M7 Unit 1 Living with technology-grammar导学案教师版

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M7 Unit 1 Living with technology

Period 6 Grammar and usage及物动词与不及物动词

Originated by 刘琼 Revised by 谭海

Studying task: The grammar on P8-9.

Studying aims: Let students understand what transitive and intransitive verbs are. Important and difficult points:

1.Help students learn the grammar---- transitive and intransitive verbs. 2.How to grasp the use of the grammar-- transitive and intransitive verbs . Self-study(自主学习) 英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成为及物动词(transitive verb),与不及物动词(intransitive verb)。及物动词后面必须跟宾语意义才完整,不及物动词后不能直接跟宾语,若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,然后再跟宾语。 1. 及物动词常用于以下结构: (1)主语+谓语+宾语 He reached Paris the day before yesterday. (Paris是reached的宾语) 他前天到达巴黎。 (2)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 直接宾语是动词的直接作用对象,通常指事物,间接宾语是接受事物的接受者,通常是人。 Please hand me the book over there. (me是hand的间接宾语,the book是直接宾语) 请把那儿的那本书递给我。 当间接宾语位于直接宾语后面时,常在前面加介词to,有时用for。 I sent an email to my American teacher. 我给我的美国老师发了电子邮件。 He bought a present for my daughter. 他给我的女儿买了一份礼物。 (3)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 宾语补足语通常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、现在分词或过去分词担任。They asked us to go fishing with them. (us是asked的宾语,to go fishing是宾语补足语) On my birthday my uncle gave me a mobile phone as a gift. 生日那天我叔叔送我一个手机作为礼物。 This concert made her a popular singer overnight. 这场音乐会使她一夜之间成为深受喜爱的歌手。

Satellites make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities. 卫星使得远离城市的人们也能接收电视节目。

He found himself lying in bed when he came to life.当他苏醒时,他发现自己躺在床上。 Don’t always keep the children indoors. 不要让孩子总是呆在家里。 大多数及物动词都可以用于被动语态。 His book has been translated into different languages.他的书已经被翻译成不同的语言。 The early record players were wound up by hand. 早期的录音机是用手摇的。 2. 不及物动词

(1)不及物动词不带宾语,也不能用于被动语态,但常常带状语。 My watch stopped. 我的表停了。

She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。 More challenges lie ahead of me. 在我面前有更多的挑战。

The waters rose higher and higher, as a result, more than 1,000 people had to leave their homes. 水位升得越来越高,结果1000多人不得不离开家园。


The children are listening to the music. 孩子们正在听音乐。 3. 兼作及物动词和不及物动词



Shall I begin at once? (begin作不及物动词) 我可以立刻开始吗?

[来源学*科*网[来源学科网ZXXK]She began working as a librarian after she left school. (began作及物动词) 她毕业后当图书馆管理员。

When did they leave Beijing? (leave 作及物动词) 他们是什么时候离开北京的? They left last week. (left 作不及物动词) 他们是上周离开的。 ②兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,意义不尽相同。 Wash your hands before meals. 饭前要洗手。 Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗? 4. 注意英汉差异

有时英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况: ①有的动词在英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,如arrive“到达”,agree“同意”,1isten“听”。英语里这些动词后面常接介词,再接宾语。

We arrived at the railway station at noon.

我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去) (比较:We reached the railway station at noon.) Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计划吗?(to不可省去)


Our children are taught to serve the people heart and soul. 我们的儿童被教育要全心全意为人民服务。


Team work(合作探究)

Task 1: Complete part A on page 9

1. checked (vt ) 2. bought (vt ) 3. sitting (vi ) 4. see (vt ) 5. talked (vi ) 6. turned (vi ) 7. hurts (vi ) 8. suffering (vt ) 9. thought (vt ) 10. smiled (vi )

Task 2 Complete part B on page 9

1. a _______ b _______ 2. a _______ b _________ 3. a _______ b _______ 4. a _______ b _________ 5. a _______ b _______ Target detection (目标检测)

Task 1 Give the different meanings: vt vi [来源学*科*网Z*X*X*K]beat grow play smell speak[来源学#科#网] [来源:Zxxk.Com]hang operate ring Task 2 Do the exercises on P10-11, XUEHAIDAOHANG. Homework:

1. Review Grammar on P8-9,SB7.

2. Do the exercises on P12-13, XUEHAIDAOHANG.


班级: 组别: 组号:___________ 姓名:

Module 2 Unit 3 Amazing people

Period 1 Words, expressions & Welcome to the unit

Originated by 隆建文Revised by 罗清江

Studying task: The new words and expressions showed on P41-51 & Welcome to the unit Studying aims:

1. Enriching our vocabulary.

2. Mastering some key words and expressions. Self education(自主学习):

Task 1: Read and recite all the new words and expressions showed on P 41-51. Task 2: Learn the parts of speech of the following key words and their meanings: curious fortune preserve entrance content swallow death coincidence connection

scientific disturb breathe riddle labour widespread Team work(合作探究):

Please fill in the following blanks. 1.curious adj. → adv.→ n.好奇心

2.preserve vt. → n.维护;保护;保养___________保存的

3.__________ n.探险家→_____________ vt. & vi.探险,探索___________ n.探险,探索

4.___________ n. 财富;运气→_______________adj.幸运的→_________________adv.幸运地

5._______________ n.巧合,碰巧→____________________adj.巧合的,碰巧的

6._______________ adj.科学的→__________________ n./科学_________________n.科学家


________________ adj.心神不安的

8.________________vi. &vt. 呼吸→________________ n. 呼吸

Target detection (目标检测) 单词拼写

1.I am considering _______________(探索)the possibility of building a nature park in the area.

2.It will do you good being c___________ about the world around you. 3.All the ancient buildings must be well p______________.

4.After we looked into the tomb,we closed it and hid its e_____________. 5.What a c_____________ !I didn’t expect I would meet you in the alien city. 6.Is there direct c____________ between smoking and lung cancer?

7.Miss Zhao would give us the p_______________ by copying the text 5 times.

8.Why are there are so many v__________ in my computer?Can you get rid of them? Discussion and communicating (讨论交流):

Have the students discuss the three questions on Page 41. Homework:

Do the exercises I .重点单词on P55 XUEHAIDAOHANG.

