


句型 Where is the …? It is in/on/under/near…的正确书写。







Let’s do。

学生跟唱Part A 部分的Let’s do并且跟做动作。




根据教学设计,我把学生分成两组:男生是Tutu Group,女生是Xiaomei Group,哪组同学回答对问题或在比赛中获胜,哪组同学将获得一张教室设施的图片,如:teacher’s desk, computer, fan, light, picture, board, desk, chair等等, 看最后哪个小组的教室里设施最多。




T: We have a new classroom. We also have a new friend.

( 出示课件图片)Who is he?

Ss: He is Tutu.

Tutu: Hello, I’m tutu. Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you, too!

Tutu: We are friends now. Can I study with you?

Ss: Sure.

S: But, tutu, where is your bag?


教师利用课件出示大耳朵图图的图片说:Oh-oh! I left my school things in the classroom! Can you help me find them?

Ss: OK. Let’s go!


1. Watch the flash..

2. Answer the questions.

Tutu: Where is the green book?

Xiaomei; It is on the teacher’s desk.

Tutu: Where is the kite?

Xiaomei; It is near the window.

Tutu: Where is the picture?

Xiaomei; It is near the bag.

Tutu: Where is the blue pencil box?

Xiaomei; It is on the floor.


Read and tick or cross.


3. Listen and imitate.





1. Read and circle.学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。

2. Read and answer the questions. 教师不断地问学生问题,让学生在回答中进一步理解文本内容。

T: Where is the yellow book?

S: It is on the teacher’s desk.

T: Where is the red pencil box?

S: It is on the desk.

3.Play a guessing game.


4.教师指导句子书写。句子开头单词的第一个字母要大写。句子末尾要加标点符号。 陈述句后面要加句点,不要写成句号。句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。

It 是指示代词,代指上文提到的内容。It=the ﹢名词。例如,where is the book? 我们也可以说 where is it ?


Retell the passage.教师引导学生复述短文主要内容。

The green book is on the teacher’s desk. The kite is near the window. The picture is near the bag. The blue pencil box is on the floor.




1. Talk show. 图图组和小美组的成员向大家介绍一下自己的教室。

Look, this is my classroom. The book is on the desk. The computer is near the door….I like my classroom.

2.Let’s sing.

3. 练习任务中落实,随堂检测


Look, this is my room. Where is the picture? It is on the wall.Where is the ball? It is under the chair. Where is the pencil? It is on the desk.

Read and tick(√) or cross(×).

1. The picture is on the desk. ( )

2. The ball is under the chair. ( )

3. The pencil is in the desk. ( )

答案:× √ ×


We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.

( 我们应该保持教室干净整洁。)

Love our class! Love our school!

( 热爱我们的班级!热爱我们的学校!)


1. Listen to the tape and read after it for 3times.

2. Read the passage fluently.





