2014年中国银行校园招聘考试英语专项深度练习 - 完形填空(二)

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Have you ever wondered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_ a desire to predict their future _2_.Most people seem inclined to _3_ this task using causal reasoning.First we _4_ recognize that future circumstances are _5_ caused or conditioned by present ones.We learn that getting an education will _6_ how much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy _7_ with a shark.Second,people also learn that such _8_ of cause and effect are probabilistic(可能的) in nature.That is,the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are _9_, but not always.Thus,students learn that studying hard _10_ good grades in most instances,but not every time.Science makes these concepts of causality and probability more _11_ and provides techniques for dealing _12_ then more accurately than does causal human inquiry.In looking at ordinary human inquiry,we need to _13_ between prediction and understanding.Often,even if we don't understand why,we are willing to act _14_ the basis of a demonstrated predictive ability.Whatever the primitive drives _15_ motivate human beings,satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to_16_future circumstances.The attempt to predict is often played in a _17_ of knowledge and understanding.If you can understand why certain regular patterns _18_,you can predict better than if you simply observe those patterns.Thus,human inquiry aims _19_ answering both \

1. [A]exhibit [B]exaggerate [C]examine [D]exceed

2. [A]contexts [B]circumstances [C]inspections [D]intuitions 3.[A]underestimate [B]undermine [C]undertake [D]undergo 4. [A]specially [B]particularly [C]always [D]generally 5. [A]somehow [B]somebody [C]someone [D]something 6. [A]enact [B]affect [C]reflect [D]inflect

7. [A]meeting [B]occurrence [C]encounter [D]contact 8. [A]patterns [B]designs [C]arrangements[D]pictures 9. [A]disappointde [B]absent [C]inadequate [D]absolute 10.[A]creates [B]produces [C]loses [D]protects

11.[A]obscure [B]indistinct [C]explicit [D]explosive 12.[A]for [B]at [C]in [D]with

13.[A]distinguish [B]distinct [C]distort [D]distract 14.[A]at [B]on [C]to [D]under 15.[A]why [B]how [C]that [D]where

16.[A]predict [B]produce [C]pretend [D]precede 17.[A]content [B]contact [C]contest [D]context 18.[A]happen [B]occur [C]occupy [D]incur 19.[A]at [B]on [C]to [D]beyond

20.[A]purposes [B]ambitions [C]drives [D]goals


1.A 词义辨析 exhibit\展出,表现\夸张\超越,胜过\原句意为:实际上,



2.B 词义辨析 context\上下文\,circumstance\环境\,inspection\检查,视察\,intuition\直觉\

3.C 词义辨析 underestimate\低估\破坏\,undertake\承担,担任\经历,遭受\。undertake a task为常见搭配,意为\开始进行一项任务\4.D 词义辨析 选项C、D看似均可,但always显得有些武断。 5.A 篇章逻辑 somehow\不知何故,以某种方式\

6.B 词义辨析 enact\制定法律,颁布\,inflect\弯曲\

7.C 词义辨析 encounter指没有事先计划的、未料到的、短暂的相遇

8.A 词义辨析 pattern模式,式样;design设计,图案;第一段中提到过人们习惯用因果关系去推断,这是一种思考模式。

9.B 词义辨析 absent缺少的,不在的;inadequate不充分的;根据文中意思应选一个与occur意思相反的词。

10.B 词义辨析 create创造 produce产生,得到。原句意为学生知道努力学习在大多数情况下会得到高的分数。

11.C 词义辨析 obscure朦胧的,模糊的;indistinct不清楚的;explicit外在的,清楚地;explosive爆炸的;原句意为:科学使因果性和可能性的观念变的更加清楚

12.D 短语搭配 deal in经营 eg: He deals in a small shop. deal with处理,安排 13.A 词义辨析 distinguish区别,辨别;distinct清楚地,明显的;distort扭曲,歪曲;distract转移。distinguish between为常用搭配,意为\区别...和...\14.B 短语搭配 on the basis of以...为基础

15.C 语法结构 drive在此为名词,意为“动力”,空格后部分是对drive进行修饰,故选关系代词that引导定语从句。

16.A 词义辨析 predict预言;pretend假装;precede在...之前

17.D 词义辨析 content内容;contact接触;contest争论,竞赛;context上下in the context of意为\在...情况下\

18.B 词义辨析 occur发生,出现;occupy占用,占领;incur招致 19.A 短语搭配 aim at瞄准,针对

20.D 词义辨析 purpose目的,以图;ambition野心;drive推动力;goal目的,目标。


A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide--the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that __1__ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less __2__ then, however, were the new, positive __3__ that work against the digital divide. __4__,there are reasons to be __5__.

There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more __6__, it is in the interest of business to universalize access-after all, the more people online, the more potential __7__ there are. More and more __8__, afraid their countries will be left __9__, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be __10__ together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will __11__ rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for __12__ world poverty that we've ever had.


Of course, the use of the Internet isn't the only way to __13__ poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has __14__ potential.

To __15__ advantage of this tool, some poor countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices __16__ respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an __17__ of their sovereignty might well study the history of __18__ (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn't have the capital to do so. And that is __19__ America's Second Wave infrastructure-__20__ roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment.

1. A) divide B) information C) world D) lecture

2. A) obscure B) visible C) invisible D) indistinct 3. A) forces B) obstacles C) events D) surprises

4. A) Seriously B) Entirely C) Actually D) Continuously 5. A) negative B) optimistic C) pleasant D) disappointed 6. A) developed B) centralized C) realized D) commercialized 7. A) users B) producers C) customers D) citizens 8. A) enterprises B) governments C) officials D) customers 9. A) away B) for C) aside D) behind 10. A) netted B) worked C) put D) organized 11. A) decrease B) narrow C) neglect D) low

12. A) containing B) preventing C) keeping D) combating 13. A) win B) detail C) defeat D) fear 14. A) enormous B) countless C) numerical D) big 15. A) bring B) keep C) hold D) take 16. A) at B) with C) of D) for

17. A) offence B) investment C) invasion D) insult

18. A) construction B) facility C) infrastructure D) institution 19. A) why B) where C) when D) how

20. A) concerning B) concluding C) according D) including


1.A 由文中第一行的digital divide得出答案。


2.B obscure模糊的,不清楚的;visible看得见的,明显的;invisible看不见的;indistinct不清楚的,模糊的。空格前的less已有否定意义

3.A force力量,武力;obstacle障碍;event事件;surprise惊奇,诧异。句意:现在有新的、乐观的力量来对抗数字鸿沟。

4.C seriously认真地;entirely完全的;actually实际上;continuously连续地。

5.B negative消极的;optimistic乐观的;pleasant令人愉快的;disappointed令人失望的。前文说有积极的力量在对抗数字鸿沟的不利因素,因此,实际上我们有理由保持乐观的态度。 6.D develop发展;centralize集中;realize认识到;commercialize使商业化,由下文“网络有利于商业途径的普及”,可知此处表述的意思是网络越来越商业化。in the interest of...为了...的利益 7.C user使用者;producer生产者;customer消费者;citizen公民。句意:越多的人上网就有越多的潜在消费者。

8.B enterprise企业,事业;government政府;official官员;句意:越来越多的政府害怕他们的国家... 9.D leave behind 留下,超过与leave相关的短语:leave aside把某事搁置一边leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑leave off 停止,不再穿 10.A 网络把人们联系在一起,选netted

11.B decrease减少,narrow变窄;neglect忽视,疏忽;low降低 句意:因此,我现在认为数字鸿沟是在变窄而不是在拓宽

12.D contain包含,容纳;prevent防止,阻止;keep保留,保持;combat战斗,搏斗 13.C win赢得;detail详述,细说;defeat击败,战胜;fear畏惧。

14.A enormous巨大的;countless无数的;numerical数字的。potential作名词为不可数,不能用countless修饰,big一般表示尺寸、数字、范围上的大。 15.D take advantage of 利用

16.B with respect to 关于,至于 with也可换成in.表示关于的还有with regard to,concerning等。

17.C offence冒犯;investment投资;invasion入侵;insult侮辱

18.C construction建筑;facility设备;infrastructure基础设施;institution公共机构,制度。从后文中出现的infrastructure可以轻易得到答案。 19.A 表语从句,表示原因,“这也就是为什么...”

20.D concerning关于;concluding结束的;according根据;including包括


According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life.

Pearson has __1__ together to work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a __2__ millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key __3__ and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an __4__ life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs __5__ into use between now and 2040.

Pearson also __6__ a breakthrough in computer human links. \linking __7__ to our nervous system, computers could pick up __8__ we feel and, hopefully, simulate __9__ too so that we can start to __10__ full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall


or the Star Trek holodeck,\

But that, Pearson points __11__, is only the start of man-machine __12__:\beginning of the long process of integration that will __13__ lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.\his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no __15__ for when faster-than-light travel will be __16__, or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible.

But he does __17__ social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, __18__ problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic __19__ robots will mean people may not be able to __20__ between their human friends and the droids. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.

1.[A]taken [B]pieced [C]kept [D]made 2.[A]complicated [B]delicate [C]subtle [D]unique 3.[A]breakthroughs [B]findings [C]events [D]incidents 4.[A]expanded [B]extended [C]enlarged [D]enriched 5.[A]being [B]becoming [C]carrying [D]coming 6.[A]schedules [B]plans [C]predicts [D]designs

7.[A]directly [B]instantly [C]precisely [D]automatically 8.[A]that [B]how [C]what [D]all

9.[A]thinking [B]hearing [C]sight [D]feeling 10.[A]form [B]develop [C]find [D]undertake 11.[A]out [B]at [C]to [D]toward 12.[A]program [B]production [C]experiment [D]integration 13.[A]finally [B]ultimately [C]utterly [D]absolutely 14.[A]Through [B]Though [C]During [D]By

15.[A]forecasts [B]articles [C]stories [D]meetings 16.[A]advisable [B]affordable [C]available [D]valuable 17.[A]solve [B]arose [C]exercise [D]expect 18.[A]confront [B]cause [C]witness [D]collect 19.[A]lovely [B]likely [C]lifelike [D]lively 20.[A]distinguish [B]differ [C]diagnose [D]deviate


1.B piece together拼凑,结合 2.D complicated复杂的;delicate精致的,脆弱的;subtle狡猾的,敏感的;unique唯一的,独特的

3.A breakthrough突破;finding发现;event事件;incident事件,事变

4.B expanded膨胀的,扩张的;extended伸出的,延长的;enlarged放大的,扩大的;enriched浓缩的,强化的;extend life expectance延长寿命。 5.D come into use开始投入使用

6.C schedule确定时间;plan计划;predict预测;design设计

7.A directly直接地;instantly立即;precisely精确地;automatically自动地



9.D 根据上文what we feel,以及下文full sensory environments,可知D符合文意。 10.B

11.A point to和point at都是“指向”的意思,point out指出,提出 12.D integration综合,集成,此处指人机一体化

13.B finally表示久等之后,有时表示在一系列因素的最后一个,eg:After putting it off three times,we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.

utlimately指最后,终于,基本上,即达到最高界线。eg:Ultimately people rely on science to gain an understanding of biological phenomena.

14.A through为连词,后应接句子;during表示过程;by表示方式、手段或借助某种工具。 15.A forecast先见,预测

16.C available可利用的,可行的 17.D 注意主语是人,不选arose 18.B

19.C lovely可爱的,有趣的;likely可能的;lifelike逼真的;lively活泼的 20.A distinguish between;differ from;diagnose诊断;deviate from背离

完型填空练习(4) Public image refers to how a company is viewed by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities 1 it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable 2 considerable extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are. A firm's public image plays a vital role in the 3 of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders 4 stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as 5 special groups. With some things it is impossible to 6 all the diverse publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stockholders, 7 it will undoubtedly find 8 from employees who see their jobs 9 .On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, 10 low quality products and 11 claims would be widely looked down upon.

A firm's public image, if it is good, should be treasured and protected. It is a valuable 12 that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has learned a quality image, this is not easily 13 or imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to 14 higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most 15 creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firm's stock to command higher price-earnings 16 than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image. A number of factors affect the public image of a corporation. 17 include physical 18 , contacts of outsiders 19 company employees, product quality and dependability, prices 20 to competitors, customer service, the kind of advertising and the media and programs used, and the use of public relations and publicity.

1. A) which B) what C) where D) whom 2. A) in B) within C) on D) to

3. A) attraction B) attachment C) affection D) generalization 4. A) and B) with C) as D) for


5. A) converse B) diverse C) reverse D) universe 6. A) satisfy B) treat C) amuse D) entertain 7. A) so B) then C) thus D) but 8. A) support B) identification C) compliment D) resistance 9. A) ensured B) promoted C) threatened D) unemployed 10. A) because B) while C) though D) when

11. A) false B) fake C) artificial D) counterfeit 12. A) fortune B) asset C) possession D) property

13. A) countered B) defeated C) repelled D) compelled 14. A) pay B) get C) order D) charge 15. A) favorite B) prosperous C) favorable D) prospective 16. A) rate B) ratio C) ration D) interest 17. A) These B) They C) That D) It

18. A) appliances B) equipment C) devices D) facilities 19. A) on B) with C) in D) along 20. A) relative B) related C) reliable D) reconcilable

参考答案及解析: 1. C)。【解析】连接词辨义。在词组by the communities 1 it operates中,名词communicates后有主语it和谓语动词operates,因此判断该从句为定语从句。而先行词在定语从句中作状语,即it operates in the communities,于是选择C)where。 2. D)。【解析】 考查固定搭配。to...extent或者to the extent of...表示\达到...的程度\,因此答案为D)。 in, within, on 均不能与extent搭配。 3. A)。【解析】名词辨义。由第一段我们得知,公司的公共形象,也就是来自社会各方面的对公司的关注,也即公司的大众吸引力。所以,空格处应选择A)attraction。attachment\附件,附加装置,配属\;affection\友爱,爱情,喜爱\;generalization \一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性\。 4. C)。【解析】考查语义和固定搭配。因为stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials等都属于outsiders,是outsiders的下义词。而词组such...as...就是这种用法。因此答案为C)。 5. B)。【解析】形近词辨义。as well as 连接意义相近的词,前面stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials等都是各不相同的群体,那么后面special groups也应是多种多样的。diverse表示\不同的,多种多样的\,因此选择B)。converse\相反的,颠倒的\;reverse\相反的,倒转的,颠倒的\;universe\宇宙,世界,万物,领域\。 6. A)。【解析】动词辨义。根据后面的例子我们得知,高度自动化的工厂可能迎合了公司债权人和股东的想法,但是却会遭到公司员工的反对,因为他们可能面临失业的危险。因此,公司不可能满足所有公众的愿望。所以选择A)satisfy。treat\视为,对待,论述,治疗,款待\;amuse\使发笑,使愉快\;entertain\娱乐,招待,接受\。 7. D)。【解析】考查句际关系。由上题可知,两句之间是转折关系。因此D)正确。so\因而,所以,那么,这样看来\;then\当时,那么,因而,然后,于是\;thus\因而,从而,这样,如此\。 8. D)。【解析】名词辨义。本句中,两个分句是转折关系,而且作为利益对立双方creditors and stockholders 和employees,他们对待工厂自动化的态度也是对立的。前者有单词approval(赞成)表明态度,后者的态度就应是resistance(抵抗,反对)。support\支撑,支持,支援,维持,赡养\;identification\辨认,鉴定,证明,视为同一\;compliment\称赞,恭维,致意,问候,道贺\。 9. C)。【解析】动词辨义。由上下文得知,工厂高度自动化遭到了工人们的抵制,而他们抵制的原


因就在于他们的工作岗位受到威胁,他们将面临下岗。因此see their jobs threatened或者see themselves unemployed。故选择C)。ensure\保证,担保,使安全,保证得到\;promote\促进,发扬,晋升为\;unemployed\失业的,未被利用的\。 10. B)。【解析】考查连词。本句话中空格前的从句的主语是high-quality products,空格后的从句的主语是low quality products,很明显,两句之间是对比关系,while表示\和...同时\,表示对比关系,因此B)正确。because表示因果关系,意为\由于,因为\;though表示转折关系,意为\虽然,尽管\。 11. A)。【解析】近义词辨析。根据句义, 11 claims意为\不良的、不切实际的、或者虚伪的主张和要求\。false\错误的,虚伪的,假的,无信义的,伪造的\,因此,false符合题意。fake\假的,伪造的,冒充的 \; artificial\人造的,假的,矫揉造作的,不自然的\; counterfeit\伪造的,假冒的\。 12. B)。【解析】名词辨义。根据句义我们判断,具有良好的公众形象是一个企业珍贵的财富。这里\财富\一词并不指代拥有的金钱或财产,而是指代一种长处和优势。asset\财产\owned),\可取之处\,\优势\,因此B)正确。fortune\财富,好运,命运\; possession\拥有,占有,着迷,领土,财产(常用复数)\;property\财产,所有物,所有权,性质,特性\。 13. A)。【解析】动词辨义。这句话的意思是:如果一个企业有良好的形象,那么对手就很难与之抗衡或者效仿。本句中空格一词应能与imitate并列,如果选择\打败\或者\抵制\,那么竞争者效仿这一获得良好形象的企业就无从谈起。counter\反对,反击,抗衡\,因此A)正确。defeat\击败,战胜,使失败,挫折\;repel\击退,抵制,使厌恶,使不愉快\;compel\强迫,迫使\。 14. D)。【解析】 考查语义与词组搭配。在上下文中,由于企业具备了良好的形象,因此它就可以把价格定得更高,可以与最好的发行商和经销商合作等等。charge price (索价,要价)符合题意。pay, order, get均不与price搭配。 15. C)。【解析】 形容词辨义。在诸多由良好的形象带给企业的好处中,企业有望能与债权人建立的关系应是对双方有利的,起促进作用的。favorable\赞成的,有利的,讨人喜欢的,起促进作用的\,因此C)正确。favorite\喜爱的,宠爱的,中意的\;prosperous\繁荣的\; prospective\预期的\。 16. B)。【解析】固定搭配。price-earnings ratio\股票市场上的)市盈率,价益比\。rate\比率,速度,等级,价格,费用\;ration\定量,配给量,定量配给\;interest\兴趣,关心,利息,利益\。 17. B)。【解析】考查代词。在上下文中,我们判断空格是代替a number of factors的,因此They正确。 18. D)。【解析】近义词辨析。根据语境,有很多因素影响了一个企业的公共形象,这些因素包括物理设备等等。因为这些设备会影响企业的公共形象,所以这些设备应该是公众能够接触到的设备、服务等硬件和软件的设施,facilities指为某一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等,因此D)正确。appliance\用具,器具\,一般指电器设备,通常需要动力才能操作的家用电器和装置等;equipment\装备,设备,器材,装置\一般指机械设备;device\装置,设计,图案,策略\既可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的。 19. B)。【解析】固定搭配。contact无论作动词还是名词,都与with搭配表示\与..联系\。 20. A)。【解析】搭配与语义。首先判断空格一词能与to搭配,再通过句义判断词组prices 20to competitors的意义为\能与同行竞争者相抗衡的价格\,relative to\相对于\,因此答案为A)。 relative\有关系的,相对的,比较而言的\;related\叙述的,讲述的,有关系的\,related to\与...有关的\;reliable\可靠的,可信赖的\;reconcilable\可和解的,可调和的\。


When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and __1__


than male managers?

Some research __2__ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater __3__, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a __4__ to bring emotional factors to bear __5__ making workplace decisions. These differences are __6_ to carry advantages for companies, __7__ they expand the range of techniques that can be used to __8__ the company manage its workforce __9__.

A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum __10__ a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that __11__ from the command-and-control style __12__ used by male managers. Using this \approach, \participation, share power and information, __14__ other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these __15__ reflect their belief that allowing __16__ to contribute and to feel __17__ and important is a win-win __18__-good for the employees and the organization.\The study's director __19__ that \leadership may emerge __20__ the management style of choice for many organizations.\(本篇为03.1真题).

1. A) confronted B) commanded C) confined D) committed

2. A) supports B) argues C) opposes D) despises 3. A) combination B) cooperativeness C) coherence D) correlation 4. A) willingness B) loyalty C) sensitivity D) virtue 5. A) by B) in C) at D) with 6. A) disclosed B) watched C) revised D) seen

7. A) therefore B) whereas C) because D) nonetheless 8. A) help B) enable C) support D) direct 9. A) evidently B) precisely C) aggressively D) effectively 10. A) developed B) invented C) discovered D) located

11. A) derives B) differs C) descends D) detaches 12. A) inherently B) traditionally C) conditionally D) occasionally 13. A) encourage B) dismiss C) disapprove D) engage 14. A) enhance B) enlarge C) ignore D) degrade 15. A) themes B) subjects C) researches D) things 16. A) managers B) women C) employees D) males

17. A) faithful B) powerful C) skillful D) thoughtful 18. A) situation B) status C) circumstance D) position 19. A) predicted B) proclaimed C) defied D) diagnosed 20. A) into B) from C) as D) for


1. D confront面对,遭遇;command命令,指挥;confine有限的,狭窄的;committed(对事业,本职工作尽忠的)

2. A despise轻视,厌恶,根据下文可知,这些研究是支持而不是反驳这种观点,只有support为支持的意思

3. B 根据下文,强调affiliation,attachment的自然就是cooperativeness合作了。 4. A willingness愿意,自发

5 .B bear sth. in sth.(one's mind)心里怀有,铭记在心


6. D be seen to...被视为...

7. C nonetheless=nevertheless虽然如此;whereas虽然,反之;这两词表转折,先排除。根据句意,是表因而不是果,故选because

8. A 只有help可以接不带to的不定式。 9. D effectively有效的 10. C

11. B differ from 区别,不同 12. B traditionally 传统上的 13. A encourage 鼓励 14. A enhance提高,增强 15. D things事情

16. C 根据88后的employee可以轻易得到答案

17. B powerful强大的和后面的important重要的相呼应。 18. A win-win situation双赢

19. A 根据后面句子里的情态动词may可知,研究主任的话是预测,不是宣布,故用predict. 20. C emerge as作为,以...的形式,此处意为“作为可供选择的管理模式”


The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an) 1 for a number of institutions and social contacts. In this way, it 2 a variety of functions in human life.

The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the 3 of leisure: there is less time for games, amusement and rest. 4 by what is happening on the screen, children not only imitate what they see but directly 5 themselves with different characters. Americans have been concerned about the 6 of violence in the media and its 7 harm to children and adolescents for at least forty years. During this period, new media 8 , such as video games, cable television, music videos, and the Internet. As they continue to gain popularity, these media, 9 television, 10 public concern and research attention. Another large societal concern on our young generation 11 by the media, is body image. 12 forces can influence body image positively or negatively. 13 one, societal and cultural norms and mass media marketing 14 our concepts of beauty. In the mass media, the images of 15 beauty fill magazines and newspapers, 16 from our televisions and entertain us 17 the movies. Even in advertising, the mass media 18 on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain. Young adults are presented with a 19 defined standard of attractiveness, a(n) 20 that carries unrealistic physical expectations.

1.[A]alternative [B]preference[C]substitute [D]representative 2.[A]accomplishes[B]fulfills [C]provides [D]suffices 3.[A]risk [B]mercy [C]height [D]expense 4.[A]Absorbed [B]Attracted [C]Aroused [D]Addicted 5.[A]identify [B]recognize [C]unify [D]equate 6.[A]abundance [B]incidence [C]prevalence[D]recurrence


7.[A]disposed [B]hidden [C]implicit [D]potential 8.[A]merged [B]emerged [C]immerged [D]submerged

9.[A]apart from [B]much as [C]but for [D]along with 10.[A]promote [B]propel [C]prompt [D]prosper

11.[A]inspired [B]imposed [C]delivered [D]contributed 12.[A]External [B]Exterior [C]Explicit [D]Exposed 13.[A]As [B]At [C]For [D]In 14.[A]mark [B]effect [C]impact [D]shock 15.[A]generalized[B]regularized[C]standardized[D]categorized 16.[A]boom [B]bottom [C]brim [D]beam 17.[A]over [B]with [C]on [D]at 18.[A]play [B]take [C]profit [D]resort 19.[A]barely [B]carefully [C]narrowly [D]subjectively 20.[A]ideal [B]image [C]stereotype [D]criterion



答案详解 1.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。空格所在部分填入一个名词,表示\大众媒体作为许多机构和社会交往的??而影响年轻人的生活\。substitute作名词时意为\代替物,代替者\,常和介词for搭配,本句意为\大众媒体可以代替机构和社会交往\。alternative作名词时意为\可供选择的办法或事物\。preference和介词for搭配,指\对??的偏爱,爱好\,将它放入文中显然不符逻辑。representative一般指人,即被选举或委派代表某人或某团体的人,如representative of the UN/the youth of her generation(联合国代表/一代年轻人的典型代表)。因此[C]项正确。 2.【解析】[B] 语义衔接题。从四个选项来看,能够和后面的宾语functions搭配且符合上下文语义的动词只有fulfill,意为\起??作用\,放入文中指\大众媒体在人们生活中起到了各种各样的作用\。accomplish意为\完成,实现,达到\,后面一般接\计划、任务、目的\如accomplish the plan/mission/object等,不和functions搭配。provide与function搭配,指\提供功能\,但根据上文可知,大众媒体对影响年轻人的生活,是\发挥功能作用\,而非\提供功能\。suffice指\足够,足以\,为不及物动词。 3.【解析】[D] 惯用衔接题。试题所在句子的后半部分指出there is less time for games(用于游戏的时间减少了),这句话是对本题所在句子The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the of leisure的补充和说明。对比四个选项,expense为正确答案。空格处的名词构成的短语是at the ?of?。四个选项都符合要求,分别是:at the risk of(冒??的危险);at the mercy of(受??支配);at the height(在??的最盛时,在??的高潮中);at the expense of(以??为代价)。空格所在句子表示的含义为\在电视屏幕前耗费的时间常常是以休闲为代价的\。 4.【解析】[B] 语义衔接题。空格部分是过去分词结构作状语,表示\被屏幕上呈现的东西所??孩子们模仿他们所看到的\。因此空格处填入的分词要和后面的介词by搭配,而且要符合上下文意。attract常和介词by搭配,意为\被??吸引,对??感兴趣\。在文中意为\由于被电视屏幕上的东西吸引\,符合本题所在句子的句意和语法要求。absorb常与介词in搭配,表示\注意力集中于,被??吸引\;arouse意为\使行动起来,激发\;addict动词,意为\使入迷,使成瘾\,和介词to


搭配。因此[B]项正确。 5.【解析】[A] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的动词构成的搭配是?oneself with?,表示\孩子们直接将自己和(电视中的)不同人物??\identify sb. with sth.表示\把某人视为\,文中表示的含义是:孩子们直接将自己视为电视中的各种不同的人物。recognize的搭配是recognize sb. as sth.(认可,接受某人为??)。unify是及物动词,意为\统一,使一元化\。equate的搭配只能是equate sth. with sth.(使等同)。因此,选项[A]是正确答案。 6.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的名词说明\暴力\的特点。abundance是褒义词,指\大量,丰富,充裕\,它不和violence搭配。incidence指\发生率,影响范围或程度\,是中性词,常常由形容词修饰后表示褒贬,如an area with a high incidence of crime(犯罪率高的地区)。prevalence指\普遍,盛行\,放入文中指\媒体里暴力的普及\。recurrence表示\重现,复发\。由上下文可知,美国人应担忧媒体中暴力的\普及\,而非\发生率\或\重现\。 7.【解析】[D] 语义衔接题。disposed只作表语,意为\倾向于,有意于\。hidden意为\隐藏的;神秘的\,强调不外露,不明显,如hidden illness(隐疾),hidden treasure(秘藏的财宝)。implicit指\语言上)含蓄的,不直接言明的\。potential意为\潜在的,可能的\,指将来可能形成的。由上下文中的concern about和for at least forty years可知,人们担忧的是一种潜在的危害。因此,potential为正确答案。 8.【解析】[B] 语义衔接题。试题所在句子的前后文形成了例证关系。 再从语义上来看,media的修饰词是new,因此要填入的单词应当表达\出现\的含义,对比四个选项,emerge(出现)是正确答案。merge意为\结合,融合\;immerge意为\浸入\;submerge意为\淹没,完全掩盖\。 9.【解析】[D] 逻辑衔接题。空格上文指的是these media \这些(新的)媒体\,空格后是television \旧的媒体)电视\,前后是并列关系,由于文中对两者是同等的强调,并没有突出新旧媒体的不同,因此应选along with,表示\这些媒体连同电视一起\。apart from表示\除??之外\。much as意为\尽管\,一般引导让步句子。but for意为\要不是\,多用虚拟语气。along with表示\连同??一起, 随同??一起\。 10.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的动词的主语是these media,宾语是public concern and research attention。四个选项中,prompt指cause sth. to happen(促使,导致,激起)。放入文中表示\这些媒体引起了公众的担忧和研究的注意\,符合文意。promote指help sth. to happen or develop(促进,推动)。显然不能说\媒体促进了公众的关注\。propel本义指push sth. forward or in a particular direction(推进),用于抽象含义时只能是propel sb. into sth.,表示\驱使某人进入一种状态\,如Fury propelled her into action(怒火驱使她行动起来)。prosper意为\使)繁荣,昌盛\。 11.【解析】[B] 语义衔接题。空格所在部分中的核心名词是societal concern,其后是较长的后置定语on our young generation by the media。空格处填入的过去分词表被动,其主语是the media,宾语是societal concern。因此,关键要辨析选项中的动词的用法,它应该可以用于the media ?another large societal concern on our young generation这个句子中。符合要求的只有[B],impose sth. on/upon sb./sth.表示\迫使,把??强加于\。将impose代入文中,指\媒体使年轻一代受到的另一方面的社会关注是身体形象\。inspire直接接sth.的搭配是inspire sth. in sb.\鼓舞,激励,激起(错觉或情感)\。deliver的搭配是deliver sth. to sb./sth.(递送,交付)。contribute作及物动词时的搭配是contribute sth. to sth.(增加,增进)。 12.【解析】[A] 语义衔接题。external意为\外界的,外来的\,指与其他物体分离或没有关系的外部,不涉及内容,如a combination of internal and external factors(内外因结合)。exterior意为\外部的,外表的,外面的\,强调位于事物的外表以上,但仍是该事物的一部分,如exterior walls/surfaces(外墙,外层表面)。explicit意为\清楚明白的,直截了当的\。exposed常用来修


饰\地方或人\,意为\无遮蔽的,无保护的\。因此能和forces搭配的是external,指\外部力量\。 13.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。试题的前后文形成了例证关系,上文提到,外部力量影响身体形象;空格下文则具体解释说明,社会文化标准和大众媒介的营销对我们美的观念有影响。因此下文是对上文的具体举例说明。选项中的介词和one都可以构成固定搭配。as one表示\一致,一齐\。at one(with sb./sth.)表示\完全一致,是??的一部分\。for one表示\作为其中一个,举例来说\。in one表示\集于一身(或一体);多功能,多用途\。因此表达这种逻辑关系的是for one。 14.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。mark作及物动词时表示\表明,是??的迹象/征兆\。effect作动词指make sth. happen\使发生,实现,引起\,如effect a cure/change/recovery(产生疗效/引起变化/实现复苏)。impact可作及物动词,表示\对??有影响,有作用;冲击\。shock作动词时接人作宾语,表示\使(某人)震惊/气愤/厌恶\。由下文可知,文章主要论述了媒体中\以瘦为美\的宣传影响着青少年的审美价值观。因此,本题应选择impact,表示\社会文化标准和大众媒体的营销冲击着我们关于美的观念\。 15.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。standardized指having the same features or qualities,made standard(标准的,定型的),它用在文中指\标准的美女\。generalized指not detailed, not limited to one particular area(笼统的,普遍的,概括性的)。regularized指made legal or official(合法化的,正式存在的)。categorized指put into groups(分类的,归类的)。 16.【解析】[D] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的动词的主语是the images,状语是from our televisions。四个选项都可以充当动词。beam表示\发射电波,播送\。放入文中表示\标准美女的形象从电视中播放出来\,是正确答案。boom表示\迅速发展,繁荣昌盛\。bottom表示\达到底部,降到最低点\。brim指\使)满,盛满\。 17.【解析】[D] 结构衔接题。the movies相当于cinema(电影院)。用在地点、地名前,at可以表示抽象概念,如at the movies意为\在看电影\;over表示\在??之上,通过\,和movies不搭配。on表示\通过,使用,借助于\。with表示方法、手段,entertain sb. with sth.是常用搭配,表示\用??娱乐\。文中entertain表示的动作的主语是the images,表示的含义是\标准的美女形象娱乐着我们\,因此不能选with,而应选at,即\在看电影时(其中的)标准的美女形象娱乐着我们\。 18.【解析】[A] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的动词应和介词on搭配,符合上下文意。play on/upon sth.表示\利用(感情等)\,如Advertisements often play on people's fears(广告常利用人们的恐惧心理)。文中表示的含义是\在广告中,大众媒介利用公认的瘦和健康的文化价值来赢得商业利润\。take on sth.表示\呈现,具有(特征、外观等);承担,同意负责\。profit和介词by/from搭配,表示\获益,得到好处\。resort和介词to搭配,表示\求助于,依靠,诉诸\,如resort to force(诉诸武力)。 19.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。空格处的副词和分词defined一起修饰名词短语standard of attractiveness(吸引力的标准)。barely意为in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty(仅仅,勉强能;几乎不,几乎没有),和defined搭配表示\几乎无法界定的\。carefully意为\仔细地,谨慎地\,和defined搭配意为\仔细地定义/确定\。narrowly可指in a way that is limited(狭隘地,严格地)。subjectively意为\主观地\。由上文可知,\吸引力的标准\指的是\以瘦为美\,强调其标准的狭隘,因此应选narrowly。 20.【解析】[A] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的名词是a narrowly defined standard of attractive的同位语;空格后that引导的定语从句对该词进行了解释说明,即\包含着对外形的不切实际的期望\。ideal作名词时可指an idea or standard that seems perfect, and worth trying to achieve or obtain(理想,看似完美的思想和标准),符合文意需要,即狭隘的\美\的标准是不切实际的,是一种难以达到的完美标准。image指\形象,印象\;stereotype指\模式化观念或形象\;criterion指\评判或作决定的)标准,准则,原则\。



Most people would be (1) by the high quality of medicine available (2) to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of (3) to the individual, a (4) amount of advanced technical equipment, and (5) effort not to make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must (2) in the courts if they (7) things badly.

But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in (8) health care is organized and (9). (10) to public belief it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not (11) the less fortunate and the elderly.

But even with this huge public part of the system, (12) this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars——more than 10 per cent of the U.S. Budget—large numbers of Americans are left (13). These include about half the 11 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits (14) income fixed by a government trying to make savings where in can. The basic problem, however, is that there is no central control (15) the health system. There is no (16) to what doctors and hospitals charge for their services, other than what the public is able to pay. The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache, a sick child, or a heart attack, all the unfortunate person concerned can do is (17) up.

Twothirds of the population (18) covered by medical insurance. Doctors charge as much as they want (19) that the insurance company will pay the bill.

The rising cost of medicine in the U.S.A. is among the most worrying problems facing the country. In 1981 the country’s health bill climbed 15.9 per cent——about twice as fast as prices (20) general.

1. [A] compressed [B] impressed [C] obsessed [D]. repressed 2. [A] available [B] attainable [C] achievable [D]. amenable 3. [A] extension [B] retention [C] attention [D]. exertion 4. [A] countless [B] titanic [C] broad [D] vast

5. [A] intensive [B] absorbed [C] intense [D] concentrated 6. [A] run into [B] come into [C] face [D] defy 7. [A] treat [B] deal [C] maneuver [D] handle 8. [A] which [B] that [C] what [D] when 9. [A] to finance [B] financed [C] the finance [D] to be financed 10. [A] Contrary [B] Opposed [C] Averse [D] Objected 11. [A] looking for[B] looking into [C] looking after [D] looking over 12. [A] which [B] what [C] that [D] it

13. [A] over [B] out [C] off [D] away 14. [A] for [B] in [C] with [D] on 15. [A] over [B] on [C] under [D] behind 16. [A] boundary [B] restriction [C] confinement [D] limit

17. [A] to pay [B] paying [C] pay [D] to have paid 18. [A] is being [B] are [C] have been [D] is 19. [A] knowing [B] to know [C] they know [D] known


20. [A] in [B] with [C] on [D] for


1. [B] 解析:词义辨析题。各个选项的意思和辨析如下:

compress 挤压;压缩。压缩机就是compressor。近义词squeeze。

impress 影响;给某人以深刻印象。名词impression印象。形容词impressive给人深刻印象的,感人的,出色的。

obsess迷住,使困扰。例如He was obsessed with the idea. 她一心想着那个念头。 repress 压制(感情等);镇压。

2. [A] 解析:Something is available to someone:某人可以享受到??

例如: Free education is available to all taxpayers. 所有纳税人都可以享受到免费教育。 available 可以获得的。现成的。

attainable 虽然和available意思相近,但是没有“现成的”之意。包含“需要努力才能得到的”意思。

achievable 的用法和attainable相近。也包含“需努力才能得到”的意思。 amenable 有责任的,需要负责的。应该服从的,有服从义务的。

例如,citizens amenable to the law,应该遵纪守法的公民。He was amenable to spending more time at home.他愿意在家多呆些时间。

3. [C] 解析:extension 延长,延续;推迟。 retention保留,保持,保持物

attention注意, 关心, 关注, 注意力 exertion 尽力, 努力, 发挥, 行使, 运用 4. [D] Vast amount of:大量的。

countless无数的。通常用于可数名词。近义词myriad, many。 titanic 巨大的。常形容体积。近义词colossal broad宽的,宽广的 vast的用途比较广泛。可以用来形容体积,数量,程度,及强度。 近义词enormous。比如:vast amounts of investment巨额的投资

5. [C] 解析:intensive强烈的, 精深的, 透彻的。 Absorbed全神贯注的,一心一意的。

intense强烈的, 剧烈的, 热切的, 热情的, 激烈的

例如,the excitement was intense非常激动intense pain剧烈的疼痛;intense colors,鲜明的颜色;intense effort巨大的努力;an intense student刻苦的学生 concentrated集中的,浓缩的。

6. [C] 解析:Must后面用动词原形。To face = to be faced with:面对。

7. [D] 解析:Handle = to deal with:处理。Treat: 给??治病,对待。Maneuver:有策略、有手腕地对待、处理。 8. [A] 解析:Which引导的定语从句修饰the way。这里in which完全可以省略掉,变成:the way health care is organized?再比如:the way he treated his wife:他对待他妻子的方式 = the way in which he treated his wife。

9. [B] 解析:Finance在这里是动词。和organize是并列关系,用其过去分词。 10. [A] 解析:Contrary to?和??相反。 Opposed to 和??反对,敌对,作对。 Averse (常与to连用)嫌恶的


I am not averse to a dance party and a good meal after a week’s hard work. 我不反对一周紧张的工作后举办一次舞会,再美餐一顿。 The minister is averse to flattery. 部长不喜欢听恭维话。

Object 不及物动词。反对(某人或某事)。例如: I object to all this noise. 我反对一切噪音。

However, others strongly object to developing private cars. 然而,另有一些人强烈反对发展私人小汽车。

He stood up and objected in strong language. 他站起来用强烈的语言表示反对。 11. [C] 解析:looking for 寻找 looking into 调查

looking after 照顾;照看 looking over 检查,察看 12. [A] 解析:Which引导一个非限定性定语从句,修饰名词this huge public part of the system。非限定性定语从句不能用that修饰。

13. [B] 解析:To leave someone/something out:省略,忽略,不考虑。 The entire Chapter II was left out in the second edition. 再版的时候整个的第二章都被删掉了。 To leave over:留下,剩下。

questions left over by history历史遗留下来的问题

14. [D] 解析:There’s no limit on?:??是没有限度的。 There’s no limit on the potential of the human brain. 人大脑的潜力是无限的。

15. [A] 解析:和control搭配的介词是over。

16. [D] 解析:boundary界线;边界。例如,the boundaries of the country ,国界。界限;范围。例如:the boundaries of knowledge 知识范围。

Restriction限制。例如:restrictions for hunters对猎人实施的限制。a restriction against smoking in schools 禁止在学校吸烟 。

confinement (被)限制, (被)禁闭, 产期, 分娩。近义词imprisonment limit, restrict, confine这三个动词的一般含义为“限制”或“局限”。

limit 指时、空、程度、量等方面的“限定”,其内涵是如果超出了这种限度就会受罚或遭到令人不快的后果;此外,这个词也常用来表示“局限” This driver received a ticket because he failed to limit his speed while driving in heavy traffic.


I limited myself to two modest ambitions. to do physical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening.

我把自己的决心限制于两项小小的抱负:即每天早晨做体操,常在晚上多读一点书。 He seems to have only a limited intelligence.

似乎他的智力有限。 We must limit our expense to what we can afford. 我们必须不使开支超出我们的支付能力

restrict 区别于limit 的地方在于,restrict“限制”的是范围,而limit 侧重于表示“限制”到某个点


In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the Press are rightly condemned.

在民主的国家里,限制新闻自由的任何努力都要受到公正的遣责。 The trees restrict our view. 这些树局限了我们的视野。

confine 具有 limit 和 restrict 两者的含义,但 confine 的内涵是“约束”或“束缚” He is confined to the house by illness. 他因病闭门不出。

The professor confined his remarks to scientific management. 那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面。

limit 亦为名词。如:Didn’t you see the speed limit? confine 亦可用作名词 It did not, however, remain within the confines of his estate. 然而,这种疾病并未被局限在他的庄园范围之内。 17. [C] 解析:省略to的不定式作表语。

As I had created the embarrassing situation, I knew the kindest thing I could do was walk away.


18. [B] 解析:主语是复数名词,谓语动词应用复数形式。另外因为是一般事实,用一般现在时。 19. [A]解析:knowing that?现在分词作状语。 20. [A] 解析:in general:总的来说。


Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 1 an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets 2 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 3 the news. Newspapers have one basic 4 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 5 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 6 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 7 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 8 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 9 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 10 of the latest news, today's newspapers 11 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 12 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 13 .Newspapers are sold at a price that 14 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 15 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 16 in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 17 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 18 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 19 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 20 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world—and even outer space.


1.A.Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before

2.A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given 3.A.gather B.spread C.carry D.bring 4.A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose 5.A.make B.publish C.know D.write

6.A.another B.other C.one another D.the other 7.A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So

8.A.value B.ratio C.rate D.speed 9.A.spread B.passed C.printed D.completed 10.A.inform B.be informed C.to be informed D.informed 11.A.entertain B.encourage C.educate D.edit

12.A.on B.through C.with D.of 13.A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose

14.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in 15.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance 16.A.way B.means C.chance D.success 17.A.measures B.measured C.Is measured D.was measured

18.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something 19.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered 20.A.by B.with C.at D.about



2.【答案】A【解析】to give和giving都合乎语法,但giving强调的是正在发生的动作,而此处重点表达的是“反应快”,不是正在做什么。 3.【答案】A【解析】消息,信息要靠收集。




7.【答案】A【解析】根据句中的merely及其后所述内容,应选however,表转折。 8.【答案】D【解析】使用更新,更快的通讯工具,目的是提高速度。 9.【答案】C【解析】报纸是印出来的,先印后看(读)。

10.【答案】D【解析】keep sb.+过去分词是一种复合结构,sb.与过去分词为被动关系,意为保持这种关系的继续。此句的意思是:报纸不断地为读者提供新闻信息。 11.【答案】C【解析】关于politics之类的严肃话题,只能选educate。

12.【答案】B【解析】此句意为:报纸通过广告影响读者在经济生活中的选择。 13.【答案】B【解析】大多数报纸依靠广告收入来维持生存,此现象人人皆知。




16.【答案】D【解析】succeed in为固定短语。此句意为:广告业务的成功,取决于报纸在客户(要打广告的人)心中的价值。



19.【答案】B【解析】offered作services和entertainment的定语。 20.【答案】D【解析】information后面接介词about,表示“关于”。


For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In 1 a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend 2 can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are 3 readers. Most of us develop poor reading 4 at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency 5 in the actual stuff of language itself-words. Taken individually, words have 6 meaning until they are strung together into phrased, sentences and paragraphs. 7 , however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to 8 words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over 9 you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which 10 down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as 11 reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an 12 , which moves a bar (or curtain) down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate 13 the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him.The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, 14 word-by-word reading, regression and subvocalization, practically impossible. At first 15 is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, 16 your comprehension will improve. Many people have found 17 reading skill drastically improved after some training. 18 Charlce Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a reasonably good 172 words a minute 19 the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that how he can 20 a lot more reading material in a short period of time.

1. A.applying B.doing C.offering D.getting

2. A.quickly B.easily C.roughly D.decidedly 3. A.good B.curious C.poor D.urgent 4. A.training B.habits C.situations D.custom 5. A.lies B.combines C.touches D.involves 6. A.some B. A lot C.little D.dull 7. A.Fortunately B.In fact C.Logically D.Unfortunately 8. A.reuse B.reread C.rewrite D.recite 9. A.what B.which C.that D.if

10. A.scales B.cuts C.slows D.measures 11. A.some one B.one C.he D.reader


12. A.accelerator B.actor C.amplifier D.observer 13. A.then B.as C.beyond D.than 14. A.enabling B.leading C.making D.indicating 15. A.meaning B.comprehension C.gist D.regression

16. A.but B.nor C.or D.for 17. A.our B.your C.their D.sucha 18. A.Look at B.Take C.Make D. Consider 19. A.for B.in C.after D.before 20. A.master B.go over C.present D.get through 答案

1.【答案】D【解析】本句意思是“谁如果想谋得一份差事”。applying需加for,意思是“申请”;B.doing做;C.offering提供此三项均不符题意, 只有D.getting(获得)适合。

2.【答案】A【解析】本句意为“快速阅读与理解的能力,是关系到成败的关键所在”只有quickly与原意吻合。easily(容易地);roughly (粗略地); decidedly(果断地)均与原文内容不符。 3.【答案】C【解析】英语中,阅读速度快的人称为good reader,反之,就是poor reader。根据上下文的内容,多数人都属于poor reader,因此选poor(差的)。其它选项不妥。 4.【答案】【解析】B此处的意思是“大多数人早期养成看书慢的习惯”因此选habits(习惯)。training (训练,培训);situations(形势);custom(风俗习惯)。

5.【答案】A【解析】此处说的是“主要的困难在于语言的自身要素,即单词”。combines联合;touches接触;involves包括,这三项的词义与原文不符。而lies与in构成搭配,意为“在于”。 6.【答案】C【解析】这里的意思是“如果单个地看这些字,它们并没有什么意义”。some有点;A lot许多;dull单调的。此三项不合题意。只有little(很少)是否定词,合乎逻辑。

7.【答案】D【解析】此句意为“作者对未受过阅读训练的人的不良习惯感到遗憾”。Fortunately幸运地;In fact事实上;Logically合乎逻辑地,均不妥。Unfortunately(不幸地)合乎句义。 8.【答案】B【解析】此句意为“在阅读时经常重读(反复读)”因此,选reread重读。reuse再使用;Rewrite改写;recite背诵。

9.【答案】A【解析】此处所填的词既是look back over的宾语,又是you have just read的宾语,只有what能充当这种双重成分。

10.【答案】C【解析】scales down按比例减少;cuts down削减;此两项不合题意。 measures不能与down搭配。只有slow与down搭配的意思“放慢”,在此合适。

11.【答案】B【解析】本段前文已经出现you,在此选one(泛指人们,我们,你)来代替you。some one无此用法。如果用reader,前面应加定冠词。he不能与该段逻辑一致。

12.【答案】A【解析】此句意为“训练快速阅读所使用的工具必然与提高阅读速度有关”,因此选accelerator (快读器)。actor演员;amplifier放大器;observer观察者。 13.【答案】D【解析】前面的faster决定了应当选than,构成比较级。

14.【答案】C【解析】此句意为“快速阅读器迫使你加快阅读速度,使你再也不能逐字阅读,回顾前文内容或者默读”。enabling相当于making possible;leading引导;indicating指出,表明。都不合题意。只有making (使,使得)最合适。

15.【答案】B【解析】这里的意思是“速读最初会影响理解”,所以选comprehension(理解力)。meaning意义,意思,指词或词组表示的意义;gist大意,要旨regression回顾 16.【答案】A【解析】与前半句中的not only相呼应,构成句式“不仅??,而且??”,只有选but,而nor;or或for均不能构成固定用法。



18.【答案】B【解析】take与后面的for instance构成短语,意为:“以??例”,其它三项不能构成搭配。


20.【答案】D【解析】此处意为:在较短时间内,读完众多的材料。master掌握;go over复习;present呈现,展现;此三项均不妥;只有get through (读完)最恰当。


18.【答案】B【解析】take与后面的for instance构成短语,意为:“以??例”,其它三项不能构成搭配。


20.【答案】D【解析】此处意为:在较短时间内,读完众多的材料。master掌握;go over复习;present呈现,展现;此三项均不妥;只有get through (读完)最恰当。


