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篇一:《泰坦尼克号 Titanic》中英文台词


0:00: 0, 0 --> 0: 2:08, 0

〈铁达尼号〉 中英文字幕

注:本人经过修改,英语处翻译得不是很好,请见谅! 希望有英语高手帮忙完善它!


0: 2: 9,686 --> 0: 2:14,646


13 meters. You should see it.


0: 2:25,236 --> 0: 2:29,696


Okay, take her up and over the bow rall.


0: 2:29,741 --> 0: 2:32,232


Okay, Mir2, we're going overthe bow.


0: 2:32,276 --> 0: 2:37,213


Stay with us.


0: 3: 6,744 --> 0: 3: 9,679


Okay, quiet. We're rolling.


0: 3: 9,714 --> 0: 3:13,150


Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship


0: 3:13,217 --> 0: 3:16,482


still gets me everytime


0: 3:16,521 --> 0: 3:20,753


To see the sad ruin ofthe great ship sitting here


0: 3:20,792 --> 0: 3:26, 28

一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半

where she landed at 2:30

in the morning ofApril 15, 19 12


0: 3:26, 30 --> 0: 3:30,831


after her long fall from the world above.


0: 3:30,868 --> 0: 3:35,828


You are so full ofshit, boss.


0: 4: 3, 67 --> 0: 4: 7,231


Dive six-- Here we are again

on the deck of Titanic


0: 4: 7,271 --> 0: 4: 9,762


21/2 miles down


0: 4: 9,807 --> 0: 4:13,504


3,821 meters.


0: 4:13,578 --> 0: 4:17,412


The pressure outside is

31/2 tons per square inch.


0: 4:17,448 --> 0: 4:20,549


These windows are nine inches thick and if they go


0: 4:20,585 --> 0: 4:23,520 我们就瞬间sayonara了

it's sayonara

in two microseconds.


0: 4:23,554 --> 0: 4:28,514 好了,废话说够了

All right, enough

of that bullshit.


0: 4:40, 72 --> 0: 4:44,838 像昨天一样,将浅艇陷在主部舱的项上 Just put her down on the roofof

the officer's quarters likeyesterday.


0: 4:44,877 --> 0: 4:46, 37 和平二号


Okay, Mir 2.


0: 4:46,111 --> 0: 4:47,738 我们要陷在大梯上方了

We've landed on the grand staircase.


0: 4:47,813 --> 0: 4:49,644 你们准备好了没?

You guys set to launch?


0: 4:49,681 --> 0: 4:52,343 好,机器人出动

Yeah, Brock-- Launching Dunkin now.


0: 4:52,384 --> 0: 4:57,321

Go, Charlie.


0: 5: 0,826 --> 0: 5: 3,590 放出缆绳放出缆绳?

All right, tether out.Tether out.


0: 5: 3,629 --> 0: 5: 8,589 布洛克,沿船舱往下放

Okay, Brock,

we're dropping down along the hull.


0: 5: 9,268 --> 0: 5:10,701 知道了



0: 5:10,736 --> 0: 5:13,728 沿着一等舱登舱口下去

Roger that. Okay, drop down and

go into the first-class gangway door.


0: 5:13,772 --> 0: 5:18,732 看看D层、接待大厅和餐厅

I want you guys working the "D" deck, reception and the dining saloon.


0: 5:19, 44 --> 0: 5:23,981 知道了

I see it. I got it.


0: 5:25,684 --> 0: 5:30,621 放出缆绳,往左边?

- Now left.

- I'm coming left.


0: 5:38, 30 --> 0: 5:40, 21

Snoop Dog is on the move.


0: 5:40, 65 --> 0: 5:44,866 沿楼梯往下

We're headed down the stairwell.


0: 5:44,903 --> 0: 5:47,667 下到B层,路易斯

Okay, Lewis. Drop down to "B" deck.


0: 5:47,706 --> 0: 5:48,900 A层

Okay. "A" deck.


0: 5:48,941 --> 0: 5:49,930 缆绳放长一点

Give me some rope, Captain.


0: 5:49,975 --> 0: 5:54,935 B层,到里头去

"B" deck. Get in there.


0: 6:30,315 --> 0: 6:32,943 B层,到里头去?

Watch the doorframe.


0: 6:32,986 --> 0: 6:37,946 我看见了,我看见了

I see it. I got it.


0: 6:39, 58 --> 0: 6:44, 18 没事啦,放轻松点,老板

We're good... Just chill, boss.



0:00: 0, 0 --> 0: 2:08, 0

〈铁达尼号〉 中英文字幕

注:本人经过修改,英语处翻译得不是很好,请见谅! 希望有英语高手帮忙完善它!


0: 2: 9,686 --> 0: 2:14,646


13 meters. You should see it.


0: 2:25,236 --> 0: 2:29,696


Okay, take her up and over the bow rall.


0: 2:29,741 --> 0: 2:32,232


Okay, Mir2, we're going overthe bow.


0: 2:32,276 --> 0: 2:37,213


Stay with us.


0: 3: 6,744 --> 0: 3: 9,679


Okay, quiet. We're rolling.


0: 3: 9,714 --> 0: 3:13,150


Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship


0: 3:13,217 --> 0: 3:16,482


still gets me everytime


0: 3:16,521 --> 0: 3:20,753


To see the sad ruin ofthe great ship sitting here


0: 3:20,792 --> 0: 3:26, 28

一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半

where she landed at 2:30

in the morning ofApril 15, 19 12


0: 3:26, 30 --> 0: 3:30,831


after her long fall from the world above.


0: 3:30,868 --> 0: 3:35,828


You are so full ofshit, boss.


0: 4: 3, 67 --> 0: 4: 7,231


Dive six-- Here we are again

on the deck of Titanic


0: 4: 7,271 --> 0: 4: 9,762


21/2 miles down


0: 4: 9,807 --> 0: 4:13,504


3,821 meters.


0: 4:13,578 --> 0: 4:17,412


The pressure outside is

31/2 tons per square inch.


0: 4:17,448 --> 0: 4:20,549


These windows are nine inches thick and if they go


0: 4:20,585 --> 0: 4:23,520 我们就瞬间sayonara了

it's sayonara

in two microseconds.


0: 4:23,554 --> 0: 4:28,514 好了,废话说够了

All right, enough

of that bullshit.


0: 4:40, 72 --> 0: 4:44,838 像昨天一样,将浅艇陷在主部舱的项上 Just put her down on the roofof

the officer's quarters likeyesterday.


0: 4:44,877 --> 0: 4:46, 37 和平二号


Okay, Mir 2.


0: 4:46,111 --> 0: 4:47,738 我们要陷在大梯上方了

We've landed on the grand staircase.


0: 4:47,813 --> 0: 4:49,644 你们准备好了没?

You guys set to launch?


0: 4:49,681 --> 0: 4:52,343 好,机器人出动

Yeah, Brock-- Launching Dunkin now.


0: 4:52,384 --> 0: 4:57,321

Go, Charlie.


0: 5: 0,826 --> 0: 5: 3,590 放出缆绳放出缆绳?

All right, tether out.Tether out.


0: 5: 3,629 --> 0: 5: 8,589 布洛克,沿船舱往下放

Okay, Brock,

we're dropping down along the hull.


0: 5: 9,268 --> 0: 5:10,701 知道了



0: 5:10,736 --> 0: 5:13,728 沿着一等舱登舱口下去

Roger that. Okay, drop down and

go into the first-class gangway door.


0: 5:13,772 --> 0: 5:18,732 看看D层、接待大厅和餐厅

I want you guys working the "D" deck, reception and the dining saloon.


0: 5:19, 44 --> 0: 5:23,981 知道了

I see it. I got it.


0: 5:25,684 --> 0: 5:30,621 放出缆绳,往左边?

- Now left.

- I'm coming left.


0: 5:38, 30 --> 0: 5:40, 21

Snoop Dog is on the move.


0: 5:40, 65 --> 0: 5:44,866 沿楼梯往下

We're headed down the stairwell.


0: 5:44,903 --> 0: 5:47,667 下到B层,路易斯

Okay, Lewis. Drop down to "B" deck.


0: 5:47,706 --> 0: 5:48,900 A层

Okay. "A" deck.


0: 5:48,941 --> 0: 5:49,930 缆绳放长一点

Give me some rope, Captain.


0: 5:49,975 --> 0: 5:54,935 B层,到里头去

"B" deck. Get in there.


0: 6:30,315 --> 0: 6:32,943 B层,到里头去?

Watch the doorframe.


0: 6:32,986 --> 0: 6:37,946 我看见了,我看见了

I see it. I got it.


0: 6:39, 58 --> 0: 6:44, 18 没事啦,放轻松点,老板

We're good... Just chill, boss.


船长: All third-class passengers with a forward berth this way, please, this queue. 前舱旅客,请这边走

妈妈- Right here.

爸爸: - Big boat, huh? 你看这船

Daddy, it's a ship. - You're right. 是大轮船 你说得对

妈妈:I don't see what all the fuss is about. 没什么大不了的嘛!

卡尔:You can be blase about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic. 绝对不能小看泰坦尼克

爸爸:It's over 1 00 feet longer than Mauritania and far more luxurious. 她比毛里塔尼亚长一

妈妈:Your daughter is far too difficult to impress, Ruth. 你女儿真是挑剔啊,露诗

露丝:So this is the ship they say is unsinkable. 人家说她是不沉之船?

爸爸:It is unsinkable. God Himself could not sink this ship. 没错,绝对不会沉

船长:Sir, you have to check your baggage through the main terminal. It's round that way, sir.

卡尔:- Now, kindly see my man. –

船长: Yes, sir, my pleasure, sir. 我的荣幸,请随时吩咐

船长:Welcome aboard, ma'am. Welcome to Titanic. 欢迎登上泰坦尼克号

Rose: It was the Ship of Dreams to everyone else. 对别人来说,她是艘梦幻之船 To meit was a slave ship 对我而言,她像是艘奴隶船 taking me back to America in chains. 要把我押回去美国 Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought-up girl should be. 表面看来 我无异于别的大家闺秀 Inside, I was screaming. 内心里,我却在呐咸


杰克- Come on. – 鱼香! 快走!我要回家了 - I'm going home!

鱼香- I'm going home too. - I go to America. 我要去美国了

杰克: oh No, Titanic go to America in five minutes. 不,泰坦尼克号要去美国


鱼香: Come on. Come on. Here. - 快走!

杰克:We're riding in high style now. We're a couple of regular swells. 这下可风光了 我们要上船跟富人一起了 Y:We're practically goddamn royalty, ragazzo mio. 是吗?可是差点输个精光

Fabrizio: You see, it's my destino!

杰克:Like I told you, I go to America to be milionario.

Driver: Whoa, whoa! - Bastardo!

Y- You're pazzo! - Maybe, but I've got the tickets. 你真是混蛋 没错,但票赢到手了

杰克- Come on, I thought you were fast. - Aspetta!

Y Wait, wait! Hey, wait! 等一下…

杰克 We're passengers. Passengers. 我们是乘客

CAP-Haveyou been through the inspection queue? 你们通关了没有?

鱼香-Of course. Anyway, we don't have any lice. 当然有 我们没有虱子

杰克:I‘m American, - Right, come aboard. 我是美国人


船长:All the way, darling. 好,上船

、All ahead full! 全速前进

肉丝:I felt likel was standing at a great precipice 我仿佛站在悬崖上with no one to pull me back 没人要拉我一把 no one who cared or even noticed. 没人关心或甚至注意到我

杰克:Don't do it. 别跳 Stay back. 退回去 Don't come any closer. 别靠近 Come on. Just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over. 手伸出来,我拉你

鱼香:oh jake Do you really want to save him? He seems quite beautiful。let's go and have a look你真的要救他么 他好像挺美的 那咱们过去看看吧

肉丝:No! Stay where you are. I mean it. 不,你别过来 我是认真的 I'll let go. 我会松手的

杰克:.No, you won't. 不,你不会的

肉丝:What do you mean, no, I won't? 你什么意思?

鱼香:Well, you would have done it already. 要跳早就跳了

ROSE:You're distracting me. Go away. 你让我分心,走开

JAKE:You let go and I'm going to have to jump in there after you. 你若跳下去的话,我也只好跟着跳了

鱼香:不 你不能跟着他跳you can not jump in there after her ,you are me

肉丝:and I'm telling you... water that cold, like right down there ,it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think-- 我跟你说啊 有如被千刀万剐一样掉进那么冷的水里 你没法呼吸,没法思考

杰克:Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. 所以,我不是很希望跟着你跳下去 鱼香:don't go crazy Why'd you do that? 是的杰克 你可别发疯

ROSE:Like I said... I don't have a choice. 但我说过了我没有什么选择

JAKE:I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here. 所以,我希望你下来别让我为难

杰克:Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this. 手伸过来 跳下去可不好

JAKE:Whew! I'm Jack Dawson. 我是杰克·道森

ROSE:Rose Dewitt Bukater. 萝丝·狄威特·布克特

鱼香:I am the yx from China

JAKE:I got you! Come on. 我抓住你了 上来

卡尔 :What's all this? 这是怎么回事? You stand back!你退后!不要动! Fetch the master-at-arms! 去叫纠察长 What made you think 怎么可以这样? Don’t put your hands on my fiancee? 是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的? Go away! ROSE- What do you think you were doing? - Cal, stop. 卡尔 - It was an accident卡尔别这样,那是个意外

卡尔:. - An accident? 意外?

肉丝:It was. Stupid really. 对啊 真是难为情 I was leaning over, and I slipped. And I would have gone over board but Mr. Dawson here saved me 我趴在栏杆上,结果滑倒了我差点掉下去 是道森先生救了我

卡尔:Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗?

杰克:Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty much it. 对,差不多

船长:Well, the boy's a hero then. Good for you, son. Well done. 这孩子英雄救美好极了,孩子

鱼香:So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh? 没事,回去喝酒吧

妈妈: Look at you. You must be freezing. Let's get you inside. 看你一定冻坏了快进去吧

鱼香:Perhaps a little something for the boy. 该给点奖赏吧?

船长:Of course. Mr.YU I think a 20 should do it. 应该的赖福杰先生,二十元够吧?

杰克:Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗?

妈妈:Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧

爸爸:to regale our group with...your heroic tale. 还可以向我们叙述,你英勇救人的故事

鱼香:Can have dinner Can't do other You are not good 吃饭行 干别的不行 你们不是好人


妈妈:Good. Settled then. 好,就这么说定了


肉丝:So you want to go to a real party? 想不想参加一个真正的派对?

杰克:yes 想去

鱼香:plus me plus me 带我一个带我一个

杰克:Is okay I put my hand here? Okay. 手放这里可以吗?

鱼香:i don't think so我觉得不行

杰克:I'm going to dance with her now, all right? 我要跟她跳了

鱼香:who can dance with me .The captain, you come here a minute. 那我跟谁跳呀 船长你来一下,船长:我来了

肉丝:- Come on. - Come with me. - What? Jack--Jack, wait! 来,跟着我

杰克:- I can't do this. We're going to have to get a little bit closer. 我不会跳

肉丝:要靠近一点 Like this. 像这样

鱼香: I don't know the steps. - 我不晓得舞步

船长:Just go with it. Don't think. 我也是 跟着节拍就是了 不必多想

杰克:under that you're the most amazingly astounding 但内心里,你是我所见过. wonderful girl-- woman-- that I've ever known and... 最脱俗、最好的女孩

肉丝:- Jack, l... - No, let me try and get this out. 杰克,我…

杰克:You're, you're ama-- 不,先让我说完 I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. 我也知道人情世故 I've got ten bucks in my pocket. 我身上只有十块钱 I have nothing to offer you and I know that. 没有什么可以给你 肉丝:I understand. 这我了解

杰克:But I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? 但我已不能自拔 你跳,我就跳,记得吗?

妈妈:亲爱的你不要总用肚子盯着我 我都看不见自己的脚的。Dear, you do not always stomach staring at me and I can not see their own feet.

爸爸:你还看自己的脚 你快看跟女儿跳舞的人是谁 是那个穷小子么 。You also see on their own feet Look Who danced with her daughter that the poor boy。

船长:你看他们两个 你挑我也跳的

鱼香:So embarrassed there are so many people the man i loved andthe women I loved being together真难为情 这么多人 我最爱的男人和我最爱的女人在一起了

船长:小伙子 你挺好的 你看我怎么样

鱼香:No no no captain you a serious person 不不不 船长你是个正经人

肉丝 :It's not up to you to save me, Jack. 你救不了我的,杰克

杰克:You're right. Only you can do that. 你说得对 只有你能救你自己

肉丝:I'm going back. Leave me alone. 我要回去了 别再找我了 我妈妈一直看着我呢

肉丝:妈妈 爸爸 怎么了 你们的脸色这么不好

爸爸:跟你一起那个小伙子是谁 是不是那个穷小子

妈妈:卡尔呢 你怎么没和他在一起。Where is 卡尔

肉丝:别说了 我根本不爱卡尔都是你们硬要我们在一起


妈妈:明天就叫他来吃饭 我要跟他谈谈。Let he come here for dinner ,I have something to told him

鱼香:Jack is going see ther肉丝's parents ,I am sad very much杰克要见那个女孩的父母了 我好难过 船长:孩子别伤心 你还有我呢


杰克:哈罗,船长先生Hello, Mr Andrews.

船长:哈罗,杰克 哈罗 肉丝Hello, Jack.

杰克:我找人Sir...I just need to talk to somebody...

船长:你不能来这里You're not supposed to be in here.

杰克:我昨晚有来,记得吗?You don't remember me?

卡尔:是你 没有人记得你,请走开 提醒你拿的是三等舱的票,到这里来不太恰当You hold a third-class ticket.Your presence here is no longer appropriate.

杰克:Please, I just wanna speak to Rose...让我跟萝丝讲话

船长:两位,请护送道森先生回去Gentlemen, please see that Mr Dawsongets back to where he belongs 卡尔:让他别再来了and let he stays there.

鱼香:You can't do this to jack, jack you look there. 肉丝is there She is a true Pretty Girl 你们不能这么对杰克 杰克你看肉丝在哪 她可真美

杰克:肉丝肉丝 我在这

Rose: Mother. May I introduce Jack Dawson?杰克 过来妈妈。请允许我向你介绍Jack Dawson。

妈妈: Charmed, I'm sure. 真是幸会。

-Rose: The others were gracious and curious…about the man who'd saved my life. 其他人对我的这位救命恩人都很亲切,而且感到好奇。

妈妈: Jack, sounds like you're a good man to have around in a sticky spot. 据说你是个遇事沉着冷静的小伙子。 杰克:多谢夸奖

鱼香:That's of course 那是当然了

妈妈: Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr.Dawson. I hear they're quite good on this ship.跟我们说说下等舱的条件怎么样,Dawson先生。听说在这条船上相当不错。

杰克: The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats. 是我见过的最好的了。几乎没有老鼠。

卡尔: Mr. Dawson is joining us from the third-class. He was of some assistance to my fiancee last night.目前住在三等舱。他昨晚救了我的未婚妻。

肉丝: It turns out that Mr.Dawson is quite a fine artist. He was kind enough to show me some of his work today.杰克先生其实是个相当不错的画家。今天他给我看过他的一些画。

卡尔: Rose and I differ somewhat in our definition of fine art. Not to impugn your work, sir.

differ: 肉丝和我在艺术鉴赏方面可有些分歧。当然这不是说你的作品不好。

-Ruth: And how is it you have means to travel? 你旅行的费用是从哪里来的呢?

杰克: I work my way from place to place. You know, tramp steamers and such. 我每到一处都要打工赚钱。在货船之类的地方。

鱼香:But I won my ticket on Titanic here at a lucky hand at poker. A very lucky hand.这张泰坦尼克号的船票是赌牌赢来的。非常幸运。

爸爸: All life is a game of luck. 人生就是要靠运气。

卡尔: A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson? 有能力的人自己创造运气,Archie。对吧,Dawson? 妈妈: And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you? 那么你觉得这种四处漂泊的生活很有意思,对吧? 杰克: Yes, ma'am, I do. I mean, I've got everything I need right here with me. 是的,夫人,我很喜欢。所有家当都在身上。I got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper.健康的身体和画纸。I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen…or who I'm gonnameet…我喜欢每天早晨醒来时不知道会有什么遭遇…不知道会遇见什么人的感觉…where I'm gonna wind up.这让我觉得振奋。

鱼香:Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge, and now…here I am on the grandestship in the world…前几天夜里我还在桥下过夜…而现在…我却在世界上最顶级的豪华游轮上…

having champagne with you fine people. I'll take some more of that. 跟诸位共饮香槟。再来一点。

杰克:You learn to take life as it comesat you. Here you go, Cal.要学会善于抓住机遇。给你,Cal。To make each day count. 好好把握每一天。 -Rose: To making it count.

妈妈: Well said, Jack.说得好,Jack。 为了好好把握这一刻。

-All: To making it count.


爸爸: Hear, hear.有道理。


船长:all this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic. 这一切就会沉到大西洋底 I don't want to be responsible for a panic 我不想让大家惊慌 and get to a boat quickly, don't wait. 快上救生艇,别再等了

爸爸:Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boat, sir? 要不要让妇女小孩先上船?

船长:Women and children first. Yes. 对,妇孺先上船

船长: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! 各位先生女士,请注意 For the time being, I shall require only women and children. 先请妇女和小孩上船

爸爸:All right, boys, like the captain said 船长有交代,要避免慌乱

鱼香:Here, put your lifebelts on. 穿上救生衣

妈妈: Come on, Rose, darling. There's plenty of room foryou. 快来,萝丝,还有位子

卡尔:Come on, Rose. You're next, darling. 萝丝,该你了

爸爸:Come into the boat, Rose. 上来,萝丝

妈妈:- Come. - Rose, get into the boat. 萝丝 Rose. 快上船! 萝丝?

肉丝:Good-bye, Mother. 妈,再见了

妈妈:Rose! Rose, come back here! 萝丝,回来

爸爸:Where are you going? To him? 你去哪里?

卡尔:To be a whore to a gutter rat? 去找他? 去当那混混的妓女?

肉丝:I'd rather be his whore than your wife. 总比当你的妻子好

卡尔:No. No! 我不准,我说不行! - I said no! - (Hawking)

爸爸: Rose! Please stop! 萝丝,别去!

船长:Any more women and children? - They're all aboard, Mr. Murdoch. 还有妇女小孩吗? Anyone else, then? 都上去了 还有人吗?

杰克:Yes, get on the boat, Rose. 对,上船吧,萝丝 My God, look at you. You look a fright. 看看你样子好可怕,Put this on. Come. 把这穿上,快 - Go on, I'll get the next one. - 去吧,我搭下一艘 不,

肉丝:我要跟你 No, not without you.

杰克:I'll be all right. Listen, I'll be fine. 听我说,我没问题

鱼香:Don't worry about jack. We have an arrangement with an officer on the other side of the ship. 我已经安排妥当 Jack and I can get offsafely, both of us. 杰克可以跟我走 两个一起

肉丝:Oh, God, I couldn't go. I couldn't go, Jack. It's all right. We'll think of something else. 我无法丢下你至少我跟你在一起

船长:I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose. 对不起,船造得不够牢靠

Priest: And He shall dwell with them 它和人住在一起 and they shall be His people 人们成为它的子民 and God Himself shall be with them... 上帝将与他们同在

肉丝:Jack, this is where we first met. 做他们的神 杰克,这里是我们初认识的地方 浪来了

Rose: Oh, God! Oh, God! 我的天,杰克!天啊!- Hold on! - Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh! 抓紧 The ship is going to suck us down. 我们会被吸下去

杰克:Take a deep breath when I say. 等一下要吸口气

鱼香:Kick for the surface and keep kicking. 要赶快浮到水面

杰克Do not let go of my hand. 别放开我的手 We're going to make it, Rose. Trust me. 我们可以活的,萝丝 我相信你 I trust you. 相信我

