英汉语言对比-1-General Introduction of the Course

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Contrastive Studies of English and ChineseThe Second Semester of 2013-2014 Academic Year E-mail: yinghanduibi@ Password: yinghanduibi123

Introduction of the course Meeting time and classroom Course essentials Course requirements Grading policy Purpose of the course The arrangement/layout of the course book Books and websites for reference

Course Essentials Course Title: Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese Course Type: Optional / Selective Total Class Hours: 34 Total Credits: 2 Course Book: Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese

Course Requirements Attendance Class Participation Individual/Pair/Group Work (Assignments)

Grading Policy Attendance: 10% Participation: 10% Assignments: 20% Final Exam: 60%

Purpose of the course to help the students to be fully aware of the major differences between English and Chinese so that they can do a good job in EC or C-E translation practice. That is to say, after a thorough and comprehensive study of the major differences between these two languages and cultures, the students’ crosslingual and cross-cultural awareness will be greatly enhanced, which will in turn ensure/guarantee a successful transference of the thoughts conveyed in the original text into proper ones in the target text.

The arrangement/layout of the course book

The book is divided into two major parts. The first part is concerned with Language & Culture, which consists of ten pairs of differences between English and Chinese, while the second part focuses on Modes of Thinking, which also covers ten pairs of differences between Chinese and Western nations.

These pairs of differences presented in the book are clearly illustrated by numerous examples chosen from books, newspapers and magazines published at home and abroad so that the readers can thoroughly understand them and perform well in E-C translation practice or vice versa.

Books and websites for reference 陈定安,《英汉比较与翻译》,北京:中 国对外翻译出版公司,1998年。 邓炎昌、刘润清,《语言与文化:英汉语言 文化对比》,北京:外语教学与研究出版 社, 1989年。 何善芬,《英汉语言对比研究》 ,上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2002年。 刘宓庆,《汉英对比研究与翻译》,南昌: 江西教育出版社,1991年。

潘文国,《汉英语言对比概论》,北京:商务印 书馆,2010年。 秦洪武、王克非,《英汉比较与翻译》,北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2010年。 邵志洪,《汉英对比翻译导论》,上海:华东理 工大学出版社,2005年。 王菊泉、郑立信编著,《英汉语言文化对比研 究:1995-2003》,上海:上海外语教育出版社 2004年。 杨丰宁,《英汉语言比较与翻译》,天津:天津 大学出版社,2006年。 Nell Dale/Chip

Weems/Mark Headington, 《英汉对比研究》,北京:高等教育出版社, 2009年。

中国英汉语比较研究会(英文名称为China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese,缩写为CACSEC) 是由全国高校和科研机构从事英语、汉语、 对外汉语、英汉语言和文化对比、英汉互 译等学科领域的教学与研究的、具有讲师 或相应职称以上的教育工作者与科研人员 自愿组成的非营利性人文社会科学学术组 织。

学科组: 典籍英译 英汉语篇分析学科组 英汉翻译学科组 中西文化比较学科组 中西语哲学科组 对比语言学学科组

Discussion Topics

1. Why is it necessary to take this course?

一种事物的特点,要跟 别的事物比较才显出来。 ---吕叔湘

You could know your own language only if you compared it with other languages.---Engels 只有将本族语同其他的语言 进行比较才能真正懂得自己 的语言。 ---恩格斯

