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合同日期 Contract Date: 合同编号 Contract NO.:

合同签订方式 Contract Signed By:面签 In Person Seller: Adress: T e l:

Buyer: AP Star Mining and Trade Co., Limited Adress:

T e l: +62 858 10247522

This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereas the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the steam coal on the terms and conditions stated below.


1,Name of commodity: Indonesia Steam Coal(5100~5300Kcal/Kg) 1.1 Country of Origin: Indonesia

1.2 Packing: In Bulk

1.3 Loading Port: 1.4 Discharging Port: 货物名称:印度尼西亚动力煤(5100~5300卡路里/公斤) 1.1 原产地:印度尼西亚 1.2 包 装:散装

1.3 装 港: 1.4 卸 港:

2,Quantity: 6 00,000 WMT One Year,50,000 WMT per month,DMT +/-10%.



Gross Caloric Value 5300 - 5100 kcal/kg ( Reject below 5100 kcal/kg) Total Moisture Inherent Moisture Ash Content Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Total Sulphur HGI Size 货物规格: 发热量 5300 - 5100kcal/kg ( 5100 kcal/kg 以下拒收) 总水分 不超过38% (40%以上拒收) 内水 灰分 挥发分 固定炭 全硫分 不低於 15% 不超过10% 不超过42% 差异 (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ARB) 38Max (Reject above 40%) 15% Min 10% Max 42% Max By Difference Bellow 0.6% (Reject above 0.8%) 60 Min Index Point 0-50mm(90%) (ADB) (ARB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) (ADB) 0.6% 以下 (0.8%以上拒收) 哈氏可磨性指数 粒度 大于60 0-50mm (90%)

3,Delivery period:

Shipment:50,000 MTW per months,each vessel is 50,000MT,FOB or CIF. 供货期

船 运:每船50,000吨,每月50,000公吨,FOB交货,货物总量卖方分12期(船)交货完毕,但卖方首期(船)交货量以50000吨为限可由买方决定。

4,Unit price and Total amount 单价和总量

4.1 The Buyer shall pay the Seller in united States Dollars (USD) Seller and Buyer are mutually agreed of a constant for this contract at a base price of USD49/MTW FOB mother vessel Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan(USD59/MTW CIF mother vessel China,Fuzhou PORT)


4.2The total amount of the contract is 50,000mt×12= 600,000MT 合同涉及的货物总量为50,000公吨×12个月=600,000公吨。

5,Weight and Price Adjustment 重量及价格调整

5.1 For Gross Calorific Value (air dried basis):This Unit Price of the product is based on contractual specification Kcal/kg.The right of Rejection is granted to the Buyer if the Actual Gross Calorific Value (air dried basis) falls below Kcal/kg (ADB).


5.2 For Total Moisture (ARB) 对于全水份(收到基)

The right of Rejection is granted to the Buyer if the Total moisture (ARB) exceeds 20%

收到基水分大于40% 时,买方有权拒收货物。

If the Total Moisture (as received) is above or below 28%, the Bill of Lading Weight at the Loading port will be adjusted to arrive at the Actual Weight for the purpose of Invoicing using the following formula:

总水分应在38%以下标准,否则如超过38 % ,根据装载港口的重量提单将会使用下列的公式被调整为了开发票的真实重量:

5.3 For Total Sulphur (ADB) 对全硫分(空干基)

The right of Rejection is granted to the Buyer if sulfur content in the product inspected by the independent inspection organization at unloading port is greater than 1% under ADB.



6,Delivery term 货运条款

6.1 First shipment delivery of coal for a quantity of 30,000 MTW (?10%) shall be

ready on port within 30 working days after executed of official contract and received of the payment instrument. Delivery will be done per 20,000 metric ton basis. 第一船货物需在合同签订后的 个工作日内到达装船港口。

6.2 Subsequent cargo of Steam Coal for a quantity of 30,000 MTW (?10%) shall be

ready on port within 15~20 working days after the first shipment and payment draw down. 第一批货物和货款结算后的15-20个工作日内,下一批货物要到达装船港口。 6.3 The Parties may agree upon the extension of the delivery period. On this event,

the Party responsible for the delays (seller in cargo reading or buyer in nominating the time) will have to bear the costs at respective storage of cargo. 从签订合同后直到规定的发货期限,卖家需保障足够的产量以供买方装运。双方如达成延期协议,责任方(导致延期的一方)将承担相应费用。

7,Loading and unloading terms装卸条款

7.1 Loading Rate - Working days, including Sundays and Indonesia Legal Holidays,

minimum 8,000 MT/ weather day. 装船率:最低5000—6000公吨/日包括周日和印度尼西亚法定节假日。 7.2 Demurrage as per CHARTER PARTY 滞期费按租船条款。

7.3 The Seller will inform Buyer upon nomination of the vessel the rate of demurrage and other details of the vessel.


7.4 Should the vessel Buyer nominated delay to arrive the loading port, Seller take responsibility for the loss.

前面4期(或船)货物,卖方应于收到买方预付款后的次日起开始装船,并于 日装船完毕;从第5期(或船)卖方应于买方船只到达装货港后 日内开始装船并于 日装船完毕。


8,Payment 支付条款

8.1After signing of this contract, the Buyer shall within 3 International banking days issue Irrevocable, transferred Documentary LETTER OF CREDIT for 100% invoice value covering 30,000MT equivalent to USD PAYMENT INSTRUMENT shall name the Seller as beneficiary payable at sight against presentation of the documents. The payment instrument shall allow a quantity and contractual value amount difference of +/- 5%.


前面4船货物,在买方确定卖方开采出的煤矿储量齐备后,买方大船到达装船港口货物装船时,买方应立即以T/T支付当期货值的 50%减去27.5万美金后的预付款,卖方交验货物并提交全部装载港单据后,并以装载港单据和卸货港单据为依据,于10个工作日内双方进行价款结算,买方即以T/T方式支付剩余货款。

8.2 Transferable, irrevocable Documentary letter of credit in favour to Seller’s bank

verbiage, payable 100% at sight in USD.


买方应于乙方备齐货物并开始装船后3个国际银行工作日内开具信用证为不可撤销的,不可转让的即期信用证。仅采用信用证支付的,此信用证的面值应足够支付每期(船)货物价值。该信用证应写明卖方为受益人(除 另有通知),可按单据提示立即兑现。该信用证与合同标的金额的出入限于+/-10%。 8.3 Spelling and typographical errors and differences of such nature between Bank issued and Beneficiary issued documents shall not be deemed discrepancies. 银行开出和受益人出具文件间拼写和排字错误及该种性质的差异不得视为瑕疵。

8.4 Document required for payment. 付款所需单据 Payable against all documents.

1) Full set of 3/3, “Clean on board “Bill of Lading. Or Forward Certificate Receipt issued by International Logistics Company certify that goods' name and quantity in one original.\ 每批交货的全套(3/3)清洁已装船海运提单,或者国际货代公司出具的注明货物名称和数量的货代收据原件一份。 2) Commercial Invoice(s) in three originals 三份正本商业发票

3) Certificate of origin, 1 Original + 3Copies. 原产地证明,1份正本和3份副本

4) Certificate of quality and quantity issued by CCIC in 1 original and 1 copy. CCIC检验公司出具的质量数量证明1份正本和1份副本 5) Packing List 装箱单

9,Shipment 装运

9.1Weight for invoice shall be established by the actual net weight. Weight franchise of 5 % shall be allowed against bill of lading weight. 发票重量需以实际的重量,可接受提单重量5%允差率.

9.2The complete cargo must defer to 300,000 metric ton standards to carry on the transportation every month,the total quantity and quality of goods will be

delivered in 1 calendar month with a mutually agreeable for delays in case of Force Majeure.


9.3 The quantity of goods will be confirmed by Seller on a certificate issued by independent international survey company CCIC.


9.4 Buyer shall arrange for CIQ to perform weighing operations at the discharging port by draft survey in accordance with international practice. CIQ shall issue and send a certificate setting out Gross Caloric Value, Total Moisture, Ash Content, Total Sulphur, and Sizing characteristics to Buyer .Other quantity and Quality inspections at the port of unloading shall be at the buyer’s expense.


10,Claims 声明

10.1 The cargo shall be inspected by CCIC at site. Buyer are requested to provide a qualified surveyor at Buyer’s cost to counter check, inspected and confirmed the Quantity, Quality and specification of cargo, the result are final and binding. No claims or dispute after cargo loaded to mother vessel.

每船货物在装载港必须经过CCIC检验。买方需自费派出专员对货物进行检查,核查并确认货物的数量、质量、规格,检查结果是有效的。以上所述检查结果毫无争议后,才能发出第一船货。 但此核查与确认并不视为买方对货物质量的最终确认,买方对质量有异议时,有权委托中国相关检验机构对货物进行检验,卖方并接受该检验结果。

10.2 Upon Seller’s failure to deliver the goods at stock pile Jetty according to the date and term stipulated on this contract agreement, Buyer has the right to enforce the penalty claim from the Seller’s.


10.3Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition the Seller pays a penalty. The rate of penalty is charge at 1% of the total value of the goods whose delivery has been delayed for every seven days, odd days less than seven days

should be counted as seven days. But the total amount of penalty, however, shall not exceed 2% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. In case the Seller fails to make delivery five weeks later the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract and the Seller, in the spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay.


10.4In case Buyer fails to issue payment L/C 7 working days before Seller delivering the goods, the Buyer should pay 1% of the total value of the contract to the Seller. The Seller has no goods and could not deliver the goods not as per Force Majeure, the Seller should pay the Buyer 1% of the total value of the contract as the fee.

在非不可抗力的情况下,卖方没有货物并无法发送货物,则卖方需向买方支付占合同规定总额1%的赔偿金,且买方有权取消合同。 10.5 English



All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution there of shall be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall be submitted to the Arbitration Court in Indonesia/China for arbitration in accordance with the international Chamber of Commerce arbitration procedures. The decision made by the commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the failing party unless otherwise awarded by the commission. The laws of Indonesia govern this contract.


12,Force Majeure 不可抗力

12.1Both sides in this contract will be exonerated from their obligation in case of Force Majeure event.


12.2Force Majeure is understood as per provisions under ICC500 and means any event such fire, explosion, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and similar natural calamities, wars, epidemics, military operations, terrorism, riots, revolt, strikes, industrial, unrest, government embargoes, or other unforeseeable actions occurring after the conclusion of this contract and outside the sides reasonable control and which cannot be avoided by the reasonable diligence that could delay or prevent the performance of either sides obligations in this contract.


12.3The party to this contract whose performance of this contract is prevented by a Force Majeure event must notify the other party within seven (7) days of the effective date of occurrence, which notice is to be confirmed by a certificate issued by the local chamber of commerce and industry, including particulars of the event and expected duration. Failure to submit such a notification will prevent the parties’ exoneration from contractual obligation under Force Majeure event makes such notice impossible.

因不可抗力事件导致本合同当事人无法履行合同的,该当事人应在发生不可抗力之日起7(七)日内通知对方,该通知应由当地工商联合会出具证明进行确认,包括该不可抗力事件的详细资料和预期持续时间。 如未能提交此等通知将不能免除合同方的合同义务。除非因不可抗力事件导致无法发出该通知。 12.4The performance of either party’s obligation will be in such a case postponed with the period of the existence of the Force Majeure event plus a reasonable period to remobilizing production and shipping. No penalty shall be payable for the duration of this delay.


12.5Should the delay caused by a Force Majeure event last for more than 1 (one) month the side will attempt to agree measures to allow contract to continue. Should such an agreement not be reached within 30 (thirty) days from the date of certified Force Majeure event, the sides are entitled to terminate the contract.

如因不可抗力事件该延迟持续超过一个月,合同双方应协商一致尽力让合同继续履行。如不可抗力证实后30日内双方未能达成一致,则双方有权终止本合同。 12.6The Majeure event does not exonerate the Buyer from paying for the goods already delivered.


13,Effective date 有效期

This contract shall become binding on the Buyer and Seller on the date when both Buyer and Seller have received a fully executed Contract. Facsimile and/or Mail signatures are acceptable. The Contract shall terminate upon completion of the final delivery and payment thereof. This Contract may be extended upon written agreement of Buyer and Seller.


14,Confidentiality 保密条款

The Buyer and the Seller shall respect the confidentiality of this contract and agree to maintain in strict confidence.


15,Non-circumvention 不可欺诈条款

Both parties in this agreement hereby accept to the provisions of ICC Non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreements with regard to all parties involved in the transaction or subsequent transaction or add on transaction renewal, third party assignments with reciprocation.


16,Other conditions 其他条件

1) Original documents issued by THIRD PARTIES are ACCEPTABLE. 第三方出具的正本单据可以接受。

2) All DOCUMENTS must be issued in ENGLISH and CHINESE, both languages

are binding on the buyer and seller.


思为准对本合同进行解释 3) This CONTRACT could be changed, agreed and confirmed by a written ANNEX

only singed by both parties. 只有双方同意,并签署附件,本合同才可以被修改、同意及确认。 4) This CONTRACT is made in 2 (two) equal copies. 合同一式四份,四份同等效力。

5) Fax copies accepted and considered legally binding for contract duration. The

contract could be signed by fax and the original one will be followed by express mail (DHL) 合同履行期间的传真件可以接受,具有同等法律效力。合同可先用传真传签,然后正本用快递(DHL)寄出.

6) DL/C should be opened after the buyer receives the seller’s final confirmation of the terms and conditions of the DL/C; 买方应在收到卖方对信用证的所有条款进行最后确认后方可开出信用证。 7) This contract constitutes the entire understanding between the parties related to

the subject matter hereof and conclusively supersedes all prior writing. Negotiation, and understanding with respect hereto. 合同的改动需经买卖双方书面签章确认后才能生效。 8) All transactions to be Bank to Bank.


17,Effective date 生效日期

This contract shall come into effect immediately after both parties in four original copies sign and date it, each party hold TWO copies.


18,BANKING 买卖双方银行信息 BUYER’S INFORMATION: Company Legal address AP Star Mining and Trade Co., Limited

Telephone Fax Email address Represented by Title Bank name Bank address Account name Account number Swift Bank phone Bank fax

SELLER’S INFORMATION Company Legal address Telephone Fax Email address Represented by Title Bank name Bank address Account name Account number Swift Bank phone Bank fax


Seller’s: Buyer’s: .................................................... Witness:


