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综合版;Wuxi is a small city in Jiangsu Province of the South,situated

between Nanjing and Shanghai. As early as 6,000 years ago, there had been a primitive tribe settled here. The present city was first built in the second century B.C. At that time, tin ore was mined from Xishan, At that time, tin ore was found in the southwest of the city. After tin was discovered there, the place began to be called Youxi. As time went by, the tin ran out and the name was changed to “Wuxi”

Wuxi faces the Tai Lake in the south and leans the Hui Moutain in the west, and both of them are major scenic spots in Wuxi. the old Jing-Hang Grand Canal and the jing-hu Railway pass through here.

As one of the five largest freshwaters in China, Tai Lake covers a water area of 36,000 hectares, there are hundreds of islands and 72 peaks. Thousand years ago, it was just a shallow bay. And then, with the gradual expansion of Yangtze River delta and it’s joining with the dam in the gulf, and the shallow gulf became an inland lake, and the formerly isles became hills. Embraced by cragged peaks and covered by mist, the nature-made beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains is a feast for eye. The part of the Grand Canal in Wuxi is 40 kilometers long, of which 14.6 kilometers is in the urban area. With a history of over 2,400 years, this green chain of water is still running merrily, with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty along its bank. Excavated from the fifth century BC, the Grand Canal is 1,794 kilometers long, Like the great wall,

the Grand Canal is also the symbol of the Chinese ancient civilization.

无锡是南方江苏省的一个小城,位于南京和上海之间。早在6000年前,就有一个原始部落在此定居。现在的无锡始建于公元前二世纪。当时在城西南的锡山开采出了锡矿,锡发现后,人们就把这个地方称为“有锡”。天长日久,锡矿挖完了,“有锡”便改成了“无锡”。 无锡南临太湖、西倚惠山,这两处都是当地的主要名胜。另外,古老的京杭大运河和京沪铁路也途径这里。



Wuxi, a small city in Jiangsu province, is located between Nanjing and Shanghai. As early as 6000 years ago, there had been a primitive tribe settled here. Today's Wuxi began to build since B.C. 2th century. At that time, people extracted tin ore from Xishan, a mount in the southeast of the city. Then people called the city Youxi because of the discovery of tin. With time went by, the tin ore ran out, and Youxi changed into Wuxi. With a water area of 36000 hectare, Taihu Lake is one of the five biggest freshwater lakes in China. And there are about 100 small islands and 72 mountain peaks around it. Several thousand years ago, it was a shallow water bend. Gradually the Changjiang Delta expanded and linked with the dykes, thus forming an inland lake and turning the small island into mountain peaks. With a naturally formed landscape of lakes and mountains, Taihu Lake is a feast for eyes.

The Wuxi section of the Grand Canal is 40 kilometers long, with 14.6 kilometers in the urban area.

The Grand Canal began to cut since B.C. 5th century its full length is 1,794 kilometers. It is also a symbol of China's ancient civilization as well as the Great Wall.


Wuxi is a small city in Jiangsu Province of the South, situated between Nanjing and Shanghai. As early as 6,000 years ago, there had been a primitive tribe settled here. Today’s Wuxi was built in the 2rd century B.C. At that time tin ore was excavated from Xishan southwest of the city. After tin was discovered there, the place began to be called Youxi, literally \and the name was changed to Wuxi, meaning \

Wuxi faces the Taihu Lake in the south and leans against the Huishan Mountain in the west, both of which are the major local scenic spots. Besides, the old Jing hang Grand Canal and the Jing hu Railway pass through here.

The Taihu Lake is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. Covering a water area of 36,000 hectares, it has scores of islets, and 72 peaks along its banks. Thousands of years ago, the lake was a shallow bay. Later the gradually expanding Yangtze Delta linked with the dykes in the bay and turned it into an inland lake and the original islets into the peaks along the water. The mist-covered surface of the water and surrounding peaks make Taihu a splendid natural landscape of mountains and lakes. The part of the Grand Canal in Wuxi is 40 kilometers long, of which 14.6 kilometers is in the urban area. With a history of over 2,400 years, this green chain of water is still running merrily, with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty along its bank. The Grand Canal was first dug in the 5th century B.C. and is 1,794 kilometers long. Like the Great Wall, this project is a symbol of ancient Chinese civilization.

无锡是南方江苏省的一个小城,位于南京和上海之间。早在6000年前,就有一个原始部落在此定居。现在的无锡始建于公元前二世纪。当时在城西南的锡山开采出了锡矿,锡发现后,人们就把这个地方称为“有锡”。天长日久,锡矿挖完了,“有锡”便改成了“无锡”。 无锡南临太湖、西倚惠山,这两处都是当地的主要名胜。另外,古老的京杭大运河和京沪铁路也途径这里。


大运河的无锡段长40公里,其中城区内有14.6公里。这条已有二千四百多年历史的绿色水带,至今仍然在欢快地流淌着,沿岸有许多名胜古迹。大运河的开凿始于公元前五世纪,全长1794公里,和万里长城一样,它也是华夏古老文明的象征。 Wuxi

Wuxi is a small city in Jiangsu Province of the South,, situated

between Nanjing and Shanghai. As early as 6,000 years ago, there had been a primitive tribe settled here. The present city was first built in the

second century B.C. when tin was mined from a hill in the southwest named Xishan. After the discovery of tin, people started to call this place\As time went by, the tin mine ran out and \was changed to \Wuxi is bordered by Taihu Lake on the south, and Huishan Hill in the west, both of which are the major local scenic spots. Besides, the old Jing-Hang Grand Canal and the Jing-Hu Railway pass through here.

As one of the five large freshwater lakes in China, the Taihu Lake has a water area of 36,000 square hectares, with scores of islets and 72 mountain peaks along its shore. Several thousand years ago, the lake was a shallow bay. Later on the Yangtse Delta gradually expanded and connected with the dikes bay dams in the gulf, thus forming an interior lake and turning the original isles into mountain peaks. The mist-covered surface of the water and surrounding peaks make Taihu a splendid natural landscape of mountains and lakes.

The part of the Grand Canal in Wuxi is 40 kilometers long, of which 14.6 kilometers is in the urban area. With a history of more than 2,400 years, this green chain of water is still running pleasantly with many scenic spots and historical sites on both banks. The Grand Canal was first dug in the 5th century B.C. and is 1,794 kilometres.Like the Great Wall, it is also the symbol of China’s ancient civilization.



