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目 录

摘 要 .................................................................. 3 ABSTRACT .................................................................. 4 1.

课题的研究背景与介绍 ................................................. 5

课题来源 ........................................................... 5

开发研究背景 ....................................................... 5 课题研究目的 ....................................................... 6


1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 3.

软件开发环境介绍 ..................................................... 7

ASP.NET简介 ....................................................... 7

C#简介 ............................................................. 8 VS.NET 2005简介 ................................................... 9 设计思想 .......................................................... 10 聚类分析 .......................................................... 10 系统功能设计 ........................................................ 12

3.1. 系统设计思想 ...................................................... 12

3.2. 功能结构图 ........................................................ 12 3.3. 详细功能设计 ...................................................... 14 3.3.1. 学生成绩录入 .................................................... 15 3.3.2. 学生信息查询 .................................................... 16 3.3.3. 学生成绩查询 .................................................... 17 3.3.4. 聚类分析处理 .................................................... 18 3.3.5. 聚类分析结果的打印和导出 ........................................ 20 4.

数据设计 ............................................................ 21

4.1. 数据定义规范 ...................................................... 21 4.2. 数据字典 .......................................................... 21 4.2.1. [班级]表:Class_Information ..................................... 21 4.2.2. [学生信息]表:Stu_Information .................................... 22 4.2.3. [教师信息]表:Tea_Information ................................... 22 4.2.4. [试卷一]表:Teatpaper_One ....................................... 22 4.2.5. [试卷二]表:TestPaper_Two ....................................... 23 4.2.6. [试卷三]表TestPaper_Three ....................................... 23 4.2.7. [试卷四]表TestPaper_Four ........................................ 23 4.2.8. [考试类型]表:Test .............................................. 23 5.

界面设计 ............................................................ 25

学生成绩录入模块 .................................................. 25


5.2. 学生信息查询 ...................................................... 27 5.2.1. 按学号查询学生信息 .............................................. 27 5.2.2. 按班级查询学生信息 .............................................. 27 5.3. 成绩查询 ........................................................ 28 5.3.1. 学生具体成绩查询 ................................................ 28 5.3.2. 试卷成绩查询 .................................................... 29 5.4. 聚类分析处理 .................................................... 30 5.4.1. 进入聚类分析 .................................................... 30 5.4.2. 聚类分析 ........................................................ 31 6 界面设计 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 致 谢 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 参考文献 ................................................................. 34 附 录 ................................................................. 35

摘 要


随着现代科学技术的发展,传统的教学管理已不能满足时代发展的要求,为了改变这种状况,现开发了一套先进的、便于管理的学生成绩分析与管理的系统。本系统包括学生信息管理、学生成绩管理、学生成绩分析三大模块。本系统使用微软最先进的Visual Studio.Net 2005开发环境作为平台,采用SQL Server 2000进行数据库设计。系统的适用性较强,具有一定的推广价值。




Clustering analysish has found extensive applications in many fields.Based on the data dig set theory,the thesis eatablishes a clustering analysis method and dedigning procedures for studying students’management.In this clustering analysis taking basic course scores of the students in four classes ,who come from a elementary school, as the counting index, In order to judge the distance between clustering center and samples of data, the distance formulary of Minkowski has used. There is using iterative follow to do clustering analysis.Detailed clustering analysis results are given by Boole and Transmit closure methode.The results indicates that the proposed cluster’s analysis approach is scientific, rational and suitable for reality ,and it has a very great help in grasping student’s situation of studying.

With the development of the modem science and technology, traditional teaching managerment can’t satisfy the demand of age’s development. To improve the condition, we specially develop a set of advanced and convenient student score analysis and management system. The system consists of student inomation management module, student score management module, and student score analysis module. The system adopts the most advanced development tool Visual Studio.Net 2005 of Microsoft as the developing platform, which carry out database design with SQL Server 2000, This System has strong applicability and covers broad scope that suits the management of adult education in each college, and have certain extending value.

In this article , I mostly develop Student score analysis module .The system use OOP and The whole module design adopts built-in browser .The system have realized the function of the student information search, the students’ score coming in, the student score search management, and analysis of students’ marks. This writing have first narrated the goal of the teaching management system of adult education that background and characteristic; Secondly, have elaborated the research technique, technical route etc. Finally, at the end of this thesis , consider to the problems in system design period and in system debug period I indicate some aspects that need to be improved, and sum up some experience in system design.

Keywords: Clustering Analysis, Data Dig, C# Language, Crystal Report

1. 课题的研究背景与介绍


1.1. 课题来源



1.2. 开发研究背景




