黄冈市2015-2016学年小学六年级英语试卷Unit1 Lesson One及答案

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黄冈市2015-2016学年小学六年级英语试卷 Unit1 Lesson One



一、听音标判断哪个单词的元音字母或字母组合与听到的音标相符,把序号写在括号里(10分) ( )1.A. bag B. same C. jacket D. cap ( )2.A. see B. tea C. tree D. pen ( )3.A. bike B. kite C. sit D. five ( )4.A. let B. bee C. pen D. desk ( )5.A. dog B. so C. hot D. box ( )6.A. fare B. beer C. chair D. care ( )7.A. good B. boot C. food D. soon ( )8.A. park B. luck C. farm D. large ( )9.A. blue B. pupil C. use D. usually ( )10.A. clear B. early C. learn D. bear 二、根据听到的问句,选择正确答语,并将序号填在括号里。(16分) ( )1.A. I’m fine.

( )2.A. They are oranges. ( )3.A. Yes, she is. ( )4.A. Good-bye! ( )5.A. See you again. ( )6.A. Good morning! ( )7.A. How do you do? ( )8.A. Bye-bye!

( )1.A. It's good to see you. ( )2.A. This is Mrs Chang. ( )3.A. What are these?

B. Good morning! B. They are nurses. B. No, I am not. B. All right. B. Hello! B. Good afternoon! B. How are you? B. Hi!

C. How do you do! C. They are pupils. C. Yes, he is. C. Excuse me. C. Bye-bye! C. Good evening. C. Glad to see you, too. C. See you.


B. I’m glad to see you. C. It’s nice to see you. B. This is Miss Chang. C. This is Mr Chang. B. What are those? C. What is this?

( )4.A. Look out! There is a bus coming. B. Look out! There is a car coming. C. Look out! There is a taxi coming.

( )5. A. How did you spend this winter vacation? B. How did they spend this winter vacation? C. How did you spend this summer vacation? 四、听句子看图并标号。(可涂颜色)(4分)



二、根据所给情景选择正确答语,并将序号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1.早上在学校见到Miss Li,应该说“______” A. Hello! B. Good morning, Teacher! C. How are you.

( )2.当别人对你说How do you do时,你应该回答“________” A. Good Morning! B. I’m fine, thank you. C. How do you do. ( )3.当遇见好久不见的朋友时,你应该对他说:“_______” A. How do you do! B. How are you?

4.如何向玛丽问她弟弟的名字?“_________” A. What's your name? B. What's Mary's name? C. What's your brother's name?

( )5.当你见到某人表示很高兴时说:“_________”

A. Hello! B. Glad to see you! C. How are you? 三、选择填空。(10分)

( )1.Mr Crisp is __________ English teacher, but Mrs Sue is _______ teacher of English.

A. an. An B. an, a C. a, a

( )2 –Good morning, Miss Williams. ______

-How do you do?

A. Nice to see you! B. How do you do. C. Fine, thank you. ( )3.-What’s this in English?


A. This is a bag B. It is bag. C. It’s a bag. ( )4.What are __________ and ______? A. she, him B. her, he C. she, he

( )5._______ old are you?

A. How B. What C. how

( )6.What's that ______ English? A. a B. an C. in ( )7.______ can I get to the Great Wall. A. What B. How C. Do ( )8.________ is the post office? A. What B. How C. Where ( )9. Can you count from zero _______ ten?

A. up B. to C. down ( )10.______ your mother a teacher?

A. Are B. Is C. Am

四、写出反义词。(10分) 1. get off _______ 2. close _________ 4. here ________ 5. downstairs _________ 7. after _________ 8. sit __________ 10. go_________

五、请找出下列句子中的错误,并改成正确的句子。(10分)1. He is a old man. 2.I haven't find my cat. 3.I reading a story book. 4.He name is Jack. 5. Don't is late next time. 六、根据问句写答语。(10分) Ann: Hello. What's your name?


Ann: My name is Ann. How are you?


Ann: I'm fine. I am nun England. Where are you from?


Ann: That's interesting. Is your city big or small?


Ann: I'm from London. It's a big city. See you later! Bye!



Unit 1 Lesson One

3. right ________ 6. early________ 9. bad 听力部分 一、 1.B[ei] 2.D[e] 4.B[i:]


3.C[i] 6.B

7.D[u:] 8.B[] 9.A[u:] 10.B[:] 二、

1. How do you do! (C) 2. What are they? (A) 3. Are you Mike? (C) 4. Let's go together. (B) 5. Good-bye! (C)

6. Good afternoon. (B) 7. It's good to see you. (C) 8. See you tomorrow. (C)

三、略 四、

1.You can post your letter to me. 2.Crows like to eat me.

3.You can make a snowman with me.

4.I am the same colour as my name and good to eat.

笔试部分 一、略 二、

1.B 2. C 3. A 4. C.5.B 三、

1.B 2. B 3. C 4. C.5.A 6.C 7. B 8. C 9. B.10. B 四、1.get on 2. open 3. left 4. there 5. upstairs 6. late 7. before 8. stand 9. good 10. come 五、

1. He is an old man. 2. I can’t find my cat.

3. I'm reading a story book. 4. His name is Jack.

5. Don't be late next time. 六、略

