Unit 2知识点苏教版5年级上英语

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Unit 2知识点


1 student 学生 2 show 展示,示范

3 around 四周 4 second第二

5 floor 楼层 6 computer 电脑

7 room 房间 8 library 图书馆

9 third 第三 10 first 第一

11 cinema 电影院 12 UK 英国

13 ground地面 14 USA美国

15 swing 秋千 16 push 推

17 heavy重的 18 high高的

19 stop 停止,停下 20 great 极大的


1. a new student 一个新学生

2. show around 带……参观

3. show her around the playground 带她参观操场

4. an art room 一个美术室

5 a music room一间音乐教室

6 how many rooms 多少房间

7 how many desks and chairs多少桌椅

8. two computer rooms 两个电脑房

9. on the first floor 在一楼


10 on the second floor 在二楼

11 on the third floor在三楼

12 go and have a look 去看一看

13 Nancy’s classroom南希的教室

14 the ground floor 一楼

15 the second day 第二天

16 the fourth book 第五本书

17 the fifth student 第五个学生

18 in her new school 在她的新学校

19 sing and dance唱歌跳舞

20 drink some nice juice喝些美味的果汁

21 go to the cinema去电影院

22. go and play 去玩

23 in the playground在操场上

24 on the swing 在秋千上

25. play on the swing 荡秋千

26. great fun 有趣极了

27. play again 再玩一次

28. too high 太高

29. so heavy 如此重

30. in the UK 在英国

31. in the US 在美国


32. push him 推他

33 time for dinner吃晚饭的时候了

34 go home回家

35. think and write 想一想,写一写


1. 她是一个新学生。你能带她参观我们的学校吗?

She’s a new student. Can you show her around our school?

2. 你的学校里有多少间教室? 有24个教室。

How many classrooms are there in your school? There are twenty-four classrooms.

3. 在二楼有一个图书馆吗? 是的,有。在图书馆有许多书。

Is there a library on the second floor? Yes, there is. There are many books in the library.

4. 音乐室里有一些照片吗?不,没有。

Are there any pictures in the music room? No, there aren’t.

5. 科学室在哪?它在三楼。

Where is the science room? It’s on the third floor.

6 操场上有一个秋千。让我们去荡秋千吧。

There is a swing in the playground. Let’s go and play on it.

9. 山姆在秋千上。推我,鲍比。你这么重,山姆。

Sam is on the swing. Push me, Bobby! You’re so heavy, Sam.

10. 停!太高了。 Stop! It’s too high.


11. 是吃晚饭的时候了。现在让我们回家吧。

It’s time for dinner. Let’s go home now.

12. 星期天是一周的第一天。

Sunday is the first day of a week.


Cc, Cc, /s/ cinema, dance, ice cream, juice, nice, Nancy, Alice,

Ss, Ss, /s/ sister, school, second, sit, soft, soup, stop, swing, student, glass, classroom,


1、There be句型的一般疑问句及其答句:is问is答,are问are答。 Is there a music room in your school?


Yes, there is.是的,有的。

Is there any orange juice in the fridge?


No, there isn’t.不,没有。

Are there any books on your desk?你的课桌上有一些书吗? No, there aren’t.不,没有。

2、正确区分并使用there are和they are

there are解释为:有,表示某处有某些东西。

they are意思是:他们是(在)。

There are two computer rooms in my school. They are on the third floor.




序数词的构成:一般情况下在基数词的后面加th,例如: four—fourth, six—sixth, seven—seventh,

ten—tenth, eleven—eleventh,…

特殊变化:one—first, two—second,

three—third, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth,

eight—eighth, nine—ninth,

twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth,




one-first, two-second, three-third; th从四起,

八加h, 九减e;ve要用f替; 几十几,几百几,


