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2013年9月14日浙江高考听力试题及答案 全国英语等级考试第二级(PETS-2)听力



1. What do we know about the man?

A. He has difficulty waking up.

B. He likes collecting clocks.

C. He gets up late every day.

2. What does the man like about the restaurant?

A. Its environment.

B. Its service.

C. Its food.

3. How does the woman probably get to work?

A. On foot.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.

4. What will the man probably do?

A. Stay indoors.

B. Go to a bar.

C. See a doctor.

5. When will the woman be able to use her car?

A. Right now.

B. In three hours.

C. The next day.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。

6. What seems to be the man s problem?

A. Keeping his room clean everyday.

B. Getting along with his roommate.

C. Having trouble making friends.

7. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Try to get more sleep.

B. Buy some music CDs.

C. Talk to Charlie.


8. What do we know about Steve?

A. He s seeing a doctor.


B. He s on a business trip.

C. He s absent from work.

9. How does Steve feel now?

A. Tired.

B. Weak.

C. Bored.

10. What is Sue going to do next week?

A. See her manager.

B. Travel on business.

C. Visit Steve.


11. Why does the man have the talk with the woman?

A. To get a job.

B. To join a sports team.

C. To get into a school.

12. What did the man learn from playing on the football team?

A. How to ask for advice from teachers.

B. How to compete with others.

C. How to manager his time.

13. What are the man s strengths?

A. Hardworking and eager to learn.

B. Supportive and ready to help.

C. Friendly and kind-hearted.


14. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Buying holiday presents.

B. Making a Christmas plan.

C. Sharing opinions on friendship.

15. What does the woman always give to her friends?

A. Fruit.

B. Coffee.

C. Chocolate.

16. What does the woman say about Mary?

A. She prefers fruit to coffee.

B. She is trying to lose weight.

C. She usually goes abroad during holidays.

17. How does the woman feel about Tim s suggestion?

A. Doubtful.

B. Satisfied.

C. Surprised.


18 What does the go group do?

A. Promote peace in the world.

B. Offer support to businesses.


C. Do research on educations in the UK.

19. What may the “big freeze” mean to others?

A. A broad smile.

B. A quick smile.

C. A false smile.

20. How can one make a good impression according to the research?

A. Smile widely.

B. Smile readily.

C. Smile naturally.


Text 1

W: Hey, you have so many clocks in your bedroom. Are you crazy or what?

M: No, I am a heavy sleeper. I want to make sure I can wake up in the morning.

Text 2

W: The food in this restaurant doesn t taste good. I d rather eat in the school s dining hall.

M: But the food isn t everything. Isn t it pleasant to have dinner with light music, without people sitting around you laughing and talking loudly?

Text 3

M: If I were you, I d ride a bike to work. Taking a bus during rush hour is really terrible. W: Thanks for your advice, but I ve lost my bike recently.

Text 4

W: Sweetie, let s go out for a walk.

M: It looks like rain. How about going to a bar for a beer?

W: But I can t drink beer with the medicine I m taking. Why not go to a movie?

M: I would rather watch a video online.

Text 5

W: I d like to have my car serviced — the engine and the wheels checked. How long will that take?

M: Oh, well, it s rather late. I m afraid it ll take hours. You ll have to have it done in the morning. But we can lend you a car like yours free of charge. You can take it now.

Text 6

W: What s going on between you and Charlie? Did you have a fight or something?

M: No. But I can t stand him anymore! He s the worst roommate I ve ever had! He never cleans up after himself, and he s always listening to loud music when I try to get some sleep.

W: Why don t you have a heart-to-heart talk with him?

M: I tried, but it didn t work. Maybe you can talk to him? After all, you re his good friend. Text 7

M: Hi, Sue. It s me.

W: Well, hello. Where have you been all day, Steve? Mr. Smith asked me this morning where you were, but he didn t seem to be looking for you or anything.

M: What did you say?

W: I told him that I didn t know. He seemed very busy, as managers always are. Are you OK?

M: I m sorry I didn t call you this morning. I ve had a cold since Saturday. I haven t eaten much these days, and it has made me feel really weak. But I ll probably be there tomorrow.


W: All right. We ll goon a business trip next week. And don t worry. You should go see a doctor, Steve.

M: Thanks, but I m getting better now.

W: Take care, then. Bye.

M: Bye-bye, Sue.

Text 8

W: OK, tell me about yourself.

M: Well, last year in school, I played on the football team. It kept me busy, but I learned to manage my time. And also, it has been a great experience in learning how to work on the team with other players.

W: How would your teachers describe you?

M: My teachers would say I work hard to get my homework done on time, and I m not afraid to ask for help if I need it. They d also tell you I am friendly to my classmates.

W: Well, why should I hire you over the other eight students?

M: I think I am the very person you can rely on. I ll arrive to work on time and do the best I canon the job. Besides, I ve done volunteer work, and now I d like to gain actual work experience. If you hire me, you ll get someone who is always willing tolearn.

Text 9

M: Hi, Susan. How are you? I ve been wondering when I d run into you. What are you busy with? W: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I m buying some Christmas gifts for those who work with me, but it s really a headache.

M: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you d better divide them into different groups. Who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates? And who are the people who you do not know well but you see pretty much daily?

W: OK. Then what should I do?

M: For the friends, you want to get them personal gifts. Do they like chocolate?

W: This is what I always give. But I know Mary is on a diet.

M: Does she like fruitor coffee? Anyway, think of a gift that you know your friend likes. W: Well, I think fruitis helpful to keep fit. How about the rest of them?

M: Leave cards in their mailboxes or on their desks.

W: Christmas cards?

M: Yes. You can afford that. More importantly, it shows them that you are thinking of them. W: Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You really have saved me, and my money as well! Text 10

M: Hello, everyone. My topic today is about the power of a smile. There are a number of sayings about the power of a smile — & ldquoeace begins with a smile.” “A smile means Welcome everywhere.” “Life is short, but a smile only takes a second.” All good advice, but it may not be as simple as that. According to new research, if you want to make a good impression when you meet people, it s not just that you smile; it s how you smile. The study was carried out by the GO group, a business support organization in Scotland, in the UK. They looked at people s responses to different smiles. They found that the responses differ greatly. Through thisstudy, they say people should avoid three types of smiles. The first is the“Top Fan” — very wide, all teeth showing… possible evidence that you can have too much of a good thing. Then there is the “Big Freeze” — a fixed smile that looks practiced and insincere. Finally comes “The Robot” — a small, thin smile


lacking in warmth. The group also warns against smiling too quickly, saying it can make you look false. The best smile, they say, is slower… and flows naturally across the whole face.


1-5 AABAC 6-10 BCCBB 11-15ACAAC 16-20 BBBCC

